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Posts posted by AbcNbc247

  1. 3 minutes ago, j swift said:

    Agreed on EJ as a villain.

    My point is that there's no logic in being angry at Eric and Nicole.  I know he's a jealous guy.  But, they didn't switch the DNA test.  Nicole has pledged her devotion to EJ.  And he's already punched Eric, and they seemed to get over it.


    They could make it a matter of pride for EJ; not wanting to lose Nicole to Eric. 

    Or he could blackmail Nicole into staying with him by threatening to reveal the truth about Daniel’s death to Holly. 

  2. Just now, j swift said:

    Although, I don't know why he would be mad at Eric and Nicole.  He knows that they slept together, and that's why he took two prior DNA tests.  The only subject of his ire should be Sloan.

    I wouldn’t mind him taking out his anger on Eric and Nicole, instead of him keeping the secret just because he doesn’t want to lose her.

    I always felt EJ worked better as a villain 

  3. 8 hours ago, janea4old said:

    There couldn't be any coordination between Ron and the scab writers.
    The WGA strike rules made it clear: in order to remain in good standing with the guild (union) , writers couldn't plan, draft, write, or communicate writing ideas during the entire span of the strike.


    Well maybe you were just saying you *wish* there could have been coordination, even though we know there couldn't be.  I get that.

    I did have a feeling that there was some kind of policy in place. 

    There were just so many changes that muddled a lot of the storylines. Holly, Bobby/Everett, even Konstantin.

    6 hours ago, carolineg said:

    The Chanel drama seems warranted and I think RB did a really good job today.  CB acted the same way Johnny does everyday 😂, so he wasn't stretching himself much.

    The Holly/Nicole fight when from 0 to insanity so quick though lol.  I don't know why Holly thought Nicole would let her go to prom especially without asking or making any concessions or compromises.  Actually, I question Aaron's parents for letting him go to prom with the girl that just OD'd on drugs and lied, forcing her last bf to go to juvie.😂

    Did EJ ask Rolf if Jude was just a "commoner" when he got the test results?  I didn't rewind, but if so, hilarious.


    It was good to see some drama, but they just needed to build it up better. 

    And I rewatched the scene where EJ found out, and he didn’t say “commoner”

  4. As an individual episode, I thought that today was good. I like the juxtaposition of scenes like Chad/Thomas/Julie and Julie/Paulina against scenes like Nicole/Holly and Paulina/Chanel. It was good to see some drama that could drive future storyline. And good to see that younger characters Holly and Chanel be so angsty. 

    But it all seemed to come out of nowhere. The same could be said for Sloan asking Nicole to hold Baby Jude 😂😂

    I like this, but there really needed to be a lot more coordination between Ron and the scab writers, that the way the storyline could flow more naturally and we’d end up expecting things like this. 

    The cliffhanger was good too. I’m curious as to what gonna happen, now that EJ has the proof that Eric is the father. His actions could drive a lot of storylines and I’m really looking forward to that. 

  5. 9 hours ago, John said:

    I loved Laura getting all the pushback today RE Heather

    Part of me is glad that happened 

    9 hours ago, Khan said:

    My chief concern about Heather's story is the same concern I have about many of GH's stories atm: IMO, there's no real sense of where the story is going.  Yes, we have learned that Heather's more psychotic behavior has been the result of cobalt poisoning; and yes, Heather is being treated for her condition and is on the road to recovery*.  So, what now?  Where do Heather and we go from here? 

    If this were Bill Bell/Kay Alden's Y&R, Heather likely would begin a journey of self-discovery; one that would take her back, literally and figuratively, to her childhood and the roots of her psychosis; with a startling revelation or several about her complicated relationships with her mother and absent father.  Right now, though, all GH seems to be saying is, "Once, Heather got so crazy, she killed a bunch of people; then, somebody figured out that it was because of a bum hip replacement; but now, she's feeling better, she's really sorry for killing those people and she won't do it anymore, cross her heart and hope to die!  The End!"

    What's next for Heather (and her new BFF, Mayor Laura)?  Is she truly becoming a wiser, saner person?  Has Laura found herself a kooky, new sidekick?  Or will Heather revert to her former, evil ways, maybe come between Laura and Ace, or even Laura and Kevin? 

    Or is she poised to do something far, far worse?  Something that, when it's all over and done with, will make The Hook look like child's play?  C'mon, GH!  Show me where the road turns!

    (*Or so we hope, lol?)

    What’s next? 
    Leave town and just pop in for visits, I hope. 

  6. 1 minute ago, carolineg said:

    If you didn't watch Maggie/Marlena throughout their entire history until the 2010's it may not have seemed strange, but they were always very warm and physically affectionate previously.  Idk, it just feels awkward.  It's not exactly necessary for Marlena/Maggie to share story so maybe it's fine lol.🤞

    Kinda sad, when you think about it.

    30+ years of friendship and now nothing 

  7. 7 hours ago, carolineg said:

    Anyhow, the DH/SR feud and it spilling over on screen is more entertaining than the entire Konstantin story.

    They’re definitely more interesting the character of Konstantin in general 😂😂

    The way Marlena/DH sounded when she opened the door today makes it seems so obvious. I hope it doesn’t cause any problems on set though. 

    2 hours ago, j swift said:

    Here's what I'm confused about today:

    I assumed Clyde told Stefon to shoot Harris and set up Xander.  If that's true, why doesn't Stefon just tell Xander the truth?  He's got nothing to lose, and it could make Xander an ally. Because doesn't Xander know that it was EJ who first made him an offer to be a hitman?  Like, they have a common enemy if they would work together.

    Well, Stefan’s not the sharpest pencil in the box 😂😂😂

    Did Clyde actually tell him to pin Harris’ shooting on Xander? Or did Stefan do that part on his own? I can’t remember. 

  8. I’m a little disappointed that Maggie actually wasn’t playing Konstantin. The way it was written and the way SR was playing it kinda suggested that that was going to happen. Oh, well. I still like they’re all teaming up to stop him now. 

    Btw, based on what other posters have said, I paid closer attention to Maggie and Marlena today and they were right. There did seem to be a little tension or something between them, especially when Maggie first showed up at the townhouse. 

    There also did seem to be a lot of foreshadowing with Xander today, based on the talk that he had with Sarah about his mother and in his scenes with Stefan and I like that. It’s actually making me think a lot of fanfiction right now about what could happen after he finds out that he’s Victors son lol that could all be a really good mess.

    Btw, Stefan’s a dumbass 😂😂😂

  9. 8 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    To be fair, I haven't been a teenager for a billion years, but we used to talk about the dumbest stuff and that wouldn't have been interesting or entertaining on camera so I don't know how to make teens seem real.  I think soaps tend to make teens much more "wholesome" than what they actually are IRL like an afternoon special or something.

    It’s been a while for me too, but I remember there being a lot of behaviors that people would consider toxic nowadays. 

    As for the current teen generation, they seem to be a little too brainwashed by whatever their social media pages say. Which was one of the reasons why I didn’t mind that Tate/Holly/Aaron/Sophia were so corny and cliche. 

  10. 6 hours ago, carolineg said:

    but I am pretty sure they just found this Aaron guy in the parking lot lol.  

    That’s what I was worried nuTate was gonna be 😂😂

    None of them have really wowed me as much as Jamie Martin Mann did, but I’m still cautiously optimistic. They just need to tell this story at a reasonable pace. Rushing it would ruin it. 

    3 hours ago, carolineg said:

     I sort of thought the awkward talk about student loans had something to do with Aaron possibly applying for Li's college grant Kristen set up?  It was a college grant/scholarship she set up right?  Lol it was such a minor detail I forgot already.

    I forgot that too, actually 😂

    But I wouldn’t mind that happening. That would be a good way to weave Aaron into the storyline. 

    1 hour ago, ranger1rg said:

    The "teen talk" about college and prom was all an eye-rolling mess to me. I felT bad for the actors, because nothing about that sounded like real teens.

    Well tbf, real teens from pretty much every generation are probably the toughest ones to write realistically.

  11. There were some pretty good scenes today. A lot of them felt really natural, based on the directions that their storylines are going, especially the EJ/Johnny scenes. For the first time, I’m interested in something that has to do with all the radiation stuff. 

    And I really liked Eric admitting to Nicole that he’s making the same mistakes with Sloan that he did with her. It’s always nice to see a character so self aware and pretty much realizing that they do have flaws. 

    As for the teens, their scenes seemed a little corny and cliche lol but I liked them. And besides, who would want to write teens the way that they really are? 😂😂

    It’s too soon to make any judgments about new character Aaron but I’m glad to see friends as part of the Tate/Holly storyline. They definitely needed them. And I don’t really know what Holly’s doing when it comes to all the prom stuff but I kinda like it lol these teens should be messy. And in some ways, it’s better than the Romeo and Juliet-like stuff that Tate and Holly were doing a few months ago

  12. 2 hours ago, j swift said:

    I guess that's how we know Ron C is back, he hates to fill the audience in on the plan.  Which is my theory about why there is so much animosity between the writer and the fans.  Besides his questionable attitude on social media, he always wants to shock us, rather than allow us to feel as if we are clued into the action. 

    Idk maybe. But I love a good (unbiased) surprise. 

    But for me, personally, I find that the stupid choices and the biased writing that always otherwise ruin a good storyline or character arc that fuel my negative opinions lol 

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