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Planet Soap

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Posts posted by Planet Soap

  1. 11 hours ago, Manny said:

    I always thought that for all four soaps (GL, ATWT, AMC and OLTL) before cancelling them, they should have at least tried going down to 30 min. It would slash the budget and maybe make it a tighter show more appealing to viewers with less filler. Shame that either CBS nor ABC even attempted this before just pulling the plug.

    My thoughts exactly! Five-day-a-week scripted series should have never gone to 60 minutes in the first place.


    So long as we get good writing, and decent production values, I'd be all for half hour reboots. IMO, General Hospital should also be slashed to 30 minutes given the subpar content they've been dishing out lately.


    AMC , OLTL, GH and Oprah was the ultimate line up on my local ABC station!!! Those were the days. 

  2. 12 hours ago, LondonScribe said:

    Is it bad that I’ve been more excited for these older episodes than absolutely anything aired in the last 15 years?


    And is it bad that I’m actually dreading the return of 2020 episodes? I mean, while other people may have had their relationships with each other tested during this time, my relationship with Y&R is at a crossroads (again).

    When new episodes return, it'll be back to tuning in like once every three months and barely paying attention to episodes for me. Thank goodness a lot of y&r content has been available listed and unlisted on the web. Hopefully that lasts!

  3. Mon-Wed look great, of course they always have to water down each week with a 2010s/20s episode. Y&R has done a relatively decent job of staying clear more recent episodes.


    Wish come true with more episodes from the Deacon/Brooke story line. Agreed, Hopefully more Sheila from 2002 re-airs as well. It'd be cool to see more the fallout from Macy's original "death", the trust/Forrester ownership story, as well as the fallout from Brooke & Oliver. 

  4. On 7/2/2020 at 11:54 PM, titan1978 said:

    While watching the “classic” episode when Sonny shoots Dante I noticed just how bad many of the beauty shots are in the Frons/JFP opening.  Hardly any of the cast has a flattering image in that opening, the patches also really stand out.  Except for the end shot, which was almost immediately laughable considering how many of those men were no longer on the show (including prominent Greg Vaughn who had been replaced with JJ). 

    The OLTL and AMC ones might not have been my favorites, but several people at least looked good in them.  Especially the AMC one.


    It was nice to see a Lulu I enjoyed.  I forgot that she and Dante actually had chemistry and I liked them.


    In looking at old youtube clips Dante was far more interesting when he first arrived

  5. Interesting seeing a Nikki/Dru interaction, even more comical that they didn't get along. Dru seemed different from before she left. 2000s Dru had a bougie streak, was more campy--but still awesome. I always thought Dru and Malcom's personalities were a better mix together (laid back and earthy) as with Neil and Olivia (square and conservative).


    Paul and Chris might be boring together but this was no doubt one of the best weeks episode wise. Everything pre 2005, and alot of cool moments like Sharon's party and Christine's bachelorette party. 

  6. 53 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    That’s why I’ve always loved this board, in spite of its issues. There are smart individual voices on Twitter and elsewhere, but SON remains one of the few places on the web that takes the genre seriously. We’re not going to take whatever sh!t is shoveled to us. 

    💯 Facts!

    I see Michael's shooting is "re-re-re" airing next week. In watching clips on YouTube it's insane how many simultaneous storylines Sonny had from 2008-2010. I had foggy memories of watching Kate's shooting live. While re-watching the scenes, I was surprised to see Claudia sitting in the audience.


    Between 2008 and 2009 alone feature the Sonny related plots of: Claudia and Sonny, Michael's shooting & coma, Sonny and Kate's relationship/ wedding shooting, Franco's arrival, Dante's undercover operation, etc....

  7. On 6/29/2020 at 2:21 PM, GLATWT88 said:

    The responses on Instagram truly only help support whoever chooses these repeats. The excitement and praise for another Sonny week or the when are new episodes come back drown out a very few asking for better choices or real classics. The Sonny praise is insane, but saying MB was a great actor took me out. I can't 

    I see the same trend with y&r and b&b. Fans from these online threads seem to have a more wholehearted understanding of each of the soaps classical eras, and seem to be more scrutinizing of what we're being shown on screen these days. This in comparison to the modern fans on social media who seem to eat up whatever trash the writers come up with, and "ship" literally any couple paring.


    Case and point, this is fan choice week #2 for B&B and all requested episodes have been from the 2010s, despite the show's best era being pre 2002. Similarly fans on Y&R's official facebook are complaining about why it's actors haven't gotten back to filming---whereas here on DTS---fans appear to be enjoying and dissecting each of the older classic episodes.

  8. The emmys are funny to me. Susan Lucci got passed over for almost 30 hears, but Sarah Joy Brown ( deservingly) won 2 emmys in like 2 years. Moreover it took Jeanne Cooper till about 2008 to win an Emmy after years of great storylines as Kay. 


    Loved today, from the time I saw May 2002 I already knew it was about  Brooke & Deacon. That storyline was so scandalously shocking, one of the last great on the show. It would be great to see the episode where Brooke is confronted by Bridget as well.

  9. On 6/22/2020 at 4:44 PM, ChickenNuggetz92 said:

    Just a few gems I found from the comments section of Y&R's official Facebook page.



    For the newer viwers, IDK if it's that they haven't been exposed to older soaps. In the 2000s I used to think soaps then were the best thing ever until I saw older episodes and realized the comparative decline. 

    For the veteran viewers I can't imagine being in a rush to see Summer/Kyle/Lola? Victor & Nikki's 40th year of relationship turmoil? Bad writing? Paint dry boring storylines? To each his own🤷


    Great to see 1997, a rarity!


    On 6/22/2020 at 5:15 PM, Vizion said:

    I think the repeats would have done better if they would have selected a story and showed it for a week. 

    My thoughts exactly. Perhaps CBS should release yearly storyline summaries such as this: http://tvmegasite.net/day/yr/history.shtml


  10. Seeing the "faces of the heart" GH intro live at 3:00 😊. Tamara Braun as Carly equally😊 . I wish they'd made her antagonistic towards Sonny and Carly upon her return much like they did with Sarah Brown's Claudia. Kim was too boring and soft for the actress who played the petulant diva Carly.


    Faith was a female villain I liked, curious as the what the general opinions are surrounding her? 


    Scott Baldwin seemed like more of a strong adversarial district attorney against Sonny and Jason compared to Mac.

  11. Agreed, no one wants JFP/Guza back but it's looking more attractive than Frank's GH


    The most tolerable years for that era I've seen was about 01-04ish plus sweeps events. The production values wern't all of that compared to the dimmer lighting and soft focus during outside scenes of the Riche era, but tops now.


    As I've said before the only advantage I'll give Frank/Ron is more airtime for the vets compared to the previous regimes. The show had alot of momentum when he and Ron C arrived but it died down around 2015.


    At least most of the episodes from the Jason Sam week are pre Frank. 2003 isn't far back enough but I'll take that over 2014/15 forward. 


    I like that CBS upgrades the old episodes to HD like soapnet used to for classics. But standard definition or not just give us classics.

  12. 31 minutes ago, BoldRestless said:


    I prefer that, if it means cutting less of the actual episode.


    Imagine Nikki seeing Victor and Brooke. Im also curious as to what would have happened had there been any Victor/Sheila interaction. Victor vs Stephanie is definitely something I'd like to have seen! 

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