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Planet Soap

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Posts posted by Planet Soap

  1. 4 hours ago, edgeofnik said:

    *Pet* is a stretch. This is KB's longest B&B run in 25 years. She's only had two other runs 2002-03 and 2017-18. Did either of those even last a year?

    It's remarkable Sheila can be integrated so well into the show despite she a long absence since her initial run 1992-98.

    ITA - Sheila works well in clearly defined stories. Unfortunately, Bell has a habit of writing Sheila into unnecessary corners. Seriously, the thought of Finn finding out that Sheila spiked Brooke's champagne turns into shooting Steffy (and Finn). C'mon. But it did boost the ratings for several months. So there's that.


    That's the main issue, the corners. Reforming her into michevous woman trying to maintain sanity, rather than outright criminally insane allows her to be on long term. The spiked champagne or tampering with Bridget's paternity is a good mischievous act. Shooting Stephanie or Taylor or Finn and Steffy in plane sight require immediate ramifications. Had Sheila been wearing a mask while shooting the latter, she would be free of her writing corner.

  2. Why kill Britt off and not leave things open incase the actress wanted to return? Britt's death and failed Jason pairing ironically reminds me of Patrick and Sabrina. Couple with so much potential interrupted, with the woman killed off a few years later. Sucks!

    Can the hook take Austin and and the other extra fast off canvas please.

  3. On 1/4/2023 at 12:50 AM, Paul Raven said:

    Y&R Phillip Chancellor

    On less than 2 years but his character had impact that resonated for decades after.

    Phillip, the best example. 2 years living produced over 40 years of posthumus story. 

    Victor Lord was OLTL for a relatively short time, yet his postmortem impact lasted the show's entire run.

    Claudia GH: Claudia's year long stint on GH set in motion Michael's coma, SOARSING, imprisonment and rape, it also helped set in place the feud between Johnny and Sonny. 

  4. 16 hours ago, AMCOLTLLover said:

    I don’t know why so many people are so hard on the 1996 year of YR! I really enjoyed the Nick vs Matt story + Shick.. And Ryan

    In watching the 1989-95 episodes list on page 310, you can just feel a certain energy die down storyline wise beginning in 1994. Granted 94-97 is miles above what we have today, but not as great as 90-93 before it, and late 97-2001 after it. 

    I did enjoy Victor's shooting drama, the aftermath of Matt Clark's shooting and the scenes associated with Nathan's affair.

  5. I  liked 1990 in that it set the stage for future stories, with Sheila, Drucilla and Olivia's introductions. Plus, the year had three solid plots ongoing: The George Rawlins murder, the start of David Kimble & Nina, and the Katherine/Marge doppleganger story.

    The problem with todays show is that the stories are dry, too down to earth and lack imagination. The creativity behind Sheila switching babies or posing as a book author to Lauren's son, or even David Kimbles intricate plot to murder Nina cannot be found (or would be poorly written) on the modern show.

    Old Y&R's strength is that it could be down to earth and have exciting camp. For example, while the baby switch story could be considered over the top, we got really relaistic small moments like Lauren calling the insurance company to to set up a scheme so she could obtain the baby's blood to perform a paternity test against Scott, or even Sheila's mom's speech therapy after her stroke. 

  6. On 12/23/2022 at 10:10 PM, Chris B said:

    Joss and Dex have strong chemistry and I like that we've seen her express she knows she's a hypocrite considering how she's treated Sonny and Nina. I needed her to be dropped down a peg and this helps. I just wish they'd do the same for Willow and Michael, two cheaters who have no room to judge anybody.

    Now my only thing with Joss/Dex is that I feel it'll be an excuse to sideline Cameron. He deserves a proper story and love interest as well. He's never had chemistry with Joss so it's no loss IMO. But he deserves someone.

    Joss and Dex remind me of Carly and Jason. Eden McCoy resembles Laura Wright, and the scenes where she's taking care of Dex compares tto Jason, as he always had a female character tending to him after being injured. 

    How do you all feel about Esme being Heather's daughter? There goes GH's incessant need to tie new characters to the canvas again.

    Maxie might aswell be with Spinelli. Nathan aside she hasn't had a viable romantic pairing --or storyline-- for that matter in years. The character has burned out. If they wanted to keep Nathan alive, the actor who plays Detective Chase would've been a decent recast.

  7. Y&R has been beyond saving since 2006, moreso since 2013. Every EP and head writer since Jill Farren Phelps has failed to bring the show back to some semblace of bring interesting. LML and MAB's tenures are beginning to look better compared to more recent marterial. That's a strong statement considering how damaging those periods were to the show. 

  8. 59 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    It was after Ethan turned out to be Luke's son with Holly.  Luke admitted to cheating several times throughout the years after that and (I think?) implied Laura knew.  It's all tied in with the retcon that Laura was too boring for Luke and wanted him to settle down and he was unhappy his entire marriage.  Blah, blah, blah lol.

    This really isn't a huge deal in the scheme of things on Days, but I hated the retcon of Alex North being Marlena's first husband.  It was an awful story and it literally invalidated all Marlena's marriages.  And to add insult to injury they used old Roman/Marlena flashbacks for Alex/Marlena.  Days is full of silly retcons, but for some reason that story really stuck with me as being extra bad.

    Seems like Geary was just determined to turn Luke into this dark charachter. Its almost as if he resented the fame the charachter achieved. Its crazy how the biggest supercouple in soaps is constantly being destroyed by writers.

    As a viewer, Luke was at his best in the mid 90s, an enthusiastic family man. I can understand why fans are glad to see Laura free of him, even though I would like to see them together again with better writing. 

  9. 5 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Funny thing is though I was a fan of Trina and Rory, I totally support Trina leaving him to be with Spencer. But at the same time, I think Joss is a selfish whore for wanting to leave Cam to be with Dex 😂😂

    Lollll! Rory being kind and polite isn't grinding Trina's gears. Spencer keeps her on her toes. There's drama, she doesn't know where she stands with him, plus there (was) competition in the form of Esme. A range of emotions! Rory might work for someone like Willow though. Either the show makes something wrong with Rory, or they kill him  — he was seen walking into a suspicious room yesterday — to clear the way for Trina and Spencer. 

    4 hours ago, Noel said:

    I wish I could be more involved in this thread, lol! I'm so trying, but there are way too many characters.

    Exactly. The cast is way too bloated. Too many characters with nothing going on, or too many characters with dangling plots that start up, go no where, then randomly pick back up. The show feels unfocused and disorganized. They need to trim the fat quickly.

    As I've said before, I think this is one of the reasons why I found it hard to keep up with classic ATWT on YouTube. Aside from a lack of isolated storyline playlists, there were ALOT of characters during the Marland era. At least then the writing was better and there was a sense of community.

  10. On 12/13/2022 at 8:28 PM, Kane said:

    Worst: Luke's a philanderer who cheated on Laura left, right, and center 

    When was this?👀 Tell me more.

    4 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    That was bizarre to undo one hated retcon and then replace it with another stupid move that went nowhere. 

    Jill should have been revealed to be Bill Foster's daughter that he and Liz adopted. It would fit into his character that he might have an affair and then Liz, wanting a daughter, took on his child.

    It was just bad ontop of stupid writing.

    Undoing Jill as Kay's daughter was a good move with a bad explanation.

    Undoing Phillip III as Jill's son infavor of Cane and then reversing course and bringing Phillip back from the dead made no sense. 

  11. What were some soap rewrites thats did or did not work for you?


    OLTL - I understand why two Todd's had to be done (brining Roger Howarth back). The Irene CIA explanation though was convoluted and confusing. It could have been explained better.

    OLTL- Victor Lord is alive. Victor's life has been revised too many times. They changed it to Viki killing Victor, all for him to pop up alive in 2003, only for Dorian to intimate that he wasn't the real man. 

    GH - Two Jasons: everything involving Franco, Betsy Frank, memory mapping and Afganistan was all over the place. When you recast a character, sometimes it's best to just not acknowledge that they look different in the event that the original actor wants to return, otherwise you end up in a situation like two Romans, two Todds, and now two Jasons. On the other hand, acknowledging a recast leaves room for a separate character (Drew or Victor Jr), if the OG actor returns. It also means the recast doesn't have to get fired like Greg Vaughn being ousted as Lucky in favor of OG actor Johnathan Jackson.

  12. 4 hours ago, Joseph said:

    Which ONE??? There's a name? I know one that has been posting classic stuff 1984 -90 but...

    Cant remember the name but it had full storyline clips from the 80s through early 00s like John & Marlena's affair, 2 Roman's and the Posession. Its logo was pink.


    7 minutes ago, Dylan said:

    I messaged the guy. He's really frustrated because of the time and effort he spent uploading all those years. I told him of the vault in case he wants to upload them somewhere.

    Damn. I used to rush to watch any classic Restless episode on YouTube back when things were scarce. Now that the show's content has become more abundant I've become more relaxed when new stuff comes out.

    That's a reminder to soak up as much y&r content on YouTube that's not in the vault as you can because it will eventually be taken down. 

  14. On 11/3/2022 at 11:57 PM, Liberty City said:

    I just think Jacob Young is done with soaps; if he were to return to a soap role, I think it'd be JR Chandler. I don't see Lucky or Rick happening again for him.

    Do you guys think Greg Vaugn could ever fit back into the role? 

    Is Robert Kelker Kelly done with soaps? Could they not have brought him back as Bo all those years when Peter was gone? 

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