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Posts posted by TimWil

  1. Mmmm hmmm. I suspect she found doing the bullying storyline a breeze. Kieron Richardson always comes off as obnoxious in interviews, too. I really can't stand having to look at that punk face of his. I hope he gets kicked to the curb, too.

  2. I disagree, vetsoapfan. I think Kobe/Long re-energized the show in 1983/1984 and made it watchable again after a particularly dire number of months following Douglas Marland's departure. They came up with The Four Musketeers, for starters. They gave the show a new identity which was very popular. And I think the opening musical theme which ran under their tenure was one of the best ever composed for daytime.

  3. Good episode tonight.

    I think Gavin, the property development, Brian Slater and the key are all intertwined. This is shaping up to be something interesting, at least. The mystery of the key actually has the feel of a Douglas Marland umbrella story-the first time I've ever felt that from any story on EE!

    Fun fact I realized as I was watching the episode: the piece of music being played as Jean walked down the aisle was the same piece of music that Amanda Carrington walked down the aisle to in a particularly notorious episode of Dynasty. Anyone remember the Moldavian Massacre? This was surely no coincidence and probably a DTC touch.

  4. Yep, Monika. In fact the first time we saw her replacement Jennifer Cooke was when Kelly and Morgan were on their honeymoon which was shot somewhere on location in the Caribbean.

    Geraldine (Court) told me that Marsha Clark cracked, when they taped the wedding sequence "Wow, how often are the groom's tits bigger than the bride's?" When they were watching the screen test of Cooke with Shipp Clark cracked "Well, now it's a toss up as to whose tits are bigger."

  5. Well, tonight's episode marked the beginning of Lee's depression storyline and I don't have a good feeling about it. Danny Boy Hatchard mumbled through his scenes and I'm just not feeling it.

    The Max/Carol and Jean/Stacey scenes were good, though. Daran Little can write. I haven't quite forgiven him for writing with his dick and making a rapist a sex object in his previous episode, though.

  6. I forgot if I wrote it here or somewhere else that in 1980 I was in a production of a play called Moonchildren off-off Broadway which was put on by my manager. Her clients included Heidi Bohay (who went on to do Hotel and other work), Jill Voigt (who originated the role of Becky Lee on OLTL), Philip McGregor and Peter Reckell and we were all in it together. McGregor was a very weak actor but he sure was pretty. He can be spotted as an extra in the film Manhattan with Lauren Taylor-they're standing together in front of the Dalton School in an establishing shot in which Mariel Hemingway's character meets with Woody Allen's character.

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