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Posts posted by sivad40

  1. http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2018/01/the-trump-administration-just-gave-the-craziest-justification-for-allowing-doctors-to-deny-care-to-women-and-lgbt-people/


    “In a press conference about the new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division, Roger Severino, a senior HHS official, said it was necessary to shield medical staffers who deny care on religious grounds, comparing their situation with that of Jews who were slaughtered during the Holocaust and Martin Luther King Jr. in his quest for racial justice.”


    So the question here is between two groups of people claiming their fundamental rights are being infringed upon.

    The first believes they have a right to basic health care regardless of their gender or sexual orientation.

    The other believes they have a right to deny them basic health care due to their religious beliefs.

  2. Here's some of what the pro Net Neutrality people are saying.


    "It's about the free market. Net neutrality is govt. intervention when a need has not been established. More importantly, net neutrality stifles competition.


    Think back 15 years ago ... cell companies charges for every minute of talk time AND long distance fees. I think it was Sprint or another smaller provider that just charged a flat rate for minutes and no long distance fees. I was using AT&T and that lumbering giant only when so far as make evening and weekends free. AT&T was one of the last providers to switch over to flat rates and no long distance, which gave rise to Verizon, Cricket, and others. Bottom line, I used to pay $300+ per month for cell service, now I pay $80. That's what the free market does without govt. telling cell providers how they can offer their services."


    "NN is nothing more than the Dems giving something for free to their base and turning them against the big, bad corporations that want their money (while ignoring that bigger corporations are against NN). If the ISPs are abusive like the "progressives" warn that they COULD be, then they will be dealt with legislatively and they therefore have an incentive to not go down that road. NN is in the same sphere as free Obama phones... except that the cost of the heavy internet users is being subsidized by the low users instead of the taxpayers."


    "Consumers also pay the taxes to support the bigger government that controls these things. Consumers enjoy the technological advancements that these big, bad corporations have created for them.


    "Dems winning votes by promoting the possibility of monthly Netflix subscriptions jumping to $15. Dems lining up gaming nerds worried that they'll actually have to pay for hogging bandwidth. Their sheep followers are too numb in the gray matter to understand that a bigger, socialist government is expensive."

  3. 1 hour ago, Juliajms said:

    I'm concerned about this too, although I'm afraid it will happen even if they don't take away the deduction. This will make it much worse though. What we should be doing is finding away to forgive part of this debt for service. Millennials and those coming after are under so much financial stress, it's insane to make it harder for them.


    This tax plan actual has a deduction for private planes while taking away deductions for teachers and adoptive parents. I'm so disgusted right now by our so called leaders.

    The elimination of deductions for adopted parents is to curb foreign adoptions.

  4. 21 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    I really do think it's all about his sons - they just creep me the hell out. 


    I'm seeing spin at contrarian sites like Slate that this will actually help elephants, but in my heart I don't believe that. 


    I imagine a lot of people are out there right now yukking it up over those liberals being in their feelings over this, without caring about beautiful creatures being slaughtered by sociopaths wearing rictus grins. 


    Anyone who gets that much pleasure out of hunting and killing an elephant is mentally unwell and I'd never want to be around them.


    This is likely one of the reasons the GOP is working to restrict broadband access and allow a handful of names to control all media - social media and information is one of the biggest threats to these types of boondoggles. 

    All of this is why I am seriously contemplating leaving the USA. I didn't even consider it during the GWB years when some people were talking about moving to Canada but if Trump gets  2nd term ( which I believe he is ), I have to  go. I don't want to live under a theocratoc, corporate-police state ran by a tyrant.

  5. Ohio House of Representatives
    Ohio state legislator Wes Goodman (R) has resigned after admitting he was busted having sex with a man in his office. The married conservative Ohio state lawmaker was known for his anti-LGBTQ stances.

    House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger (R) said he spoke to Goodman after learning of the allegations and the now-former representative admitted to having consensual sex with the man in his Riffe Center office.

    “I was alerted to details yesterday afternoon regarding his involvement in inappropriate behavior related to his state office,” Rosenberger said in a statement to the Columbus Dispatch. “I met with him later in the day where he acknowledged and confirmed the allegations. It became clear that his resignation was the most appropriate course of action for him, his family, the constituents of the 87th House District and this institution.”

    Goodman resigned after the meeting citing “inappropriate conduct.” No charges of sexual harassment will be brought since the sex was consensual and the man was not a staffer or legislator.

    “We all bring our own struggles and our own trials into public life. That has been true for me, and I sincerely regret that my actions and choices have kept me from serving my constituents and our state in a way that reflects the best ideals of public service,” he said in a statement. “For those whom I have let down, I’m sorry. As I move onto the next chapter of my life, I sincerely ask for privacy for myself, my family, and my friends.”

    On Twitter, Goodman described himself as “Christian. American. Conservative. Republican.”

    Several GOP insiders have intimated that there is video of the encounter filmed inside Goodman’s office, but the speaker’s spokesperson denied that allegation.




    Just another conservative hypocrite.

  6. So what is Trumpism?

    Nationalism? Hatred of immigrants? A return of the racial hierarchy of the 1950's? Ignoring the rest of the world while focusing only on America? Making sure the rich prosper through tax cuts?

    The world is a rapidly changing place. The US enjoyed a unique position as the World's strongest power from 1945 until now. The world has seen amazing gains in reducing poverty and disease. You can't just bury your head in the sand and assume that continues.


    I will give you an example. Last week GM announced that they would be moving toward an all electric vehicle fleet. That decision is not driven by the US market. It's driven by the Chinese market, which is twice the size of United States market.


    You can't put the genie back in the bottle where a mostly white American society ruled the World

  7. Trump and the GOPers need those funds currently being used for the subsidies in order to off set the lost revenue that will result from the plan to massively cut taxes for the top 1%...


    That was the whole point of repeal and replace...to transfer taxpayer dollars from the ACA to the top 1%.

  8. 14 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    Good move because it's not worth risking good mental health by subjecting yourself to the same nonsense over and over.

    On another forum, I get into arguments with them until it is to the point of threats of violence.  I know I should not get into any debate with because it's useless but I have to get my point across.


  9. On 9/8/2017 at 0:13 PM, JaneAusten said:

    After leaving my teaching job 2 years ago, I am substituting this school year and have now worked every day because of the teaching shortage as a defacto math teacher. I am not looking for a full time position at this point and the subbing fits well into my other work,  but they are desperate for teachers everywhere.


    People don't realize we have a shortage in this country for teachers and many states have been hiring outside of the US for years due to this. DACA recipients are actually one of the more ideal solutions, people educated and raised here, to fill many of those roles.  The current bill being proposed for DACA gives them a path to become citizens, which is in fact what they already are in almost all categories except the one that makes it legal.

    Ryan is a coward and has been ineffective his entire tenure in congress. He's the Marco Rubio of the House, built up by the media as some wonder boy but just another empty suit.  But I can't blame him in entirety for this. Trump ran on repeal and replace and promised he had a better plan.  Their "replace" could have passed if it was in fact better. But Ryan and McConnell should have educated Trump that you don't shove down a plan that impacts 1/5 of the economy without hearings and transparency. Or maybe Trump should have made a point of knowing they never ever had any intention of repealing and replacing the ACA. It was a political strategy that has now backfired on them.

    Trump didn't care or know what was in the Obamacare repeal. He just wanted  any bill to pass so he could sell it as a success. Fox News and most of the conservative media is in support of Trump they are actively trying to get their listeners and  viewers to primary Republicans that are hindering Trump' s agenda.

  10. 20 hours ago, Khan said:


    Save some for me, won't you? ;)


    Just another example of the "very fine people" on the alt-right.


    Conservatives STAY cracking down on racial and ethnic minorities.  They always rue the day someone decided it was a good idea to let us uppity n****rs sit at the front of the bus.

    Throughout the history of the USA, conservatives have always blamed others for the reason why race relations are the way they are. It was the civil rights activists, the NAACP, NOI, and the Black Panthers during the Jim Crow and Civil Rights Era; it's BLM, the Clintons, Obama, and Anifa fault now. Some of those groups and people are gone or  don't have the influence that they used to have but race relations are still strained in 2017.

  11. I share some of the same concerns about Antifa that others posters have but the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Conservatives are going to crack down on blacks when the next mass major police killing or mass killing of whites is done by a black person. They blamed BLM for the police killings in Dallas and Louisiana and BLM for the most part don't wear masks. 

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