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Posts posted by lucaslesann23

  1. 8 minutes ago, dio said:

    lmao, is that "mysterious" lawyer Devon keeps talking about gonna be Hillary's doppelganger? How incredibly dumb, if so. 🤣



    i never liked Kyle in any of his iterations. He just never felt fully realized, and MM's acting has always been lacking. I did find Summer being his "weakness" his only redeeming quality and an interesting foil, and then they killed that so it's like whatever. LOL Anyway, the way all these characters are treating Zoe like trash has me feeling for her. 

    For MIM do we know who caved first because i do not see sony giving her the raise

  2. 20 minutes ago, VanessaReardon said:

    I’m still laughing that McDaniel wasn’t replaced. LOL. She had the most important job at CBS Daytime and then got  told BYE BYE. You’re gone and your job is gone. What did she do all day???? Sit in an office and Sharpen pencils? 

    she decided to add her life story into YR as Lola. 
    forced writers to write for her Muse and her muses family.

  3. 7 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    I do hope this is just a Cristal Jennings recast and not a whole new Cristal again altogether; that would be overkill. I do remember Alonso being that god-awful Pilar recast on ATWT in 2004; hopefully like her predecessor Roselyn Sanchez (of Without a Trace and Devious Maids fame) she has achieved acting ability. 


    The third season premiere has already been spoiled here at the link below lol, apparently the big secrect the show is holding back on at the moment is on who the new Alexis is. Hopefully S3 will be be better than S2, the Ada story was just very strange and detrimental to the show. 





    i hope its good two. Always love the soaps but sheesh

  4. 1 hour ago, dio said:

    the way all the characters on the show within her age group are treating Zoe like ish they stepped in, tho realistic, is very off-putting (to me, towards them) and is making me kind of root for her... like, Lola is supposed to be this amazing, sweet person but she always treats Zoe like a nuisance. Same thing with Mariah and Tess... none of these people know this girl, but they all treat her like they don't want to and Summer always commenting on how she's such a wannabe... I hope whatever plan she has for them all goes off without a hitch. What a bunch of a-holes. 

    I like zoe too. Its really nice that finally someone realises not every YR women has to be some heroine. I prefer these type of characters summer was more exciting last year even with that stupid billy story. I miss old kyle too.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Fevuh said:

    It’s all good talk.  Good stuff.  Go save the show AdamNewManFan - can’t wait to see it.  Show has crashed and burned in an awful way.  God I love sports and lifetime movies.  Always something better to watch

    I just dont get ranting about a ahow you claim not too watch. If you really only watch a minute a week go talk about that not ranting and raving about a genre you claim to have abandoned. Am i wrong,?

  6. 1 hour ago, soapfan770 said:

    Actually glad to see Angelica McDaniel go the way of her predecessors Barbara Bloom and Lucy Johnson. Even better yet, like Mary Alice Dwyer-Dobbin(remember the MADD one?) at P&G her position is pretty much eliminated altogether. Micromanaging meddlesome exec's, whether it was Johnson or McDaniel at CBS, MADD with P&G, John Rohrbeck, Susan Lee, and Sheraton Kalouria at NBC, or Angela Shapiro and Brian Frons at ABC are all that helped kill the daytime soaps with their very short-sighted and self-fulfilling agendas. 


    McDaniel's support has always been suspect; championing the work of MAB, Pratt, and then pushing the Rosales family in to replace the Winters were all horrible. She will not be missed. ABC and NBC haven't had any specific daytime exec for years; the CBS daytime lineup, while ailing, will be fine without one. Sad to say, unless their are extremely drastic changes I just don't see the current CBS Daytime lineup existing in its current form beyond 2021.


    Unlike GL which is the only soap I considered that really did die of natural causes as opposed to the typical shocking cancellation, Y&R and B&B still have a lot of life left in them but it would actually take a lot of drastic change, focus, talent, energy and even perhaps a change in format & delivery to save them, something I just don't see happening either unfortunately. 

    I think YR might get pratt again for their next writer. He did get the ratings up. 

  7. 11 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    Things like the Lola/Rosales mandate will be gone, but Sony isn't gonna just let them have at it. If anything this gives Sony more power going forward since they won't have someone at CBS who cares to fight them. I know in the past I've heard of them fighting over the new HW. I believe CBS was trying to get Kay Alden/Sally Sussman when Pratt was hired, but JFP went over the heads to Sony and got Pratt. I may not be 100% on that but I know there were similar fights like that. Also, with LML and MAB.

    thats correct. I belive JG almost got the job when pratt was hired too but JFP didn't want to work with him.
    I hope Steve kent goes soon because oretty much all the past HWs have been his buddies and he decides who comes back IE: Victoria Rowell 

  8. 15 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

    More Spoilers Eve tries to convince Vivian to speak to Stefan on her behalf.ED50tHaX4AUPfIG?format=jpg&name=small Eve tries to convince Vivian to speak to Stefan on her behalf.ED5z49TX4AAI0xU?format=jpg&name=smallEric breaks up with Sarah.ED5zpNQWsAE8Tat?format=jpg&name=smallJack and Jennifer are crushed by an unexpected setback. ED5zUz9XkAQbuuP?format=jpg&name=900x900Vivian gives unsolicited advice to Sarah. ED5ydi-WkAI0Ni-?format=jpg&name=900x900Kayla and Jennifer are shocked by a grisly arrival.ED5glKMWwAAmzyk?format=jpg&name=900x900Hope reveals to Doug heartbreaking news about Julie.ED5gBEnXUAAdkig?format=jpg&name=900x900


  9. 3 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    Agree 😊


    I wonder if the Victor illness is written to accommodate some real life issues EB may be experiencing. He is always seated and on Mon ep, is briefly shown walking and seems unsteady (although this could be Victor's illness). I remember at one point last year he was literally reading his lines in some eps and then he had that long leave...

    Not trying to stir things up, but just wondering...

    hmmm maybe but he seems to be in really good shape irl. He still works out alot and is healthy so maybe hes just walking slow to add to the effect.

  10. Just now, victoria foxton said:

    As bad as Days looks. It's still looks better than Peapack era GL. Even though i'm sick of the same couple of sets. Days reminds me of pre Peapack GL. HTS is the Main Street of Salem/Days. But i do think somewhere down the line it will look as bad. At least ATWT never looked as bad as either Days or GL. During it's rough last yrs on the air. 

    GL made me so sad. Filming with cam corders in 7/11s

  11. 12 minutes ago, dio said:

    the dumbo twist is probably that Victoria killed Delia, knew the entire time, and kept it on the dl. They are clearly trying to drum up something with Chloe + Billy with this whole "I'm the only one that understands him and can halp him!!!!" bs, and I'm sure we will find out in a "shockingggg!!!" revelation that Bella's Billy's kid.


    and Kevin/Micheal are gonna be the new villains of the show, once Adam is declawed and welcomed back into the bosom of the family - because they all only hated him because he killzzord that kid, rite?! 🙄



    IF that happens are we gonna get a chilly fling?

  12. 7 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Here's my question: if Y&R is going to do what I THINK it's going to do and retcon Delia's death so that Adam is not the one who killed her, who will end up being the real culprit?  Is that why Billy suddenly has a split personality?  Are we about to learn that Billy, and not Adam, was responsible?

    ima say nikki.lol because iirc JG had her driving down that road in a black SUV that same night

    14 minutes ago, dio said:

    lmao, they're gonna need to do more than retcon Delia's murder. Adam was doing awful ish long before he killed that kid. 🙄

    there gonna need to explain why hes acting like an asshat.
    did he hit his head when he blew up? brain tumor. What. 

  13. 5 minutes ago, Khan said:


    This is an unpopular opinion, to be sure, but I really believe DAYS would be better off gone.  NBCUniversal/Comcast has slashed the budget so much -- and you know that if it is renewed, they'll just slash it even more.  Hope DAYS fans love the Blue Room, because it will be the only set you will ever see.  The ONLY set.  And they won't even bother redecorating for each new scene anymore.  You'll just have to take the show's word for it that you're in a completely different location.



    Well, I've always assumed that one reason why ATWT and GL never had crossover events was due to the fact that the shows didn't run back-to-back in all major markets.  That was especially true when CAPITOL was on the air, and maybe even SFT before then.

    days will be filming 12 months in advance. ugh it will be bad. 
    pretty soon it will be like guiding lights final years.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Khan said:


    No, I always figured the final four would be B&B and Y&R on CBS, and GH and AMC on ABC, with NBC out of the soap race entirely.  (Remember, this was back when Jeff Zucker was still in charge at the Peacock network, and he seemed DETERMINED to make NBC Daytime one long "Today" block).  OLTL was never in anyone's "final four."  Even when that show had its' highest ratings during the late '70's and early '80's, it still was seen as ABCD's red-headed stepchild, a placeholder between AMC and GH.  Which is why AMC's cancellation, rather than OLTL's, took literally everyone by surprise.

    Oh yes jeff "days wont live past 2009" Zucker. 

  15. 2 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    Maybe for actors who qualify as "Show Hoppers" but CLJ was no "Show Hopper", he's only ever done two roles in soaps that I can think of, Michael Baldwin and Kirk McColl and he's remembered quite well for both roles.  One role, he's still in and the other, where he acted opposite two Oscar winners (Marisa Tomei and Julianne Moore).  To exorcise that from people's, particularly soap fans' (who remember everything! LOL) memories could be quite challenging.  It was bizarre enough to see him alongside Eileen Fulton as Michael Baldwin.  People talked about it a lot when it happened and it was distracting. 

    Reminds me of michael eason doing a million new roles on GH 😂

  16. 4 minutes ago, Khan said:


    Not necessarily.  I mean, I agree wholeheartedly with what you're saying here, don't get me wrong.  However, someone else would argue that the list of actors who have appeared on a given soap in separate, unrelated roles is lengthy.


    Again, though, ICAM.  It was odd -- VERY odd -- to see Christian J. LeBlanc on ATWT as someone other than Kirk.  (Thank God Ron Carlivati wasn't the HW, though, or else someone would have made some 'Gee, you look sooooo familiar' type of remark.)



    God only knows why.  It's not as if the DAYS of 2019 is recognizable to anyone who's watched the show for more than a few years.

    Right. You ask someone years ago what the final four be and most say YR BB GH and one life. Not days. 

    2 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    I admit to not knowing much about Days since the only experience I have as a viewer is briefly when I had roommates that used to watch when I was in college but I think that Days hanging in there may also have something to do with it being the last remaining soap on that network. 

    I think so few are left that if one goes away now, it would be highly noticeable and I don't think that any of these networks want the type of backlash that ABC got after dumping AMC and OLTL where the two replacement shows "The Chew" and "The Revolution" met with a lot of resistance.  "The Revolution" in particular, flopped spectacularly. 

    Any show that might replace Days could conceivably go the way of "The Revolution".  I'm not sure that's a risk the network is willing to take, at least, not right now.

    My thoughts exactly. Some seem to think days will not get renewed next year but i think it will be fine for atleast this year.  

  17. 2 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    The perfect time to have begun to do these types of cross-overs would have been early-mid 1990s, come to think of it when both shows were kind of searching for their identities, especially at the beginning of the whole OJ Simpson saga and trial when soaps were truly trying to cling to their viewers to compete with the circus of the arrest, trial and aftermath. 

    I don't believe the soaps really launched a serious fight for ratings with some compelling stories.  The mid 1990s, starting in '94  were sort of a drab time for both shows, artistically and creatively.  The talented cast were still there but the writing just wasn't. 

    Now soaps just are fighting to stay alive.


    I am impressed with days i would never have thought that one would have made it to thr final four

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