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Posts posted by lucaslesann23

  1. 5 minutes ago, ranger1rg said:


    I agree with you. Blaming Mark Grossman and Michelle Stafford for the ratings drop is ridiculous, especially when you’re absolving the Rosales family at the same time.


    i have no problem with complaints about Y&R, but when they come from someone who constantly posts “I watched 2 minutes and changed the channel,” I have to give a side eye. 

     Exactly. I just dont think you should blame the characters because its not that. Its the writing constant airtime etc. I dont think general viewers are like "OH THERES ADAM" *Changes channel*

  2. 4 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    Still no sign of Cane.


    DG posted on Twitter Aug 30 that he took his mom to the set and is pictured with Jess walton.Doesn't mean he was working that day.

    Has he been quietly put on recurrung a la DD and KSJ?

    Why would they be paying him not to work, unless the plan is to feature him more heavily in future to use up his days?

    I think DG screwed up his story by saying no to the Trane story.

    1 minute ago, YRfan23 said:

    or he could have "quietly" been let go, and they are just afraid an official statement will have all the "Lane" fans ready to torch the studio....

    Whos crazier lol muhney loonies or the laners 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Khan said:


    Frankly, I don't buy that.  Moreover, writing for Y&R doesn't necessarily mean writing it the way he would.  ATWT and DAYS managed to have good and even great HW'ing regimes after he had left both shows.


    However, the problem with Y&R is exactly what @Vee keeps saying: all CBS/Sony wants or cares about is having a show that's peppy, cheap and basically follows the ABC formula.  You don't have to write Y&R like Bill Bell to be successful, but writing it the way you would GH is a recipe for failure.

    I forgot about the execs. Have any of the former writers ever said how bad they are?

  4. 11 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Y&R is still almost 500000 less than this time last year. It is still bleeding. The small increases with what Griffith and the promos promoted are a total failure. Viewers should be returning in droves like they did recently for B&B but they're not.


    Michelle Stafford big return was a big failure. They should've kept Gina.


    Jmo but i hated the angry Italian phyllis gina potrayed. Im glad michelle is back.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Look, I'm at the point where I'm willing to let Y&R try anything short of bringing back hacks like MAB, Chuck Pratt and Hogan Sheffer to fix this show.  (Kay Alden, of course, is always welcome to return.  Same goes even for Jack Smith.)   Bradley Bell doesn't have enough to do at B&B?  Fine!  Hire him!  Ron Carlivati's bored at DAYS and wants two shows to [!@#$%^&*] up?  Okay!  He's never been at Y&R before, right?  So why not?  But DO SOMETHING!

    I just want this revolving door to stop. It seems no writer after bell knows how to write this show.

  6. 1 minute ago, Khan said:


    I still think Janice Ferri Esser and/or Natalie Minardi Slater should be given an opportunity to turn this show around.  The two have been with Y&R since before Bill Bell had retired.  Ergo, they're at least familiar with the classic Y&R storytelling formula.


    I'm not saying the two would be a guaranteed home-run in the HW'ing chair -- only time would tell on that front -- but, at this point, what does Y&R really have to lose?  I mean, my God!  Even "Saved by the Bell" would have done a better job handling Theo and Kyle's big secret!

    Yep lol.

    How do you feel about amanda beall? I think she should be given a chance

    Ik shes good with dialogue and shes an associate HW

  7. 3 minutes ago, Khan said:


    Well, I certainly don't wish to see Y&R get cancelled, because that would mean people being out of work.  But if I have to choose between that and a return visit from any of those hacks...sorry, Christina, you just gotta bring me the axe.

    I dont want it cancelled but i heard writers say how stressful the job of HW is so it may not happen but they will probably pick a name out of the fishbowl of hasbeen writers. If tony stays he will probably advocate for sally so idk if she would say yes or not.

  8. Just now, Khan said:


    Bite. Your. Tongue.


    If the choice is between him again or another hack who could drive up the ratings at the expense of (what little remains of) Y&R's integrity, or maintaining the status quo, I'm afraid I'll have to go with the status quo.  Griffith's writing is watching-paint-dry boring, but at least he isn't trying to remake Y&R into "Melrose Place" or "Models, Inc."

    Griffith needs a Co HW. Someone to add some excitement to his stories

    And tony needs to step up too it seems he gives griffith free reign of the place.

  9. Just now, Khan said:

    "You still suck.  You just don't suck as much."


    That, ladies and gentlemen, should NEVER be grounds to keep a HW and EP who clearly are not working out.  Mediocre is NEVER good enough.

    And be replaced by someone we had before

     No one new wants this job. So if JG and TM leave we are getting pratt or JFP or MAB

  10. 3 minutes ago, xtr said:

    Ratings for Monday & Tuesday of this week were higher than the Monday/Tuesday episodes for the previous week of ratings. However, the ratings for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were lower than the previous week of ratings. Less people are continuing to stay watching throughout the week. I think that people are less interested in stories because of the bad writing and same characters being featured all the time. The Rosales family was on every day (in some capacity) of this particular week. And Adam was on everyday. These characters along with Nick/Chelsea are featured too much & I think that along with the bad writiing/boring stories are affecting the ratings. 

    Atleast they are slowly gaining.

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