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Posts posted by BetterForgotten

  1. There seemed to be an understated quality about the show in these years, which changed by the late 90's when it felt like the entire program was revamped to be more sensationalized.

    The McDonald's do annoy me somewhat (in a way that's similar to how I feel about the Carter's on EastEnders these days), but they do at least seem authentic. Also, am I the only one who preferred Andy over Steve?

    And of course, I am loving Bet during this era, even if Alec disturbs me with the way he treats her at times.

  2. Oh shoot, I had forgotten that Matthew Robinson directed the very first episode of EastEnders.

    It's kind of ironic though, as Robinson is probably most responsible for the show's first big attempt as contemporizing and veering from its roots, though I really did enjoy his era as EP as a whole.

  3. People can say what they want, but she'll always be the most relevant female pop star in music history.

    Madonna and Michael Jackson set the template for the definition of what a pop star is, no one else can claim that or is really on that level.

  4. In today's world, Hilda Ogden's exit (which, IMO, is probably the best ever exit given to a beloved long-running character on a soap) would be lambasted for being "boring" and "playing it safe." Corrie used to do great and classy exits for its veteran characters once upon a time.

    I do think there is a lot of life left in Bet, even in her short 2002 return, she stole every scene. They don't make characters like that anymore.

  5. I still can't get over how eveytime I catch an episode everything leads back to the f.ucking Carter family. I've never felt so sick of a shoehorned family in my life on a soap.

    Have we become too pessimistic? I had no issues with the Slater domination in 2000-2003, which was definitely the show's last great gold era. Did I not mind a new dominant family back then because the show was very good overall or was it because the family was just better overall? It's strange how it didn't bother me back then as much as it does now.

  6. I do think Deirdre's years away from Ken and pre-Ken were probably her best years. She was probably at her most vital after their first marriage had ended.

    I think Anne was very underrated as an actress, and I hate that the writing for Deidre's from the past decade will probably leave many having the wrong impression of both Anne and Deirdre. She was an amazing dramatic actress when they gave her the material.

  7. I honestly don't know if I can take watching either Tracy or Ken without the possibility of Deirdre ever coming back.

    I always thought Anne was far superior in the acting department than Bill Roache (he was lucky to have her IMO, even if I grew tired or Deirdre and Ken), and I won't even go into the disaster I find Kate Ford to be.

  8. Just re-watching the Deirdre and Me special that originally aired in in 2012 when Anne celebrated her 40th anniversary on the show.


    I think the Jon Lindsay stuff and subsequent prison sentence for Deirdre was the first Corrie storyline I remember reading about online and keeping up with in the late 90's.

    The Ken/Deirdre/Mike triangle seems very inspired by American soaps. I know triangles had been done before on British soaps and they're certainly not unique to just soap operas, but something about the way that storyline was told from what I've seen of it feels more akin to American soap storytelling.

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