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Planet Soap

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Posts posted by Planet Soap

  1. Good or bad, which soap plots affected the show's canvas significantly for years to come. For example:

    Y&R Newman takes over Jabot. When Jack convinced John to make the company go public, and Victor bought controlling interest, the takeover lasted 10 years! It wasn't until '99 when Jack was able to get Jabot back. 

    GH: Carly's arrival, and Jason's accident. Those two events in 1996 would go on to shape the remainder of GH's history. Once Jason's personality changed, he got involved with Carly, and went to work for Sonny, the stage was set for those three characters to completely envelop the series.

    Rick Webber (2002). Vibrations from this disastrous story were being felt as late 2008. Laura ended up in the rocking chair, Alan and Monica suspected each other. Lulu was looking to clear her mother's name even as late as the Metro Court crisis. It was major.

    OLTL: Victor Lord's Murder/Affair with Irene. This event fueled nearly 30 years of story: The Secret Room, Nikki's 85 return, Dorian's murder trial, Todd Manning's birth, Viki's 95 breakdown, and Two Todds 2011. Next to Marty's rape, this was the most critical story in the show's history.



  2. 13 minutes ago, j swift said:

    Y&R Jack & Jill

    Not only does it fulfill the Bell legacy of using alliterative couples, but I've always felt from their first affair that they were meant for each other.  She's age appropriate, she appreciates his scheming side, and she knew him before he was ever a CEO.  Heck, if Jack can share women with Jill's son, he could certainly return to the original source material...

    Never really considered this! Nikki aside, I never really felt any of Bergman's Jack's pairings were his true love or at least powerful. 

  3. EDIT: Which two soap charachters from any time period belong together once and for all. 

    My list

    GH: Sonny and Brenda, Jason and Carly

    B&B: Eric and Brooke, Stephanie & Massimo (if they were alive), Ridge & Taylor, Steffy and Bill (both devious)....Hope & Liam I supoose? 

    AMC: Can't decide if Erica belonged with Jackson or Dimitry?

  4. 3 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    Soap Opera Anniversaries?

    The Good: ATWT’s 30th, B&B’s 20th & 25th, AW’s 25th, Days’ 25th, GL’s 60th and 70th, Y&R’s 25th

    The Bad: GL’s 40th on TV primetime special, ATWT’s 40th, Days’s 50th 

    The Ugly: Days’ 40th,  Y&R’s 30th and 45th

    The So-So: Days’s 35th, ATWT’s 50th, Y&R’s 35th

    I always liked Y&R for the most part did actually long term “anniversary stories” mired in history for their 25th and 30th anniversaries, and to some extent their 20th and 40th as well. 

    Your thoughts on GH's 50th?

  5. As much as I cant stand Steffy sometimes, at least she speaks up in the end. She confronted Sheila about the alcohol switch and now Thomas about the faux phone call. 

    Ridge is up to two false accusations now almost destroyed this marriage. Brooke falling off the wagon and the CPS call.

    When Bold ends just put Brooke with her male equivalent Eric, and call it a wrap.

  6. 28 minutes ago, Soapfan8 said:

    Wht about Brooke on bold? 

    I mean, I guess you could say that. She is one of the show's four main charachters and has played a major role in stories for decades. 

    Couldn't we say Sheila was the it girl on 90s Bold. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't her crossover catapult the show into more recognition? She even became a third foil to Stephanie along with Sally and Brooke.

  7. Not so much an episode but an event. I thought GH's fifty hour, 50th anniversary marathon on SOAPnet was well done. It showcased episodes from every decade of the series (though I wish more seventies especially pre Monty episodes were available). There was a decent amount of hype built in the press and it truly showcased how epic the soap was. 



  8. Now that you mention it I really did like Jason & Brenda together. Their chemistry was really higighted during her 2002 & 2010 returns. Haven't consumed much of late 80s early 90s GH, but from the few clips of 1992 I saw I, liked their interactions in HS. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Paul Raven said:

    I would posit Lorie as the it girl of the 70's. Brenda was only on for 3 or so years in the 80's. Nikki definitely received more attention throughout the 80's.

    My mind was definately on Laurie aswell. I guess Kay was more the grand dame/matriarch than it girl.

  10. I think there is a good concensus here that the latter Riche years (97-01...or did she leave in 00?), werent as good as the earlier years 1993-96. Obviously numerous factors lead to this feeing. Claire Labine and Bill Levinson's departures, growing mob focus, Sonny/Jason apologism, the destruction of Luke and Laura, etc..

    Were there any bright spots that you enjoyed?

    For one the rape revisitation storyline. Despite destroying Luke and Laura, Liz's rape story was well done and emotional. I also like the way it bonded Lucky and Liz. I have yet to see another young couple romance on GH  with so much gravity. It pales in comparison to anything on the show today.

    Michael's paternity fiasco destroyed so many characters in the process, but it kept the show going for a while.

    Sonny and Brenda. I know Brenda's breakdown isnt the most favored but I did like how much weight and emotion were put behind her and Sonny. Charachters today just go from romance to romance with no real impact. Sonny leaving Brenda at the altar felt major because so much weight, screen time and emotion were put behind them. 

  11. These are the easy ones: 

    B&B Stephanie Forester, I would argue that she was the strongest female lead on any soap

    AMC: Erica Kane....the most famous soap actress in the genre, especially to layman audiences. Erica always got the biggest picture in the photo album opening credits lol.

    OLTL Viki: the clear center of the show until the 2000s

    GL: Reva from the 80s onwards

    Dynasty 1.0: Alexis Carrington

    Passions: Theresa

    More complicated: 

    Y&R: Katherine was the lead female star in the 70s arguably...Brenda Dickson was the it girl in the 80s along with Cricket. I wouldn't say Nikki was ever the "it girl" but she was definately the top tier female lead in the show for a good portion of the 80s-2000s. On show posters you typically see Victor, Nikki, and Jack, and Nikki often went first or second in show opening credits.

    GH: Laura in the early 80s, Carly from 1996 onwards.

    DAYS: one could say Marlena was the first female lead for a while 

  12. Jill offeres to be Kay's paid companion


    20 hours ago, yrfan1983 said:

    Vicki and Cole... Nina and Ryan... zzzzzzz

    Yeah, I also have a hard time staying interested in the Nina/Ryan/Cole/Victoria quadrangle. The fact that it dragged on for a decade is really what's crazy. I did find Tricia gettinng into the mix to be interesting though.

  13. On 11/14/2022 at 2:58 PM, Joseph said:

    Thanks @ironlion for the clear up, I'm sorry the way expressed myself I'm just sad so many people are dying lately, And John was A Really Great Actor i greatly admired!!! I actually saw him with Jen on a sketch a few days ago!  And thinking he has been dead three days without anyone knowing, but it's the family's right to keep it private I guess, I was wondering if I went to my private archive and Got some early Victor on YouTube to honor him, I'm just afraid of the DOOL Rights police 

    Its totally understandable. 

    On 11/14/2022 at 4:37 PM, Gray Bunny said:

    Times like these are a reminder of how many of our great soap vets show up to work, year after year, despite being long past the typical retirement age, as well as coming in with aches, pains, and obstacles just to make it to the stage. Head honchos at so many soaps throughout the years bared the brunt of fan outrage when longtime senior members weren't heavily featured, when in reality, the actors themselves needed to take it easy.

    I am grateful that John Aniston continued to make the effort, despite his condition. As so many behind-the-scenes folks have mentioned, he clearly was in pain during his final years. It is nice to know he is at peace now. 

    That's why anytime I see legends like Victor Newman or Monica Quartermaine on screen, i'm thankful because we still have those links to the Golden era of soaps with us.

    I hate that soaps often put older actors who are still able and in good health out to pasture when there's so many storyline possibilities that could be explored.

  14. Again, General Hospital has a problem where they wait too long to put a couple together, and either the magic fizzles out or there's a cast departure. Spencer & Trina have been delayed so long, now the original actress is gone and the chemistry has to be re-created with a new actress. They drug their feet with Jason and Britt for a poorly written faux romance with Carly, only for Steve Burton to get fired, and now Britt is leaving. Either put a couple together or dont, but the endless will they/wont they isnt working. 

    To add to that, current storylines just seem so unfocused. They start up, fizzle out, then randomly pick back up. Case and point Cyrus. Stories on B&B (although repeditive and rushed) have a clear beginning, middle and ending.

  15. 5 hours ago, janea4old said:

    Annika Noelle on "Bold Live".  She doesn't think that her character Hope should go there with Thomas, due to what he's done to her and her family in the past - and she comments on the messaging that would send to women.


    Agreed! It would be crazy to wipe his slate clean. I didnt think she would give (or be allowed to give) such an honest answer. 

    Sheila and her green leather jacket looked great today. 


  16. 22 hours ago, Franko said:

    Nice idea.

    1. Monica & Rick, 1979-80

    2. Alan & Lucy, 1989-91 (If only because Alan & Monica actually divorced.)

    3. Alan & Susan, 1981-83

    4. Monica & Ned, 1988 (with fallout in 1990 and 1996)

    5. Sean & Monica, 1985-86

    6. Monica & Pierce, 1996

    7. Alan's not-exactly affairs: A tie among Gaby the nurse in '85, Charity in '86, Rhonda in '93, Bobbie in '95, Tammy in '98 and the perennial, Amy.

    8. Monica's flirtations: A tie between Buzz in '85 and Rick in '02 (and I think she dated a doctor while divorced, too)

    9. Monica & Philippe, 1982

    Honorable mention: Monica & David (for the fallout that occurred in 1989 and 1992); Monica and Gail's first husband doesn't count because I don't think it affected her relationship with Alan.

    I knew there was something about a guy named Buzz.

    20 hours ago, Kristin said:

    Alan and Charity didn’t ever have sex. She turned him down. Alan and Rhonda kissed a couple of times but never actually had sex. They had what would probably be called an emotional affair. He never had sex with Tammy either. But not from lack of trying. His drug use made him impotent.
    Also Alan didn’t have an affair with Amy. Monica accused him of having one because she misinterpreted some situations that she caught them in. Amy knew about his drug use and covered for him several times. He kept promising her he would get help.

    Fair to say that affairs is a broad term. Some were physical, some emotional and some were teased. 

  17. 48 minutes ago, Franko said:

    Of the biggies, just Ned. He and Monica hooked up before he came to town in fall '88, with Alan finally finding out in summer '90. I didn't know that about Amy during the addiction storyline. If I remember correctly, Amy had a crush on Alan back in '79-'80, when they teamed up to outsmart Tracy regarding A.J.'s parentage. I guess they figured Susan would be a better character as Alan's mistress rather than Amy.

    yes Ned!

    Jeez thats roughly 11 affairs between the both of them. Although the cheating stuff never really got old --partly because the Qs remained married -- did the writers ever think "maybe this is enough", lol!

    I remember, seeing a scene with Alan and Amy kissing sometime after the Monica/Dorman liason, but before or during the addiction storyline. 

    I suppose a good question for this thread is Alan and Monica's affairs ranked best to worst?

  18. 21 hours ago, Kristin said:

    I wonder if they were confusing Alan’s friendship with Tammy the prostitute. Which did take place during and really because of his drug addiction.

    Sounds like it. Almost forgot about Tammy.

    Aside from the big affairs: Rick Webber, Susan Moore, Phelipe, Sean Donnely, Lucy and Piers Dorman there were the ones with less notiriety. Charity, Tammy, Rhonda, Bobbie, Rick 2002 (a flirtation I believe). Were there any more I missed? I think Alan had something going with Amy around the time of his addiction.

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