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Posts posted by Soapsuds

  1. My favorite opening and closing of OLTL. I did like the Peabo Bryson version but this was my favorite...I know the majority hated it.

    <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EYpT662hSbg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/kWDJH2nlPgY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  2. The problem with Lady Gaga's music is that it grows old real fast. I've liked most of the songs she has come out with but I've lost interest in them already. Where as Rihanna....I cant get enough of Only Girl in the World...it doesnt get old for me...and neither does S & M.

  3. He was very hot (and look, they didn't assume viewers were terrified of chest hair), even if the pose is a bit odd.

    I have one of Dusty too, I think. I wonder if they only did these with Holden/Dusty/Casey.

    I flove the pose...lol

    Hmmm...Jon, Brian and Bill..all with chest hair on one soap....I personally love chest hair on a man. Rex Smith also had chest hair...I forget who else did too...

    As for Kirk and Iva....I thought they were so good together. I hated Kirk with Ellie and Samantha...talk about boring couples.

  4. Did he say why he wouldn't do it?

    Because he is an ass hole!!

    Today is the 55th anniversary of my all time favorite show As the World Turns!

    I miss it but I am glad for the memories here and on You Tube.

    Did any one see the article in CBS~SID featuring Kelly Hensley and Chris Goutman on the show winning the WGA award.

    Made me sick! Goutman is so full of it!

    Sigh...to think it could still be on the air. With Chris Goutman running the show...ATWT didnt stand a chance of making it.

  5. I bet it was a $ issue.


    It was a stupid decision, especially on the heels of a much-touted spinoff. Not the best time to alienate viewers, yet that show's ratings indicate they have.

    The spinoff isnt doing to well in the ratings. I actually like the spin off. The ratings for Prentiss exist were pretty good but not the highest numbers for the year.

  6. Prentiss. :( I'm glad she didn't really die (which I totally fell for it when JJ told everyone, but when knew it was faked when JJ and that moment with Hotch). Was happy to see my beautiful AJ Cook again though. CBS was so stupid to get rid of her and Paget.

    Do you know why CBS got rid of her Toups? I liked her. I was also glad she wasnt killed off.

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