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Blog Entries posted by daysfan

  1. daysfan
    LIS has some new people joining the cast! Apparently, Tanisha Lynn(ex-Dani, AMC) will be joining the cast as "Simone", a woman who will be freinds with Erin and play a key role in Erin's upcoming story! Look for her to start airing very soon!

    In other casting news, LIS is looking to cast Faux Roman/Allan (Josh Taylor) a family! "It's time for a new family. We were going to have that be Erin's but we scrapped it because it would be better to go with Faux Roman's family just because I have not been here for long." the headwriter comments. LIS is looking for an early twenties male, all though they already have one actor in mind but they are waiting, a mid/late twenties male and female. Apparently these are going to be Faux Roman's children! LIS would like readers help in deciding who to play who we just described.

    And, in other news, Sarah Buxton (Crystal Galore) is back on recurring! And, JANE ELLIOT, GH fame, is brining her character Tracy Quartermaine to Salem THIS VERY MONTH! She is on recurring as well, however.

    Also, Kimberlin Brown (ex-Sheila, Y&R) will be joining LIS as Stefano's new assassin/henchwoman! She is on recurring.
  2. daysfan

    NOTE: From now on, the traditional and legendary “Days of Our Lives” Opening will be in between two segments to show where it occurs.

    -Erin finds the letter by her window. She begins to open it!

    -Colleen tells EJ to step aside. She says she’s going to kill him if he doesn’t. EJ says there is no need for that and he grabs the gun and they begin to struggle.

    -Marlena is at her penthouse when Johns comes in. Marlena tells John they need to talk and he asks about what. Marlena says Stefano.

    *Days of Our Lives Opening*

    -Steve and Kayla duck from being fired at! Steve curses and says to Kayla they have to get out of this without getting killed. Kayla asks how. Steve is about to answer but suddenly a gun shot zooms right over their head!

    -Once Kristen is freed, as Sam helps her out of the dungeon, Kristen asks about the Sultan. Sam says not to worry and they will get out of there with no trouble.

    -Eric receives a knock at his door and he opens it to see Greta!

    -Bo and Hope comfort each other over Shawn’s death. Hope tells Bo they can’t let what happened to Shawn happen to Pamela and Addie. Bo promises to protect them!

    -Chelsea wakes up in a hotel outside of Salem. She then sees Jeremy (Thad Luckinbill) in front of her. Jeremy says to her “Okay kid. I think you need to skip town FAST!”

    -Rex asks Willow if she’s liked living in the loft. Willow says it’s been fine, but nothing special. Rex asks Willow if she wants to go out tonight. Willow says she doesn’t usually go out on dates, but since Rex has a cute face, she accepts. After Rex leaves, Willow is walking outside and she bumps into Philip!

    -Victor and Margaret meet at Titan. Margaret tells Victor she’s got all the normal work done so far. Victor says good, because he has another personnal job for her. Margaret asks what, and he says to frame Belle Black for Shawn Brady’s murder!

    -Erin finishes opening the letter and reads it. It says “I’m coming for you, beautiful!” and has no signature. Erin is confused.

    -Nicole orders Crystal to leave Salem! Crystal says no to Nicole and she is back FOR GOOD! Nicole panics when she realizes they could get exposed for trying to kill Marlena! She tells Crystal she better leave or she’ll regret it!

    -Megan tells Lexie no, she’s just a friend. Megan gives Lexie some kind of key, and then leaves. Lexie is confused and wonders what the key could be used for. She notices no guards around, so she wonders of it could be used on her cell door! She tries but it doesn’t work! She wonders what is going on!

    -Greta tells Eric it’s time they talk. Eric asks about what, and Greta says she’s ready to forgive him!

    -Faux Roman tells Abe to excuse him and then he asks Hattie what she knows. Hattie says his name is really “Allan” and he has a FAMILY! Faux Roman is shocked and asks how she knows that!

    -Willow says Philip looks familiar, like she saw him somewhere on the news once. Philip just pushes Willow out of the way and then she just shrugs it off and leaves. He bangs on Belle’s door. Belle opens it and screams when she sees Philip! He forcefully makes his way inside and tells Belle he’s back for his daughter! Belle says no, and then tells him to stay away from her! Philip tells Belle he won’t take Claire now, but soon! He tells her to enjoy her life now because soon it will all be over!

    -Colleen barely has a hold of the gun. EJ grabs her and tells her her time is up! Coleen tries to shoot but EJ finally pulls the gun out of her hands and pushes her on the ground. Colleen panics. As she gets up and tries to run for the door suddenly a gun is put to her back, and she hears Helena’s voice say “Surprise.”

    -Marlena tells John he’s known for a while now that Stefano is alive and he hasn’t gone after him! John says he’s been dealing with a lot of things like his identity, his family, and other things right now. He says he’s sorry. Marlena says he needs to go after Stefano before he runs somewhere and escapes! John tells her no and he can’t! Marlena tells him that if he won’t then she will! She heads out the door but John grabs her saying they need Stefano right now!

    -Steve tells Kayla for her safety she has to go. She says she won’t leave the man she loves! They get up and soon shots start firing! Kayla screams and Steve pushes her out of the line of fire and as he does suddenly he starts remembering! All of his times with Kayla are shown as he remembers! He yells “I REMEMBER!” and then there is a freeze frame of Steve and the shots heading right to him!
  3. daysfan

    -It’s days later, Steve and Kayla are still hiding in the warehouse. Kayla worries for Kim and Stephanie. Steve tries to reassure her everything will be fine.

    -Nicole is walking around in her room at the Salem Inn, suddenly the door opens and Nicole screams when she sees CRYSTAL GALORE!

    -The doctors run a few more diagnostics on Cassie, and come back with good news saying her legs are fine! Cassie is overjoyed!

    -Erin wakes up and gets dressed, someone watches her from outside the window!

    -Someone knocks on the door at EJ’s room in the Salem Inn, he opens it to see Colleen holding a gun!

    -Faux Roman and Abe consider all the suspects for the murder of Shawn! However, Hattie bursts in and tells Faux Roman she needs to talk to him!

    -Sam is seen, opening the door to a dungeon…and inside is KRISTEN!

    -Megan visits Lexie again! She tells her to not worry and soon she’ll be out of there!

    -Celeste receives troubling visions…she says Alexandra is in great danger!

    -Steve and Kayla suddenly hear something, and see that the thugs they encountered on New Years Eve are lurking around! The thugs break into the warehouse and see Steve and Kayla! They fire their guns at them!

    -Nicole asks Crystal what she’s doing back in town! Crystal says she got called back! Nicole asks by who, and Crusyal says that doesn’t matter. Nicole tells Crystal to get out of Salem!

    -Faux Roman tells Hattie now is not the time, so Hattie has to be removed from the room, but before she does she tells Faux Roman she knows his name!

    -EJ smirks at Colleen, he tells her she can’t possibly think she could kill him or Helena! She says he thinks wrong! Colleen tells EJ it’s time for his mother to DIE!

    -The person that watches Erin leaves a letter at her window!

    -Lexie is confused by Megan. She asks Megan if her father sent her to free her!

    -Kristen is confused after being in the dark for so long. She sees Sam and screams “IT’S YOU!!!!!! MARLENA! I’LL KILL YOU!” Sam tells her to not worry, and soon the shrink will get what she deserves. She walks over to Kristen and begins to un-do her cuffs…..

    Next on Life in Salem:

    Hattie(to Faux Roman): Your name is Allan and you have a family.
    Faux Roman: Hattie, how do you know all this.

    John(to Marlena): I’m not going after Stefano, Doc!
    Marlena: Then I will!

    Steve(while standing in the line of gunfire as he pushes Kayla aside): I REMEMBER!
  4. daysfan
    It was recently discovered from a source at the LIS set that Annie Burgstede (Willow Stark) has not been let go from the show as originally intended! She finished up her taping just a mere week ago, but it seems she was contacted and offered to stay with LIS!

    When the news broke in November Burgstede was joinng the cast, oit was said it was temporary and her character would only be a supporter for the Rex story. However, sources also say the headwriter saw potential with Willow and planned on her staying with the show.

    So, is Annie Burgstede out or not?! Keep reading to find out!
  5. daysfan

    Marlena/John/Kristen/Sam: Feburary Sweeps will be explosive for these four! John will continue to struggle with finally accepting his identity, and will realize if there is any time the Brady family needs it's eldest child, it's now! He will start referring them all to as his family. He will also get concerned about Caroline's relationship with Victor....and to make things even worse Kristen's back! Whether Kristen wants John or not will not be revealed, but they will have some interesting interaction! These four will also be involved with Susan's mysterious death....but who killed her? Kristen and Sam are going to go at Marlena and try to get revenge on what she's done to both of them, but will they succeed?! Sam has a new man in store for her.....but who? Marlena will be helping John and also trying to keep her marriage alive through this troubled time with Kristen and Sam.

    Victor/Nikki/Viki/Caroline/Steve/Kayla/Philip/Belle/Jan: This group is going to be in store for BIG things in Sweeps! They have all been drawn together through one man: Victor Kiriakis. Steve and Kayla have discovered Victor (Kiriakis) was behind Steve's death and Victor Lord of Llanview helped him! Well, Victor Lord is still dead and has been since 2003, but he left orders for if Steve and Kayla ever somehow find out about the whole sceheme to kill them! The goons will come to Salem after the two and team up with Victor Kiriakis to kill them, as Victor wants them dead as much as the other Victor of Llanview did. Nikki knew about this, and this is the secret that has kept her "alive" all this time! Victor wants Viki back and will try to get her back now that the last secret Nikki has up her sleeve is out....but he still is attracted to Caroline and they will bond! Meanwhile, Victor is still plotting with Philip to frame Belle for Shawn's murder, but can they succeed? But, Belle has another problem: Jan Spears is back after fleeing Salem just a month earlier and she is BENT on destroying Belle because she thinks Belle killed Shawn!! But, who killed Shawn? It will be revealed at the end of Sweeps!

    Bo/Hope/Megan: Bo and Hope will comfort each other over Shawn's death....but Megan wants them apart! She will seek the aid of Stefano in doing it and plans on stealing Bo and Hope's two daughters, Pamela and Addie!!!!!!!!!

    Tony/Anna: They will try to find Tony's child, which happens to be Jan, during Sweeps! Not much can be revealed by this story though!

    Lucas/Sami/EJ/Helena: This triangle between Lucas, Sami, and EJ will continue during Sweeps....but Helena plans on doing whatever it takes to stop Sami from getting with EJ! She will do whatever it takes to make sure EJ and Sami never end up together....and she teams up with Kate Roberts to make sure Sami ends up cold and alone! But, EJ has is own plans! He plans on breaking up Sami and Lucas forever by destroying Lucas! However, a bew woman comes to town and distracts Lucas from Sami....

    Kate/Forrest/Vivian: The business war will begin during sweeps! Kate and Forrest will wage war on Vivian and plan on making sure she ends up poor and without any Alamain rights whatsoever! But will they succeed????????

    Lilly/Max/Erin: This story has been really one of the most dragging stories on LIS! But, it's gonna finally heat up! Erin will find herself in grave danger and Max will protect her! They will find love in the process. As for Lilly, things are looking grim for her!

    Greta/Eric/Nicole: This story has bene dragging and all around boring as well! But, not for long! No gurantees, but the goal is to END this boring triangle during Sweeps. the headwriter has said he has realized it was a mistake to rejuvinate this triangle because frankly it was not that much in the beginning! Nicole is gonna have big trouble during Sweeps, and Greta will forgive Eric. However, her paternity will be explored!

    Abe/Lexie: This story has been backburned, but not anymore! During Sweeps we will see Lexie much more than we have, as she will begin to get despondant, but then suddenly Stefano comes to the rescue and she begins to aid him in something HUGE! However, what about Abe? He will get concerned for Lexie....but things are getting to look pretty bleak for him....

    Rex/Willow/Nicholas/Cassie: This story will come to a close, in a way, during Sweeps. Rex and Willow will probably be a couple by the time Sweeps begins, but it won't last for long! Eventually, towards the end of Sweeps, Willow will realize Rex was only using her as something to get over Mimi with! She will get ENRAGED and lay down the LAW to Rex! She will tell him NO ONE, and she means NO ONE, uses Willow Stark! Meanwhile, she has her own problems with Nicholas, and he finds himself begging for a woman all over again like with Kate, but Willow refuses and ends things with him. Annie Burgstede has taped her last scenes and Willow will leave Salem during Sweeps which will make Cassie rejoice that she's gone! But....alot of rumours are spreading that Willow's gonna be back come Summer! Cassie in the meantime will finally get her own story and stop being used as a prop for Rex's stories. A storyline has been hinted at in the past few weeks with her legs....however a similar storyline is happening so it's not gonna go far!

    Cast Cuts: Probably more cast cuts will come Feburary. But who? Stay tuned to find out!

    Big storyline: A huge storyline is being planned to kick off, or at least form, during Sweeps! Even though alot of the new stories are just beginning with LIS excluding a few, there will be a HUGE storyline coming Spring that will involve just about every single character on LIS! It's going to be HUGE and lately, all the couples or triangles have been seperated and there are no things connecting them to other stories. Well, NOW that is happening! This story will probably be the hugest story LIS has done so far!
  6. daysfan

    -The goons assemble all of their forces, and say Steve and Kayla Johnson must die!

    -In the DiMera Mansion, Stefano is in the study, and Colleen McHenry (Amanda Tepe) walks in. She begs Stefano for forgiveness! Stefano asks Colleen what she means, and Colleen says Helena has escaped from the castle Stefano ordered her to lock Helena in!!!!!!!!!! Stefano is enraged!

    -Willow is ready, so her and Rex head off to the loft.

    -Cassie’s doctor walks in and says he has news on her condition.

    -Nicholas walks through the door at the Alamain Mansion! Vivian is shocked to see him!

    -Victor says to Philip that he has noticed that suddenly he only wants Claire, he asks if Philip is over Belle for good.

    -Billie and Maggie continue to worry about Jeremy and Chelsea!

    -Greta thinks about forgiving Eric, and she feels like she should. She wonders if she still has feelings for him!

    -The person who watches Erin steps inside her room through the window and puts a knife to Erin’s neck!

    -Abby suddenly falls down and has memory flashes of in the secret room inside the Spears Mansion!

    -Lilly says the only bright side to all of this is that Abby doesn’t remember what she discovered that day in the secret room!

    -Steve and Kayla hurry to get to the small hotel they were staying in, however as Kayla is driving they hear a gun shot and go off the street!

    -Colleen begs Stefano to forgive her! Stefano asks how she could have been so foolish! He says Colleen’s personnal feelings got in the way! He says he cannot rely on her anymore so he grabs and prepares to kill Colleen! Colleen tells Stefano she can kill Helena for him! She says she’ll find her and kill her! Stefano gives her one last chance and tells Colleen to do so!

    -Willow and Rex arrive at the loft. Rex asks Willow how it is, and Willow says it’s ok and then thinks to herself it’s better than living where Nicholas can find her!

    -Vivian is shocked to see Nicholas! Nicholas tells Vivian he has come home to Salem!

    -Cassie’s doctor says that when she went out the window, she took major injuries to the legs. He says she could be crippled! Cassie is horrified!

    -Philip tells Victor he’s realized Belle was never the right woman, and he can’t have her now, but he can have Claire!

    -Steve and Kayla manage to survive their car going off the street, but Steve quickly says to Kayla that they will have to hide, or they will die. Kayla agrees and they find a warehouse. Steve thinks to himself that he doesn’t know if they will escape this one…
  7. daysfan

    -Kayla is shocked when she learns Victor Kiriakis faked Steve’s death!

    -Rex is confused by Willow’s sudden change in heart, and wants to come live with him! He asks why, and she says she just doesn’t think it’s safe living in this area anymore. She thinks to herself that she can use Rex, and she has to get out of here before Nicholas comes around again!

    -Helena tells EJ they have a powerful ally…..that being TRACY QUARTERMAINE!

    -Faux Roman and Abe begin to investigate Shawn’s death!

    -Philip and Victor plot on how to take Claire from Belle! They decide they have to make Belle look like a bad mother!

    -Maggie is worried when she cannot find Jeremy!

    -EJ tells Helena she needs to deal with this Tracy Quartermaine, because he had something else to work on…

    -Lilly arrives back at the Spears Mansion, and is holding a bottle of wine in her hands! She throws it across the room and screams as she realizes Max could be falling for Erin!

    -Erin returns to the Salem Inn and dreams about Max….as does Max about her! Little does she know a person is watching her from the window!

    -Victor asks Philip how, and Philip responds that they have to frame her for Shawn’s murder!

    -Maggie turns to Abby and Nick and ask if they have seen Jeremy. Abby says she hasn’t seen him since early in the day, and suddenly Billie knocks on the door and once Maggie answers it Billie asks if Chelsea is there! Maggie says no….and Billie worries!

    -Steve tells Kayla that name….Victor Kiriakis, sounds familiar! Kayla tells him they have to get Kim and Stephanie and get back to Salem fast! She says she’ll explain on the way! They quickly try to find a way to leave without the police or the goons finding them!

    -Rex tells Willow okay, and asks if she needs to pack. Willow tells him all she has to do is get some extra clothes and they can come back for the rest later. She hurries to gather her clothes.

    -Victor tells Philip the Salem PD can be easily fooled so he thinks they have got an excellent plan ready!

    -Helena decides to call Port Charles and get Tracy to Salem!!!!!!!!

    -Steve and Kayla find a back way out of the Secret Room and it seems to be a hidden escape route out of Llanfair! Steve and Kayla quickly use it to get off the Llanfair grounds! They head back to the hotel to get Stephanie and Kim. However, the goons they encountered in the secret area of Llanfair quickly go after them and say to each other that Steve and Kayla must die tonight!
  8. daysfan
    In an event that shocks viewers, Thad Luckinbill has been cast as Jeremy Horton. It shocks veiwers because Luckinbill is just about ten years older than the previous Jeremy, Brandon Tyler.

    "We know he is a bit older....but he's just who we need. He could play mid-late twenties very well, and Jeremy is being taken in a new direction. He will not have a story with Chelsea, so Thad was the perfect choice!" the headwriter commented

    Luckinbill has a contract will start airing next week!

    In other casting news:

    Annie Burgstede (Willow Espinoza) will last air in Feburary. But reliable sources say Willow will be back by Summer....but a recast! A casting call has been put out!

  9. daysfan
    WEEKLY PROMO OF 1/5/07

    It's a week of adventure on Life in Salem...

    A man knows who faked his death....but will it cost him his life? *clips of Steve and Kayla togehter in the Secret Room in Llanfair*

    Kayla: Steve, guards are coming and the police are just above us! We have to get out of here!

    Steve: Yeah I know. I just don't know how.

    A woman's life is threatened... *clips of Helena standing in front of Sami at the Salem Inn*

    Helena(holding a knife): Stay away from EJ Wells or you will regret it.

    A return could destroy one woman's life....*clips of a person walking through the door into the Nicole's room at the Salem Inn*

    Nicole: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Then, finally, a woman must take care of another not to risk her being discovered *clips of Margaret holding a gun and pointing it at Nikki inside the Kiriakis Mansion*

    Margaret: Your the only one who knows who I am and could tell Llanview I'm alive.....so I guess you'll have to die!

    Stay tuned to this exciting week on Life in Salem!
  10. daysfan

    -Nicholas finally leaves, he curses as he does. He says he Willow hasn’t seen the last of him!

    -Rex asks Willow who that was, and she just says it was an old pain. She tells Rex what they need to talk about is what happened earlier!

    -Steve and Kayla run down the hall of the secret area in Llanfair! They get to a door at the end of the hall and find that it’s locked! Steve tries to break it open but to no avail! Suddenly several guards come down the hall!

    -Abby decides to try the internet to get her a man! Nick assures her that it will work!

    -Steve is forced to fight the guards, they barely manage to overpower him but Kayla quickly helps by knocking one of them unconscious with a vase. Then Steve punches the other one to the ground. He finds keys on them and quickly grabs them. He uses them to open the door!

    -Max cannot find Lilly! He sighs in defeat as he returns to the Brady Pub.

    -EJ vows to take care of Lucas once and for all…..he pulls a gun out of a drawer in his room!

    -Rex tries to apologize, but Willow tells him there’s nothing for him to apologize for! Rex is confused and Willow tells him she was perfectly fine with what happened earlier that night! Rex decides to leave, but Willow asks to go with him.

    -Steve and Kayla manage to get inside the secret room. They see files everywhere, they search high and low but cannot find anything! However Kayla finds a hidden vault in the wall! She asks Steve if the key to it is on the set they stole from the guards! Steve says he thinks so, they try them all and finally get it open! They pull out several files……on STEVE! They look through them and find several reports on where he was taken and such. They read that Paige Miller was the one who helped make sure he stayed alive! They continue to search and see that all the places he was delivered to were Lord estates……they assume Victor Lord was behind it all but Steve says “No…..there’s something more to this.” Then, on the final file they find a tape recorder. They play it and hear a voice say “The boss wants to make sure you know this was all you….and he’s only assisting.” then the other voice says “Yes…..I take full responsibility for planning and pulling off this whole plot. I know this was my plan and I faked his death.” then the voice that said they faked Steve’s death is revealed to be…….VICTOR KIRIAKIS! Kayla is shocked when she realizes VICTOR KIRIAKIS faked Steve’s death!
  11. daysfan

    -Nicholas ALAMAIN and Willow continue to fight!

    -Belle finally manages to say goodbye to Shawn, and she tearfully leaves the Morgue, heartbroken.

    -Max tells Lilly he doesn’t love Erin and they’re just friends, Lilly tells him EVERYONE in Salem says that! She storms out. Erin apologizes to Max for what happened but he tells her it’s okay.

    -Dorian calls the Llavniew PD to Llanfair. They arrive and Dorian claims someone broke in! Kayla hears about it on the news and rushes to Llanfair!

    -John comforts Cassie and they share a father/daughter moment.

    -Eric and Greta share a kiss!

    -Abby wonders of ways to get a man, Nick suggests the internet. Abby is interested.

    -Willow finally gets sick of argueing and slaps Nicholas, she tells him their over, and they were never really a couple in the first place. Rex awakens, and sees Nicholas out with Willow. He wonders what is going on.

    -Belle tries to accept Shawn’s death but she can’t yet.

    -Kayla arrives at Llanfair and sees Dorian telling the police about the break in and describes Steve! Kayla hides and says “Oh Steve, what have you gotten yourself into?” She decides to sneak into the mansion as well, to save Steve before he gets arrested! She barely manages to get in, and she walks through Llanfair searching for Steve. She stumbles upon the secret area!

    -Erin leaves to go back to the Salem Inn and Max searches for Lilly.

    -Sami and Lucas kiss and bond.

    -Greta pushes Eric off of her and forces him to leave, he sadly does. After he leaves Greta remembers the kiss and how she felt when it happened, she wonders if she still has feelings for Eric!

    -Kayla sneaks through the secret area, confused. She is not spotted by the guards, and she hears a groan while walking through a hallway. She looks through the slot in the door to see Steve waking up! She struggles to get the locked door open!

    -John vows to stand by Cassie, no matter what happens.

    -Kayla finally manages to find a way to break the lock, but the guards are coming! She quickly opens the door and hides inside, and the guards pass not knowing she was there. Steve awakens and asks her what she’s doing there, and she explains she heard that someone had broken into Llanfair and it was him. She says he was locked in this room. He gets up and tells them they have to get out of here and find out who faked his death! Kayla tells him there’s no time and the police are right outside in the main mansion. He tells her he has to, so she reluctantly agrees. They leave the cell and head down the hall…
  12. daysfan

    -Kate is shocked when Forrest says his business rival is Vivian! She thinks to herself the same as him: She can use Forrest to take out Vivian.

    -The man’s face in Willow’s apartment is not seen. He refuses to leave. He begs for her to take him back and she refuses.

    -Marlena comforts Belle as she painfully says goodbye to Shawn.

    -The man that knocked Steve out grabs him and drags him further into the secret area!!!!!!! Dorian meanwhile cannot find out where Steve went, so she decides to call the police!

    -Eric continues to beg Greta to forgive him and let them have a second chance. Greta refuses but begins to contemplate it.

    -Victor confronts Philip and asked if he killed Shawn. Philip says he didn’t and he was at the Kiriakis Mansion all night.

    -Lilly and Erin continue to cat fight but Max finally tears them off of each other. He tells Lilly to stop this! Lilly tells Max she has constantly caught him and Erin together! She tells Max to admit if he’s in love with Erin if he is! Erin waits for Max’s answer.

    -Bo and Hope finally decide to reconcile after Shawn’s death, saying now they need each other more than ever. Megan swears she will get Bo back.

    -Cassie sadly informs John she could lose the use of her legs! John is shocked and Cassie tearfully says they say it’s a big possibility!

    -Helena tells EJ it is nothing worth worrying about, and for him to just focus on taking the DiMera dynasty! EJ thinks to himself he also has to get Sami.

    -Ivan advises Vivian to do it, and he says Lawerence is the only ally they could have right now against Forrest. Vivian decides she will do it and she will call Lawerence back to town to help her deal with Forrest!!!!!!!!

    -Kate agrees to Forrest’s deal. However both of them are determined to use each other!

    -The man and Wilow get into a heated argument and Willow orders him to leave! He refuses again, so she grabs the phone but he takes it from her and says he won’t let her not take him back! His face is revealed and the man is NICHOLAS ALAMAIN!

    -The man that is dragging Steve pulls him into a dark hallway and opens a door, he throws Steve in and says “Enjoy yourself. Because you’ll be stuck in there for the rest of your life…”
  13. daysfan
    Apparently, Heather Lindell (Jan Spears) was written out on Episode#93 when Jan left Salem in pain over the an she has loved for years, Shawn Douglas Brady, died. However, Lindell's exit is only temporary. "We're going to try to turn the focus of this story to Belle and Philip," the headwriter said "We've put quite a bit of focus on it on Jan, so we want to take a break and focus on the others. She will be back, but will be gone for a bit. Some fans of LIS might know that Philip and Jan will be getting involved in a romantic story....that is planned out but won't be touched for a bit."

    Lindell is expected to be back by mid/late Feburary Sweeps. And, also, in other casting news, Judi Evans (Bonnie Lockhart) last aired on Episode#93, meaning all the Lockharts are gone. But rumours say she could be back, and gossip has also spread that Connor Lockhart could come on soon.
  14. daysfan

    -Steve heads to Llanfair!

    -A man is seen at Willow’s door, Willow tries to shut it but he keeps it open with his fist! He barges in and Willow orders him to get out!

    -Billie asks Bonnie how she even knows Victoria Lord Davidson. Bonnie answers that she came to Alice’s one night and they became very close……Billie wonders what’s going on!

    -Kate asks Forrest who he is. Forrest tells her that’s not important, but what is is the business proposition. Kate asks what it is, and Forrest tells her he wants them to combine their company powers to take care of a very powerful business rival…..

    -Vivian considers calling Lawerence Alamain, her nephew, back to town!

    -Belle painfully walks into the Morgue to see Shawn’s corpse! Marlena guides her along the way.

    -Hope walks over and slaps Jan, accusing her of lying! Jan tells her it’s true and confesses to the Horton’s the WHOLE story! The Horton’s and Brady’s are all horrified! Jan quickly flees from the hospital in pain about Shawn’s death. She is in tears and broken so she drives out of town!

    -Stefano and Megan plan on how to break Lexie out of jail!

    -Lilly and Erin enter an intense catfight! Max struggles to break it up!

    -Helena meets up with EJ and informs him a powerful opponent has died tonight! EJ is confused.

    -Steve arrives on the Llanfair grounds. He sneaks in through the back and into the living room….

    -John visits Cassie. Cassie tells John she learned her medical condition could be in grave danger!

    -Billie tries to ask Bonnie more questions, but Bonnie tells Billie she has to get out of Salem! Bonnie begins to cry and heads out to the car. She gets in, starts it, and says goodbye to Salem as she exit’s the town.

    -The man tells Willow “No way babe!” and grabs her and pulls her into a kiss! She pulls out of it and slaps him, then she backs up saying get out or she’ll call the cops on him!

    -Victor vows that Jan will be on his hit list of enemies when he strikes at them all, but for now he must deal with getting Philip Claire!

    -Kate asks who that might be. Forrest reveals it’s VIVIAN ALAMAIN! He thinks to himself that he can use Kate to take care of Vivian!

    -Belle breaks down as she approaches Shawn’s body. Marlena tells her everything will be alright and she can do this! Belle walks over it and she looks down and screams “No Shawn!!!!!!” she breaks down again and asks “Why did he have to die?”

    -Seve sneaks through the living area and searches the mansion. Unknown to him Dorian is watching! He is up stairs searching, when he somehow triggers a wall to open! He wonders if in there could give him the information he needs….he slowly walks in but once inside is knocked unconscious! A form steps over Steve’s unconscious body and looks down on it with a gun…
  15. daysfan

    -Bonnie arrives at Patrick’s house! Billie asks when she’s been, and she hasn’t seen her since Mimi was sent off to jail! Bonnie tells Billie she’s been thinking, and she’s going to leave Salem!

    -Chelsea and Jeremy run into a couple of thugs while heading two another club! Jeremy says he can’t risk getting beat up all over again, so he manages to slide his way out, leaving Chelsea by herself!

    -Kim continues to have problems walking! She contemplates going back to Salem! Kayla encourages her to, but Kim refuses.

    -Steve says he’s gonna just forget him and Kayla’s plans, he’s breaking in to Llanfair, the Lord mansion, tonight! Someone over hears him though….and that very person is Dorian Lord!

    -Helena is seen coming out of a dark alley smiling, and then the camera looks down to reveal a dead Susan Banks!

    -Lexie is confused, but Megan just leaves.

    -Lilly attacks Erin!!!!!!

    -Willow wakes up in her bed….and next to her is REX!

    -Jan realizes she has slipped, she first makes a petty excuse, but no one buys it. So she confesses that she’s pregnant with Shawn’s baby!

    -Vivian and Ivan sneak back into the Alamain Mansion, and plot on how to take care of Forrest!

    -EJ plots how to get Sami and take care of Stefano! He says first thing to do is take care of Lucas!

    -John comforts Bo over Shawn’s death, and they share a brother moment! Faux Roman watches and is hurt by it.

    -Belle and Marlena arrive back at the hospital, and Belle tells Marlena she’s going to see Shawn’s body!

    -Kate runs into Forrest! He tells her he knows her, and she’s Kate Roberts! He says he has a very interesting propisition for her.

    -Bonnie tells Billie Patrick is dead, Mimi is in jail, and Connor ran away, so she has no place in Salem anymore! She says it’s too painful to be there, so she packs her bags and tells Billie this house is hers now! Billie tries to convince her to stay, but Bonnie refuses. Billie asks about Alice’s, and Bonnie says she gave that to a friend….Billie asks who. Bonnie answers “Victoria Lord Davidson.” Billie’s eyes widen.

    -Chelsea is angry at Jeremy for leaving her! The thugs tell her they aren’t going to hurt her, so Chelsea’s gets worried.

    -Willow realizes she shared a bed with Rex! She says “I should’ve seen this coming.” Rex is asleep, she doesn’t wake him up and someone knocks on the door. She rushes to get it. When she opens it she goes “NOT YOU!!!!”

    -Steve leaves the bar and heads off to Llanfair, Dorian (Robin Strasser) says to herself she never knew things in bars could be so interesting. She follows Steve! Steve walks through the streets and swears, tonight, will be the night he finds out who faked his death and make them pay!
  16. daysfan

    -Vivian tells Ivan she thinks they will have to do battle with Forrest sooner rather than later!

    -Kate asks if Abe means her, and Abe says she’s a suspect in this crime as well. Kate says that’s absurd and denies everything! Abe tells none of them to leave town. Kate angrily storms out of the hospital and bumps into Forrest!

    -Sam learns Kristen Blake is dead, but she remembers how Marlena told her Kristen had a “double”, which was Susan Banks! Sam bumps into Susan!

    -Hope tells Abe she’s taking Shawn’s case! Abe is shocked! He tells her she only had her twins a week ago! Hope says she doesn’t care, and she’s gonna find who killed Shawn Douglas!

    -Jan breaks down. Victor pulls her up and tells her to get over it and to get out. Jan lets it slip that the father of her baby just died! Everyone is shocked!

    -Belle and Marlena are taking a walk, Marlena comforts her. She says she knows she could never be with Shawn….but she still cares about him. Marlena tells her she understands.

    -Maggie is worried when she can’t get ahold of Jeremy! Little does she know he and Chelsea are out partying!

    -Steve is at a bar somewhere in Llanview. He is having a drink, he says he’s sorry Kayla but he can’t do this anymore. He tells himself he’s going to find out who faked is death ALONE!

    -Max and Erin bond a little! Lilly walks in on them!

    -Kayla wonders if Steve and her relationship will survive this rocky time! She flashes back to all their greatest times!

    -Megan visits Lexie, but Lexie does know who Megan is! Megan tells her she’s a friend who’s come to help!

    -Celeste is sitting in a quiet room in the hospital, all alone. She suddenly has a vision, and then immediately after it ends she says “No! The pain is just beginning for Shawn Douglas’s loved ones….his death will destroy many lives…”
  17. daysfan

    -Celeste tells everyone in the hospital Shawn Douglas was murdered! Jan hears it just as she walks in!

    -Lilly is seen with SAM driving a car back into Salem. Sam tells Lilly her plan worked fine, and then Lilly tells her she’s going to hide her out in the Spears Mansion!

    -Lexie breaks down after Abe leaves.

    -Ivan finally finds Vivian in the place she hid out when she was the Mysterious Woman!!!!! Vivian is tied up, and once Ivan frees her she tells them they have a very important matter at hand!

    -Hope and Bo break down once seeing Shawn’s body!

    -Susan screams “No, no no no!!!!! Your mean mean mean just like Kristen!!!!!” she quickly runs away from Helena and Helena says “No!!!! That woman will ruin everything!”

    -Victor enters the secret room Nikki is in, and tells her within a few days is her first appointment with her psychiatrist!

    -Maggie tries to call Jeremy, but he’s out partying and doesn’t answer!

    -Jan learns of Shawn’s death! She screams “NO!” and tears up. She grabs Celeste and demands she tell her who killed Shawn!

    -Bo and Hope finally come out after seeing Shawn’s body, they are still crying. Caroline decides to call Victor and tell him!

    -Victor receives a call from Caroline. He is shocked to hear the news…..Shawn is dead. He quickly leaves the Kiriakis Mansion and Philip follows, not knowing Shawn is dead!

    -Vivian tells Ivan Forrest is trying to get the Alamain Fortune. She says they have to stop him because if he does she will have nothing!

    -While at the Spears Mansion, Sam sneaks out, saying Lilly won’t stop her. She says she now has to find Kristen Blake!

    -Lilly is on the phone with someone, she says “Yes Doctor the patient is living with me now. We’ll be there on time by our first appointment. Remember she’s aggressive at times though. Yes, thank you Dr.Cummings.” Then as she hangs up, the screen fades to black and then suddenly comes back and there is a small room with a large desk inside and a woman is hanging up the phone, then it is revealed that the woman is RAE CUMMINGS!

    -Victor arrives at the hospital, and Kate just happens to be there as well and she hears the news. Philip hides in a corner and hears about Shawn’s death, but oddly is not moved or sad about it. Celeste breaks free of Jan’s grasp and says “This was murder…..someone wanted Shawn Douglas dead.” and then Abe says “So if this was murder, then we have half of our suspects in this room.” The camera then flashes very quickly to Belle, Jan, Victor, Kate, Philip and then the screen fades to black…..
  18. daysfan

    -Abe visits Lexie in jail.

    -Ivan still cannot find Vivian! Forrest tells Ivan to give it up, and that he will not find Vivian anytime soon.

    -Steve and Kayla continue to share a romantic New Years. Steve pulls away saying he shouldn’t be doing this, Kayla tells him their husband and wife and even though he has amnesia it’s not wrong, Steve says yes it is and he doesn’t love her, he leaves the hotel.

    -Hope breaks down in Bo’s arm after learning Shawn is dead, she screams Shawn’s name over and over.

    -John tells Marlena he’s trying to, but it’s hard. John says he has to however, he has to accept who it is.

    -Rex surprisingly pulls Willow into a kiss!

    -Lilly oddly interrupts her romantic evening with Max and runs off after receiving a strange phone call.

    -Victor tells Philip for now he needs to stay hidden, and then Victor heads off to see Nikki!

    -Susan runs into Helena and shrieks! Helena scowls “What are you doing here?!”

    -Celeste finds Belle and Claire at Marlena’s penthouse, she is in tears. Belle asks her what is wrong, Celeste tells her someone very close to her (Belle) has died tonight.

    -Jeremy tells Chelsea she doesn’t know the least bit about him. He smirks and Chelsea thinks Jeremy might not be so bad after all.

    -Abe tells Lexie he can’t believe she would kill Tek. She says it was an accident, and that he came onto her, she refused but he wouldn’t back down so she pulled a gun out and they struggled for it then the shot went off. Abe says to her none of this would be happening if she had been a FAITHFUL wife.

    -Hope tells Faux Roman she wants to see Shawn’s body, Faux Roman says it’s at the hospital. She, Bo, and Caroline quickly get Addie and Pamela and rush to the hospital as Bo calls other family members to give them the grave news.

    -Ivan begs Forrest to reveal Vivian’s wherabouts! Forrest says “Let’s just say she wouldn’t be where she is if it wasn’t for herself, But, you’re mine now, Ivan, and so is the Alamain fortune and business.”

    -Hope, Bo, and Caroline have arrived at the hospital. As have Faux Roman and Abe. Maggie, Alice, Julie, Doug, Abby, Nick, and Max are there as well and all are in tears. Soon Marlena and John come in after Bo called them, interrupting their dinner. Hope breaks down again as the nurses lead her and Bo to the room where Shawn’s body is. They finally get into the room and look down at his cold and bloody body, Hope and Bo both break down in each others arms.

    -Belle, Claire, and Celeste arrive at the hospital. Belle is in tears and Marlena comforts her. She asks the doctors if Shawn is really dead, and they say yes, he was dead even before the paramedics arrive. Belle breaks down and Celeste quietly sobs saying that she could’ve stopped this. She then raises her head up and says “Someone murdered Shawn Douglas….” Everyone looks at Celeste in shock.
  19. daysfan

    Shocking, since the actress just returned to Life in Salem two months ago, but it is true. Rachel Melvin (Chelsea Benson) has been fired again, marking her second time cut from LIS and her the second cut in the casting bloodbath that continues to strike. "I really love Rachel's acting....but this had to be done. I blame myself for bringing her back in the first place, because even though she had a new love interest, which was Jeremy, she didn't fit in. We did reveal the email stunts she pulled in November however, so she at least made something of her time back. Chelsea will not be killed off...but her exit will be her own doing. As for her love story with Jeremy, it just wasn't the right time and we are going to take Jeremy in a whole different direction." the headwriter said

    Melvin will probably last appear in Feburary as she still has some airtime left.

    In other casting news, apparently LIS has found a person to play Jeremy....but who? Sources say it's an actor from CBS!
  20. daysfan

    Rumours recently popped up that Hunt Block, ex-ATWT star, would be joining Life in Salem as Daphne DiMera's long lost son. Now, LIS has confirmed it! Block will join LIS on contract and will have a love interest, yet at the same time issues with Tony and others. "I'm very happy to have someone of Hunt's calibar on the cast and I know he will do well in this story." the headwriter said when asked about his opinion on Block being hired

    Block is on contract. LIS would like to SON member King for the suggestion of Hunt, because he wouldn't be here if it weren't for him!

    And, remember casting calls are still going out for Will and Jeremy recasts, and for the love interest of Abby(Ashley Benson).
  21. daysfan

    -Chelsea is surprised to see Jeremy. She says she didn’t know he was a party boy.

    -Celeste screams when Shawn’s body slips out of the car! She says she was too late. The paramedics quickly grab his body and put it on a stretcher, then they check for a pulse, but minutes pass and one shakes their head at the other, then they sadly role the stretcher into the ambulance and drive off.

    -As Bo and Hope are at the Pub, suddenly Faux Roman walks in, he has a sad expression On his face. He tells Bo and Hope something terrible has happened tonight that was just reported.

    -Jan is on the phone with someone at the Spears Mansion, she is talking on the phon, she says “That’s great! I’ll pick you up tomorrow.” and then she hangs up, she then says to herself that Nicole won’t be able to do anything to her with the valuable evidence she’s bringing to town

    -Marlena asks John why he’s concerned about Victor, and they barely see the man. John replies “He’s been spending a lot of time with my mother, Caroline, ever since Shawn Sr. died. I think he wants her back and I can’t let that happen.” Marlena reminds John that that is Caroline’s business, and then she tries to switch the subject and asks John when he started acknowledging Caroline as his mother.

    -Billie makes a New Years Revolution, and that is that she will fin a man that loves HER, and only HER!

    -Sami hopes this year she can make things work with Lucas, but EJ vows to make sure that will not happen.

    -The person that was watching Lexie reports back to Stefano, and Stefano says soon Alexandra will be a DiMera again.

    -Helena says to herself no matter how many DiMera’s he has, EJ and her will beat him. She laughs as she leaves the DiMera Mansion grounds.

    -Nicole pushes Eric away however, saying they shouldn’t be doing this.

    -Abby also makes a New Years Revolution to find a man.

    -Bo and Hope are confused, and Faux Roman tells them down by Shawn’s loft, there was a car explosion in the parking lot. Hope and Bo quickly tell Faux Roman to get on with it, and Faux Roman tells them it was Shawn’s car. Hope panics and asks if he’s alright, Faux Roman said he just got word that Shawn was inside and the paramedics thoroughly examined him….and he was dead by the time they got there. Hope screams “NO!!!!!!” and breaks down in Bo’s arms, as Bo quietly sobs.
  22. daysfan

    -Victor thinks to himself that Claire is not Shawn’s child!

    -Tony and Anna spend a romantic New Years Eve together. As do Eric and Nicole, and Lilly and Max.

    -Shawn’s car continues to burn up. Celeste continues to cry as she says she was too late.

    -The officer tells Lexie Sami Brady brought a video tape that showed her killing Tek! Lexie is enraged!

    -Billie arrives back at Patrick’s house, and breaks down, she says to herself she’s lost another man once again.

    -Chelsea goes out partying, and happens to run into Jeremy!

    -Willow tells Rex she’s seen a lot of other guys like him before, they’re upset so they drink it off. She says she’s sick of it, so she’s gonna stop him before he ends up like all the others.

    -Bo and Hope bring Addie and Pamela to the Pub so they can see Caroline. Megan watches from the window.

    -Someone sees what’s happened to Shawn’s car and calls 911. An ambulance soon arrives and Celeste tells them they have to get Shawn out of the car!

    -Marlena and John have dinner at Chez Rouge, John tells Marlena he’s concerned about something, Marlena asks what it is, and John says it’s Victor Kiriakis.

    -Steve and Kayla spend New Years Eve planning on how to break into Llanfair. It turns romantic in the process, and Steve has more memories of his times with Kayla!

    -Philip asks Victor why if Claire is Shawn’s, then she hasn’t had any incest complications. Victor lies and tells Philip that is a mystery to him as well, but on the inside Victor knows why!

    -Lexie is enraged at Sami’s betrayal! She vows revenge on her as she forms into a true DiMera again!

    -Helena watches Stefano inside the DiMera mansion, and says “Enjoy your power Stefano, because soon my son, will snatch it away from you and you will be powerless.”

    -The firefighters arrive as well to the scene of Shawn’s flaming car, Celeste tells them inside is Shawn Douglas Brady and they have to get his corpse out! The firefighters try to get into his car but it is upside down and the door is jammed, they continue though and after a long time of trying, the door suddenly busts open in flames and falls off the car, then slowly Shawn’s body falls out onto the ground.
  23. daysfan
    WEEKLY PROMO OF 1/1/07

    This week, a mans death will rock Salem....

    A man has died....*clips of Celeste watching Shawn's car burn up while upside down*

    Celeste: Death has taken Shawn Douglas tonight...

    And his family must accept it....*clips of Hope with Bo learning of Shawn's death at the Pub*

    Hope(breaking down in tears): NO!!!!!!

    But who killed him? *clips of Bo, Hope, the Brady's, Horton's, Faux Roman, Abe, Belle, Celeste, Jan, Kate, Victor, and Philip hidden in a corner, at the hospital*

    Celeste: This was murder....someone wanted Shawn Douglas dead.

    Abe(looking around): So, if this was a murder, we have over half of our suspects in this room.

    Don't miss a minute of this action-packed week on Life in Salem!
  24. daysfan
    RUMOUR ALERT!!!!!!!

    Here are some rumours that have popped up lately related to Life in Salem....

    -Alot of rumours have popped up ever since Brandon Beemer was fired that the second, and possibly third cut have already been decided. They also say it's a big one!

    -Other rumours say Hunt Block has landed the role of Daphne's son....

    -Also, casting rumours have also said that the Will recast has been decided and Chris Gerse will become part of the casting bloodbath....

    -Rumours are swirling that Carly Manning will be back!

    -In the past week, there has been some backstage gossip that Michael Sabatino has been let go before even airing!

    -Sources, reliable or unreliable, say that another death will happen come Feburary Sweeps!

    -Some sources say they have heard that another character from OLTL will be joining LIS, but it's not a current character with the show!

    Are any of these rumours true? Life in Salem has refused to confirm or deny any of them, so stay tuned to find out!
  25. daysfan
    Well, as fans who read the New Years Eve episode know, Brandon Beemer(Shawn Douglas Brady) has been fired from Life in Salem when his character Shawn was killed off, just after joining the show several months ago.

    "I hate having to fire Brandon....especially after just starting to work here. I love his acting, and really wanted to keep him here. Mabye he can return someday, but the reason to killing off Shawn is because, even though there were many loose ends to tie up with the character, after that there would be nothing left to tell with the character. A new love interest was an option, but almost all the women on the show are either Brady's or Horton's. I wouldv'e tried Willow but she's here for Rex, he would never get involved with Jan, Lilly and Erin were in the Max story, so what would we have left? Nothing. And we do not need anymore newbies on the show right now. So, he had to be killed off. The story will make a big impace on Bo and Hope, since they have lost a third child and the night Shawn died was the one year anniversery of Zack's death. As well as Belle. Also, it will make a big whodunnit story. We have many suspects for this murder. So I think this will be an excellent story." the headwriter said when asked about the death

    So, Shawn Douglas Brady has been murdered, but who was the person wearing the ski mask that strapped the bomb to his car? Jan, scared Shawn would take her baby, or the old "If I can't have you, no one can!"? Philip, getting rid of the "father" of Claire and the man who has been a thorn in his marriage for two years? Victor, doing whatever it takes to ensure his son's happiness? Kate, same motive as Victor? Belle, in a panic mode because she has felt romantically drawn to Shawn? Stefano, wreaking more havoc on the Brady's, or destroy the genetic link between the Horton's and Brady's?

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