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Posts posted by TimWil

  1. I stand corrected about Ross-yes, indeed, he was at the funeral.


    I have a feeling that not only will the handsome guy who Finn assisted at the pile-up appear in the village to "show gratitude" (wink, wink) but he'll also be the one who point blank identifies Emma as the one who caused the pile-up in the first place. Poor Finn. Well, at least the guy is hot.


    That would make sense. Do you think Emma will bump him off? That would be Finn's luck...

    Hah, I wouldn't put it past her!

  2. I stand corrected about Ross-yes, indeed, he was at the funeral.


    I have a feeling that not only will the handsome guy who Finn assisted at the pile-up appear in the village to "show gratitude" (wink, wink) but he'll also be the one who point blank identifies Emma as the one who caused the pile-up in the first place. Poor Finn. Well, at least the guy is hot.

  3. Jack P. Shepherd was quite wonderful as David in the video message. Nice touch for him to have his childhood pet rabbit Barney as his laptop password.


    Ken's phone conversation in the florist's was amusing. Is it really true that some native Brits will actually sit down for a Thanksgiving meal next month? Is it to do with Brexit? 

  4. Roger Sloman and Harry Reid are genuinely awful when Les and Ben are required to display anger. Both painful to watch.


    I'd be fine with Lin Blakley returning in around six months with Pam having been made a widow. She'd be wonderful with Honey, Billy and the kids.

  5. Well, what a lovely episode tonight's was. It had a strong sense of community and a strong sense of family. New beginnings (the Fowlers) and bittersweet endings (Dot and the launderette). Wow.


    I think sometime in 2017 that SOC should bring back Sam but this time she should be played by Kim Medcalf. With Ronnie gone I can see Sam returning to "reclaim" Richard but she and Jack end up together. Kim and Scott Maslen could have considerable chemistry and it would ironically be the first time Medcalf's Sam really clicked with a love interest. And maybe somehow SOC could get Tracy Oberman in for a bit-perhaps Chrissie could snatch Richard as revenge for you-know-what? 

  6. It's the subtle moments like that, that makes me appreciate ED. I'm glad that Moira and Holly came to a good place before it ended. Holly didn't leave bitter. 

    I wonder if Cain's remark to Holly on last Monday's episode-"You're just a smackhead"-will somehow be brought up in the weeks ahead. I don't think it will have been overheard, though. Maybe it's in a diary/journal of Holly's and Moira will discover it?

    I couldn't help but think of what the character Paul says to Ouisa in the play/film Six Degrees of Separation-he says something like "I never take drugs when I'm sad. I only take 'em when I'm happy!" 

  7. Tonight's wedding episodes were OK but what the hell were Tracy and her dad doing in that car all night? I guess she passed out from drinking too much but what about him? I couldn't help but think if Michael Praed might have been better on EE as Gavin than Paul Nicholas-what say you, Carl? He'd be on the young side to play him but otherwise OK.

  8. Glad that David got the all-clear but Tracy really is working my last nerve. The actress has this Denise Van Outen look going on (blonde hair, gleaming smile) and the cutesiness to go with it. She reminds me of a children's TV presenter.  She's obviously one of this new producer's "pets" and so she's been shoved down our throats ad nauseum. I hope this changes at some point.

  9. I don't think David and Gemma will ever have a romantic relationship. She's probably being put into his orbit because she's yet to find out about Kylie killing Callum and David's cover-up of it. I think she'll set her cap on Daniel Osbourne.

    I'm not sure the show can resist putting Adam Baldwin with Eva-thus we'll have a couple in the Street named Adam and Eva.



  10. There's no excuse for Mark to not have an American accent. Zero. Nada. One of the worst decisions this show has ever made. I remember on Coronation Street when Audrey's son visited Weatherfield from Canada and he actually had a Canadian accent. Fancy that! Every time this kid opened his mouth I wanted to throw something at the screen. And he actually is a handsome kid and a decent actor.


    Louise Marwood's hair and make-up make her look like a vamp in a Noel Coward comedy like Hay Fever. And this is not a compliment considering she's on a contemporary soap.


    Yes, it seemed all too likely going from tonight's episode that Joanie's dying and will be gone by Christmas.



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