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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. 2 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    WTG, Steph!

    Give the pervy son of a bitch blue balls 😂😂 Hopefully, because Chad is the guy for you. 

    I am a little intrigued by Chad having to keep the secret about EJ kidnapping Tripp. That could be a good storyline 

    I wish they gave new Steph some time to settle on the story i feel like they're rushing too much and it usually means she'll be gone soon

  2. On 11/18/2022 at 11:50 AM, Marissa Gallant said:

    Best is John/Roman/Marlena. Honorable mention: not sure if it even counts, but Mac/Rachel/Janice.

    Worst is TJ and Sophia. Hands down. Started the worst year of SB. Honorable mention John and Felicia. 

    Assuming This Felicia is The One From GH, Who's this John?

  3. On 11/27/2022 at 9:50 PM, BoldRestless said:

    Some more "new" episodes from my VHS.


    October 16, 2000



    October 17, 2000


    Thanks! I'll love If The Full DIANE VS Nikki, Jill Vs Nikki and Ashley Vs Nikki Showed up! Some Epic Battles

  4. 18 hours ago, Wendy said:

    Per a Days site, Sarah Horton was born on the show on Christmas 1981. By 1990, she was around 16 or 17!

    She was greatly de-aged upon Linsey Godfrey assuming the role.

    Apparently, Carrie appeared on the show around 1981 as a 5-year-old (played by Andrea Barber, best known as Kimmy Gibbler on Full House). So, technically, Carrie has always been older than Sarah. But SORAS and de-SORAS messes with everything.

    She was originally 15/16 as the Actress who played her was born in 1974, her recast was a little older, Wikipedia Lists her as being born in 1968, But IMDB lists her and the recast actress as different People

    Now A Warning: don't get too excited About what might happen on old Soaps, I spent a good hour or 2 digging the episode When Alex Marshall Burned Anderson Manufacturing on Linda's orders, turns out it was his idea not hers and we didn't see the actual thing, only Tom and Alice's Reaction! 

    However I admit it was one of the most eventful New Year Episodes I've Ever Seen!

  5. Thanks to all those who enrich the vault! today i finally got to see Margo's 2002 Guest Appearence (I Saw her last episode from 1992 not that long ago on Youtube and was sorry that she wouldn't come back), and The Brooke/Stephanie Showdown after RJ was born, Then Brooke wonders why Stephanie never liked her lol, So Thanks To Whoever Uploaded It!

  6. Now we can watch It First Hand, Katie Reduced to A Mere Plot Device, I Felt So Sorry for Nancy Sloan, spending nearly 10 years like The Live In Nanny. I Mean Couldn't they think of something to do with her? A Romance, a simple storyline, a career, I'm prett sure it would've been a welcome change in a show that constantly recycled the same stories and Had To do a Super SORAS on Brooke's Kids to add drama! Not saying she was super talented but then most actors on the show weren't, i believe i saw her on DOOL and she did a pretty decent job.

    BTW This had me Thinking, By 2008 All Logans BUT Brooke were Recast,  This meant a lot of DESoras on them including Brooke! Let's see Sloan is from 1965 and Katie was initially 16, Tom is 10 years younger i feel her Katie is from Around '77? DeVry is from '68, Storm was initially the oldest, not sure about this one, Carrie Mitchum is from 1965, Donna was Initially 18, I feel Gareis was given around the same age, but more recently i feel like they have her as being from 1972, on Beth Logan has Baldwin was from 43, Burnett from 46 and Riker from 52 that makes Both Beth and Brooke Considerably Younger, and P. Duffy as Steven Too, it's quite interesting

  7. 53 minutes ago, Taoboi said:



    Wait, wait, WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nate purposely stood Elena up to talk continuously with VICTORIA. The same Elena that he confessed his takeover plan that got him kicked out of the company over??? That Elena. Chiiiidle.




    HELL-HO, DANIEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was looking FOINE!!! 

    I think he's turning into a precocious silver fox

  8. 7 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Well, I don't know if I would say Godfrey was the best thing to happen to Sarah, but she happened lol.  

    I am not really sure why no one brought Sarah back earlier.  I could see her fitting easily into the JER Sami/Carrie/Austin/Lucas/Mike group or being brought back instead of Maggie having the insta daughter Summer.  Either writers had no interest or didn't do the research.  Regardless, I do think Sarah was a pretty blank slate despite her early run.  

    They could've Re-Teenage her in the late 1990's like they did with Brooke's Daughter on AMC lol

    11 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    instead of Maggie having the insta daughter Summer.

    LOL I had to research talk about a forgettable, pointless and Non Developed Character, Summer was there for less than A month, and has since died, Ron Knows no limits 

  9. 58 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I do remember the movie now that you mention it lol.  Thanks!  Was this during a time with a lot of backstage upheaval?  This story seems to make little sense and goes nowhere really unless we always knew it was tied to Lawrence, but I doubt it.  I mostly just remember RoJohn/Carrie fighting about it a lot.

    I don't think so?  Someone who was watching at the time would have to tell you what they thought.  I have only seen clips.  She didn't seem especially popular and was recast.  Sarah is most famous for pretending to have an affair with Neil before she knew he was her bio dad, so I think her character was a catalyst for that story pretty much.  Ill-defined and totally unmemorable is how I would describe her.   She and re-cast Melissa left town with a whimper, so I think it's safe to say the character wasn't working.

    Thanks! Now I begin to understand why I didn't have a clue about her early years before, or Coming To Alice's Funeral Like Melissa, I guess Linsey Godfrey was the best thing to ever happen to the character after All

  10. 5 hours ago, Dion said:

     I think Carrie was supposed to be slightly older (at least in 1990) because I remember them being candystripers together in the hospital and being interested in the same boy, Chad. And I distinctly remember Sarah saying to Chad that he was probably more interested in Carrie because Carrie was older. But then of course they wrote out Carrie (and Chad), recast Sarah with an older actress (which kind of gave Sarah a bit of a bump in age too, though she was still a teen) and tried to pair her with Michael Easton's Tanner before writing her out.


    3 hours ago, carolineg said:

    Thanks! You are probably right.  After I wrote the reply I doubted myself about Carrie being younger or older thinking at the end of Sarah's run she was younger. I assumed the recast of Sarah aged her a bit.  I went off Christie's Carrie and the stories Sarah subsequently played while Carrie was off canvas with Anna and I thought Carrie was too young to set up an affair with Neil or be paired with Tanner.  Then again, Carrie seemed to be aged when she came back as Tracy Middendorf and was teased with Lawrence, so it's possible Carrie was still older and when CC returned she was playing a version of Carrie that was slightly older than her own age.

    I couldn't recall if the show said it not nor do I remember this Chad lol.  I thought both girls liked Emilio's younger brother.  So it's probably more accurate to say Sarah was around Carrie's age (maybe a year younger), but not as young as Sami.  It actually would have been nice for Carrie to have a female friend around her own age like Sarah in the 90's.  Carrie had friends, but I always felt they were older than her.  

    I'm no DOOL expert but Was Teen Sarah Popular?? Did She Actually have a personality/Storylines or was She Like Poor Katie Logan from B&B on the 1990's?

  11. 6 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    They got old.

    I'm sure ABC would have liked to have dropped both of them, but knew the bad press wouldn't be worth it.

    The Hilarious thing is Erica Got "Old" but her age was never addressed, and with the Kendall recast, she was heavily DeAged, Her birth year Became around 1960, and Lucci really made a good Job looking younger at least until the end of the show, I think they just thought Everything already happened to Erica, and she got her Emmy so, Why Bother? As for Sleazak, well She Still got a heavy presence on the show until it's end, including Emmy Nominations in the later years, they just lost the main Focus

  12. 8 hours ago, carolineg said:

    She was a teenager in 1990-1991, so technically no.  Sarah did have stories as a teen before Linsey played her and was de-aged by quite a bit from her actual birth on the show and especially the 1990 SORASing.  Sarah should be a few years older than Carrie.

    Oh thanks, that's interesting, weird they waited nearly 30 years to use her again, nor tried bringing her for Alice's funeral like a few others

  13. 8 hours ago, Forever8 said:

    Let's bring on Matt and Dolly Skillbeck - Nope

    Let's bring on a grown-up Samuel Skillbeck with his own family who will give Victoria some family - Nope. 

    Let's bring on a young adult Jean Tate - Who? 

    Another Dingle relation - Well of course 


    Are there any Sugdens left in the world?

  14. On 11/26/2022 at 1:41 AM, All My Shadows said:

    I've been rewatching a few discs from the Region 1 DVD box set of 70s episodes over the last two or so weeks and really immersing myself in all things classic Corrie again. I'm really considering splurging on a universal DVD player and ponying up the cash to by the bigger 80-episode box sets released by Network. Y'all think it would be worth it? Do those DVD players actually work as they're supposed to?

    Sounds Amazing! If you ever get to scam and have it on computer archive I would just love a copy, I would buy so many things if they were available where I live, This, The Brother (1972 -77) and General Hospital (1972 - 79) are among my most ambitioned NETWORK releases, oh and The Doctors Site, well I'm talking too much, I also wonder if the Corrie Box is Worthy It, I would like to watch early episodes with Patricia Shakesby, Whom I Loved on War and Peace (1972) and Howard's Way (1985 - 91), IN good quality 

  15. Is Linsey Godfrey As Sarah Horton A Recast??? I read about Sarah's Conception in 1981 via Artificial Insemination, and found it interesting and surprisingly Ahead of it's time, But Godfrey is 7 years younger than that, and only came on 2018, Did Sarah ever been played by another "Adult" Actress? By the 1970's Standards DOOL Was The SORAS champion way worse than B&B, but I wonder about the 1980's/90's

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