All volumes of Cape Heights are at the low price of .99. This low price has been extended until June 30th in anticipation for the release of Volume 5! Here's what to expect from Volume 5 as well as a sneak peek scene posted below:
Volume 5 is all about the couples, couples, couples!!!!! Oh and love triangles! Yes those too! And babies, babies, babies oh my! Find out why Tyson and Gabby's relationship goes from sweet to sour. Will Julian finally make the ultimate commitment to Karen? Who is Mike really in love with, Marissa or Lila? Will Debra choose Gavin or Terrence? Will Theo and Claudia finally admit that they are both in love with other people? Will Naomi make amends with Darius and Noelle? Will Rebecca and Esteban have their baby already? Are Adrian and Trisha already getting involved with other people? Who conceives a baby and who finds out that they are pregnant? These questions will be answered or maybe not answered in Volume 5 which will be available the last week in May!!!!!
Episode 103
Scene 1: Debra’s House
It’s now 1pm in the afternoon and there is a knock at her door. She opens it to find a large box on her porch. She looks at it curiously as she brings it into the house. “I guess this is the package that my mystery man told me to expect…..” She places it on her kitchen table and opens it up. Inside she pulls out a sand colored form fitted knee length leather coat. She puts it aside and next pulls out a knee length lavender tank dress. And finally she finds a shoe box. She opens that to find a pair of sand colored strappy 4 inch heels. “What in the world?” She laughs a little then finds a note on the bottom:
Debra, please have on all 3 articles of clothing and wear your hair back in a ponytail when you come to meet me at the park. See you there at 2pm at the large willow tree near the pond. You’ll find me there waiting for you.
“Okay Gavin or Terry. If you say so……..” As she places the clothing back in the box, her cell phone rings. She looks at the caller ID and sees her mother is calling. “Hey Ma…….you will never believe the strangest thing happened to me today….” Before she can continue, Helena cuts her off.
“I’m sorry dear, but can you save it for later? I’m stressing out right now!” She says in a panicked tone.
She’s the only one in the house. Ethan went to the library to study so she knows she can talk to her mother freely. “What happened? Something wrong with the baby?”
“No, the baby is fine. It’s your sister……” She takes a deep breath “She came over for breakfast this morning and she told me that she’s coming with me to Sedona to help me get settled there! She plans on staying for an entire week and she said that she’s not taking no for an answer!” She says frantically.
Leave it to Kristen to finally decide to show compassion and be a loving daughter to their mother now! “What did you tell her?!”
“At first I told her no, but she wouldn’t let up. I couldn’t come up with any other excuse for her not to come so I said yes. What am I going to do, Debra? How can I hide my pregnancy from her if she comes with me and stays for a week?!”
“I don’t know but calm down, Mom. We’ll think of something to stop her from coming with you or a way for you to still keep her in the dark if she does accompany you.”
Pacing back and forth touching her collarbone “I don’t see how she’s NOT going to find out if she comes with me! We have to stop her, Debra!”
Scene 2: Wesley Construction
She stops by Shawn’s office to pick him up for their lunch date. She walks in all smiles only to find him looking under the desks for something. “Hey! You ready for our lunch date? I have the car all packed for our picnic on the beach!”
He lost his Swiss army knife, the really nice one that his father gave him for his birthday several years ago with his last initial engraved on the handle. He’s been looking everywhere for it for the last two weeks and still can’t find it. He’s bending down looking under Charlie’s desk when he hears Kristen’s voice. He stands up still looking all around the place instead of looking at Kristen. “Hey…..yea. We can go……” He says while moving things around on his brother’s desk still looking for it.
“You don’t look ready… seem distracted. What are you looking for?”
“My lucky Swiss army knife. My dad gave it to me as a birthday gift several years ago. I lost it a couple of weeks ago and since then I keep looking everywhere for it and I still can’t find it!” He responds with frustration. “Maybe it’s in my truck somewhere. My truck, not the rental. I’ve looked here and in my apartment a million times as well as checking all of our job sites.”
“I’m sure it will turn up. It sounds like it probably is in your truck. When do you get that back, anyway?”
“That body shop is slow as [!@#$%^&*]! I’m going to call them on Monday and find out when they’ll be finished with my truck.” He sighs and moves closer to her. “Sorry, you have my attention now.” He smiles at her and gives her a peck. “Alright, let’s go! Thanks for driving, by the way. I have way too much stuff in the truck. There’s no room for you.”
“Sure, not a problem! I’m looking forward to a nice romantic lunch with the beach breeze blowing in our hair!” She says sweetly with a little laugh and gives him a tender kiss.
“Sounds good to me! I’ve been working way too many hours lately. The work of a contractor never ends!”
“All work and no fun makes Shawn a dull boy!” She teases him
“Ohhhhh….I wouldn’t go that far! I have a wild and sexy girlfriend who makes sure that my life is never dull!”
“You’ve got that right!” She wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him in for a hot and steamy kiss. After a few second she pulls away and takes his hand. “Let’s go!”