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Posts posted by AbcNbc247

  1. 8 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    To be fair, I haven't been a teenager for a billion years, but we used to talk about the dumbest stuff and that wouldn't have been interesting or entertaining on camera so I don't know how to make teens seem real.  I think soaps tend to make teens much more "wholesome" than what they actually are IRL like an afternoon special or something.

    It’s been a while for me too, but I remember there being a lot of behaviors that people would consider toxic nowadays. 

    As for the current teen generation, they seem to be a little too brainwashed by whatever their social media pages say. Which was one of the reasons why I didn’t mind that Tate/Holly/Aaron/Sophia were so corny and cliche. 

  2. 6 hours ago, carolineg said:

    but I am pretty sure they just found this Aaron guy in the parking lot lol.  

    That’s what I was worried nuTate was gonna be 😂😂

    None of them have really wowed me as much as Jamie Martin Mann did, but I’m still cautiously optimistic. They just need to tell this story at a reasonable pace. Rushing it would ruin it. 

    3 hours ago, carolineg said:

     I sort of thought the awkward talk about student loans had something to do with Aaron possibly applying for Li's college grant Kristen set up?  It was a college grant/scholarship she set up right?  Lol it was such a minor detail I forgot already.

    I forgot that too, actually 😂

    But I wouldn’t mind that happening. That would be a good way to weave Aaron into the storyline. 

    1 hour ago, ranger1rg said:

    The "teen talk" about college and prom was all an eye-rolling mess to me. I felT bad for the actors, because nothing about that sounded like real teens.

    Well tbf, real teens from pretty much every generation are probably the toughest ones to write realistically.

  3. There were some pretty good scenes today. A lot of them felt really natural, based on the directions that their storylines are going, especially the EJ/Johnny scenes. For the first time, I’m interested in something that has to do with all the radiation stuff. 

    And I really liked Eric admitting to Nicole that he’s making the same mistakes with Sloan that he did with her. It’s always nice to see a character so self aware and pretty much realizing that they do have flaws. 

    As for the teens, their scenes seemed a little corny and cliche lol but I liked them. And besides, who would want to write teens the way that they really are? 😂😂

    It’s too soon to make any judgments about new character Aaron but I’m glad to see friends as part of the Tate/Holly storyline. They definitely needed them. And I don’t really know what Holly’s doing when it comes to all the prom stuff but I kinda like it lol these teens should be messy. And in some ways, it’s better than the Romeo and Juliet-like stuff that Tate and Holly were doing a few months ago

  4. 2 hours ago, j swift said:

    I guess that's how we know Ron C is back, he hates to fill the audience in on the plan.  Which is my theory about why there is so much animosity between the writer and the fans.  Besides his questionable attitude on social media, he always wants to shock us, rather than allow us to feel as if we are clued into the action. 

    Idk maybe. But I love a good (unbiased) surprise. 

    But for me, personally, I find that the stupid choices and the biased writing that always otherwise ruin a good storyline or character arc that fuel my negative opinions lol 

  5. I knew Doc was gonna be able to snap John out of those trances. This isn’t her first rodeo 😂

    There were a lot of smart people in today’s episode and some dumb ones too. John and Marlena were totally the MVPs today. And I’m glad that the story is being written like this. I love that they conned the Kon 🖕😂😂😂

    And I’m glad that Maggie was smart too. I still think she knows Konstantin is full of crap. And it’s nice that she plans to share her inheritance with everyone that Victor cut out of his will lol it really is crazy how many people got cut out. 

    As for the dumb ones, poor Alex is gonna be in for a rude awakening when all the secrets come out. And he’s gonna deserve it in someways too lol I’m glad he’s being written as the villain though. Honestly, that’s the way the story should be. Plus he’s a much better villain than Konstantin. I just hope he and Kristen don’t just become one of those obnoxious, annoying villain couples that Ron loves to write for. This could be such a good mess that involves so many characters and that would just mess it up.

    Speaking of Alex, where the hell is Justin? He should still be a part of this storyline. And not to go off topic, but where’s Ned too lol

    And I guess we finally got an explanation as to why Theresa did what she did. Still doesn’t make that much sense though. 

  6. Chad’s in a similar situation as Scott Clifton; he’s a nice looking guy but the character he plays just makes him so unappealing. Part of me still wonders how Willow chose him over Chase 😂😂

    And I don’t know if it’s the writing or the way that Chad portrays it, but Michael’s biggest problem is that he’s literally a child trapped in a man’s body. Most of the time when he’s angry, he just comes off like a bratty little kid. There’s been no growth in his character over all these years

  7. Today was a long one. 46 minutes.

    That being said, I sort of have mixed feelings about today. I liked it, but I was hoping for a little more. 

    The EJ/Sloan scenes should have lasted for the entire episode. They seemed a little rushed. I’m still glad that he’s probably gonna keep the secret though but I hope that he’s written as the villain, not as the sad sack who’s just trying to keep Nicole in his life, sort of like how Sloan is for Eric. 

    I also liked the Johnny/Chanel scenes. I actually do like their part of this storyline but at the same time, I think they’re still too young to be saddled with a baby. They should still be a messy young couple, and so should Tripp and Wendy lol maybe this story should have gone to other characters. 

    As for Bobby/Everett, his storyline is still so convoluted. Idk how just seeing the name could trigger the change in him and I kinda this storyline ends soon… or he just becomes a full on villain. 

  8. You could’ve posted this in the regular Days thread lol 

    As for your first question, No. Doug is actually still alive. His last appearance is coming up soon though. Spoilers say that 


    Doug’s funeral is going to coincide with the 15000th episode, which isn’t gonna be til like December

    As for your second question, absolutely. That really was one of the best episodes of the year so far. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Toups said:

    You can tell Ron's back because the writing for Leo is more over-the-top.  LOL   So it looks like the strike-writers waited and didn't conclude the baby-switch and Constantine stories - they let Carlivati do it since they were his stories.  In any case, I'm ready to get exciting again.  Looking forward to next week. 

    Was there ever an official start date as to when Ron’s scripts were gonna start airing again?

  10. 57 minutes ago, Khan said:

    As long as Diane or Spinelli doesn't end up being the FoD, I really don't care, lol.

    I still say Trina and Dex should be the Faces of Deception

    21 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Unless...they're going for a Nina/Drew/Willow/Michael/Sasha/Cody hextangle.

    I actually wouldn’t mind that 😂

  11. Today was an improvement over yesterday.

    Everything involving Sonny still seems a little bit much. The Kristina surrogacy storyline is the perfect example of that. I know that's his daughter, but there's still no reason why it needs to be so focused on him. But part of me does really like the way that it's all being built up. I just hope the payoff is worth it. It would be so good if just one little event, situation, etc. prompted all these storylines to reach their turning points at the same time. 

    Joss is too heartless to be a doctor, so I guess it's good that she's changing majors. Besides, doesn't the fact that she left Britt to die kinda disqualify her from being a doctor anyway? 

    And, I guess we can add Dante to the list of characters that suddenly changing careers, etc. lol

    As for Dex... I do love a man in uniform 😍😂😂

    He just needs some an actual human female to fall in love with #Trex

  12. 9 hours ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    What route do you mean? Putting Eric & Nicole & baby Jude together as a unit? 

    I meant 


    EJ learning the truth but keeping it a secret from Nicole.


    9 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I honestly think JS is pretty good considering I think she's basically a model/influencer.   I only know her from America's Next Top Model lol.   I think she grown a lot since she was cast.  I consider AZ, DF, and GV to be very good soap actors and she holds her own with them.  JS isn't entirely there yet, but she's also a decade younger than them and just started doing this.

    She did have pretty good teachers if you think about it 😂

    4 hours ago, j swift said:

    I was bamboozled. 

    Once Eric said he could “kill” Leo, I was certain we were headed into a “who shot Leo?” mystery.  Which would serve as the jumping off point for the baby reveal, and perhaps Nicole's exit.  I did not count on Eric being such a simp.

    In my head, I thought Paulina would fire EJ.  Who would then frame Eric for shooting Leo.  Melinda would be re-hired (because there's only four lawyers in Salem), and she would prosecute Eric, covering the fact that she shot Leo to save Sloan.  While Sloan would defend Eric, and grow closer to him after confessing that Leo was blackmailing her over Jude.  But, keeping quiet that Jude was Eric's son.  Leo would recover, free Eric, and Nicole would leave EJ due to his lies, take the baby and head off into the sunset.

    Sounds like a good idea!

  13. Today was good… even though Leo being a clown again kinda messed it up a little. I was hoping Eric was gonna hit him, instead of becoming his confidant. Still got no sympathy for him though; we all have pain, we all want to find that special someone, still no excuse to hurt people or toss someone that we love aside like garbage. And considering the way this show gets written sometimes, I’m sure he’ll be perfectly fine by Summertime. 

    EJ/DF did good though, you could almost feel his anger lol Sloan/JS still needs some work but I actually think she’s improved a little since she made her debut. And I’m glad that it looks like they’re gonna take the route with this storyline that I hoped they would take.

    As for Konstantin, I wanna rip that eyebrow off his face and shove it down his throat 😂😂

    Hopefully, Maggie is smarter than this. And hopefully, John and Marlena are too. 

  14. Honestly, I always thought that I’d be saying this only about episodes of Days but today was a weird one. 

    I think I get what they were trying to do, trying make everyone feel like a part of a big community, but it just felt weird. 

    And Michael and Willow going off to screw didn’t really seem to fit in today’s episode either. 

  15. 7 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I am pretty sure I recall Marlena referencing it years ago and Kate knows about at least from Lucas's perspective.  I think it's safe to think Kate/Roman and Marlena/John at least know about it.  I don't believe it was ever referred to as sexual assault on the show either.  Not because it wasn't, but because the show was trying to sell Sami/EJ.

    I’m still waiting for the day that they do a storyline where Johnny finds out the truth about his conception. 

    6 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    That's how GR played it at the end of yesterday's episode. Those were fake tears. GR couldn't even muster one tear and this was the love of his life?

    Then the guy needs some serious direction 😂

    9 hours ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    Well, I suppose most of us would have difficulty believing in Leo's ability to feel, express or even receive love. I kinda don't blame them for not even trying to sell that bill of goods, not at this point, anyway. 

    Well, we know who’s fault that is 😂

  16. Still no sympathy for Leo and today didn’t help at all either. Idk if it was a writer/director choice or Greg Rikaart’s choice but playing it like a clown was the wrong decision. Kinda told me that there actually really was no love between him and Dimitri. 

    I’m looking forward to tomorrow though. The cliffhanger today was good.

    The Eric/Nicole scenes were good too but I still stand by what I said about how this should have been the story from the very beginning. There’s no reason why their scenes today and Sloan’s jealousy couldn’t have been pushed more during Holly’s coma. 

    Glad Harris/Ava found the black book too. Maybe that means that that crap is finally done lol 

    5 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    the letter route was lame. Dimitri reasons made zero sense. GR acting during those scenes were bad. 

    One of the many reasons why you don’t squeeze years worth of story into only 6 months. Or try to turn an evil villain into a cringey, campy, romantic lead.

  17. 8 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Ewwwwww..... I knew I started disliking him more and more after his Days stint for a reason. He came off very smug. I'm better than being on soaps vibe.

    And finding out he is a Maga clinches it!


    Y’all didn’t suspect this already? 😂😂

  18. Shut up, TJ lol 

    All the Deception stuff really isn’t doing much for me either. I’m still not sure what the writers are trying to do with it. 

    And, agreed with everyone that the kid playing Aiden needs work lol but at the same time, it’s nice seeing Liz’s kids being used more. I prefer them over Charlotte and Violet 😂😂

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