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Posts posted by BetterForgotten

  1. I honestly don't know if I can take watching either Tracy or Ken without the possibility of Deirdre ever coming back.

    I always thought Anne was far superior in the acting department than Bill Roache (he was lucky to have her IMO, even if I grew tired or Deirdre and Ken), and I won't even go into the disaster I find Kate Ford to be.

  2. Just re-watching the Deirdre and Me special that originally aired in in 2012 when Anne celebrated her 40th anniversary on the show.


    I think the Jon Lindsay stuff and subsequent prison sentence for Deirdre was the first Corrie storyline I remember reading about online and keeping up with in the late 90's.

    The Ken/Deirdre/Mike triangle seems very inspired by American soaps. I know triangles had been done before on British soaps and they're certainly not unique to just soap operas, but something about the way that storyline was told from what I've seen of it feels more akin to American soap storytelling.

  3. Apparently, the cliffhanger special re-purposed most of the clips from the 25th anniversary special, just with an updated rank. I think Michelle Fowler is still in the top 10, which is a strong testament to how strong and vital that character was to the first decade of the show.

    Someone at Walford Web did their own list of the characters with the most cliffhangers about a month ago, and this was the result of their top 20:

    1. Phil Mitchell-253 Duff Duffs
    2. Ian Beale-185 Duff Duffs
    3. Sharon Rickman-157 Duff Duffs
    4. Grant Mitchell-119 Duff Duffs
    5. Pat Evans-118 Duff Duffs
    6. Pauline Fowler-116 Duff Duffs
    7. Michelle Fowler-111 Duff Duffs
    8. Kat Moon-109 Duff Duffs
    9. Dot Branning-104 Duff Duffs
    10. Kathy Beale-100 Duff Duffs
    11. Alfie Moon-99 Duff Duffs
    12. Mark Fowler-98 Duff Duffs
    13. Peggy Mitchell-98 Duff Duffs
    14. Max Branning-94 Duff Duffs
    15. Den Watts-92 Duff Duffs
    16. Bianca Butcher-89 Duff Duffs
    17. Janine Butcher-83 Duff Duffs
    18. Ronnie Mitchell-80 Duff Duffs
    19. Stacey Branning-77 Duff Duffs
    20. Arthur Fowler-75 Duff Duffs

    As for Pam, I don't think I necessarily disagree with killing Pat if Pam didn't want to stay long-term anymore. I just can't imagine Pat as one of those characters that randomly visits from time to time. But the way it was handled with Pam seems shady.

  4. Ashdown was a big part of the show's issues, IMO. He needed to go. He wrote some great episodes in the 90's and early 00's (I believe he wrote the Dot/Ethel assisted suicide episode), but he should have never been a story consultant, and ever since the Santer era, all of the big episodes they gave him to write were horribly formulaic.

    Maybe the BBC should ask Tony McHale to come back and be EP when DTC is ready to go? It would probably be easier than getting Phelps or Jordan back.

  5. So Sharon's biological mother contacted her tonight? I know we met her briefly in the early 90's and she only saw Sharon as a friend and not her daughter. Anyway, I wonder how DTC is going to f.uck this up, as I assume it's probably going to lead to some of Sharon's biological family possibly coming. Though, as they ignore Sharon for the most part these days, I wonder if this will lead to anything as well...

    Also a Vicki and Spencer mention? LOL

  6. I hope her and Tony Bennett lose that Grammy on 2/8. I will be so pissed if the sack of sh!t duets album won something.

    It needs to go to Queen Barbra Streisand, it would be the first win for Babs in a competitive category since 1986, and I think it would be a great TV "moment" too...

  7. I wonder how much longer DTC will stick around after the 30th anniversary. Producers have a tendency to leave soon after milestone anniversaries on this show.

    Santer left after the 25th, and Kathleen Hutchinson's brief stint came to an end around the time of the 20th. Also, Matthew Robinson left around the time of the 15th anniversary (both Robinson and John Yorke are actually credited in the 15th anniversary episode).

    I kind of hope that Sarah Phelps's one-off return is paving them way for her to replace DTC...

  8. Did Alice (regardless of who was playing her) and Rachel interact much after Rachel got intertwined with Mac and Iris? It seemed like there was an intention on reinventing Rachel as a character after her involvement with the Cory's, so many of her prior relationships were not emphasized as much after that.

  9. It would definitely have to be a character she was passionate about, I assume. Out of the characters on the show now, she wrote a lot for Stacey (she practically was the one responsible for making the character successful after a rocky start), Sharon, and Kat & Alfie during her original stint. None of these characters seem important to the show anymore though.

    But a Dot centered story is a safe bet, as she seems to be the character writers return for (well, Tony Jordan at least).

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