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Posts posted by lucaslesann23

  1. 7 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:
    • Jack accuses Eve of trashing the hospital lab
    • Maggie confronts Victor about attacking Ben
    • Rafe eagerly awaits news about baby David
    • Jordan returns to Salem
    • Gabi gets into it with Julie
    • Jennifer is held against her will
    • Ben and Ciara are shocked when they discover Jordan’s been released
    • Jennifer’s captor is revealed
    • Jennifer tries to make contact with Jack
    • Will eavesdrops on Stefan and Vivian                                                                                                                                                                                      EEXEWMHXoAAp01s?format=jpg&name=900x900EEX6WSoXoAIT4yQ?format=jpg&name=smallEEW8stAX4AAvqj8?format=jpg&name=360x360EEW8s4NXoAcUKrM?format=jpg&name=360x360                                                              EEW8uADWwAALO7J?format=jpg&name=360x360EEW8vmEXYAAVVlK?format=jpg&name=360x360EEW8utFWsAEv1a3?format=jpg&name=360x360giphy.gif

    wow YR and Days both look great this week!

  2. 6 minutes ago, xtr said:


    Mal had his faults including that super long boring, JT storyline. But IMO, he wrote the young people (with an exception being Summer) way better than Josh is doing. Underneath Mal of the young people were actually interesting and viable, including the young men. Josh is writing this young set very poorly. Lola actually got even worse underneath Josh and the young men are not written well.

    its weird because in 2012-2013 he wrote them fine! with the cyber bullying story. Etc.

  3. 16 minutes ago, xtr said:


    I think this may not end too well for Theo. I don't know if they will make a him a bad guy or just have him do a bunch of random stuff. Until they ultimately write him off. They really should have just kept Ana and had him do the mentor storyline with her. Instead of throwing him in this storyline with Tessa/Mariah that's going to probably be lopsided in their favor. 


    I think that Theo had potential and they should have written him differently. But they used him for boring Kyle/Lola angst. And now they are throwing him into a storyline with Mariah/Tessa, when they IMO, they should have just kept Ana for him to interact with. I would have rather watched an Ana/Theo storyline and/or an Ana/Theo/Summer triangle than this stuff with Mariah/Tessa. They are wasting yet another young man on this story.

    I dont think mal should ever be a HW again but maybe a consultant just for the young people stories

  4. 3 minutes ago, xtr said:


    Yeah, I actually thought that Tessa jumped to conclusion a little by suggesting he was hitting on her, after he complimented her. Now granted he did say he was attacted to her/mentioned he was hitting on her. However, his initial comment about her being beautiful and talented was not inappropriate. And I don't think he would have even mentioned or confirmed hitting on her had she not brought it up. I think he's trying to undermine Mariah and maybe trying to use Tessa in whatever plan he has for Mariah regarding Power Communications. He already broached the subject of Tessa's career a few days ago with Mariah, when he asked about it. And Mariah mentioned she was exclusively managing Tessa's career. I think that Theo mainly wants to try and remove Mariah from running Power and take over. That's why he's interacting with Tessa, trying to get a role in managing her career.



    Im interested in how this plays out. finally everythings not so boring

  5. 13 minutes ago, Cruising Soaps said:

    I've been pleasantly surprised with Y&R and B&B lately.  The fast forward button has not been used in awhile with the exception of all things Devon/Elena.  ZZZzzz

    Yeah YR had a good week. And bold. 

    Josh killed off victor in 08 too right?

  6. 6 minutes ago, xtr said:

    It was not bad as that tweet is suggesting. Theo told Tessa she was talented and beautiful after he brought up that she should be athe main act on a tour. Tessa then jumped the the conclusion he was hitting on her and said she was gay. Theo then said he didn't believe in label, admitted that he was hitting on her. And flirted with her. Theo was being flirty more than anything and may have been trying to butter up her to one up Mariah. He did not say he wanted to change her.


    The show seems to be all over the place when it comes to Theo and his motivations for doing things. I'm not sure what exactly he's trying to do with Tessa/Mariah, but I believe he may be trying to undermine/get over on Mariah to take her position in Powers Communications. I'm not even sure he really wants Tessa like that. He'has never hit on her or shown romantic interest in her prior to today's show. He's actually been all about Summer in spite of his antics. 


    I don't like the writing for him right now and once again the show is messing up the writing for a male character in that mid 20's to early 30's set. This show needs more viable male characters in that group, but for some reason they keep messing over men in that group. (Noah, Fen, Theo). Theo should not have been used mostly as angst for Lola and now doing whatever they are trying to do with him Tessa/Mariah. Which will probably end up amounting to much. This could also be an attempt to give Tessa/Mariah another story but IMO, it will fall flat. Just like the story with Ana did. 

    Agreed. But yeah wasnt as bad as anthony suggests.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Broderick said:


    Josh is OK, I guess.  We've certainly had far worse writers than Josh Griffith in the past sixteen years.   Josh seems to catch most of the "beats", makes some smart decisions (bringing back the Adam character), but he also makes some strange decisions (his 2013 "reboot").   What I liked most about Sally Sussman is that she took the debris left by Chuck Pratt and moved forward with it rather carefully, without really compromising any history, no matter how absurd Pratt's history actually was.    Josh seems determined to move backwards towards his last stint, even if it's kinda jarring at times.  But like I said, we've certainly had worse than him.   I'll take his character-based writing over "plot" writing any day of the week. 

    My thoughts exactly.

    But i get it. Atleast people in this board respect others opinions 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Broderick said:


    Maybe it was included in the "edit tapes".   I just remember being surprised by the scene between Snapper and Vanessa at the lakehouse after the shooting, because I'd completely forgotten that Snapper and Vanessa ever crossed paths. 


    The show definitely took a turn for the worse when Jack Smith was added as headwriter about 2002.    Just got worse and worse from there on, specifically with that whole stupid business of Kay and Jill being "mother and daughter".   Then of course Latham came along about 2005, and the show was even more unrecognizable.  (I'm one of the five peope in the United States who liked Sally Sussman's writing a couple of years ago.)   

    I like sally. I like JG too since they are basically the same writer lol

  9. I disagree with some of yalls opinons on the show but damn you people are funny 😂. Btw thanks for being nice to me other message boards people get mad when i say i like JG

    Chloe finds Victoria at the park. Chloe asks Victoria to secretly come to the boathouse.


    Victoria helps Billy through his crisis.
    While talking through everything, the "real Billy" starts to remember the actions of the alternate part of himself.
    His alternate self thinks he can't handle the memories and tries to block them, but the real Billy does remember.

  10. 10 minutes ago, clubkidjeff said:

    Nice to see gains in HH, and most demos, for all the shows.  Y&R seems to be slowing gaining some momentum back.  Days needed that boost.  Thomas went down the cliff on B&B and viewership went up.  Is GH really that far ahead in 18-49 & 25-54 demos compared to last year?

    Yeah its nice. Especially since they just cut the whole daytime division at CBS. And days renewal is coming up so any gains for the show is great.

  11. YR gained 6000 viewers :) they are gaining.

    12 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    More ratings drop for Y&R. I guess 2.7s are ok to keep your job. When will the firings begin?



    11 minutes ago, AdamNewmanFan said:

    YR gained 6000 viewers they are slowly gaining.

     But The next person will lose viewers too. Its been declining since pratt left. If they fire JG they need pratt IMO



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