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Planet Soap

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Posts posted by Planet Soap

  1. Story arcs would be better but Im enjoying the actual classics. The weekly momentum would be better if they just stay clear of re-airing anything from the last 12 to 13 years.  The fans (who ever they were) could have chose better episodes though for Wed-Fri though, lol. I was questioning why they'd pick this Daddy Yankee episode until I realized the twist ending. Brooke and her daughter's man, again???? I honestly didn't that Oliver/Brooke accidental hookup coming 🤣. Just storylines and hookups for shock value at that point I guess. 

  2. I agree that Sam has lost any impact as a character, she's been made so weak lately. Her and Jason were a semi interesting pairing at one point but in the long run I don't find Jason to have that much chemistry with Sam. Laura Wright is definitely not on the level of Sarah Brown's gutter snipe Carly or Tamara Braun's petulant diva Carly but she gets the job done IMO. I feel like early in her run she was more spicy but now they're attempting to turn her into the town heroin which dulls her as a character. I'd rather see her be an antagonist again.


    Hopefully GH wises up and airs classics soon. There's so many all storylines that directly relate to today such as Susan Moore, AJ's paternity, Michael's paternity drama, Faison, Kevin and Ryan, even Anna and Robert.


    2007 is definitely not far back enough but it's looking like gold compared to today's shows. At the very least GH could at least re-air the stash from the 50th Anniversary Collection! I can't even believe CBS actually managed to air classic episodes.

  3. 2 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    @ironlionThis was probably when Bradley went full on in transforming Stephanie from a Jennifer/Katherine/Vanessa hybrid to a female Victor.

    Facts! Granted it must be frustrating to have a woman you can't stand run through your family like a bulldozer but it's a little pathetic on Stephanie's part. The grown men in her family fully chose to be with Brooke. Giving me Kay vs Jill vibes, lol.

  4. 1 hour ago, mikelyons said:

    I thought it was problematic as a 11 year old kid in 1994! I could never figure out why Mamie's name was so close to "mammy" when that was the crux of the relationship with the Abbotts. Couldn't they have named her Joan or Anne? I disliked it then and I dislike it now vis-a-vis the fantastic Y&R re-runs from the 80s & 90s.

    Was thinking this myself about the name choice. 


    Noticing that 2005, 1991, and 2003 (which is hard to find online) are surfacing a lot in these reruns. It would be cool to see some more mid to late 80s stories like John & Jill's divorce and Phillip III's death. 2001 is also a strong year to showcase with Carter and Tricia, in addition to 1997 which is a rare find online.  I know it's highly unlikely but anything Kay vs Jill from the 70s would be fantastic. 

  5. 1 hour ago, titan1978 said:

    I was just reading the comments on a post from GH’s Instagram page-  the amount of people asking when there will be new episodes and why are these repeats continuing was kind of ridiculous.  Do any of these people look at the news at all?


    They need to be filling all the comments with we want some real classics!


    Thank u!  Do they not have any concept of how bad the current show is? Current GH certainly tops current CBS's soaps in terms of action, but its nothing I'm anxious to watch right now.


    GH was airing classics on holidays in 2018, why aren't they airing them now that they have a massive opportunity to do so? I saw someone on FB say residual checks.

  6. IMO the best way to keep the audience engaged during a multi month hiatus is to air classics. Why re show sub par content from 5-6 years ago thats still relatively fresh in the memory? Anything up to 2008-2009ish (to stretch it) would be okay. The only interesting material from the Frank V era I'd care to re watch would perhaps be some stories relating to the 50th anniversary.


    The early 2000s forward definitely had quality decline issues but had a few storylines that were at the very least entertaining.


    B&B needs to take the hint aswell and stop airing episodes from about the last 12 or so years.


  7. 2 hours ago, Vee said:

    I am days behind but: The white intro in the '90s with the poorly-matted in folks has looked cheap to me since even back then when I was little; as @Darn said, GH and OLTL (and even The City or Port Charles) had that beat.


    I didn't realize it was so unpopular but I've always loved the red opening. It screamed "event" with the thunderous musical arrangement, the use of cast names (unheard of back then, and redolent of Hollywood prestige) and production value. It all screams that Y&R was the number one soap and untouchable. Though I agree the old sketches were beautiful.

    Loved the red opener too!!!


    I liked the 90s white intro in that it was more dramatic than the bland intros we got after 2003.

  8. GH could certainly do better, especially considering what they did for SOAPNET on their 50th.


    I like their idea of airing a week of storylines rather than different episodes everyday in contrast to y&r. But...do it right. Never thought I'd see the day when CBS would do better than abc when it comes to classical content. (In recent years at least).



  9. If there's a silver lining with COVID, it's been a great time for classic soap fans. First y&r and b&b air classics, now this!


    The documentary is very ADHD, unfocused and jumping from topic to topic without slowing down and focusing on a subject for too long.

    Understandably the ABC dramas are getting the most airtime (because it's ABC). Surprised I haven't seen any of the super veterans like Bob, Kim, Nancy, or Lisa.


    Despite that, it's hitting all the right bullet points when it comes to daytime's rise and demise and it's a fun watch so far!



  10. This week's B&B line up is the most decent so far in terms of episodes pre at least Stephanie's death. But as someone said more pre 2003 would be ideal. If we want to stretch it at least up to 2006/7ish.


    I know 2002 was the last great year according to many , but exactly when did the show become utterly unwatchable ? When did all this Liam/Hope/Steffy trash envelop the show?

  11. On 5/14/2020 at 12:52 PM, GLATWT88 said:

     I like the idea others have mentioned of having better introductions to the episodes and even including some pop up tidbits to make following the story easier or just some interesting 

    SOAP net did that for GH classics back in the day.


    Cable went out and didn't record today's episode, found out it was from 2014 so not a tragedy😂😂😂

  12. Ahhh 2012, the last post classical year the show was (empahasis) remotely watchable. This is the latest point I'd care to see in these reruns. 


    Nikki vs Diane would be a better rivalry to air. As for Sheila versus Lauren, I'm sure the farmhouse episodes must come up at some point in the future.


    I agree with the person earlier who stated that airing a different story arc each week would be better. Knowing CBS though, this is the best we might get. Enjoying these mostly classics which I never thought we'd get to see! For me the best episodes in these reruns have come out of 1998! 

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