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Posts posted by ltm1997

  1. 33 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    That's awesome. Wow. Thank you very very very much. We need to have a Bond Gideon reaction party. I never thought I'd see her as Jill. 


    34 minutes ago, YRfan23 said:

    Yesss!!!! So excited to see those!! 😁😁 very amazing that someone has those dates!!!  Thanks so much!!!!


    51 minutes ago, Aback said:


    That's amazing! Thank you!

    I can't wait until we can all see them! I definitely agree about the Bond Gideon watching party! LOL:lol:

  2. I'm just as excited as you all are!! I've never seen one episode from the years 1976-1981, my biggest hope is that one day we will have the full episodes from the fall of 1979 where the Kay/Derek/Suzanne/Jill saga heats up whenever Kay shows up and reveals herself to Derek and Jill by crashing through the terrace glass! I also hope to someday see episodes from 1978 with Erica Hope as Nikki, as well as episodes from 1981 concerning Edward kidnapping Nikki. A huge want of mine is also to see episodes that Lauren is featured in from her first year in 1983 (especially the episode where Tracy dumps her sundae on Lauren's head), as well as the Tracy/diet pills storyline where she has the convulsions after crashing her car. All great stuff that I've never seen!

  3. I have some great news that I will soon be buying 3 episodes of Y&R from 1980!!!! The dates are April 14th, April 16th, and June 16th, and they surround the storyline of Nikki being in the cult. Bond Gideon, who I never personally saw play Jill Foster, played her from February-July of 1980. So there may even be a chance we get to see her as Jill; we also might get to see Derek Thurston, who I also have never personally seen act as Derek, not one single scene. So stay tuned! ^_^

  4. I love the summary of the 1979 Paley episode!! Sounds like it was definitely worth the trip! I, too, wish there were more episodes in circulation from what I call the "Lost Era" (from 1977-1983). There are so many episodes of pretty much ALL of the other soaps from those years and yet none seem to surface where Y&R is concerned. I think those were the best years, to be honest. Think of all the Kay/Jill scenes we're missing out on!

  5. Does anyone know if the episodes of the storyline of Phillip III's death (dates range from May 26, 1989 until the middle of June, 1989) are in circulation? I've never seen the full episodes surrounding it. I have a feeling they're very dramatic.

  6. On 8/8/2017 at 10:21 AM, RestlessDuncan said:


    It was crazy. In march 1991 and in march 1999 (when the time jumps happened) the tv channel aired two 40 minutes recaps that covered the missing years. The tv specials were produced and edited by Sony only for the italian audience. The first time jump shocked the viewers (Y&R lost 1/3 of its audience in a short time). Suddendly there were brand new characters and storylines, a new Jill (Jess Walton), a new Jack (Peter Bergman), a new Ashley (Brenda Epperson) and two Katherine (the real one and her look alike Marge). 


    Here are two italian Y&R promos:




    Seeing that first promo makes me really wish there were more episodes from the 1977-1983 era (or what I like to call, "The Lost Era" LOL!)

  7. On 4/7/2017 at 0:27 AM, YRfan23 said:

    I didn't know most of that! and I just re-watched those promos, I was rooting for Greg when he was giving Nikki hell! It's funny cause I usually feel bad sometimes when Victor unleashes his wrath on her, but she was just a mess those earlier years so I'm glad it looked like Greg didn't back down from unleashing his fury....

    I really wish there were full 1973-1983 episodes around....sigh.... :( 


    23 hours ago, SoapDope said:

    I know. There is all kinds of General Hospital etc....around. Someone had to be taping Y&R in that era too.


    What really gets me is, they recorded the promos, why wouldn't they record the episodes that go with them!!!?

  8. I was just now watching those and I didn't even know you posted them LOL! I wish the episodes from the following promos would surface (along with the ones you and I just posted today):










    Is the woman in the last promo Suzanne Lynch??


  9. I just don't understand how there are so many good quality promos from 1979-1983 like these ones, but we can never find full episodes. There HAS to be at least one person that recorded from this era.






  10. Does anybody by chance have the scenes involving Phillip III's death from 1989 with Jill, Nina, Kay, etc.?? From the car accident all the way up to the aftermath of the funeral for his estate. I hope someone does and could upload them! I've been looking for them for so long!

  11. My favorite era from Y&R was from the first decade ('73-'83) and I would give anything to see episodes especially from the 1977-83 years. What amazes me is that it seems like with every other soap that was on around that time, you can find a plethora of old episodes in actually pretty good quality (i.e. GL, ATWT, etc.), not to mention the many promos from those eras. So someone HAD to have taped them, I just don't know why they won't come forward!

  12. Does anyone have any episodes from 1989 that they could upload at all besides the ones that are already on here?? Especially if they involve Phillip III's death or Jabot being taken over.

  13. 19 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    They also used it during some of the Pheila stuff didn't they?....LOL, at least LML didn't totally gut the music back then....

    They play it a lot during most of the classic episodes....I swear they used it almost everyday, haha

    It seems like they used the full version of it back more in the 80s and early 90s. I especially love when they end a scene with it to make it suspenseful. The earliest time they used it from what I've seen and the DVD edits I have were from November of '83 when Kay tries to press Jill into admitting she's not really pregnant and Jill then faints. It's used like 3 times in a row for those scenes. I'm guessing that's around the time they debuted it.

  14. On 10/23/2016 at 10:28 PM, YRfan23 said:


    whoops.....meant to post this one first....


    7/7/93.....When That DamnBillyBoyAbbott, came into the world....haha

    my favorite Y&R background music of all time starts at 7:41 on the July 7, 1993 episode. Do you have anymore with that full music??

  15. Does anybody have any episodes or scenes from 1986 when Shawn kidnapped Lauren and buried her alive, Paul and Andy finding her, and so on that they could upload?? Been looking for those scenes for a while. Also 1985 episodes as well definitely.

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