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Posts posted by TEdgeofNight

  1. Another thread derailed by you know who. It’s always gotta be about ME. SMH.

    James Mitchell was always out. Even in his responses to fan letters, he talked about his male partner. Susan Flannery never gave a (blank) about what people knew or talked about her. The list goes on and on. Too many to list and yes, it wasn’t hard to figure out even way back then. 

  2. I wonder why The View’s press releases stopped mentioning Live with Kelly & Mark? The View always claims to be #1 and they used to claim being #1 over Kelly & Mark and now The View still claims to be #1 but they don’t mention Kelly & Mark anymore in their press releases. 

    Just as aside: I have been in the audience at times for all of the iterations of the show and Kelly and Mark are by far, the best in terms of interacting with the audience during commercials. They can’t talk to everyone, but they try. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Mitch64 said:

    I remember that time when the internet was just coming into its own and at the old GL dicussion list someone found Laiby's home number and posted it...which was a step too far. ("Sure, stranger who somehow got my phone number I would love to talk to you about what a sh@t job I am doing!") But actually Laiby was so in over his head, he actually was asking fans for suggestions.

    I don't get it, he worked under Marland and ATWT during its golden period, why was he so lost? HE brought back Brown as her iconic character but had the character written like she was Iva Snyder (Nola mopping around the boarding house because her husband cheater on her....she would go snatch that b*tch bald and kicked Quint in his nuts...) Maybe it was more McTavish but that was an era that really could have turned GL around.

    I remember Soap Opera Weekly doing a 2 Part interview with Laibson and McTavish and they were arrogant. Laibson said “tough [!@#$%^&*]” about a couple that wasn’t resonating. We would just have to accept the couple. Tough [!@#$%^&*] Laibson was replaced by tough Rauch a few months later. 

  4. 1 hour ago, John said:

    He can HW a soap if he is allowed to write and not paired with a Co-HW who is just FV's yes woman. You can tell when PM more influenced episodes they had more family & community feel. I will miss that. I worry what EK will do as sole HW

    Completely disagree. And that’s ok.

  5. 9 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Anna was a flightier actress. Maeve had more of an iron rod, even when Vanessa was more lightweight early on.

    I can't imagine anyone else as Vanessa either - maybe Christine Jones.

    I was actually onset seeing Anna Stuart playing Vanessa. I have pictures. I agree that Anna was flightier. 

  6. I met Laiby (Michael Laibson) at the GL fan club gathering in 1996. He didn’t impress me. He was arrogant. Why he went to this gathering of fans who loved the show and came in with an attitude astounded me. GL was not in great shape so why the attitude. Maybe because his job was on the line. He was thankfully fired soon after. I do have to say that his wife, Holly, was there and she was SO lovely! She was almost apologetic. Holly Laibson has since passed. She was a kind person. Michael, not so much. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Khan said:

    More like IM-plodes, but okay.

    We all have our opinions. You are all going to be watching my beloved Ron Carlivati’s work soon. It humors me that some people claim to not watch the show yet they comment about every episode. Ron is still there. He’s still writing the show into 2049! 

  8. 46 minutes ago, Aragorn said:

    May I ask everyone who they think the next female contract player will be? Lois was dropped to recurring, so it won't be her. Of these possibilities, which one will get promoted to contract?






    Blaze should die in a Blaze. I cannot stand her!! Natalia can go away with her. Awful storyline. Get rid of them. Please. 

    Heather can stay. Molly’s ok.

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