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Everything posted by daysfan

  1. daysfan


    Episode#207 Greta, with Jan walking right behind her, walks inside of Salem Airport Greta “I’m not a child. You didn’t have to escort me down to the airport.” Jan “Just shut the hell up and get on that plane. I wanted to make sure you pulled no last minute surprises.” Greta “Like what? Telling Steve he’s my father?” Jan “No, more like keeping yourself in Salem. Your not wanted here. No one likes you. ” Greta “Jan please, you don’t have nothing to do with this. This is between me and Nicole.” Jan “I don’t have time for chit chat. Get on the plane now.” Greta turns her passport in and begins to board the plane Greta looks back at Jan. Greta “You know one day I will be back. I have unfinished business here in Salem, And you will be sorry you helped Nicole.” Jan “Bye Bitch, love ya” Greta shakes her head at Jan and boards the plane, heading out of Salem Episode: 207, Goodbye Greta! Executive Producer: Tara Smith with ML C Written by: ML C Story Editor: Tara Smith University Hospital Bo is sitting next to his fancy face as she looks at him Hope “What happened? How did I end up here?” Bo “You really don’t know?” Hope “No I don’t. Am I hurt? I don‘t feel any pain anywhere” Bo “Nicole Walker found you past out on the pier” Hope, confused “Passed out?” Bo “Yes fancy face. Sloppy drunk.” Upon Bo saying that, Hope has a flashback of drinking her bottle of Gin down at the pier Bo “You were missing all day Hope. I was worried about you. I tried looking for you, I put an APB out on you. I was going crazy, I thought something happened to you. And the whole time you were getting drunk. What in the hell made you drink?” Hope has flashes of her son Shawn dying, her grandmother Alice dying and the fact she Killed Gina. Hope decides to keep all this drama to herself. Hope “Bo I really don’t know. I just needed to ease my mind. This has been a tough year for me.” Bo “It’s been tough for all of us. Look I’m going to check on the twins.” Bo leaves the room wondering if Hope is really alright. Hope thinks to herself "I can’t believe I got that drunk” As she says that Julie walks into her room Hope “Don’t even say it.” Chez Rouge Nicole is sitting at the Bar sipping on some white wine. She looks at her watch. Then Jan walks up to her. Nicole “Damn! It’s about time. Is swamp thing gone?” Jan “Yes. I made sure she left Salem.” Nicole “Good.” Jan “Listen Nicole. I’m not going to be doing these kinds of things for you anymore. I am having a baby soon and I cannot be put under all this stress form your commands and devious plots.” Nicole “Bye Jan, your getting on my nerves. You’ll do what I say and when I say it. Now have a good Holiday.” Jan rolls her eyes at Nicole and turns around to try and leave but only bumps into Lucas. Back at the Hospital Julie “What am I going to say Hope?” Hope “You and I both know” Julie “You’re right. What would Doug say about this? You drinking until you pass out. Hope this is not like you. You have to seek help. You have to much bottled up inside. Alice, Shawn, Gina.” Hope “NO! Don’t say her name. I don’t want to hear it.” Julie “You have to face the music one day. I hope it won’t be too late. You need to tell Bo you killed Gina.” Hope “Never. It was a mistake. I have two twins to take care of. I’ve lost so much already I will not lose my family too. S Bo can never know the truth and Julie you have to promise never to tell him.” Julie “Never? You killed a woman. BO has to know.” Hope “I’ll tell him, when I’m ready.” Chez Rouge Jan “I’m so sorry.” Lucas “No I’m sorry. I really wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.” Billie( who was with Lucas) “I’m going to get us a table. Nice to see you Jan” Jan “Likewise.” Lucas “I’m almost glad I ran into you actually/” Jan, smiles “Really?” Lucas “Yes I am. Tomorrow is Christmas and it’s going to be a really sad day for me without Kate.” Jan “Oh I know. I am so sorry for your loss.” Lucas “Thank you. Billie and I weren’t going to celebrate Christmas this year. But I was wondering, how would you like to go on a date tomorrow?” Jan “On Christmas?” Lucas “Sure. It’ll be different. And I won’t be depressed all day thinking of my mother. You’d be helping ,me out.” Jan “Sure, I would love too” Forrest Alamain walks into Chez Rouge and places an order for pick up. He turns around and gazes into the crowd. Billie Reed catches his eye and he walks over to her. Forrest “Hello Billie” Billie “Hey there yourself Forrest. It’s a surprise seeing you here.” Forrest “Why do you say that?” Billie “With all those maids and cooks at the Alamain Mansion, I just thought there would be no need to for you to be here picking up food. Unless you have a date.” Forrest “Will you be my date?” Billie, blushing “You’re not serious are you?” Forrest “Of course I am. Be my date tomorrow for the Alamain Christmas gathering.” Billie “I didn’t know the Alamain’s celebrated Christmas.” Forrest “There is a lot you don’t know about us Alamains.” Billie “I bet. Sure I’ll be your date.” Forrest “Great I’ll have my car pick you up then.” He kisses her on the cheek and leaves. She walks over to Lucas and they both discuss how they both scored dates tomorrow for Christmas. Billie tells Lucas this could be good. It will take there mind off there dead mother. Meanwhile, back at University Hospital Security and staff are running on a skeleton crew beings it’s the holidays. This is perfect for two mysterious figures entering into Stefano’s room. The figures look at Stefano and let’s the sounds of the machines beeping hit there ears. One of the mysterious figures speaks out loud “Far too long, you played with peoples lives. Now it’s time to turn the tables around on the Great Stefano DiMera………"
  2. daysfan


    Written by: Tara/Daysfan Episode#206 -It is Christmas Eve in Salem! Sami walks into St.Luke’s with a black dress on, and sees EJ’s coffin there. She walks over to it, and says “I’m glad your finally being buried…I’m sorry I couldn’t arrange it sooner, its just things have been…hectic.” and then she turns to Father Jansen as he walks in, and he asks if she will be the only one attending. Sami nods and says EJ wasn’t that popular around Salem when he died. She goes to sit down and the funeral begins. -Jan is wearing a trench coat and hat so no one will recognize her, and she walks through the halls of the Salem Inn. She walks towards the door to Greta’s room, and peeks in to see Greta reading a book by the fire in the fireplace. She slowly begins to walk in! -Bo is sitting at Hope’s beside at the hospital, staring down at an unconscious Hope. Maggie, Julie, Nick, Abby, and Jeremy are all there. Julie sits at the other side of Hope’s bed. Maggie says they all have to remain positive, and Jeremy says that gets harder by the day and stomps out of the room. Maggie frowns and follows, while Bo whispers to Hope: Bo: Fancy Face…please come back to me. *Life in Salem Opening* -Father Jansen begins to speak, and then shortly afterwards it is time for Sami’s eulogy. Sami stands and walks to the front of the church, and begins: Sami: Well, I know no one is attending this funeral tonight so I’ll be speaking to the one its for: EJ Wells. EJ, you were…a great gift to my life. One of the best men in my life. You saved me from the fire that burned down my apartment complex, you didn’t torture me so many times like Lucas did. You loved me more than Austin ever did, the only one who could match up to you was Brandon but he’s long gone from my life now. You may have gotten a bit out of hand with what you did but you tried to stop your mother and father, and you were so fun. That night I made love to you…I just didn’t want to stop, and felt so happy when we declared our relationship official. I love you so much EJ, and will never forget you. You may not be a patriarch of Salem, but you were a great man to me. And I promise you, I will continue your legacy. Sami sniffs several times and cries as EJ’s coffin as then taken, and slowly wheeled outside of St.Luke’s and as the burial begins, Sami sees Steve outside! -Greta looks to see Jan enter, and as Jan closes the door and throws off her hat Greta asks who the hell she is and what she’s doing here. Jan says she’s come to make sure she is out of Salem by tomorrow! Greta asks her what the hell she’s talking about, and Jan responds: Jan: Get out of Salem, or your dead. Simple as that. -Bo tells Hope he needs her to wake up, to tell him what happened. He whispers to her he loves her, and she continues to lie unconscious. Julie flashes back to when Hope told her she killed Gina, and she thinks to herself “Could Hope have consumed alcohol because of that? No…it can’t be possible…” -Maggie follows Jeremy out into the waiting room, and she tells him to please not do this. Jeremy asks her how can he NOT do this, and that his great-grandmother died a few months ago, he doesn’t even get to see either of his parents anymore, and now one of his cousins is in the hospital. Maggie walks over to him and places her hands on his shoulders and says she knows its hard, but they just have to try to get through it. Jeremy says he knows, its just these days that seems like the one thing he can’t do. -Sami angrily stomps over to Steve and asks him what the hell he is doing at EJ’s burial, and he says he came for the Christmas Eve church service. Sami snaps to cut the crap and tell her why he was really here, and Steve says he came because he wanted…to apologize. He however then says he had no choice, and Sami yells he didn’t have to shoot him over and over! Steve defends himself by saying: Steve: I had to protect my wife, myself, and everyone else. EJ was talking killing all of us Sami, and I had to stop him. If I hadn’t we all, including you, might be dead. Sami: You know what, Steve? I’m not even gonna deal with you right now, because you disgust me. Hell my whole family does right now. You expect me to forgive you for killing EJ so that means Aunt Kayla probably does too, and Aunt Kim. My mom wants me to accept some guy who always treated me horribly as my father. You all can just shut up because I’m through with every single one of you. Don’t expect to see me at the Brady Pub tomorrow for Christmas. Sami then stomps off of the church grounds. -Greta screams for her to get out of her room, and that she’s not leaving town. Jan takes out a gun, and whispers “Fine” and Greta tells her she’s making a big mistake. Jan says she just wants to get this over with, and tells her she’ll give her one last chance: leave or get killed. Greta stares at the gun for a moment, and finally says: Greta: Fine! You know what, I don’t even have a reason for living in this town anymore anyway! I was stupid enough to come back! Jan smiles as Greta goes to pack her things. -In Hope’s hospital room, suddenly a woman brings in babies Pamela and Addie. Bo smiles at his daughters and thanks the woman for watching them and bringing them here, and she says anytime. After she leaves, both of them get a little fussy and suddenly Hope begins to rouse. As Julie takes the twins, Bo looks to Hope and says “Fancy Face?” and her eyes open and she says in a hoarse town “B…Bo?”
  3. daysfan


    Written by: Tara/Daysfan Episode#205 -Vince shoves Anna off of him and onto the couch, and tells her that’s not going to work anymore! He again claims he is back FOR GOOD! Anna tells Vince: Anna: No, let Tony out NOW! I know he’s in there! Vince: Sorry, hon. Your precious lover is never coming back. Anna: This is worse than I thought… Kristen walks into the DiMera Mansion and sees the scene between Anna and Vince! -A woman walks out onto the pier, looking for Nicole. She sees Nicole sitting on the bench, and Nicole says its about time she got here! The woman takes off her hat and is revealed to be JAN! Jan asks: Jan: What the hell do you want? You dragged me out in the middle of the evening for this. Nicole: I need your help. Jan: Forget it. Nicole: You still owe me for helping you get that baby inside your stomach, and what I have for you is very simple. Jan: Fine, what the hell do you need this year? Getting some man into bed with you, murdering your husband? Nicole: I need you to get Greta Von Amberg out of town. -Hope is still unconscious at the hospital, and as several nurses and doctors stand with her in the hospital, one of them go to call Bo. Bo answers from his house and says “Brady”, and the doctor tells him that his wife is in the hospital and Bo asks what happened and exclaims he’s been looking all over for her all day, and he says she’s alive but has consumed a whole bottle of alcohol. *Life in Salem Opening* -Kristen slowly walks to the side of the door into the living room of the mansion, and listens in on the conversation. Anna tells Vince he won’t win this one, and Vince tells her there’s no way to stop him. He grabs Anna again and proceeds to drag her to the backdoor, and tells her its time for her to get out of his mansion. Anna then screams: Anna: Tony, please help! Your alternate personality is hurting me! Vince opens the backdoor and is about to toss Anna out, but suddenly, he stands still and stares off into space again giving Anna time to break free of his grip. She slowly says “Tony?” and Tony says in a low tone “Anna…what….why am I standing up…” and she then tells him his alter came out again, and his calling himself “Vince.” Tony sighs and tells her he is so sorry and this must be stopped. Behind the door, Kristen whispers to herself: Kristen: Tony has an alternate personality?! -Jan snorts and says “Isn’t that your spoiled rival?” and Nicole says yes which is why she needs to get her out of town, and Jan says not a chance but Nicole reminds her she can easily show the police her surrogant disguise she used on Shawn and Mimi, and Jan then says she can easily show the police the evidence that Nicole tried to kill Colin Murphy, but finally says she’ll do it. Nicole then says: Nicole: Taunt her…tell her her secret will come out if she’s not gone by Christmas..but if she doesn’t listen…kill her. Jan: Damn, its always murder with you isn’t it? But fine, I’ll do it. -Bo yells “WHAT?! No, you must be confused, Hope’s not an alcoholic!” and the doctor says it seems from their tests she has consumed a whole bottle of gin, and Bo yells in anger and tells him he’ll be down to the hospital soon….
  4. daysfan


    Written by: Tara/Daysfan Episode#204 -Anna asks this Vince who the hell he is, and Vince says he’s the one she met in Italy and later on the island, she just never gave him enough time to tell her his name. Anna snaps to him she wants Tony back, but Vince says: Vince: Oh no, Anna…now that my father is in a coma it is up to me to lead the DiMera Empire. Anna: Never!!! Tony, come back to me! Please! -Victor arrives at the hospital, and he slowly walks into Stefano’s room, and stares down at Stefano’s comatose body, and he says: Victor: I thought I would never see Stefano DiMera lying on a bed, helpless. But, I am not upset…for this is good news for me. Finally my old rival goes down…but maybe I should be the one to finally pull the plug on this Phoenix… -An ambulance arrives at the pier, and Nicole tells one of the paramedics she just found Hope lying here with an empty bottle of alcohol. The paramedic nods and says they’ll examine her at the hospital, and they load Hope onto the ambulance… *Life in Salem Opening* -Vince tells her that won’t work this time, and he is back for good. He grabs Anna by the arm and says his first order of business is to kick her out of his father’s house, and she breaks free of his grip and tells him no way in hell. She grabs Vince and kisses him, hoping to bring Tony back! -Victor stares at Stefano, but then says no…he wants Stefano to suffer some more, death would just be letting him escape. As Victor turns to walk out of the room, he says: Victor: I will let you live…for now. But don’t expect to be in that coma forever. -Nicole takes out her phone at the pier, and calls someone! She tells them to get down to the pier NOW! -Hope is taken to the hospital, and while her heart is still beating, the doctors can tell she has consumed way too much alcohol. One of them recognizes her as Bo Brady’s wife!
  5. daysfan


    Episode#203 Downtown Salem, Titan Victor is wrapping up a phone call as Vivian Alamin walks in. “I want the “New face of Bella” campaign up and running by the end of the day. Time is of the essence.” After saying that Victor hangs his phone up and looks at Vivian “What the hell are you doing here you old Battle Ax?” Vivian “Is that anyway to talk to an ex wife? I did give birth to Philip you know.” Victor “For the Love of God, Please don’t remind me. You stole Kate’s embryo so please, don’t act like you did us a favor. Now state your business Vivian.” Vivian, getting more relaxed, by sitting in a lounge chair “You know Stefano is on his death bed.” Victor “I’ve heard that so many times it’s pathetic. He’s the Phoenix. He’ll keep rising from the ashes.” Vivian “Not this time. The old man is going to croak for real this time. You should go take look for yourself.” Victor “My good adversary is about to finally meet his maker.” Victor pours himself some scotch. Vivian “I’ll take one of those too.” Victor “This isn’t the Brady pub.” Vivian “Why are you being so cold towards me?” Victor “Because your always up to no damn good Vivian. I don’t understand why you felt like you had to come all the way down here to tell me about Stefano.” Vivian “I know he’s your enemy and you might as well line up with his other enemies. Stefano’s will is at stake. I don’t want to subject myself to your rudeness any longer so I’ll be on my way.” Victor “The sooner the better” Vivian grabs her purse and leaves Victor’s office. Victor gets on the phone to Niko and tells him to bring the car around front, he’s going to see Stefano Dimera Episode : 203 Executive Producer: Tara Smith, ML C Written by : ML C Story Editor : Tara Smith Salem Police Dept Celeste walks in to see her daughter Alexandria. Lexis is thrilled her mother has come to see her. Celeste asks her daughter how she is holding up. Lexie responds by saying she could be doing better if Sami would come to her senses and turn over the video tape of Tek’s accidental shooting. Celeste ask if Sami is up to her old tricks? Lexis answers back by saying She really hopes not. She told Sami to think of Theo. Lexie says she might have gotten through to Sami but we all know Sami is full of surprises .Celeste reassures her daughter, telling her to have faith, and she is sure Samantha will come to her senses. Celeste then goes on about her father Stefano “He’s really going to die this time. The world we be free of that evil man. ”Lexie responds by saying although Stefano is her father, she must admit, that maybe Stefano dying is a blessing everyone needs. Celeste agrees and takes it one step further by saying” I’ve done a lot for Stefano. He better have left something for me and you in that will. Lexie looks at her mother in a surprised state over her mothers greed like statement. Lexie wonders where this is coming from. University Hospital Marlena and Belle look at Kristen sitting next to Roman holding his hand Marlena “I though I asked you not to come see Roman.” Kristen “Marlena I really don’t want to fight. This is not good for John...er, Roman." Belle “Mom she’s right.” Marlena “Just get the hell out Kristen. Before I throw you out.” Kristen “Don’t get your panties in a bundle” Kristen says getting up Kristen “Belle it’s great to see you again. Maybe you can talk to your mother. She seems to have some built up tension inside her. She really need to let it go.” Marlena “Just get out Kristen.” Belle “Please, just leave Kristen” Kristen finally caves in and leaves Belle “I can’t believe she’s back in Salem.” Marlena “Oh I know, and I know she’s up to something” She says as she gazes at Roman The Dimera Mansion Anna sets a pot of coffee on the table in the living room as Tony is sitting on the couch starring of into space. Anna walks over and sits down next to him She calls out his name but he doesn’t respond. She tries again to get his attention but he still has a blank stare on his face. She shakes him. Finally he looks at her. “Where were you just now honey?” “Who the hell are you?” He replies back. Anna says oh God not this again. Who are you today? Tony replies back “How sweet of you to ask cupcake. Today I’m Vince and I’m sorry to tell you, your precious Tony is long gone. He’s never coming back” Anna looks on at Tony wondering how much longer Tony has to fight with his alt. personality Hope and Bo’s House Bo searches the whole house looking for his fancy face. After calling out to her and not seeing her, he decides to call the family and friends. After calling Kayla, Kim, Shane and Marlena, they all say they have not seen his fancy face. Bo wonders where the hell she could be after she left so abruptly the yesterday morning before. He realizes in fact he hasn’t seen Hope at all yesterday.” Something is not right.” He calls into the station to put an APB out on Hope. Meanwhile, down at the Pier, Nicole stumbles onto Hope, who is passed out drunk on the ground. She sees an empty bottle of gin laying next to her. Nicole panics, not expecting to see such a pillar of the community passed out drunk down at the Pier. She calls for an ambulance………
  6. Episode#202 Salem Police Station A guard escorts Sami to Lexis's holding cell. Lexi gets up off her cot and walks over towards the jail bars. Sami "Well I'm here. What the hell do you want Lexie? People do have lives to live you know. I was just so happening to be mourning EJ." Lexie "Look Sami, I am sorry for your loss. I called you down here to talk you about the security footage of Tek's accident." Sami " Oh, it's an accident now…Yea, what about it?" Lexie "You have to show the police. It's the only way to prove Tek's death was accident." Sami "Why should I help you Lexie? We've certainly never been the best of friends." Lexie "You really are a Bitch. You know as well as I do I did not kill Tek. You have the tape to prove it. You cant withhold evidence. I'm a mother Sami. Think of Theo" Sami "Oh yea Lexie, that's so productive towards your cause. Go ahead keep calling me names." And with that Sami turns away and begins to walk away. Lexie, hollering at her "Sami…. Samantha Jean! Don't leave! We're not done yet! You have to turn over that evidence." Sami, turning back around to look at her "Like hell I will." Lexie "We'll see about that." Sami "Is that a threat?" Lexie "Take it as you want it. " Episode : 202 Executive Producer : Tara Smith, ML Cooks Written by: ML C Story Editor: Tara Smith University Hospital Stefano's room, 4th floor Celeste slowly enters the Phoenix's room. She looks at all the hospital machines hooked up to Stefano. The sounds of the beeping from the machines hypnotizes Celeste into a flashback of Stefano's many heinous crimes against mankind in Salem and abroad. Celeste remembers when Lexie found out Stefano was her father. Celeste remembers feeling so disappointed and embarrassed and even ashamed to tell her daughter that her father was the evil Stefano Dimera. She comes out of her personal moment. She decides to get some words off her chest to Stefano. Something she hasn't been able to do in years. "It's a shame the only time you can listen to me is when your on your own your death bed. You've caused so many people so much pain. Even your own children. What kind of man are you? What kind of father does that? Trying to change Alexandra to be evil. You sick…sick Bastard. You have played with so many lives it's just fitting for yours to hang on by a thread. I hope your suffering you miserable bastard. I hope you die and burn in hell!" Celeste gets up and leaves the hospital room. Meanwhile, down the Hall Kristen slowly enters John's room. The sight of her beloved John in a catonic state immediately produces tears in Kristen's eyes. She grabs a chair and sits next to him. She grabs his hand and kisses it. She looks at him and begins to talk to him hoping he can hear her. "I'm back John. Yes it's me, the infamous Kristen Blake is back in Salem. I'm really sorry I had to come back and see you like this. It breaks my heart. You're a fighter Roman Brady. You're a strong man. You have got to pull through this. I know you will. I'm just really sorry this happened to you. Because of my father and these wars he keeps partaking in." She pauses, wiping away tears, trying to fight from really breaking down. She continues "I've missed you so much John. No one has ever loved me they way you loved me. I have never experience no greater love. Remember my strip tease I did for you at the Dimera mansion. That was so hot. You turn me on like that. You only bring that out in me.". She pauses remembering how while she stripped for John, Kristen had it on camera for Marlena to see in the secret room in the basement. "You know, Marlena has already warned me to stay away from you. If she caught me in here, she would probably try to kill me again" Then Kristen hears "Truer words never spoken" As the door slams and Kristen turns around to see a fuming Marlena with her shocked daughter Belle Night is becoming in Salem, and Hope, walks along The Pier. As she stops and gazes out into the water, the cold winds hits her face. She has a remembrance of her dream and being executed and Gina laughing at her. Hope tries to shake these thoughts from her head. "It's been such a hard year. My grandmother Alice, my son Shawn, then this madness with Gina. How much more can I take." She says as she wipes a tear. Looking up towards the heavens, "I'm so sorry Grand. I didn't mean to kill Gina. It was an accident." She looks back over the water. Hope then has a fantasy of Alice being at her execution for killing Gina. Alice tells Hope she is ashamed of her. Coming out her recurring fantasy and feeling guilty as ever, she pulls out a bottle of gin she purchased at the liquor store earlier in the evening. "I can't keep dealing with all this stress. I know Grand is rolling around in her grave right now. I have to make all this stop." Hope cracks the bottle of gin open and stares at it, she thinks of how good she will feel after she has a few swallows. Hope takes a gulp of the gin, drowning away her sorrows
  7. daysfan


    CUTS GALORE ON LIS! JAMES SCOTT OUT!!!! AND OTHER CHARACTERS PUT ON RECURRING/BACKBURNED! During the past few weeks as The War ended and the aftermath settles down, LIS can now report that huge cuts have been made to the cast. First of all, gone completely is James Scott(EJ Wells Cassadine DiMera). His contract with the show expired and was not picked up, and EJ, a major character on LIS and one of the main characters in The War, was killed off in the finale of The War. "It was a blast writing for EJ," EP/HW Tara Smith says "But, I knew from the start he wouldn't stick around forever. I made him the lovechild of infamous villians Stefano DiMera and Helena Cassadine, and also explored his relationship with Sami. As readers know shortly before his death EJ and Sami gave into their love and made love, and also became officially a couple, but EJ was shot in a struggle on the island with Sami's uncle Steve. His death has already had a huge impact on Sami and will for some time, as he was the best man she had entered a relationship with. But also the impact it will have on Steve and Kayla is immense and sets up a new story for them in the coming months triggered by EJ's death." But how will Helena feel when she finds out Steve Johnson killed her favorite, and last, son? "Let me just say that she will have alot in store for Steve and Kayla." Also expect many actors and actresses to take an extended vacation from LIS, although a few will be gone permanantly. "We have shown many of these characters heavily, and now it is time to give them a break to give time for us to focus on other characters. Roman(Drake Hogestyn) has already been rendered catatonic while Stefano(Joseph Mascolo) is in a coma, herefore shoving them out for a time. Stefano will be playing a huge role still, but he won't be up and about. Meanwhile Charles Shaugnessy's short term run with the show is ending shortly when he returns to Europe to lead the ISA, but Kim(Patsy Pease) shall go with him, because her role on LIS has ended for now." Mary Beth Evans(Kayla Brady Johnson) and Stephen Nichols(Steve Johnson) shall take a hiatus from LIS soon, along with recurring player Shayna Rose(Stephanie Johnson), but shall return in upcoming months with a HUGE story triggered by EJ's death as mentioned above. "Their hiatus shall set it all up, but when they return their new story shall take full course. It will be huge." Helena Cassadine(Constance Towers) has vanished after The War ended, and will not be back anytime soon. "She is on recurring, and in months she shall have a role on LIS once again, just perhaps not as big as her role in The War was. We don't want to cut Helena fully, but we showed her alot during The War and now its time for a break." Constance Towers has been placed back on recurring as she was before The War. Expect more cuts to be announced soon, but also expect for some MAJOR returns. Especially Horton and DiMera returns. In other casting news, Eileen Davidson has returned from her several month hiatus as Kristen DiMera. "Kristen shall grow into a huge character on LIS in time, we just had to get The War done and her pay for the crimes she committed earlier this year." Tara said
  8. daysfan


    Episode#201 -It is a new day in Salem! Lexie is back in jail after she briefly visited Stefano while Abe spoke to Shane the previous night, and she is visited by Celeste. Celeste tells Lexie it shall take her some time for her to get out of this, but Lexie assures her mother it won’t. She says she just needs the police to look at that security tape once again to prove Tek’s murder was an accident. -Kristen is at the DiMera Mansion, and she says to herself it is good to be home, she just wishes her father was here with her. She also wonders what was wrong with Tony last night, and wishes Roman could be awake. -Marlena stayed at the hospital overnight, and Belle is there as well. Belle didn’t take Claire due to the fact she came in the middle of the knight. Belle is slightly panicked, but Marlena tells her Roman will make it out of this ok. Belle slowly nods, and says she just can’t believe he’s like this, but Marlena again says he will make it out of this and be reunited with them. -At Bo and Hope’s house, Bo and Hope are both still sleeping. Hope lies in Bo’s arms, but she is having a dream of her being executed. She begins to toss and turn in her sleep, as in her dream she is being injected right now as all of Salem watches, and as Hope dies in her dream she sees Gina laughing above her… Hope suddenly awakens and shoots up, and whispers “No…no…” She jumps out of bed and begins to get the rest of her clothes on, and then walks out the door… *Life in Salem Opening* -Celeste tells Lexie it will be hard to even get the police to do that, and Lexie says she has to try. Celeste tells her daughter she wants her to be free, but it will be very difficult. Lexie sighs as she tries to think, and Celeste then tells her she needs to leave, but she will try to help her as much as she can. Lexie nods, however after Celeste leaves, she thinks of something and tells the guard she needs to use her one phone call now! -Hope leaves her house, and is walking through Salem. She continues to flashback to her nightmare, and exclaims to herself that can’t happen. She slowly walks by a liquor store, and stares at it for a moment… -Kristen keeps thinking about Roman, and flashing back to some of their times together in the nineties. She says to herself she must go see him one last time, and quickly stands up and leaves the DiMera Mansion and heads for the hospital! -Belle and Marlena continue to sit beside Roman, and Belle says she should probably go get Claire, and asks Marlena if she would like to come. Marlena looks down at Roman for a moment, and then says yes, she probably should get away from this hospital for a bit. Belle and Marlena both then leave. -Hope looks at the liquor store, and she walks in, but then says: Hope: No…no I can’t…I can get through this without drinking alcohol…I won’t go down that road no matter how stressed I am…I…can’t… Hope stares at the bottles of liqour, and constantly tries to tell herself “No”, but she continues to stare and nearly grabs a bottle!!!
  9. ROMANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D This was a REALLY good episode...I have to say Alex is probably one of my favorite characters you guys created, and all that romance was a good change from the action that has been happening lately.
  10. daysfan


    Episode#200 -Nicole sits in her room at the Salem Inn, and she watches the news and snorts at the news about Roman and Stefano, saying this was a long time coming. She picks up her cell phone and calls Greta, but no answer. She then leaves a message saying: Nicole: Hey princess, its me. Have you made your decision yet? You don’t have much time left, and its either leave Salem and all of its citizens behind for good, or your secret to daddy comes out. You better hurry… -Tony and Anna are still with the others in the waiting room, and Bo says he needs to see his brother. Kim tells Bo to just be patient, and that Marlena needs this time with him. Tony then says to Anna: Tony: That blonde woman, earlier…something seems so familiar about her…I just can’t put my finger on it…but I keep thinking of Aremid… Anna: I’m not sure, Tony…although I think she’s Stefano’s adopted daughter. Tony: I…think I remember her being mentioned years ago…Kristen Blake, but I still feel like I knew her better… -Kristen asks Vivian what the HELL she is doing here, and Vivian says she heard about Stefano on the news, and that she is his ex-wife after all…and she slowly says she sees he lived through all of this madness. Celeste slowly asks Vivian if she hears dissappointment in her voice, and Vivian lies and simply says: Vivian: Oh no…I am glad…it gave me a chance to come here and see my ex-husband after all. Kristen: You really don’t need to be here, Vivian. Vivian: Oh yes I do…just incase…something happens… -Marlena continues to sit with Roman, and she then stands and takes out her phone and leaves a message for Belle to come to the hospital and tells her about Roman’s condition. Marlena sighs after she hangs up, and sits back down. She says Stefano may be gone and Helena may have vanished, but Kristen is back and it feels like new trouble is just on the horizon… *Life in Salem Opening* -Anna says they just need to figure all of this out, and they will as he tries to cure his DID. Tony nods slowly, and tells Anna he thinks they should go. Anna agrees, and says these have been some past couple of days. Tony and Anna say their goodbyes to everyone else, and then leave the hospital. -Kristen snaps to Vivian NOTHING will happen, and Stefano will rise again soon. Celeste watches the argument, and Vivian tells Kristen that you never know what’ll happen, and even Stefano might not survive this round. Kristen scowls, and Vivian says now that she’s seen Stefano its time for her to leave. Kristen tells Vivian to please do, and Vivian walks out of Stefano’s hospital room. Once Vivian is alone, she says: Vivian: Well, if Stefano doesn’t croak on his own…I will have to make it happen.
  11. daysfan


    Episode#199 -Abe and Lexie arrive at the airport after finally returning from Italy, and Abe sighs as he turns to Lexie and says its time for her to return to jail, and Lexie begs him not to do it, and says: Lexie: At least let me see Theo, my son, one last time. I did this all for him, not for you, him! That’s the reason I contacted Shane Donovan and the ISA and if I had not you, not to mention the rest of Salem, might not be alive! Just please take that into consideration, Abe, please! Abe: I’m sorry, Lexie… Abe takes out handcuffs, but suddenly his cell phone rings. -After Julie gets off the phone with David, Jeremy says: Jeremy: Your SON is coming to Salem? Julie: Oh yes! You all will love him! He’s such a good and kind man…I am so glad because I have barely seen him in the past couple of decades… Abby: Why? Julie: He ran off after his old fling, Renee, was murdered…I have been worried for him ever since. But now, he’s coming back to Salem…possibly for more than just the holidays. -Marlena attacks Kristen at the hospital, but Kristen manages to push her back and the two get into a struggle! Kristen warns Marlena to not push her to her limit, but Shane and Bo break the two up. Shane tells them this does not need to happen here and now, and Kristen tells Marlena she is the one who needs to be locked up. Marlena angrily tells her she will never take care of or see Roman ever again. Kristen snarls as she tells the doctor to take her to her father, and he leads Kristen off. Marlena sighs, and tells Kayla to take her to Roman. As they walk off, Bo says it looks like new trouble has just risen from Stefano’s ashes. *Life in Salem Opening* -Abe answers his cell phone at the airport, and hears Allan on the other line. Allan is at the police station and tells Abe all about what happened at the island, and how Roman and Stefano are now at the hospital. Abe’s eyes widen in shock, and soon he hangs up the phone. He looks to Lexie, and says: Abe: Looks like we’ll be taking a side trip after all…your father and Roman are in the hospital, and news just came back on both of their conditions…Roman is catatonic, and Stefano is in a coma… Lexie is silent in shock as Abe gently grabs her and they leave the airport… -Abby asks Julie if that’s a good thing, and Julie says it certainly is, its just she wonders how he is. Abby says if anything is wrong with him the whole family can help, and Julie tells Abby she’s right. She then says for now, they should just focus on getting the Christmas Tree up. -Kristen walks into her father’s hospital room at the hospital, and she looks down in silence at his comatose body. As she sits, she whispers to him that he will rise again like he always does…but if he doesn’t, she will rise for him!!! Celeste walks in, and says: Celeste: How the mighty have fallen… Kristen: Shut up, Celeste. You shouldn’t even be in here…you’ve betrayed my father like everyone else. Celeste: Because I am wise. Kristen is about to shoot something right back at Celeste, but suddenly both women hear: Vivian: I’m here!!!!!!!!! -Marlena walks into Roman’s room with Kayla, and Marlena sits at his bedside and looks into Roman’s open eyes, though he does not move. Marlena clutches his hand, and whispers: Marlena: Don’t worry…I know you’ll come out of this…just be strong, but I know you will be…you’ve already been through the worst of it…you’ll make it through this, my love… Marlena closes her eyes as she runs her hands through Roman’s hair, and leans in close to him as the screen fades to black…
  12. daysfan


    Episode#198 -At the Alamain Mansion, after seeing the news report on Roman and Stefano, Vivian flashes back to being Stefano’s wife and she says to herself if Stefano dies, and she’s in his will…she can get something out of this! -Shane then says so it looks like Stefano won’t be waking up soon anytime either, and the doctor nods and goes on to explain Stefano barely survived, and while he may be stable, he looks pretty bad…the coma might not be irreversible, but it is a deep coma for sure. Marlena then snaps: Marlena: The man deserves it after all of what he has put this town and Lord knows who else through, especially Roman and me! Woman’s voice: Well you would be just the one to say that about my father, wouldn’t you Marlena? Marlena looks to the door of the waiting room in shock, to see Kristen Blake standing there! *Life in Salem Opening* -At the Horton House, Julie and Abby, Jeremy, and Nick are putting together the Christmas Tree and Nick asks why they don’t hang the ornaments when they first put the tree up. Julie says because it is a Horton tradition to always hang the ornaments on Christmas Day, and now that Alice has passed it is even more crucial to continue that tradition. Suddenly the phone rings, and Julie goes and picks it up and says: Julie: Hello-DAVID?! -Vivian quickly says to herself she needs to go to the hospital now, and rushes out the door of the Alamain Mansion. She whispers to herself “Soon Vivian Alamain will be back and better than ever.” -At the hospital the whole group turns and sees Kristen standing in the doorway, and as she walks in Marlena furiously asks why she isn’t in jail, and Kristen says she has served the several months she was sentenced to, and Marlena screams in anger. Bo tries to hold Marlena back as Kristen looks at Tony, and then says: Kristen: Tony…is that…you? -Nick and Jeremy look at Abby in confusion and Jeremy whispers “Who’s David?” and Abby replies she *thinks* its Julie’s son. Nick and Jeremy nearly gasp in shock as Julie says: Julie: David…David…oh David it is so good to hear your voice…I’ve barely seen you lately…the last time we really talked was Alice’s funeral and it was brief-wait you are returning to town? When?! Christmas?! That’s such a short time away…oh David I can’t wait! -Kristen looks at Tony in shock and says she has heard rumors about his return to town and it was their cousin in Aremid but she didn’t know it was true…and Anna realizes who Kristen is and sees Tony’s confusion as he stares at Kristen, and Anna snaps for Kristen to focus on the matter at hand. Kristen raises an eyebrow but Marlena breaks free of Bo’s grasp and grabs Kristen’s arm and tells Kristen to get out, but Kristen coldly says: Kristen: No, not a chance. I am in Salem to stay, and you can’t do a thing about it. While my poor father lies in there and can’t do a thing, I will take care of him. And, if I can get to him, John as well. Marlena: WHEN HELL FREEZES OVER! Marlena then attacks Kristen!
  13. daysfan


    Episode#197 -Vivian walks into the Alamain Mansion, and goes into the foyer to see Forrest sitting on the chair. He says its about time, and she tells him to just shut up and he needs to quit his damn whining, and he asks: Forrest: So where have you been? You’re always vanishing. Vivian: That’s really none of your business, is it? If you must know, I was simply shopping a little. Forrest: Well, I hope you enjoyed it. Because that will be your last trip with the Alamain money; I just shut off your credit cards, took your name off the checking account, and blocked you from withdrawing Alamain money from the bank, dear Aunt Vivian. -Marlena stands and tells Kayla to tell her now, while Anna and Tony nervously watch as Shane, Kim, and Bo walk in. Kayla then says the good news is that both bullets have been removed and patched up and Roman’s stable, but there is the bad news. Kayla then says it looks to be what she said on the plane: Roman looks to be catatonic. *Life in Salem Opening* -Hope is at her house with Pamela and Addie, and as she cradles both of them she flashes back to when she went into a rage and shut off Gina’s life support machine in Italy, and she slowly says she still hasn’t told Bo yet, but she’s not ready and with all this drama occurring at the moment she just can’t, and she wants to enjoy Christmas with her remaining children and family. -Marlena’s face pails, and she says no…this whole predicament is ending and NOW this! Tears begin to fall from Kayla’s eyes as Bo asks if she’s sure, and Kayla responds: Kayla: We will see in time but now he’s just lying there with eyes slightly open…motionless… Bo: No…we just found out who he was a year ago and now THIS…if Stefano makes it out of this alright there will be hell to pay. -Vivian looks at Forrest in shock and yells “WHAT?!” and he says its true, and Vivian snaps: Vivian: What gives you the right to do this?!! Forrest: I am the true Alamain heir, remember? Those billions of dollars are mine, this mansion is mine, and soon the company will be ALL mine. Vivian: You’ll pay for this…you will rue the day you crossed Vivian Alamain!!! Forrest says that they’ll see about that and he stands and goes upstairs, and Vivian groans and turns on the tv, and then sees the news reporting the situation with Roman and Stefano! Vivian’s eyes widen, and suddenly she says this is the way to get back on her feet! -Marlena tells Kayla she wants to see her husband, and Kayla says he’s being taken down to his room now. Marlena begins to walk off, but suddenly the doctor that was operating on Stefano comes out and says news has come on Stefano’s condition. Marlena turns as Celeste asks if he survived, and the doctor slowly nods, but then reveals he is in a coma!
  14. daysfan


    Episode#196 -Some time later, Tony, Anna, and Shane all arrive at the hospital and Shane asks Marlena if there have been any changes in Roman and Stefano’s statuses, and Marlena shakes her head and says they went into surgery right when they got here but she knows no more than that. Tony sighs, and says after all that has happened he doesn’t know if he would want Stefano to live or not, and Marlena says she thinks most of them are like that. *Life in Salem Opening* -After the babysitter arrives to babysit Theo while Celeste goes to the hospital, Celeste quickly leaves the Carver house, and as she drives she thinks about her past with Stefano, and how she truly loved him once…but she was just another one of his lovers. -At the hospital, Shane goes to get some coffee. However as he walks out of the waiting room, suddenly he runs into KIM! Shane’s eyes widen and he slowly says: Shane: Kim…Kim…Kimberly… -Sami comes back to the Salem Inn after leaving the airport, and as she walks towards her room, she notices where EJ once lived, and slowly walks over to the door to his room, but thinks to herself she’s not ready to go in, and see all of his things and items…it would be too painful…and for a moment she thinks about going to see Lucas, but decides against that as well. She simply goes inside her room, and sits down and stares at the wall in deep thought… -Celeste arrives at the hospital, and marches in. Tony, Anna, and Marlena all see her walk into the waiting room, and she says she heard about Stefano and Roman on the news, and has come to see how they are doing. Marlena says no news on either of them yet, and Tony asks Celeste if Lexie is in town. Celeste responds not yet and that her and Abe’s plane got delayed out of Italy, and Tony nods. Tony says no matter how much he despises the man, all of Stefano’s children need to be here incase he doesn’t make it. -Kim looks up at Shane, still in her wheelchair since she can’t walk, and says “Yes Shane, its me.” and Shane smiles and says he thought he would never see her again since it had been so long, and asks her why she’s in a wheelchair. Kim then says that shortly after she came back to Salem, she began to experience trouble walking and now has to be in a wheelchair, though she may regain her walking ability through therapy she just doesn’t know who to go to. Shane nods slowly, and asks how their children are. She says they are fine, just growing up. Shane tells Kim she looks so amazing…and Kim thanks him, and they both remember some of their times together many years ago. -Sami continues to stare at the wall, and slowly begins to cry. She says she has lost so many men: Austin more than once, Brandon, Lucas, and now the best of them all EJ. She finally breaks down. -Tony, Anna, Celeste, and Marlena all sit in the waiting room, and Celeste and Tony think about how Stefano might not make it, while Anna thinks to herself that the father of her daughter could die. Marlena continues to pray for Roman to live, and suddenly Kayla walks out of Roman’s hospital room, and says she has news on him…
  15. Only weeks ago, the recently-hired Co-Executive Producer/Head Writer Jay quit the SONBC soap Life in Salem to go write his own OLTL blog. Since then, Creator/EP/HW Daysfan//Tara Smith has continued on her own as she did before Jay came to LIS. But suddenly she was contacted by aMLCproduction, who has created and writes sister network SONOP's soap S.T.E.A.M., hoping to join the soap as the new Co-EP/HW. Smith happily accepted his offer and welcomed him to LIS. "I was so overjoyed, and surprised. I didn't expect to be contacted by someone in such a short amount of time," Smith said "But I was so happy, and he has not written any episodes yet but he has so many story ideas and has watched Days for years and years, he will add a breath of fresh air to LIS. And he is thrilled just as much as I am and assures readers no MAJOR shake-ups will happen." ML's first episode will air at an unknown date, and also S.T.E.A.M. fans need to not worry, for ML will continue to write that soap as well.
  16. daysfan


    Episode#195 -The ISA jet prepares to touch down at the Salem Airport, and Marlena whispers to Roman they are almost to Salem, and he can get more help at the hospital. She promises him he will survive, and Kayla says that she almost has the first bullet out. Meanwhile in Stefano’s room, the agents have barely any luck with him! *Life in Salem Opening* -The jet touches down at the airport, and the agents begin to quickly wheel Stefano out and yell that he needs to get to a hospital IMMEDIATELY! Stefano and Roman are the first ones off of the jet, and Marlena walks aside Roman’s bed and continues to tell him to hold on, and Kayla follows as well. As Roman and Stefano are loaded onto separate ambulances, Kayla quickly goes over to a distraught Steve and tells him she has to help her brother. He nods slowly as Kayla gets on the ambulance after Marlena and Roman are on, and meanwhile paramedics tend to Stefano and the ambulances soon drive away. Sami gets off of the plane, and shoves her way right past Steve, as EJ’s body is also carted off. She sheds more tears as she sees the motionless, cold body…and Steve looks at EJ’s body emotionless, and flashes back to when he shot EJ several times back on the island during their struggle. -At the Carver house, Celeste is still watching Theo since Abe and Lexie had a delay in getting back to Salem from Italy, and as Theo naps she turns on the news, and hears about the shooting of Roman and Stefano and learns they are headed to the hospital now! She gasps and quickly calls a babysitter to watch Theo and plans to head to the hospital! -Shane, Allan, Hattie, Tony, and Anna are all off of the ISA jet, and Tony sighs and says so much has happened…and Anna nods slowly and tells Tony maybe they should get some rest, but Tony says no, and that he wants to be at the hospital to see what happens to Stefano. Anna says its whatever he wants, and Shane says he’ll be going there as well. Allan tells them he needs to get back to the police station, and Hattie says she has no reason to sit around some hospital so she’ll be going back to the Salem Inn. All of them then leave the airport. -The ambulances arrive at the hospital, and Stefano and Roman are rushed inside. Kayla and Marlena go in as well, and Kayla tells Marlena she shouldn’t be in the room with them. Marlena reluctantly says fine, and Roman is rushed to surgery, as is Stefano. Marlena sits in the waiting area as the operations on both men begin, and Marlena prays Roman survives, but hopes Stefano bites the dust…for good.
  17. daysfan


    Episode#194 -Anna says they just had a situation like this back in Aremid, and she hates having to go through some revelation again. Tony slowly says he knows, and they continue to embrace each other. Tony promises her once they get back to Salem they will figure all of this out. -Marlena snaps to Kayla she doesn’t need her to be vague, and Kayla sighs and says she can’t be sidetracked while trying to remove two bullets with so little help and she doesn’t want to panic Marlena, but Marlena again tells her to tell her what is happening to Roman. As Kayla stares down at one of the bullets as she tries to remove it, she says: Kayla: I…I think Roman is going into a catatonic state due to the gunshots… *Life in Salem Opening* -Shane decides to check on Stefano, and walks through a curtain that was sat up between Stefano and Roman, and asks the agents that are tending to him how he is. The most medical-skilled one says he’s struggling, and flatlined earlier but they managed to barely save him, but he’s holding on by a thread. -Anna nods slowly, and thinks to herself she has more than Tony knows to do when they get to Salem, and thinks to herself she needs Jan’s, Tony’s, and Marlena’s DNA to run a test…so she knows for certain who Jan is. -Marlena says no, that can’t be possible, but Kayla says it will all be certain in time they just have to see. Kayla continues the operation, as Marlena tells Roman not to leave her… -Shane tells the agents to just keep Stefano alive until they reach Salem, and he doesn’t want anymore people to die. The agents nod slowly, and Shane walks out of the room and sighs. As he sits down in the sitting area, he sighs thinking about all the drama that has occurred in the past month. -In the medical area, Marlena continues to hold onto Roman’s hand tightly, and he begins to look at her as he fades in and out of consciousness. She sees confidence in his eyes, and Marlena briefly smiles at him and holds her hand up and blows him a kiss. -Everyone except Marlena, Kayla, Roman, Stefano, and some agents are in the sitting area of the ISA jet…and it is announced they are coming up on Salem!
  18. daysfan


    Episode#193 -On the ISA jet, Anna sighs, and tells Tony to sit down because it will be a long story. She then begins: Anna: Allan called me in Aremid, and told me Helena and Stefano as well as everyone else were all in Italy. You overheard me say Italy, and suddenly you started acting all strange. We went to Italy, and took part in huge drama with Helena holding everyone inside the palace hostage. You mysteriously vanished outside in the courtyard by the entrance, and later you were reporting the murder of Kate Roberts or something. You vanished again, and then later stabbed me on accident while you were chasing after Helena. Next after Roman got some information on where Stefano went, here to this island, we all went here and I found you. Then you, or I should say your alternate personality, told me you had DID…I didn’t want to believe it…but now I know its true. A tear runs down Anna’s cheek, and Tony says: Tony: No…that’s impossible…it can’t be… Anna begins to cry harder and then throws her arms around Tony… -Shane walks into the medical area on the jet and says that surprisingly Salem is not far from here, and they will be there soon and he’s already arranged for an ambulance to wait at the airport. Several medical-skilled agents try to revive Stefano while Kayla continues to operate on Roman, and begins to get emotional. Shane then says: Shane: Kayla, perhaps you should go rest and someone else can- Kayla continues to concentrate on Roman, but angrily yells: Kayla: NO! That’s what happened with my mother! I left the operating table and she ended up in a coma! I didn’t even get the feeling of knowing I at least tried! I AM NOT going to let my brother die, and I will not let myself make the same mistake with him I made with mom! *Life in Salem Opening* -Tony slowly hugs Anna, both of them not even focusing on what is happening around them, and he slowly says: Tony: Anna…I…I am so sorry….I can’t believe I hurt you like that, or you had to find out this horrible issue…I don’t even know what to say, I don’t want to believe it… Anna: *crying*Tony…its not your fault and it wasn’t you…I don’t want to believe it either but…but…we have to…and I HATE to say that… Anna then briefly remembers what other thing Tony’s alter told her about Jan, but she thinks to herself she can’t tell Tony that yet…she needs proof first… -Shane nods slowly and says he understands, and slowly walks away. Kayla continues to work on Roman, but suddenly slowly she sees his eyes slightly open! She gasps in shock and Marlena and Shane both hear it and stand, and Marlena walks into the room and rushes to Roman’s side and clutches his hand again, and as she stares into his half open eyes she slowly says: Marlena: Honey, your sister is trying to get the bullets out now…and we’ll be to Salem shortly, just stay alive…please… Roman stares at Marlena, but suddenly, his eyes seem a bit dazed as he just stares, and Marlena stands at his side as Kayla continues to work, and Marlena then asks Kayla: Marlena: Wait…something seems…not right…whats wrong? Kayla looks at Roman for a moment and her eyes widen, and then responds sadly: Kayla: He’s not dead but…and I will wait for official confirmation once we get back in Salem…but this doesn’t look good…
  19. daysfan


    Episode#192 -Marlena and the rest go back into the sitting part of the jet as Kayla begins work on Roman, and she prays that Roman will make it. She looks at Sami, and slowly walks over to her. She asks her how she got to the island, and Sami slowly says in between tears she was with EJ…and they were going to try to stop Stefano and Helena, but EJ tricked her slightly and ended up being killed by Steve. Marlena sighs and tells Sami she is so sorry, but Sami says no and she will get over it herself…she wants to be here for Marlena this time. -Tony and Anna rush through the DiMera Compound while guards panic, and beams and lights fall, and Anna asks Tony how exactly the compound is self-destructing. Tony then answers apparently by collapsing, and both of them clutch each others hands as they run towards the main entrance, and once they get there Tony hurriedly begins to punch in buttons on the button pad to get the door to open, and after a few combinations he finally gets it open out of memory from certain combinations his father preferred decades ago. He and Anna rush outside, and see the jet and Anna says they must get there in time! *Life in Salem Opening* -Marlena manages to smile at Sami, and thanks her, and Sami says its all part of growing up…she sighs as she begins to think about EJ again, and Marlena decides to leave her alone for the time being. While she awaits news on Roman, the pilot asks Shane where they are headed. Shane sighs and says he has been thinking about that, and then tells the pilot to head to Salem…it is a little ways but not extremely far, he just hopes Roman and Stefano can make it… -Tony and Anna rush towards the jet as Anna leads the way for Tony, and Tony yells to her once they are on that plane she better explain everything to him. Anna sighs and thinks to herself she can’t explain EVERYTHING just yet and flashes back to what Tony’s alter told her about Jan, but then outloud promises to Tony she will. Tony and Anna rush out onto the beach just as the ISA jet is about to take off, but both of them jump and they make it on in time! -Kayla stands over Roman as she and a few ISA agents try to remove the bullets from him, and she says she can’t lose him like the rest. She flashes back to Shawn Sr. dying because he gave too much blood to her, and then she flashes back to after the Chez Rouge ball and Caroline going into a coma…but then she vows to not let Roman go down in flames. -Shane, Allan, Hattie, and Steve all see Anna and Tony jump on, and Shane asks them in confusion whats going on. Tony says that’s what he’d like to know, but Anna says that Tony is back on their side and the DiMera Compound has fallen apart. Tony then says to Anna its time for her to explain what is going on. -Kayla continues to operate on Roman, as a few tears drop from her eyes. Meanwhile Stefano begins to flatline, and after a moment of running Kayla yells to Shane that they have to get to a hospital FAST or both Stefano and Roman will be lost!!!!!
  20. daysfan


    Episode#191 -Anna slowly says “Tony? Is that you?” and Tony slowly says “Anna? What…what happened?” and she says it is a long story, but they are in a DiMera compound on the island they were all at in November 1984 and they’ve got to get out of here! -Roman and Stefano both lie on the beach in pain, and both of them have been shot in critical places in their bodies. Stefano has a shot in his head and on his leg, while Roman is shot in the neck and shoulder. Marlena rushes to Roman, as he lies slightly consicious. He looks up at her and slowly tries to say “Do..c…” and Shane approaches and looks at both of them, and Stefano is already unconscious. He yells to one of the ISA agents: Shane: Get one of those jets back here now, that have some type of medical area! We need to transport these men to a medical facility NOW! *Life in Salem Opening* -Tony says “What?! Anna, I need to know what is going on! Last I remember we were in Aremid!” and Anna says she will explain it all but first they need to escape, and Tony sighs and says fine, but first they need to find a way to shut down the compound. Anna agrees, and Tony says knowing how Stefano designs places like these, he might know where a place could be. -Marlena to tells Roman to just hold on, and she looks down on him and breathes in and out as she says: Marlena: I know you can live…you’ve come through so much…survive for our love, our children, our family. Roman manages to clutch Marlena’s hand with his for re-assurance as he finally begins to fall unconscious, but before his eyes close a tear drops from Marlena’s eyes that land on one of his eyes. Kayla, Steve, Sami, Allan, and Hattie rush down to the beach and they see the ISA jet approaching, it not having gotten far after dropping Shane and the other ISA agents off, and Allan tells Shane that Anna must still be in the compound. He yells to Allan his men are trying to find another way in, they will get her in time. Kayla gets down and checks both Roman and Stefano’s pulses, and says they are barely alive but their pulses are fading fast. -Anna tells Tony to just lead the way, and he’ll say they will need to sneak past Stefano’s guards, but Anna says with a wink she has a better idea, and begins to explain: Anna: Again I’ll explain later, but Stefano’s men have a renewed respect for you. You can make it look like you captured me, and are taking me to wherever you are going to hold me captive. They won’t suspect a thing. Tony: I am still a bit confused by this all but I will go along with this. Anna smiles as they begin to make Anna’s plan look real, and they set off. -The jet lands, and Shane, Allan, and Steve and a few other ISA agents quickly get Roman and Stefano and carry them to the jet, while Kayla, Marlena, Sami, and Hattie quickly follow. Once boarded Kayla rushes to the small medical clinic-type area, and Stefano and Roman are quickly but gently put down on two beds. Kayla however says they need to hurry, because she can’t operate on them both. She sighs, and looks at the group before her, and says: Kayla: I need one of you to choose who I operate on: Stefano, or Roman. -Tony and Anna walk through the halls of the DiMera Palace, and guards stare at them though Tony and Anna stage their act. Anna whispers to Tony she thinks they are buying it, and he agrees. Finally they get to the place Tony believes to be the control room, and they enter. Anna laughs and says she is a professional at pulling off scams like they just did, and Tony grins. He walks over to the control panel, and examines them for a moment. He then says: Tony: Be prepared to run, Anna…the only thing I can do is self-destruct the compound… Anna sighs and says somehow she should have expected this, and slowly Tony pushes the button, and he grabs Anna as they begin to run and the compound starts to fall apart! -Marlena looks at Shane, and says she knows who she wants Kayla to operate on…but she needs to let him decide, because he is the one who will be the most fair of all. Kayla says they don’t have much time, and Shane sighs and looks at Marlena, Sami, and then Roman and Stefano. He briefly thinks of Kim, and then says as he stares at Kayla: Shane: Operate on…Roman. I will see if any of my ISA agents can try to keep Stefano alive… Kayla nods slowly, and turns to get to work…
  21. daysfan


    Episode#190 -Kayla walks over and checks EJ’s pulse, and after a few minutes she says he’s gone. Sami nods slowly, and Shane asks what happened. Steve explains the situation, and shows Shane a couple of bullets that EJ fired in the struggle but missed. Shane nods slowly, and says it looks like there has already been one death here. A few ISA agents pick up EJ’s body, Shane looks at the entrance and says its metal…he’s not sure how they will get through it. - “Tony” laughs and tells Anna that will not work on him, but Anna says it will if she tries. Anna then says: Anna: Tony…I need you…if you are truly in there and this is some alternate personality…I know you can beat him…for me…please….use the strength I KNOW you have…we got through your look alike Andre we can get through this fool… -Stefano says that would give closure, and give him satisfaction, knowing Roman Brady is dead. Roman tells him he won’t be the dead one this time, and Stefano laughs and says this will go the exact way it did in 1984...only this time Roman won’t live. Roman tells Stefano to shut up, and Stefano then says after Roman is dead he will destroy every one of his family members…and then take Marlena and have an affair with her just like he did with Helena. Roman in anger attacks Stefano! *Life in Salem Opening* -Steve tells Shane Anna and Marlena got in, but suddenly Tony shut the door on them. Shane in confusion says “Tony? He’s…working with Stefano?” and Steve says “I guess…I heard Anna was pretty upset about something regarding with him…” -Stefano punches Roman, and Roman turns around and faces Stefano, and he says it looks like this time Stefano is the one nearing the edge of the cliff. Stefano holds his gun at Roman, and says: Stefano: Do you have the courage to kill me, Roman? It would be against the law. Roman: The law doesn’t apply when it comes to you anymore…you have pushed me to so many limits, Stefano…I have no problem with killing you. Stefano: Then shut up and do it. -Marlena slowly walks on the island after finding and using the side exit from the DiMera Compound, and as she walks she looks up at the cliff and sees Stefano and Roman both there. She slowly whispers “Do it, my love…” - “Tony” n=begins to clutch his head slightly, and tells Anna to be quiet. Anna then says: Anna: Fight him, Tony! COME BACK TO ME! “Tony” then angrily snarls and grabs Anna and holds a knife to her neck… -Roman is silent for a moment, and Stefano laughs and says: Stefano: You will never be able to do it, for you may be Roman Brady…but you are also my Pawn…my loyal Pawn who will never betray his master… Roman launches himself at Stefano, and another struggle ensues, but this time multiple shots go off!!!!!! -The group at the front of the compound hears gun shots, and all look to where the cliff is. Shane says “Oh no…” and tells his men to get up there, and Steve, Sami, and Kayla stare up in shock… - Anna looks into “Tony’s” eyes with no fear, and says: Anna: You can’t do that to me…Tony won’t let you…he cares for me too much…you have no power and can’t harm me at all. Anna suddenly pulls the knife out of “Tony’s” hands and leans in an kisses him, and whispers: Anna: I love you, Tony… Suddenly, “Tony” is motionless, and just stares at Anna as he fades away… -On the cliff, as the whole island watches, Stefano and Roman’s eyes are both wide, as they both begin to FALL OFF THE EDGE OF THE CLIFF! Both have been shot, and they go tumbling to the beach as Marlena, Shane, and the ISA agents rush to the beach…
  22. daysfan


    Episode#189 -Stefano manages to escape his compound, and he says to forget Helena. He sees in a distance Roman standing on the cliff, and he smirks as he walks off… -Sami yells “UNCLE STEVE NO!” but he says this might have to be done, but EJ grabs Steve’s collar and takes out his own gun, but Kayla jumps forward and tries to push EJ back, and a gun shot goes off!!!!! -Anna’s eyes widen in shock, and she slowly says “No…no…Tony and Marlena were never even in love…that’s impossible…NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” and “Tony” tells her it all happened while Marlena was being held captive from 1987 to 1991. Anna looks and screams “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” *Life in Salem Opening* -Roman continues to stand on the cliff, knowing that Stefano will come in time. He sees ISA jets approaching, and as it approaches the beach, men begin to jump out. Roman sees Shane and simply nods at him, and Shane seems to know what he is saying… -Sami screams, as EJ slowly stands after being shot in the stomach. He angrily approaches Steve and Sami rushes to his side and tells him to just stand down, but he says no this must be done. He tries to charge at Steve again, and begins to shoot but Steve punches him, and a struggle begins between them, and another gunshot goes off…and EJ goes tumbling to the ground with a bullet through his chest. - “Tony” tells her its all true… Tony has a child with Marlena but neither of them no it. He says Jan is who Rex and Cassie Brady were thought to be. Anna shakes her head in denial, and says she can’t believe it not until she has proof. She then whispers “Tony, please come back to me…please…I love you…” -EJ lies on the ground in pain, and the guards are about to attack Steve and Kayla but suddenly many ISA men run up and tell them all to freeze. Shane follows, and before he can say anything he sees Sami lowering to the ground and as tears stream down her cheeks she cradles EJ. EJ has one shot in his stomach and another in his chest, and Sami begins to speak to him: Sami: EJ…please…just hold on…the ISA is here, they can get you medical attention… EJ: *coughing*No, Samantha…there isn’t enough time…Johnson’s bullets have pierced me too deep… Sami: I WON’T LET YOU DIE! EJ: You must…carry on for me, Samantha…make sure my mother and father are defeated…and avenge my death… Sami briefly glances at everyone else, and looks down at EJ one last time as he says: EJ: And Samantha…remember…I love you… Sami: I…I love you too…more than I have ever loved a man before… EJ lightly smiles at her as he dies in her arms… -Stefano slowly walks up the cliff where Roman stands, and as he walks up behind him, Roman turns with a gun in hand. Roman: DiMera. Stefano: Brady. Roman: Just like twenty three years ago…no more war with Helena, or chasing after Marlena, its just you and me now, and this is where things end.
  23. daysfan


    Episode#188 -Steve attacks EJ, and the two get into a tustle and fall to the ground, and try to punch and kick each other as they roll around on the ground, but suddenly EJ kicks Steve off of him and punches him in the face! -Anna stares at “Tony” in shock, and “Tony” motions for the other guards to leave them alone. They exit the room, and “Tony” says it is true. Anna then screams: Anna: NO! IT CAN’T BE! MY TONY CAN’T BE MENTALLY ILL! NOT AFTER ALL HE’S BEEN THROUGH! NO! NO! NO! -Stefano and Helena both look at Marlena, and Helena hisses “Well who do we have here?” and Marlena says: Marlena: Don’t you remember me? You held me and my husband, family, and friends hostage in the DiMera Palace in Italy, and you tried to kill my daughter back in Salem? If you don’t, let me just say this: I am Stefano’s other Lena. Helena looks at Stefano in shock at Marlena’s last words… *Life in Salem Opening* -Kayla screams “STEVE!” and runs to his side, while Sami tells EJ they need to stop and focus on the real problems: Stefano and Helena! EJ says no, this group needs to be offed as well. Steve jumps up and tackles EJ, and he grabs out a gun!!!!!!! - “Tony” laughs at Anna, and says: “Tony”: Its true. I am no Andre, but certainly no Tony… Anna:But…why?! Why would he have this disorder?! “Tony”: He was a very tortured individual after he disappeared on the docks that night…he found Stefano, but Stefano begged Tony to join him…Tony was so torn and had been for months before that…therefore I was born… Anna: I won’t believe it! You’re not him! I am going to KILL YOU to make sure you never haunt me or him again!!!!!!!! I know you are just another double Stefano planted! “Tony“ grabs Anna‘s arms before she can do anything, and then says: “Tony”: Believe what you want, I won’t try to convince you anymore. But you wouldn’t want to kill me, because I know who Tony’s child is… -Helena flashes back to a time in early 1979 when she and Stefano were in bed together at the DiMera Palace after hearing what Marlena said: “You are my Lena…” Stefano says to Helena as he looks at her Helena smiles, and kisses Stefano one more time… Marlena looks at Helena, and then says: Marlena: I can tell I’ve struck a nerve. I am Stefano’s Queen. He chased after me for decades, and who knows how many other Queens or Lenas he has…I can now see maybe I wasn’t the most special woman to him after all. Stefano: Marlena, my- Marlena: But I don’t care, and I never did. Which is why I have come here to stop both of you. Helena begins to look angry, and she takes out a sharp knife and charges at Stefano despite his gun, and Stefano yells in anger and is about to pull the trigger but Marlena suddenly jumps forward and grabs Helena, and the two get into a struggle! Helena tells Marlena she can die too, while Stefano watches them both and mutters he has had enough, and he slips out of the room! Helena and Marlena continue to fight, and as they approach a window, Helena is taken by surprise when Marlena shoves her and Helena goes flying out the window! Marlena turns and sees Stefano is gone, and she surprisingly SMILES! She slowly walks forward, and says: Marlena: Helena is out of commission for now…and all has gone according to plan, I will let my husband deal with Stefano…. -Anna gasps and says Tony and her have been searching so long for that information, and “Tony” says she can have it. Anna then slowly asks who it is, and “Tony” says: “Tony”: Fine if you really want to know, his child is……..psychotic Jan Spears. Anna: WHAT?! “Tony”: But this is not his child with Renee…this is his child with… Anna: Wait there is ANOTHER child?! And that Jan woman isn’t Renee’s?! “Tony”: Oh hell no…Jan Spears is the daughter of Tony and…MARLENA EVANS!
  24. daysfan


    Episode#187 -Hattie yells in shock “Is that the phony’s DAUGHTER?!” and Allan looks at Sami and EJ in shock. The men point their guns at the Salem group, and Sami says to EJ in shock: Sami: Wait…what are they doing?! I didn’t think we were supposed to hurt my friends and family! -Anna stares at “Tony” in shock while several men try to grab Marlena, but she takes out a gun and begins to fire at them furiously. Anna looks at “Tony” and asks what has happened to him, and why he is being like this. “Tony” says it is all part of serving his father. -Stefano laughs and says again, that was such a petty reason to start some huge war. Helena angrily says: Helena: You kept it from me, not to mention Mikkos. I have no problem with deception, but when you use it on me we have an issue. I slept with you so many times, and had to discover for myself shortly after I discovered I was pregnant with EJ when I overheard you speaking to someone else about it. You wanted to kill Mikkos, because he was a child of Mikkos’s mother’s affair with your father Santo’s older brother. *Life in Salem Opening* -EJ tells Sami it must be done, and they should not matter to her anyway. Before she can respond he yells for the men to attack! Sami yells “NO!” but a major shoot out begins as Kayla, Hattie, and Allan go for cover, but Steve charges right at EJ! -Anna angrily tells “Tony” Stefano is NOT his father, and asks what happened to him and he has been strange ever since they returned from Aremid! “Tony” smirks and grabs Anna, and pulls her close and whispers: “Tony”: Let me let you in on a little secret…I’m not Tony…but I’m not Andre either. Anna: Then who the hell are you? “Tony”: Tony’s alternate personality. Tony has DID, and has since 1985! Meanwhile Marlena shoves several guards away from her, and runs down the halls of the compound! -Stefano looks at Helena, and Helena continues on: Helena: And I was nothing but your tool…to kill the man that I loved, and find out information about his Empire. Stefano:You must understand, Helena…if I were to die, Mikkos would be the new ruler of the DiMera Dynasty because it is tradition that if the seventh son fails then next it goes on to the sixth son and that side of the family rules. So HE had to die, meaning the Cassadines would never rule MY Empire. Helena: Oh please you are pathetic. I cursed you years ago, and you later on failed, just like how Luke and Laura Spencer were cursed and now Laura is catatonic and Luke has lost her for good. You have lost half of your children and never defeated your rival, Roman. But whatever the case, THIS is why I think EJ is the true heir to the Cassadine and DiMera thrones. He is like his step-father and second-cousin Mikkos: he was born of an affair from a Cassadine wife with a DiMera male. That is why he must take his rightful place. Stefano: That spawn shall never get my empire. Suddenly the door opens again, and a woman’s voice says… Marlena: Am I interrupting anything, killers?
  25. daysfan


    Episode#186 -The guards seem to be contemplating what EJ is saying, and EJ says he wouldn’t be doing this if he was sure of success. He says if they continue on Stefano’s service they will just be useless slaves for the next twenty years. Suddenly one of the guards say they will join EJ! -Steve, Kayla, Allan, Hattie, Anna, and Marlena rush towards what they are seeing, and as they get closer Steve says it looks like a compound, and Anna then says “Well obviously that’s it.” and Marlena slowly says: Marlena: Yes…that has to be it. Lets go. -Helena walks up to the door into Stefano’s office, and kicks the door open. She walks in to see Stefano grinning, gun in hand. *Life in Salem Opening* -Roman stands on the cliff, and continues to stare out at the island. He flashes back to 1984, and remembers the news of the crash being delivered, and then him leaving for the island and saying goodbye to Marlena and the babies Sami and Eric. He slowly says he’ll make all of that up here…he’ll make up being taken and leaving his family alone… -Slowly more and more guards in that area agree to join EJ, and EJ says then they must go around to the front entrance to attack, and says Stefano has many more men than just what they gathered here. Sami says she can’t believe this is working, and EJ tells her not to worry! EJ and Sami lead the guards out of the side exit of the compound and head to the main entrance! -Helena slowly steps into the office and looks at Stefano, and says: Helena: Very clever, Stefano… Stefano: I expected you to show up here around this time. All of this is exactly according to my plan…in fact if you didn’t already know, a bunch of our friends from Salem are running around outside. Helena: I could care less about them. What I do care about is killing you, and ending this blasted war I started all those years ago. Stefano: For such petty reasons. Helena slaps Stefano! -Marlena, Anna, Allan, Hattie, Steve, and Kayla all walk up to the main entrance of the compound. They see the large double doors shut, and Allan and Steve try to pry them open. Suddenly the doors open out of the blue to see “Tony” and some guards there right inside! “Tony” smirks while Anna looks on in shock, and he says: “Tony”: Welcome, you all have come far…but can you make it inside? Suddenly he takes a remote and pushes a button to SHUT the doors, and Marlena yells “NO!” and leaps right inside with Anna behind her, but the doors shut before anyone else can get in! The group outside look to see EJ, Sami, and their group of men approaching. -Stefano looks angrily at Helena and warns her not to make him use the gun sooner than planned, and Helena says: Helena: You used me! You used me to get information on the Cassadine Empire, not to mention Mikkos. Stefano: Keep in mind you used me as well to get back at Mikkos for his affair with Alexis Davis’s mother. Helena: Oh but lets not forget the biggest of all…the secret and scheme you kept from me…that you were trying to…trying to….KILL MIKKOS! Not just because he had his own empire but because he was…YOUR COUSIN! THE SIXTH SON OF THE SIXTH SON!
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