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Posts posted by Soapsuds

  1. Watching the Humiliation episode on the DVD release. Finally got it to work on my dvd player. The episode is 100 times better than what we saw from Goutman and Co its last years. The episode is better the second time around viewing it. Even though Marland is gone the main vets are still there. IF I remember correctly Lisa sued John for Edwardo's death. Then John came up with this plan to her back. I love how Lucinda is involved too. The Cal/Connor/LIly/Emma scenes are great as well. Always loved me some Connor. I liked her with Mark instead of Cal. I was probably in the minority back then on that one. It's nice to see Doug Wert again as Scott. And 2nd Jessica...JR....Everyone looks young too....lol... Also noticed Kim's darker hair.

  2. Yeah Bruder was put on recurring in summer 1995 and then showed up for a few appearances in 1998. One of the few things I can appreciate about the FMB era (along with bringing back Andy).

    I don't remember Barbara having a lot of story with Paul when Howard returned. I guess there was some anger about Paul/Emily from her, I assume.

    I believe Barbara approved of Paul with Sarah. I thought they were a cute couple but rather boring. I would have loved to seen this Paul with Melanie Smith's Emily.

    I forgot about Bruder returning in 98. It's a shame Sheffer didnt bring her back full time in 2000.

  3. Those scenes of Ellen must have been her last before Valente fired her. I had forgotten she was there till almost the 2000 year.

    I thought John Howard looked like Barbara and James son. Just because he was pretty he wasnt taken seriously. I wonder if he has done anything since ATWT. I think he left showbiz. At least John to me looked the part not like Roger Howarth who didnt even look like his folks and was just awful in the role.

    Holyroyd was great as Paul but didnt resemble either James or Barbara.

  4. I really liked this Chris (Paul Korver) and then Dylan Bruce but nobody ever lasted long in the role. I didn't like Bailey Chase, Ben Jorgenson, or whats-his-face-who's-always-on-soaps-when-they-get-canceled.

    Ben is in the 1999 episode I am watching now on DVD. He was just awful as Chris. Ben and White were the worst Chris.

  5. I loved ATWT around 2000-2001. When I first started really watching. Though not religiously. I liked the kid actors at the time. The cast integration was great. I liked seeing real Adam and ANDY! I didn't mind model Chris. Seeing Hal again. Wow. Losing him was a huge void on the show. Sigh.

    Helen Wagner aged VERY well.

    Model Chris wasn't Paul Korver but John Howard's Paul. He was on during the Stern/Black era. I still remember him on Ricki Lake and all the females loved him.

  6. <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/35U3shZWR80" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/wBDD1RyD8ps" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/0eK74avTqL4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/CDZ3T5S7sck" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    A Madonnathon.....lol

  7. God, I am really, really loving this. Emily Van Camp has proven that she is perfectly cast for this role. She is absolutely amazing. Loved the way she got revenge from Bill, that was wonderful. Felt bad for Declan--I am not the biggest fan of the actor but OK. Daniel... such a sweetheart. I could stare at his sweaty brutish look all day. Nolan was amazing. I am really liking him. Such a great, fun character. And I enjoyed the Frank/Victoria thing. Is it just me or does it feel like there's some kind of something going on between them, romantically? And they also alluded to some dark secret; I don't know if that's connected to the REVENGE plot or something different. By the way, I had the weirdest experience watching the episode. Some of the music reminded me of Alexandre Desplat's music for HARRY POTTER 7 and 8, which is weird in and of itself. But, when they cut to the title sequence and the title came forward on the screen just like the HP ones, I was freaked laugh.png. SO weird.

    Enjoy it cause I dont think it will be on the air that long. It had a 5.7 HH rating last night. I was going to watch cause it seemed interesting but I just dont have time to pick up another show.

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