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Posts posted by janea4old




    He tweeted that he was adjusting to being released.  People felt bad for him and tweeted support. Then he backtracked and said he was referring to the 2018 release from contract status.



    15 hours ago, FrenchFan said:

    Doug Davidson had been off contract since September 2018


    He said in Sept 2018 that he'd been released from contract in January 2018.  Or maybe he was told in Jan 2018 that his contract would not be renewed.  

    I remember that the closing credits were behind on some (but not all) of the contract changes.


  2. Here's the whole podcast that DaytimeConfidential is quoting.
    Someone from the BBC briefly interviews two B&B fans (including Matt Hanvey) to ask about the show.

    The interviewer spent two weeks observing the cast and crew and talks about what she observed regarding COVID protocols. 

    There is a lot of Bradley Bell speaking throughout the podcast
    Bradley talks about his family, how he began to write.  He talks about B&B actors using their real-life spouses or significant others as body doubles for kissing. (There is a Steffy spoiler implied).
    He said they didn't use Kelly Kruger (Darin Brooks' wife) as a Flo double because Kelly is home with a baby and didn't want do it. So in the Flo/Wyatt scenes, Darin Brooks is kissing a doll/mannequin but Katrina Bowden is kissing her husband.

    The part about using a doll or dolls in a storyline is something Bradley mentions at the end -- but it's not the focus of the podcast.  He says they found real-life skilled artisans in LA who can make mannequins that could look amazingly like anyone -- and he implied that B&B hired them to make a doll or dolls to be used in that new storyline.

  3. Lynda Hirsch makes some errors.

    Last week on her gossip page, she said that Frank Valentini married his 16-year boyfriend in the Hamptons.  But of course it was Ron Carlivati, not Frank.

    Last week on her soap summaries page, she said that for DAYS, when Abigail returns to Salem she'll think that Chad is attracted to Ben. (It should say Gwen, not Ben).

    And this week for B&B, she talked about Thorne and Brooke -- when it was supposed to be Ridge and Brooke.

  4. 11 minutes ago, jcar03 said:

    I put the Becoming B&B thing as a special but then he posted the first new episode as 8321 so I assumed it was July 20th.  {hits head on table}.  Thanks for letting me know.


    Yes Casey K. clarified:
    Tues July 21st and Wed July 22nd were filmed before the pandemic shutdown,.
    (Episodes #8319 and #8320)
    They were new to the viewers, but filmed before the pandemic break.

    Thurs July 23 and Fri July 24 were filmed after the break.
    (Episodes #8321 and #8322) so they were the first totally new ones

    That's why he tweeted out that picture of a CD with #8321 written on it.


    7 minutes ago, jcar03 said:

    I had used SOC.  I was trying to update Y&R and I was able to figure that out.



    I have a list of all the Y&R classics episodes that aired in 2020 -- and the discrepancies between what the press releases said was the original airdates ... and what was the *actual* original airdate.

    -- and whether it is posted with correct date on cbs.com or not.

    I don't have time now, but I'll post it tomorrow on the Y&R classic epis thread.


    I have a partial list of the B&B Classics with any original airdate discrepancies. (april, may, and part of June).. I didn't have time to organize the rest of June and July.


    Eva Longoria was featured in several classic episodes of Y&R this summer as the villain character Isabella Braña.

    She is doing the first speech to introduce the start of the Democratic Convention Mon Aug 17th at 9pm Eastern Daylight Time.
    Most of the convention will be virtual.


    schedule for the week:


    The parts that are 9-11pm EDT Mon-Thurs will be televised.


    How to watch the convention:

  6. 17 minutes ago, jcar03 said:

    April 27th - Becoming Bold and Beautiful mini-documentary (considered ep #8319)

    April 28th - Becoming Bold and Beautiful mini-documentary (considered ep #8320)


    Becoming Bold and Beautiful mini-documentary is considered to be a separate series and not part of B&B.  It's a documentary *about* B&B.  It was entered separately into the Emmys in a different category.


    Per tweets from producer  Casey Kasprzyk:


    Part one is "episode 101 of Becoming Bold and Beautiful".

    Part two is "episode 102 of Becoming Bold and Beautiful".

    last new regular B&B epi before the break:
    Thursday, April 23, 2020 #8318


    Monday July 20, 2020 is the recap episode.

    Casprzyk says this is episode #8318A.

    Casprzyk says Tues July 21st  is #8319.

    Wed July 22nd #8320

    Thurs July 23 #8321

    Fri July 24 #8322


    When people asked about this on twitter and he explained it, he indicated that he loved that people wanted specific episode number info.



    ^ That was July 31st.





    But meanwhile on July 27th ...








    Steve Burton and Bradford Anderson did a facebook Live on Aug 13 and when somebody asked them about KM, they replied that KM is back working.
    On the same day, Lindsay Hartley tweeted and instagrammed "Thank you generalhospitalabc for the fortunate experience to play Sam, and especially during this moment in time. 🙏🏻 It was a fun ride."

  8. 5 hours ago, GLATWT88 said:

    Sorry if this has already been answered, but why did LH have to sub for KM? Is KM a Trump-y or is there some other motivation for not wearing a mask? I would have expected some others on the show to refuse wearing a mask. 


    KM's mother tweeted that KM had trouble using the mask, and that she has claustrophobia.  The show didn't make a statement.  KM didn't make a statement.  It was only tweets from her mother.


    But the pandemic has been around for months and she never got used to wearing a mask? What? 

  9. On 8/15/2020 at 8:25 AM, yrfan1983 said:

    Clips 48a/48b were uploaded last night. Fyi the full episode titled “Victor, Paul and Andy rescue Nikki from Rick Daros” is available for viewing at the Museum of TV/Paley in NYC, and I watched it there a few years ago. Much of the episode is not included in these clips… here’s my recollection:


    The ep begins with Traci having a flashback of a conversation she had with Jack. Jack confesses that he had Tim Sullivan investigated, and discovered that Tim’s ex-protegee had accused him of sexual harassment.
    Traci then meets up with Amy at the college café and explains the situation. Traci fully believes in Tim’s innocence but wants to find this woman to ask her why she would make such an unfounded accusation. Amy is concerned and offers to go along with Traci, but Traci says no.
    There’s a couple of scenes of Traci going around town trying to find this lady. Once she finds her, this scene is included in 48a, and we see that her story shakes Traci’s confidence in Tim.


    Meanwhile, Amy meets up with Jazz for a date. Amy isn’t interested romantically in Jazz – she’s just being friendly and polite. Jazz is very nervous and is trying to seem more educated/sophisticated. Amy tells him to just relax and be himself. Jazz drops Amy off at home. Jazz starts to leave but runs smack into Amy’s dad Frank, who gives Jazz a stern warning about getting involved with Amy.


    Oooh thank you for the recap.  This is a great to know about ... in leading up to the Classic episode that was aired (during "Emmy Winners Week") on Mon June 22, 2020 -- Originally Aired: Jun 27, 1984, where Traci attempts suicide. 

  10. On 8/8/2020 at 2:50 PM, Chris B said:

    And aren’t Nicole and Zende married?! How is he back and she’s not a central part of it? Even if you divorce them you need her there to resolve the story. 


    On 8/8/2020 at 7:48 AM, sheilaforever said:

    Im still not sold that we will actually SEE Maya and/or Nicole on-screen. We had such spoilers before...


    I agree that Bradley was vague and non-committal.


    Brad Bell gave his preview in the SOD issue that was on sale at the end of July.
    On Aug 11th, Digest released the exact same article on their website here:


    You can see how he doesn't really state it clearly at all. 


    The interviewer asked if there was "any chance" we will see Nicole or any of the other Avants.
    Brad Bell replied yes to that question.

    Like ... yes there's a chance we'll see them.

    He said we "can" see Nicole, Maya.

    He didn't say we "will" see them.

    He said the Avant family will be "making appearances" throughout the fall.


    Zende and Nicole are not mentioned in the same paragraph as one another.  It's odd.


    This is what is said about Zende:
    Bell says that B&B is launching into another chapter with Zoe, with Carter in the mix. Actor Delon de Metz is coming as a recast Zende.  Brad Bell says that B&B is building a great core group to tell some drama. There is a great business storyline coming up with Zende in the mix. There is a new "Forrester Boutique" set.










    You can see in the upper right corner "2 of 4",  "3 of 4", "4 of 4"


    So therefore "1 of 4" must be B&B, but I haven't seen the B&B one yet.


    I wonder what B&B chose for their cover?

    The Days, GH, and Y&R covers promote what each show uses as its primary couple.


    If Susan Flannery were still acting, the B&B cover would be Eric and Stephanie.



    Note Sony tweeting out the Y&R and Days covers.

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