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Posts posted by Soapsuds

  1. I remember fans going hog mad about this story. How Lisa wouldnt have left her child. That it was a rewrite of history. And this was Douglas Marland era. I liked the new brother angle just hated the backstory.

    The Lisa story is so much better than the crap we got from Goutman and Co.

    I just hated the background music with the scenes as Lisa meets Scott. Who chose that awful music?

  2. The streak is over!!!!! :) And good thing the match today didn't go to a 5th set because I was not going to wake up at 7am to watch it. LOL

    It's amazing that Federer, whose career is on the downside, was the one who ended the "Joker's" streak.

    Yay to another Nadal vs Federer Grandslam final.

    I am shocked that Federer won. I expected Djokovic to win. I was enjoying the rivarly between Djokovic and Nadal. Nadal couldn't beat Djokovic anymore. It's sad that the streak is over. I like Roger but if he is going to beat Djokovic he must beat Nadal. He hasnt beaten Nadal at the French Open. Their rivarly is all in Nadal's favor. So come on Roger beat Nadal! but I doubt it...lol

  3. I think it's something about the lighting in this episode. It's the best I've ever seen Scott look in this era of ATWT.

    Did you get to watch the whole thing? How bizarre/hilarious was that with Heather as Tina Turner and Marie Kovac as Madonna.

    The Marie death story is kind of clumsy, but the show was smart to center this around core characters, like Frannie.

    Didn't see the whole clip. It kept freezing on me. I dont think Douglas was still writing or was he?? I don't recall any of his stories being funny or bizarre.

  4. My favorite opening and closing of OLTL. I did like the Peabo Bryson version but this was my favorite...I know the majority hated it.

    <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EYpT662hSbg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/kWDJH2nlPgY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  5. The problem with Lady Gaga's music is that it grows old real fast. I've liked most of the songs she has come out with but I've lost interest in them already. Where as Rihanna....I cant get enough of Only Girl in the World...it doesnt get old for me...and neither does S & M.

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