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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. I guess the Best Way To Compare Ava To Erica Would be getting An English copy Of These Scenes:

    And Compare Them To When Erica Visited Mona in the Hospital after a surgery in 1992, Scenes Lucci actually submitted for the Emmys, Want a more Perfect situation to Compare them?

  2. 20 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    That's true. I know JG can play a complex character with a clear agenda from her being Grace (who I loathed) on Y&R so it's sad how they write Donna sometimes. 

    That's true, I also disliked the way they wrote Grace on her visits in 2014-15, they wrote her too much Like JG's Donna, Receiving Nick in a Sexy Underwear was a really Donna thing to do, and she also sounded kinda Dumb, different from the smart scheming Character she once had, I remember when I dreamed up that storyline on Brooke having cancer and Dying in a Plane Crash, I wanted To make Donna A Smart Bitch who would Avenge Her Sister's Death by Giving The Forresters Hell, beginning her own Fashion/Model Angency, considering the men she had relationships with she should have enough Info to begin her own business 

    3 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    A solid 10 always look at that perfection lol!3d8630cf0597e5bf7161340caf2343bd.jpg

    8 but the black and white compels me to 9

    BTW I guess Your Bigger Love For Finn Is because he is the best Male character on the show at the moment, he is the nice guy who knows who he wants and loves, different from most men on that show

  3. 4 minutes ago, Fevuh said:

    If I remember - she didn't want anything to do with the show actually.  I remember some tweets or something where she trashed her time there, was over the character (the way she was written) - probably rightly so.  I do feel like the latest version of Taylor is much better and possible Hunter Tylo would have embraced the role more as it's being written now.  For me at least, Taylor was used as a plot device/pawn for several years.  She was literally Steffy, maybe you could say Brad Bell was consistent with that between mother and daughter.  Steffy was always on the outs when it came to Liam/Hope/Steffy.  Taylor was always on the outs when it came to Brooke/Ridge/Taylor.

    Thank You for the Info! I really Understand Hunter Tylo's Situation/Opinion! But it would be nice she came back this last time!!!!! My The writing for Taylor now is a 10 to 0 on her 2018-19 Tenure, AND that's saying a lot considering how bad storylines have been lately, but her 2019 exit was too rushed she just disappeared in the middle of a conversation! 

    Tylo is undervalued because she is only known for Taylor (Professionally I Mean)

    I think Once Melrose Place Fell Through she should've had her kid, AND Look For Options, Then if nothing new popped up she might've come back to B&B, the same after her 2002 Exit, or Her 2013 Exit, She could've made a bigger name for Herself if she tried enlarging her curriculum, She Could've gone Back To AMC or DOOL, or Tried GL, OLTL, GH, Passions, Y&R, ATWT, she was far from out of Options, Actually I never Understood her 2002 Exit, Taylor Dies, She only works on an Episode of She Spies as a Transgender Doctor/Secret Agent, and Comes back To B&B in 2004 as A Ghost and Taylor Ressurrects on 2005, was she blacklisted or something?

  4. 6 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    That said...WOW! Douglas found the videos and slowly put them together. Just in time for Ridge and Taylor to get married. I do wonder if Donna is going to get a clue as well since she was just talking to Brooke who appears to be on to Thomas. Though I'm sad to see Taylor so happy....KA is really selling the happiness angle of it. She is going to be crushed.

    Indeed, KA is also receiving some more decent Writing than Tylo got in her last tenures, Would Be Nice if they let Donna get a Clue, Donna was originally a Intelligent young woman, I always disliked they Cast Jennifer in the role and turned the Character into a Dumb Sex-Kitten, you would think a woman her age would be a little smarter for certain things

  5. 10 hours ago, Soapfan8 said:

    Under stable,

    Understandable. This is my list 

     Tanner-7/9 Don-6.5/8.5, Scott 6.5/8.5, LSV-6/8, tk-6/8 Sean-5.5(7.5)Matt and Delon-5/7, Darin like 4.5/6.5ish I used a traditional scale then js a grading scale what’s urs personally?

    Ok I'll answer That before going to sleep, 

    Tanner and MA are 8

    Scott and Don 7

    Darin 6.6

    Delon and LSV are 6

    Thorsten and Sean 5

  6. @Soapfan8 I think it's heading for war it's better to stop lol 

    3 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    yes and TN is a clearly a solid 10 as is MA lol :P

    As I Said B&B Men just don't cut it for me, Not saying I'm the best judge of Male beauty considering I'm a Straight guy, but they're The Guys on B&B I rank the highest too, especially if MA keeps the beard not exactly because I think it adds sexiness to him, just that as I said It keeps me from Wanting to punch him for His Y&R Character's Actions also Thomas Most Batshit Crazy period was while he was shaved too

  7. 1 hour ago, Darn said:

    Conservatives turn a blind eye to affairs and murder, the things that rile them up are race mixing, homosexual acts and abortion.

    Exactly, I feel that's also part of Why The Hospital is more of a Set than an Working Organization and A relevant point in storylines, a show that once dared to give HIV to a beloved Character We Saw Grow Up now won't go on actually basic and common things nowadays, Actually didn't GH have some good/cute homosexual pairings a few years back?

  8. 3 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    That’d be tough. Tony and Stefano wanted her gone back then, so she doesn’t strike me as the type that they’d get Rolf to bring back 😂😂

    Wow Spill the beans, don't know much about her

    24 minutes ago, j swift said:

    Remember how AW used to try to differentiate twins Marley and Victoria by having one sister wear bangs?  Or how Capitol visualized that it was Jenny and not Julie because one wore her hair in a tight bun and the other wore relaxed curls?

    Is DAYS trying to indicate that RSW is Alex and not Ben due to the fact that his hair is brushed forward rather than flipped up?  Because I'm going to need a better written character rather than hair and accessories before I accept Alex as a different person.  They both still inexplicably speak with a thick mid-Atlantic accent, they both unnecessarily squint, and neither seems particularly bright or ambitious.  The glasses are not enough.

    I'm still expecting that's Ben with Some Rolf Influence, and and Everybody has been brainwashed on him like they did with Chris/Roman, because that's all too lame to be true

  9. 3 minutes ago, Dylan said:

    Danny is a short visit for the holidays. They are fikming new years about now.

    Oh pity, he kinda would be nice to have around for a while, I really want Traci to get Some Love Life, She's such a wonderful character it's kinda sad she never had much of a Love Life, hence the only relationship she had mentioned on her 40th Anniversary was Brad, Her Only Child Colleen is Dead, They Tried her and Cane a few years back, Don't know if that worked however, if her Much messier Ssiblings can Get Love She Should get some as well

  10. 10 minutes ago, Fevuh said:

    I’ll get into trouble for saying this but - I grew up with sisters who were all ABC all the time and….alotttttttta actors they said were just soooooo hot.  All the ABC fans did and you wanna talk about some 7’s outta 10’s??? Some of theirs - now true, while my opinion only butttttt.   Roger Howarth (sp) with girls screaming to “rape me!”  Tony Geary?  Again just my opinion but to me they were struggling to be a 4 or 5 at best. 

    I'm with you on that, Howarth and Geary Were two of the most unattractive actors on Soaps I ever saw, AND I say that because some actors have their prime, I saw scenes with Luke from the 1970's to the 2015, he never impressed me, Roger Howarth is a similar situation but sometimes his acting brought panache to Todd that kinda made me realize what women saw in him, it's like Larkin Malloy on EON

  11. 7 minutes ago, Soapfan8 said:

    Kinda same. Like I said the best looking men are like 7ish at max for me. Ig the original Thorne was attractive? That’s it. Lol. Most of these guys are mediocre. Ppl clown on Scott but most of these guys don’t rly look better imo.

    I'll be 100% Sincere, There's Something plastic/unreal about the men on this show st least for me, I guess I Should Find Ronn Moss Attractive but I Always Thought he had something Plastic about him, The Same goes for Adam Gregory as Thomas, Especially his smile maybe it was those "OH So White" teeth He has, but it seemed fake, AND Eric Well he was fairly attractive back in the 1980's and 1990's but Keeping him as a "Sexy Man" later seemed unrealistic to me

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