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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. An Angel Is Uploading Torrents YAY! So I can see again, Yesterday's episode was far better than Friday's, EJ Suffering was well executed, He was at odds with SUSAN so he must be wreaked with guilt

    On 11/20/2022 at 11:50 PM, Dr Neil Curtis said:


    It was joke…


    I Understand... 


    19 hours ago, j swift said:

    EJ's devotion to Susan feels sudden and does not reflect their history.

    I get that he's experienced a lot of loss with the past few months, but I don't recall him feeling so close to Susan (I guess, to be fair, they've not shared a lot of scenes together through the years, I don't remember if Eileen's Susan was ever on screen with James Scott's EJ)

    Yeah, Susan Wasn't Around Much back Then, When Susan became a regular, EJ Was Dead Then recast

  2. 27 minutes ago, bboy875 said:

    Did anyone see any episodes of Kathryn Hays' brief run as Leslie Jackson Bauer on GL? Any idea of why her run was brief and what part of Leslie's story she played? 

    I asked about it a while back Try going back a couple of pages

    Anyone know Where I could find ATWT  episodes with Jennifer Bassey As Lisa??? She's the only one I think I'm still missing

    As For Recasts, Seems Like soaps have been doing well with this lately, the last five Recasts I Remember happening ultimately worked: Ashland Locke, Summer Newman Abbott, Dr. Taylor Hayes Forrester, Tucker McCall Seems to be Working, Alley Mills as Heather I guess is still too soon

  3. 7 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Dan killed it today.

    The look in his eyes as EJ absorbed the news about Susan looked so real. Glad that the show finally gave him some more scenes to show his range as an actor.

    Belle can help EJ cope with grief over Susan's death and they could start sleeping together again. That storyline ended too quickly and should still be going on. 

    Oh, Right Belle, I forgot their Fling, not watching those episodes contributed, what happened to Susan? She Died?

  4. 2 minutes ago, Dion said:

    I liked that they used Paloma to give some added motivation to Holly's actions, because let's face it, she was only an identical sister created for an adventure storyline 30 years ago and they were never going to use her in a meaningful way again. So may as well kill her off.

    An Identical Sister??? LOL But they just lost the chance to redeem Holly Altogether 🤣 😂 😅 😕 😆 😭 Why Not an My Evil Twin Did It for all the [!@#$%^&*] she did in the last 20 years? Lol

  5. 15 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Just over a year ago Victoria married Ashland.

    12 months later he's dead and buried and forgotten.

    Apart from saddling Kyle with a kid, are there any ramifications from that character and storyline?

    If they explained what exactly tied Diane To Him it might, it's a pity He was Like Firework, He had potential to be a good villain but That burned off really quickly 

  6. I wish they would have something big happen, something that would up things and have characters change you know? I want Enpowered Katie, Smart Donna, Wiser Brooke, Scheming Hope, Taylor and Steffy are Already more Than Satisfactory, Paris Happening, I want Ridge Less Womanizing, Really I feel like he's capable of Getting with Sheila, Eric Wiser and Stronger (Wouldn't Hurt Having Strong A Female Lead Near His Age), Thomas In a StraightJacket, Bill and Wyatt more Relevant, Liam? Well I would rather have him gone but whatever, Finn is Fine, BTW whatever happened with Shauna and Flo?

    5 minutes ago, Noel said:

    Tee hee. Nah, I just think he's written like this to serve some kind of purpose. Before you know it, he'll be SORASd and turn into a dumb ass too. 😄

    I HOPE NOT! That Shows Time-line is messed up enough as it is, Have you noticed that Hope is Older Than Steffy who's older than Thomas when it was supposed to be the other way around?

  7. 14 hours ago, ranger1rg said:

    I agree -- both Susan and Ava have long outlived any usefulness on this show. I cannot believe the crap we're being subjected to with this clown crap and guns being pulled all over the place. It's so bad that I have no words.

    They write Susan Off back to England or Something, Ava Should Go to Jail for a Long Time, They should have her Set Up And Shipped off to Prison, So When and if she comes back she'll have an actual storyline to play

    6 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

     it could lead to EJelle starting an affair again. 


  8. 8 hours ago, sheilaforever said:

    What time period of B&B was aired in 1999? Did they continue with 1988 or did they choose more current stuff?

    Gee I Don't know, that's all I've ever got of the 1999 Airing, the Original One By Promos I could distinguish they began showing from the beginning, but on The 1999 Showing That vid is all I've ever been able to see. 

  9. 1 hour ago, janea4old said:

    Thomas did something that nobody but the viewers knew about (until Douglas figured it out)....  

    Thomas made an anonymous phonecall to CPS (Child Protective Services) claiming that Thomas was a danger to Douglas, and the reason was Thomas waving the apple knife around threateningly, or something like that.

    There is voice-changing app which is a fun toy thing on Douglas' phone.

    Thomas used that voice-changing-device-toy to change Thomas' voice into Brooke's voice, and made a recording.  He apparently set things up so that if CPS checked their records for a recording of the phonecall, they would listen and hear Brooke's voice. 

    Thomas set it up to make it look like Brooke reported him. Then Ridge and Thomas asked a friend who works for CPS to tell them who made the anonymous phonecall.  CPS isn't allowed to disclose who makes reports, but this employee broke the rules and played the recording for Ridge and Thomas, which had Brooke's voice.

    Thomas did this to make Brooke look bad to Ridge or something.  Ridge tells himself the rationale that he cannot tell Brooke that he got the CPS employee to play the recording -- because that could cause the CPS employee to lose his job.  Nobody but Ridge, Thomas, and the CPS employee know about the recording.

    Ridge got mad at Brooke and demanded that she confess what she did.  But of course Ridge didn't tell Brooke what he thinks she did. He simply said "I know what you did and I demand that you confess it" or something like that.  Brooke has no clue what this about (STUPID STORYLINE) -- so of course she can't confess to whatever it is.   Brooke wouldn't/couldn't tell Ridge anything, so Ridge got mad at her, and then Ridge broke up with Brooke and slept with Taylor.

    A couple of episodes ago, Ridge told Eric and Steffy and Taylor that Brooke reported Thomas to CPS. But he didn't tell them he listened to the recording.  And Brooke *STILL* doesn't know that Ridge thinks she did this.  Brooke still has no clue why Ridge dumped her.

    And for weeks, nobody but the viewers knew that Thomas engineered the whole mess.

    Last week, Douglas figured out how to restore everything to his phone.  Douglas immediately figured out exactly what Thomas had done.

    Nine-year-old Douglas is smarter than all the other characters on the show.

    Douglas figured it out and confronted Thomas with the truth in the November 14th episode.  Thomas told Douglas to keep his mouth shut.



    Today November 21, Douglas decided to tell Steffy everything and he plays back the recording on the app (altered and unaltered versions) to her.

    If you can't see the youtube, here is some of that clip on twitter:


    I LOVE He Trusted In Her! 

  10. 23 minutes ago, j swift said:

    A couple of years ago I re-watched the unaired pilot "The Vintage Years" (still can't believe they named Abby Dalton's character Dorcas).

    I marveled at the idea that the wine industry could've made for a perfect seasonal arc. You have the planting and harvesting periods, the annual release of that year's vintage, and the reviews.  It was a literally organic structure for each season's arc.  If you've ever read the background of Maison Duboeuf's Beaujolais Nouveau, you'll know there's tons of intrigue there.  Somewhere along the way writers felt that horse racing and international spies were necessary when, in fact, they already had a reliable formula.

    BTW, I already know that Dorcas was one of Jesus's disciples.  But, nobody names one kid Emma and the other one Dorcas without some negative consequences...

    LOL Yes! I remember laughting anytime someone Called Abby/Julia Dorcas

    43 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    Agree. It went from wealthy Waltons in modern day California wine country in season 1, to a Dallas with grapes/James Bond hybrid in seasons 2-4, then a Dallas with grapes/Miami Vice hybrid in season 5 (if you can't beat the new hotness, might as well join it), a high-octane action-packed thrill ride in seasons 6 and 7, and off the rails plus budget mode in seasons 8 and 9. 

    Any show that's focused on family/business conflicts was going to draw comparisons to Dallas, but the James Bond and Miami Vice elements were not needed.

    The mentally ill members of the main family and guest stars in short arcs were elements used on Empire 30+ years later.

    Falcon Crest may not have been a pop culture phenomenon, but I think its place in television history is that of being Jane Wyman's late career comeback that pretty much overlapped with her ex-husband's presidency. The first episode December 4, 1981 was 318 days after Reagan took office, and the final episode May 17, 1990 was 1 year 117 days after Reagan left office.

    Thanks! It's Just a Pity ThaT Despite Falcon Crest Having Some BIG Guest Stars, Usually the were misused, or the storylines planned for them Were Scrapped

  11. 45 minutes ago, janea4old said:

    That scene is up in HD on the CBS youtube channel, which is only viewable from within USA unless you have a VPN:

    It's also on the B&B facebook page at this link
    (You might have be logged into facebook but you don't have to be on a friends/followers list)

    And same clip on twitter

    That's really all they showed of Hope in the showstopper ... Most of the fashion show featured other models.


    Oh What A Pity she looks great, I saw some little scenes but thought something was missing, But Thank You Though!! At least I get to see it

  12. 4 hours ago, sheilaforever said:

    Thanks for sharing. Judging by the clips this is from Fall 1994

    How very cool. I had read remarks that B&B aired in Brazil but never knew about the time frame. They aired it late at night at 10.30 pm? Interesting
    I guess the Telenovela industry is just too big and there is no other major market which would pay for the portuguese dubbing. However, I can't think of a mjor spanish market for B&B either despite that it is simulcast in Spanish in the US since 2001. It just never clicked with Latin audiences I guess. As we all know, it's very popular in many French and English speaking foreign markets, though

    Yes During The Original Airing back in 1991-92, that's actually Prime Time Here, or used to be, It Aired After Manchete's Main Telenovela at the Time, I Have The feeling That The Unpopularity of "Amazonia" Contributed to the Low Ratings B&B got here though, as For The Second Airing on Rede Baideirantes in 1999 it Aired On the Afternoon, at 3 P.M., As shown on The 3rd Vid, Unfortunately it only lasted 4 months there

  13. I came across This and I Felt Like Sharing:

    Here Are A Few Promos and Clips Of When B&B Was Launched In here Brazil, I said A Few Times The Only 2 Soaps To Ever Be aired Here were Santa Barbara (1991 -92) and The Bold and The Beautiful (1991 - 92), With The Title "Paixão e Ódio" (Passion and Hate) but They Tried B&B again In 1999, in a Different Network! This Time with a more Translated Title (Belas e Intrépidas) which is basically the Bold and The Beautiful in portuguese

  14. 4 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    Other than Robert Foxworth and Dana Sparks i felt the main cast overall did a good job, but as @j swiftwas 

    In the case of Chase I do want to sympathize with him but Foxworth was socold and stark it made Chase unlikeable at the same time. 


    Bless him for not playing JR

  15. 19 minutes ago, j swift said:

    I feel like the acting was the major failure. 

    Lorenzo Lamas, Robert Foxworth, and Billy Moses were very wooden as the male leads.  Margaret Ladd and Abby Dalton lacked any sense of nuance and made a mockery of mental health issues, even though their characters were never given proper diagnoses.  Dana Sparks and Jamie Rose were underdeveloped.  And Cliff Robertson and Gregory Harrison seemed to sleep their way through scenes.

    The guest stars were laughable, from Gina Lolabrigida still trying to be sexy in her older years to Lana Turner whose face could no longer move, Cesar Romero still playing his character from Batman, and the well-past-their-prime Leslie Caron, Ursula Andreas, and Rod Taylor.  I would excuse Kim Novak, who was still an intriguing actress that was able to carry a very convoluted plot on her back.

    So, we're left with David Selby who was sexy, but could only really play intense, especially when compared Bill Devane. Susan Sullivan and Jane Wyman who were the obvious highlights.  Laura Johnson and Ana Alicia who had the capacity to be the leads, but got the raw end of the stick.  And Chao-li who never got his due.

    In comparison to Knots, or even Dallas, whose actors were able captivate an audience regardless of the writing, FC was just a cast of good looking people.

    The show was so Directionless, On Season 1 and early season 2 Emma was Cleary mentally ill, Suddenly after a short stay she was "normal", Julia's Insanity was justified by her several disappointments and frustrations, Abby did a decent Job, but Julia's Insanity was Suddenly diminished when she resurrected on Season 4, Jamie's Vicky had an Enormous Potential that was never fully explored, Dana Had a totally different vibe and while they seemed to try to explore her, she too fell through miserably, I blame The Production Problems and changes in Executives, The show never had a determined direction, it seemed to change every season

  16. 2 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I often wonder if Vanessa had stayed long term if she would have gotten played out or tired like Sonny.  Brenda is just such a 90's icon I wonder how it would have felt to watch her go back and forth between Sonny/Jax/Jason for years having multiple marriages/kids.  Brenda's iconic because she is rather illusive and could just pop anytime and cause chaos.

    If I were to define Days leading ladies I would definitely go Julie, Marlena, Hope, but as I said upthread Days had quite a few dynamic female leads that had their moments.

    I genuinely think Vanessa Marcil from the 90's/2000's is one of the most beautiful women in the world.  Even 90's fashion didn't do her wrong lol.  She's still gorgeous, but I am not a huge fan of some of her face work she's had done.

    To me SJB's Carly was the opposite of the it girl when she appeared.  She wanted to be adored like Brenda, Robin, even Liz but wasn't.  Marrying Sonny gave her a lot of cache and she one upped Brenda by actually getting Sonny to marry her.  Ever since then Carly has been the girl, but I don't think that's what the character was meant for.  Even if Brenda was a bad girl to begin with, she was always set up to be the pretty, rich, popular supermodel that guys fell for.  Even though SJB is gorgeous I think Carly was always supposed to be more plain and much less glamourous.  But obviously, early Carly and current Carly are barely the same character anymore.

    Marlena just really does endure.  I've loved her and John since day one when I was probably 8.  There is something really innocuously likable about Deidre Hall/Marlena.  She's pretty (but not too intimidatingly pretty), kind, warm, works well with a lot of characters and her love interests, and has gotten great stories.  What's not to like?  I think KA comes off much colder than DH, but is still likeable.  I also think Hope as a character was blessed/cursed with being locked in with Bo and lost direction when PR left.  Due to Marlena's family/job she stands on her own a little better.

    Marlene actually is one of The Few Character's to work out into more than one SuperCouple Pairing!

    1 hour ago, Dion said:

    I'd also add Valerie Starrett to that as Diana replaced Jessie as the lead central heroine in the early 70s (even taking Jessie's two love interests!), though after the Phil Brewer murder mystery wrapped up it seems Diana quickly began to peter out (pun somewhat intended lol) with the show finally getting a handle on what to do with Lesley and pushing her to the forefront. And then of course Starrett was eventually replaced as Diana by Brooke Bundy.

    Pity Bundy's Diana Was Only Central when she got murdered, She was a good Actress and Very beautiful as well

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