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Posts posted by sivad40

  1. 8 hours ago, Wendy said:

    Orange Foolius got one thing right: He could murder someone on 5th Avenue in NYC and his brain-dead cult would excuse his criminal ass.

    They don't as long as he getting rid of the Mexicans and the Muslims.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Roman said:

    this is the one question I'm asking myself right now. every time this person comes in here, people respond....exactly what this person wants. 

    LEAVE THIS PERSON ALONE AND MOVE ON. Why is that so difficult?! this person is a damn troll. adds NOTHING at all. 

    Ignoring the Right won't change the fact that they exist.

  3. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy


    As the Civil Rights Movement and dismantling of Jim Crow laws in the 1950s and 1960s visibly deepened pre-existing racial tensions in much of the Southern United States, Republican politicians such as presidential candidate Richard Nixon and Senator Barry Goldwater developed strategies that successfully contributed to the political realignment of many white, conservative voters in the South to the Republican Party that had traditionally supported the Democratic Party.[4] It also helped push the Republican Party much more to the right.[4]

  4. 22 hours ago, marceline said:


    Even if they don't think it was good for him, I doubt anyone is going to say that. There's a lot of desperation to save face. They will never publicly admit they got scammed. 

    What about the people that believe him? Yes, they are some people out there that do believe him.

  5.  Last night CNN interviewed Trump voters in a bar in Ohio and 9 out of 9 thought the Comey Hearing was a good day for Trump. One woman blamed  it all on the media. Yes, these are people on the other side that progressives have to contend with.

  6. 10 hours ago, marceline said:


    I never thought of that one as a troll. The original remark...yeah.


    It's just so funny because the 2008 primary is the only time my mom and I have ever been on the opposite side of a issue. We've had issues where our level of engagement is different - LGBT rights for example - but we've never been opponents. Of course when I remind mom of that she's very quick to point out that she had nothing against Barack but she simply didn't know him while she'd been a supporter of Hillary's for decades. Hillary was family and Obama was that cousin that we'd never seen at a previous reunion. But don't dare make it sound like she likes one more than the other. She loves them both like they were made of cake.

    I'm sick of purity ponies screaming "sellout" whenever they encounter real world politics. I have my dealbreakers, one of which is reproductive rights, (I could and will never vote for an anti-choice Dem.) but I am one of those dreaded establishment pragmatists so I'm going to do what needs doing. Also, as a black woman, purity politics are a luxury I can't afford, like trusting the police. It's the reason I'm sending money to Rob Quist in Montana. He was a Sanders supporter and is anti-gun control and under most circumstances I wouldn't send him a dime but every seat in Congress matters. Every single [!w@#$%^&*] one.

    I'm one of those Democrats that voted for Hillary over Obama in 2008 primary, and if that makes me a troll, so be it. The only conservative that posts on here is GregNYC, and he doesn't really defend his positions. I'm a member of other forums, where there's more diverse political viewpoints (Conservatives, Libetarians, Bernie Bros, Liberals), and we go back and forth with each other.

  7. 3 hours ago, GregNYC said:


    Wrong. Most white progressives voted for Obama and supported Keith Ellison for DNC chair, a black Muslim.

    True. Most of them voted for Obama over Hillary because he passed the liberal litmus test at the, the Iraq War. Many of them couldn't vote for Hillary because she voted for the war, and they want to deal with Clinton baggage of the 90s. Any Democrats that did support Hillary over Obama, were either racists (if they weren't black) or sellouts (if they were black) by the MSM and the Urban Media.

  8. At least some of the out-of-touch response is due to the effectiveness of conservative propaganda/messaging. The idea of the "limousine liberal" has been pounded into people's brains for a long time. For some reason, Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton having substantial wealth makes them out-of-touch, but the Koch brothers being richer than Croesus isn't a problem. And the Dems continued support of "science." Don't people realize that intellectuals and eggheads just don't get it?

  9. I think both Putin and Trump both need a war. But they don't want one against each other.


    Both men want to use each other to gain money and power. I'm sure Trump fantasizes about millions from Russian oil and being credited with a new world order where the US and Russia destroy the browns and rule over all and the history books laud him as the REAL Ender-of-the-Cold War. Putin is undoubtedly more realistic and intends to use Trump until he becomes a liability.


    The problem is that they're engaging in a public game of chicken and at least one of these men is mentally unstable and easily swayed.


    The best hope military families had was that Trump actually meant it about being isolationist. That was a hope I never shared in the slightest, but I could see why others had reason to believe it. 

    We're now on the clock for the next move in this 3D chess game and our player is really ******* stupid but thinks he's a Grand Master.


  10. “This election, I saw members of my party marginalizing and condemning minorities, ethnic or otherwise, and making demeaning comments towards women,” Rep. Beth Fukumoto wrote in a letter announcing her resignation on Wednesday. “So, when I listened as our now top office holder refused to condemn the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II, speaking out didn’t seem like a choice.”



  11. This new healthcare plan doesn't accomplish anything they claim they want. It literally only accomplishes the thing they won't say out loud that they want, which is major tax breaks for the extremely rich and industry special interests. And it helps people that don't want coverage as long as they never ever get sick.

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