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Posts posted by BetterForgotten

  1. As expected, Sharon's attack looks to be all about Shirley and her confessing her love for Phil rolleyes.gif

    I can't believe we're at the point where Sharon (an original character!) is being used as an interloper to Phil and Shirley's supposedly great love. The Carter family and Shirley propping has got to end. I hope the next producer dismantles this entire family and kills Shirley violently.

  2. The Millers were entirely forgettable and such a bad attempt to cash in on Shameless and the chav lifestyle.

    Sometimes I used to think the show had an unwarranted backlash from 2004-2006, and then I watch some of the episodes from those years, and I can see why the press tore it shreds and why the ratings fell. It's still amazing to think about how popular and lauded the show was during the 1998-2002 era, and then it all suddenly fell to pieces in the mid 00's.

  3. The Carter's will eventually go the way of the Di Marco's (I hope).

    In fact, they remind me a lot of the Di Marco's with the way they're being injected into any and everything with little or any substantial development.

    I know I'm a Janine stan, but it really pissed me off in her last episode when Linda was passing judgement and giving Janine attitude based strictly on the vitriol Carol and Bianca were spouting out about Janine when she knew nothing about the situation. Who is this bitch? Since then, I've been completely turned off.

  4. Chelsea herself was underdeveloped.

    I wonder if they're going to try Stacey and Dean again, and try to shoehorn her in with the Carter's. Remember that terrible story where Chelsea and Dean tried to frame Sean Slater for attacking Patrick?

    Carly was always a waste and the actress sucked ass. Does anyone remember her romp with Jake Moon? Disgusting.

  5. I didn't have much of an opinion at first, but now they remind of the way the di Marco's were force-fed, and I'm just over it. At least Matthew Robinson and John Yorke had the good sense to chop most of them, I don't see anything putting a stop to this Carter infestation soon.

    They're DTC's pet project and he wants everyone to know about it, and judging by the spoilers, it seems like Sharon's upcoming story will turn into a story about poor old f.uckin' Shirley.

  6. Mel was one of my least favourite characters during that 98-02 era, which I otherwise loved and probably consider "my era" of the show as that's when I really started to follow it seriously, via recaps and research online at least.

    In some ways I can see why the revamp Robinson brought on was needed, but in other ways, it probably led the show down the wrong direction that its never really come back from. Does anyone remember the stylized opening and closing segments from that era that were sometimes used? It was so un-EastEnders.

  7. Probably Martine McCutcheon, who was in her early 20's and apparently growing quite the ego during this time. If so, at least Collins and her have the distinction of getting on Matthew Robinson and Mal Young's bad side, hence why their characters were killed off.

    Speaking of McCutcheon, I was watching some old Tiffany scenes a few weeks ago, and even thought I know Tony Jordan created the character, it was easy to spot that the character was an early prototype for what would become the Slater girls. There were elements of Kat, Little Mo, and of course Stacey that were so prevalent in that character, though she was obviously weaker due to her association with Grant.

    I think the only person Patsy has some early conflict with was Barbara Windsor, but they got over that.

  8. He was very good with Janine, which was great as he never got the chance until this stint to interact with Charlie's version of the character (I don't count Pat's death). Yeah, I know there was the whole blackmail thing, but he was the only person on the show that saw her as a human and didn't judge her for being the way she is. They're actually quite similar in many ways, which David told her in her last episode. I love that he acknowledge her as his sister and she acknowledged him as an older brother.

    Both Carol and Bianca have never once shown proper gratitude for what Janine did for them. They were often late with the rent, never had a good word to say to her and were overtly rude. Bianca knew Janine as a child and a young adolescent. When Janine returned to Walford in 2000, Bianca was gone and she didn't see Janine again until 2008; from then on, she did everything in her power to turn Ricky against his sister. Both are on my [!@#$%^&*] list for the way they treated her in her last episode to support that airhead Alice - who let me remind you, conspired to kill Janine. At least Bianca's kids loved Aunty Janine and showed that at in her last episode.

  9. Christopher Reason wrote this episode too, I really wish he got more attention for his work. I always thought he was better than Simon Ashdown, who got all the praise for the same old bag of tricks. I'm glad he's no longer with the show as I thought it suffered a great deal from his influence.

  10. Aw, today's episode uses Julia's Theme. I'll never get sick of hearing it and the contrived emotions its meant to stir up.

    Carol is still an ungrateful, vile, and self-centered woman. If played be a lesser actress, I would hate her completely. But Lindsey Coulson is just too good to overlook.

    I will miss Michael French/David, but at least the door is open for him to come back. He just fit back in seamlessly - he had a great rapport with everyone, especially Carol, Janine, Bianca, Ian, and that brief scene he had with Sharon earlier this week.I really wish French would commit long-term to the show, but alas, that's probably never going to happen.

    This episode really should have been a Carol/David two-hander as they took up 80% of it, the Sonia/Bianca stuff was a waste.

  11. I miss Tony Jordan, no one wrote better for a great deal of these characters more than he did. I wonder how much better characters like Sharon, Phil, Kat, Alfie, Stacey, Dot, Bianca, Carol, and David would be written if he was still there.

    As for Carol and David, there seems to be a hell of a lot retconning going on with their relationship. Those two have always been toxic together and apart, and judging by the backstory that was told in the 90's, they were mere kids fooling around when Carol got knocked up with Bianca. I think Pat even said something to the effect that Carol was pretty loose with her sexuality as a teen at one point (Pat of all people would know). I don't understand this Romeo & Juliet-esque story we're now led to believe. The only man I've ever bought Carol with was Alan, actually.

    Speaking of Pat, I did enjoy Ian and David talking about her yesterday, and how Ian said Pat would know what to say in a situation like his. She would, and I miss her. Janine still owns Pat's house right? I wonder if she's charging Bianca and Carol rent, given that she couldn't give two [!@#$%^&*] about them. I miss her too, and I hope she returns soon.

    Also, Sharon was shown at her best on Tuesday's episode with both Ian and David. I liked them remembering Pat again, and Sharon's definite through about Dennis and not getting a second chance.

  12. I'm watching in reverse, but I'm surprised they remembered that Stacey and Sharon know one another during that quick scene when Kat and Stacey were walking around the square.

    In fact, it's hard to believe now, but Stacey was one of the most unpopular characters on the show when she first arrived. I remember how much the forums hated her and how she was labeled as both a Janine and Kat rip-off/younger interpretation. It was her unique, almost brother/sister relationship/friendship with Dennis Rickman that got people to start liking her, and this was propelled by the time they first introduced Jean to make her a more sympathetic character and explain why she was the way she was.

    Sarah Phelps, who was one of the show's best writers deserves a lot of the credit for making Stacey as a character work after the rather brisk reception she initially got. In fact, it was Phelps who coined the now catchy "Stacey Slater, ice skater" line of dialogue...

  13. It just feels like a terrible attempt to humanize Shirley and to make her more sympathetic. At least the Zoe stuff was built in and hinted at during Kat's introduction, this was just made up because DTC has some sort of weird agenda to push with Shirley and the Carter's.

    The unfortunate thing is that Shirley doesn't need this type of push, those who liked the character liked her for the messed up and unapologetic mess she was/is. The fact that it feels like she's on every f.ucking episode and seems to be part of every storyline is turning me off her character and the whole Carter family to be honest.

    I know they want us to believe Shirley is some modern-day version of Pat, but she'll never be that IMO. Pat's evolution on the show was done in a very organic and diligent way.

  14. And I cannot handle too many more Carters on the square. It'll be like the Brannings when they consumed the show ... too much and overly saturated. This is why the Slaters (besides the Masoods) is one of the last great families to be on the square. The writers at the time only focused on Kat, Lynne, Zoe, and Little Mo (with Charlie & Big Mo as supporting), and when they made their impact and started to leave the square, they brought in Stacy, Sean, & Jean.

    I don't have any sort of opinion of the Carter's, they're just there, I'm really ambivalent about them as a whole (I really don't care for Kellie Bright and Danny Dyer though). But overall, I don't hate them, but I don't have a strong care for them either from what I've seen.

    The Masoods initially (before they were trashed) worked because they show learnt from their mistakes with the Ferreira's on how not to write a South Asian family. The Slater's are a different situation altogether, as they were introduced on what was probably the show's last real golden era. They dominated almost the entire show from 2001-2005, but strangely, I didn't mind as I fell in love with them from almost the beginning, and that was when BBC America aired the show just a few months behind the UK transition, so it almost felt like I was experiencing everything in real-time, as PBS was quite a few years behind by that point. It's strange how popular the show was during that time when a new family dominated so much airtime, I don't know if they would be as warmly received today. They did have their detractors though, as many of the cast weren't happy with them being given such high priority at the time, and it did feel like they didn't interact with the entire Sqaure as a whole, but moreso with each other for most of the time. But at the end of the day, their storylines are probably EastEnders most definitive stories of the 00's. The Kat/Zoe reveal is EastEnders signature pop culture moment of the 00's (with Who Show Phil? which happened around the same time a close second), and most definitely that of British soaps in the 00's, nothing else comes close from a pop culture and definitive perspective from that otherwise uneven decade.

    TC needs to develop the Carters more before bringing on any more of them. I'd rather him bring back Sam (Kim Medcalfe), Grant, Courtney, Louise, Sharon's brothers (Chris & Jonathan), Chelsea, Steven.... before adding more Carters

    It gets me thinking that they have absolutely no idea what to do with Sharon anymore, which is sad. From what I've seen, she doesn't even feel like a supporting player, but more like a dayplayer. I can't believe this is the same Sharon who was once a very vital character. I know DTC once said she was his favourite character, but I haven't seen that. He'll be more interested in pushing Stacey again, and moving Ronnie into her new villainous direction.

  15. Great stories TimWill! I think I've seen you post for years at Walford Web (an EastEnders site/forum that no longer exists, but there is a splinter forum for members who used to post there in existence now). Nice to see you posting here, through strange seeing you post about something other than EastEnders!

  16. I think the ongoing story was French had a strange infatuation with Coulson's first husband, and seduced her to get back at him when he wouldn't return French's sexual advances.

    This old archived article speaks about it:


    A friend said: "It was like something out of a black comedy. "
    "Michael started dropping hints that Phillip had been his lover when they were both working on Guys and Dolls in Manchester. Everyone had been drinking, but there was no doubt that he intended to be taken seriously.""
    As he left his office in London's Holborn Phillip confirmed: "Michael said some extremely unpleasant things.
    "He was trying to provoke something, hinting that something had gone on between us. "There was no truth in it whatsoever. I have been very hurt."
    Last night a friend of Phillip's said: "He was totally confused by what was going on.
    "Michael had been a friend and now he was acting like an enemy."
    Now Lindsey feels she has been used and is as devastated as her husband.
    "She no longer has anything to do with Michael," a friend said.
    "She plays her scenes with him and that is it. She realises how much she has lost.
    "There is no way that she and Phillip can repair their marriage."

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