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Posts posted by TimWil

  1. I'm enjoying Linda/Mick/Elaine. That's fun.


    Les and Pam? Unbearable. I'm liking Claudette more and more, though.


    As for Kathy's Return, they certainly fumbled the ball. Big time. Massive disappointment. She gets a shift in the Cafe and nobody bats an eyelid. Not even Marie. Really terrible.

  2. Hi, Carl, yeah, I've been crazy busy with work and personal matters so I unfortunately haven't been here as much as I'd like.

    I must chime in with agreement about Ian's suicide attempt and subsequent "reunion" with Kathy. Wow. Awful. The only interesting aspect of tonight's episode was how, side by side, Jane and Kathy are so similar looking and sounding.

    On last night's episode of EE on WLIW Stacey accused Bradley of "attacking" her when in reality Deano had spiked her drink. Deano said to Stacey "He (Bradley) doesn't look like he'd attack anybody" and Stacey snapped back "They all don't, do they?" Heh.

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    Last weekend in an interview on LBC Radio Prime Suspect creator Lynda LaPlante revealed that there was an ongoing search to find a young actress to play Jane Tennison in a prequel to the hugely popular series on ITV. LaPlante remarked that she specifically wanted a fresh face to play the role. She said "Not anyone from EastEnders or Coronation Street although both those shows are great." Well, I think it's quite possible that Maddy Hill is in serious contention for the role or might even already be cast for it. 

    The speculation tonight that she might be departing EE adds a lot of fuel to this possibility. The prequel to Prime Suspect begins shooting in January in Hackney and its environs. I can see Miss Hill completing her second yearly contract in the next month or so, going into "training" for the role in December and ready to start shooting in January. I think she'd be an absolutely brilliant choice as young Jane Tennison, who will be seen joining the force in 1973. I can totally buy her as a younger version of Helen Mirren, for starters. She's around the same height (Mirren is 5'4", Hill is 5'5") and their coloring is similar. All in all Hill could be a complete revelation. Something tells me LaPlante has had to modify her opinion regarding a "known quantity" or "soap actress" as Jane Tennison. This is a star making role and it could be Hill's to run away with and make into something special. 
  4. Carl, this morning I had to post the latter video on another board to prove to the ignorant so and sos on there that Kathy and Sharon were actually enemies for years and they were never friends again. Phil had told Kathy that Sharon had gone after him, had instigated the affair and Kathy believed him. I kept on waiting for her to get over it already but she never did, right up to her departure. I thought maybe someone like Peggy might set her straight but that never happened. I thought Angie might have via a phone call from Florida. Nope. I hope DTC and the writers were aware of this when they wrote and filmed Kathy and Sharon face to face with each other in 2015.

  5. Yes, Carl, I do, thanks! Just watched the first two installments. I hope during the live episodes which sometimes just consist of the housemates conversing we'll hear some CS gossip. And Jenna Jameson will exclaim "Wow, that Julie Goodyear sounds like one f**ked up bi**h!"

  6. Now that it turns out that Phil knew about Kathy for three years I finally buy him allowing a sobbing Ian into his arms following Lucy's murder.

    I don't think Phil knows about Gavin's fatherly connection to Sharon because I don't think even KATHY knows...yet.

  7. Tristan Gemmill is quite a hunk but will there eventually be a point in bringing Robert to Weatherfield apart from rekindling his relationship with Tracy? I'd love it if it turned out that he was deeply in love with a relative of Charlie Stubbs and is going along with her master plan for him to woo Tracy and then dump her on their wedding day.

  8. I agree, Ben, this and Coronation Street are both treading water. Both are very, very bad right now.

    So our first hint that Ronnie is unhappy being with Charlie is because he SNORES? If I had that dude in my bed I'd find a way to put up with it. And i am really fed up now with Samantha Womack's lazy, sloppy acting. Her upspeaking (ending statements with a question mark) drives me crazy for starters. Was Sam a fan of Neighbors when she was a kid? That bad habit of unspeaking is one of Australia's least attractive imports to the UK.

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