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Posts posted by sivad40

  1. 3 minutes ago, Vee said:



    Not by very much, and a ton of the total coming in for PA is going to favor Biden. Trump's lead is rapidly dropping.

    If Biden can close this election out, I will give you credit for being steadfastly optimistic no matter what.  You're a better man than when it comes to doing that especially now. 

  2. 59 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    I never really thought Biden was going to win Iowa anyway, but if that Selzer polling is accurate (and that's being questioned in spite of its sterling reputation because some of the House results are very out of whack), along with Emerson showing Trump winning NE-02 (although again the poll methodology is questionable), it may suggest some sort of comeback. I figured this was going to be close, which is extremely dangerous because the courts will likely give Trump a close election. 


    More from Texas:



    Republicans at least the ones on other forums that go to, have said that the polls have been wrong all along and Trump is going to win a landslide. The polls in their opinion, doesn't take account for all of the Trump support that is out there. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Fevuh said:

    I voted yesterday.  I'm Virginia.  I don't know where Biden should spend his time.  When I saw he went to Texas, I thought what a total waste.  I think FL is too.  Continue concentrating on MI, WI, PA and just one more swing State and then FL and TX don't matter.  When polls say Biden has a chance in TX - no he doesn't.  I don't believe he does in FL either.  There are so many paths to win for us, and I don't want Biden spending time in places that won't swing.  I'd go after GA and NC before I'd spend time in FL or TX.  

    I have heard the same thing about GA and NC too. Maybe Biden should back to the basement (sarcasm) because I keep hearing from Biden supporters that he shouldn't be spending time in this state or that state because doesn't have chance of winning there. 


    The Right is never going to just roll over and play dead if they lose the White House. They didn't do it during the Bill Clinton and Barack Obama years and they aren't going to do it for Biden either. They are just going to veer further right, and foment dissent like they did during those years. Just like those years when a Democrat was president, some of the Left will never be satisfied with any Biden or the Democratic Congress does. 

  4. I just voted in Charlotte NC at the Spectrum Center (indoor arena for sports and entertainment) and it took me about 10-15 minutes to do it because there's wasn't any sort of line at all. I voted straight Democrat all the way.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Vee said:

    A narrative you are now perpetuating?

    If you want to call it that, then yes I am. I plan on voting tomorrow  (I live in a swing state)  straight Democrat,  and then I'm staying away from politics as best as I can until next Wednesday. I doubt I can totally filter out politics though.


  6. I see that sky is falling narrative has shifted from 2016 to 2000 and with Barrett being confirmed. The SOTCUS siding with the GOP in the Wisconsin case and Trump signaling that he wants votes to be counted no later than Nov 3 and it's going to be ramped up to infinity. Trump is laying the seeds to not have mail in ballots counted and once he's up in the election, he and the networks will declare himself the winner. 

  7. 12 hours ago, Vee said:

    I take Politico with a grain of salt. It is and always will be a Republican-born Beltway gossip press which has no problem printing Trump's dirty laundry but will always - always - concern troll Dems.

    Are you confident that Biden will win because there's been some nervous and pessimistic Democratic supporters that believe that Trump will win because of a last week surge.

  8. For what it's worth. I guess if Lindsey loses his seat, he can join Jeff Sessions as one of the ones who was discarded by the GOP after they had no use for them.


    One of the few times I have laughed at Trump.



  9. 2 hours ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Trump himself has switched party affiliation numerous times over the years. It’s never really been about party affiliation with him. He’s opportunist and saw a weakness in the Republican Party and how far right-leaning it’s been over the last 25+ years, and used that as an excuse to highjack it for his own personal gain.


    If the Republicans lose their majority in the Senate and Trump loses this election, they really have no one else to blame. They’re clearly going to have to move in some other direction as this election is more of a referendum on Trumpism that anything else.

    If Trump does lose the election, IMO, Republicans will still go further to the right as they have been doing since Reagan. Some of them admitted on another forum that I posted on, that if Pence was running for president instead of Trump, he would easily have beaten Biden. I don't know about that but it was the closest thing that I have ever heard of them admitting that Trump has dragged them down.

  10. 31 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    The NC stuff feels like Trump's people trying a psy-op...it's going to be very close.


    It's disappointing and depressing, if not surprising, how much the message of just give up about COVID and let it happen has resonated. The one that bothers me most is people who say, "Who cares if cases are going up? People are dying less, so the treatment has improved!" Yes, who cares about incredibly expensive treatment that still leaves someone with longtime health problems. We are such a callous, heartless country. 


    I'm also not surprised that Trump is pivoting to trying to drive up hate against Fauci, hoping it will egg up more base turnout. Whether it will work depends on how successful the voter suppression efforts are. 


    The sooner the Democrats don't need Florida to win, the better. Trends are not good there and it is not worth the time or money. 

    I take it that you believe that Trump will get another term in office?

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