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Everything posted by alwaysAMC

  1. alwaysAMC

    S&L: Episodes 67-69

    LOVED the Monica/Kevin stuff. Can't wait for Liz/Carly fight and the Dillon/Lucas stuff! Great job Ryan!
  2. alwaysAMC

    S&L: Episodes 64-66

    Ryan! I miss talking to you man.Anyway loved the Tracy/David stuff - soo fun. Also like the Monica mystery at the end. I liked yesterday how you ended with Maxie walking in on Lucas and Dillon hugging...lol - hope that stuff makes it into the next episode soon!
  3. alwaysAMC

    S&L: Episode 41-43

    Whoever wrote the dialogue for David/Alan and Maxie/Dillon is a genius - those scenes stood out today! Loved them! Love what you guys are doing - With Sam remembering Jason, things are going to heat up!
  4. alwaysAMC

    S&L: Episode 40

    HELLS TO THE YES! David Hayward is IN General Hospital! Love it...can't wait to see his storyline unfold.
  5. alwaysAMC

    S&L: Episodes 37-39

    LOL - I love the nonchalant death exit for Jamie....and no one cares...lol "oh she died, oh well, I love you Robin!" - hahaha
  6. Good stuff - I would have [!@#$%^&*]ed that hostess out though.
  7. alwaysAMC

    S&L: Episode 33

    That mayor is a b.itch! lol Anyway can't wait for tomorrow's - Maxie/Dillon stuff Great job today!
  8. Great episode!!! Go Lucky for punching Jason! Go Carly for slapping Elizabeth...and LMAO at “Aww, what’s wrong Carly? I thought you liked being on your back.” I'm a major Lucky/Liz fan - so Jason can go to hell for all I care. But way to shock the hell out of me with that ending! Loved loved loved it - now Sam and Jason can get back together or maybe Sam has amnesia and falls for Lucky, who will secretly be taking care of Sam? Ooohhh - the drama! lol Also loved Tracy's antics. Great job guys!
  9. alwaysAMC

    S&L: Episode 30

    I hope Lucky punches that Jason in the nose again...haha
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