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Posts posted by sivad40

  1. Here's an email I received yesterday (No, I'm not a conservative).


    Fellow Conservative, Obama is back, and he's trying to take over.

    He set up permanent shop in Washington, DC.

    He's behind a Congressional redistricting scheme to erase Conservatives from the map.

    He's having secret meetings with potential Trump challengers.

    Now his political machine has announced a 27-district 'Hit List' to try to take away our Majority.

    Please contribute $25 today to stop Obama's election interference! 

    You don't have to read between the lines to see that Obama is trying to take over. He is the most powerful figure on the far Left -- and his ambition has no limits.


    It's an American tradition that when a President steps down, he stops clinging to power. But Obama isn't doing that. His election interference is completely unprecedented - and each new scheme is worse than the last.

    Obama wants to be the man behind the curtains, hand-selecting the next Liberal President and pulling their strings. 

    Contribute $25 today to stand up to Obama's election interference - your contribution will be DOUBLE-MATCHED!

    We need to counter his influence on the elections before his scheme succeeds.

    Thank you,

    Steve Scalise
    House Majority Whip

  2. 2 hours ago, Khan said:


    That, Ms. Campos-Duffy, is what we, in the AA community, call "playin' you for a fool."

    I don't believe she talked to any black people in the projects.Fox has her on to talk about immigration issues because Mexican American.  Fox is good at playing the token card and I can't be  racist/sexist, etc if I have a friend who is black/latino/female. Campos-Duffy along with her future husband were contestants on the Real World back in the early or mid 90s.  She was one of the  finalists to replace Lisa Ling when Ling left the on View but Elisabeth Hasselbeck was chosen instead.

  3. On 5/25/2018 at 7:17 PM, DRW50 said:


    Much of that criticism ramped up through the propaganda surrounding the Iraq War and the vicious smearing of Democrats. There was surgical precision of these types of games from Karl Rove. Then the anti-equality legislation and the anti-abortion legislation started. I remember one of the big controversies surrounding W and Hitler was when Move On had ads comparing them (I think someone submitted the ads for a contest). There's one on Youtube but it's on a far right channel.

    I remember Bush's " You  are either with us or you're against us" quote that riled up his base and the media to go after anybody that was against the Iraq war. I remember  The Right destroying and going after anything of French origin  because France was against the Iraq war (French fries being renamed Freedom Fries, pouring French wine into rivers, etc). Bush's attempt to privatize Social Security. Country radio stations censoring the Dixie Chicks because they didn't support the Iraq War and they attacked Bush. The Right using the Scott Peterson trial (he murdered his wife and unborn child) as a means to pass anti-abortion laws. I could go and on about W but I will stop right there.


    7 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    I've liked the raunchy comedies and adult humored films she's been doing personally. She's really great in those roles.

     It was refreshing to see play Aniston an OTT, horny, raunchy, agressive character on Horrible Bosses that is a total opposite  from Rachel and most of her uptight, neurotic passive aggressive characters that she  usually plays. 

  5. Jennifer Aniston is does great as long she isn't expected to carry the movie by herself. There's still people out there don't get her appeal and why she still draws the attention the way she does.


    Who would have thought that Anna Kendrick would've had the most successful one from the Twilight franchise ( I watched the first two)? 

  6. 2 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    This is so pathetic.


    I watched the gun violence "listening" session. Of course, the majority of the people there were people who were advocates for preventing gun violence through mental health means, people who want school employees  to carry guns, and people who want heavily armed security. Trump suggested that  gun free zones should be elimmated and that vets should be armed and work undercover as school employees.

  7. 7 hours ago, JaneAusten said:

    This isn't a conservative country. This is a country that is controlled by a few oligarchs who driven by money and power and use wedge issues. I firmly believe this country is mostly moderate that has allowed the extreme right to dominate because they have the majority of the money feeding our politicians. This is why IMO we need to elect more women who are more driven to compromise. The way politics should work in this country.

    I admire your optimism. Trump has said and done things that would destroyed previous presidents politically, but he still has his base and conservative political machine behind him. They are in the process of destroying social programs, and deregulating everything that was created by the New Deal, the Great Society and Obama era regulations and will either privatize it or hand it over to religious organizations. The gerrymandering, the disenfranchising voters, The Senate rubbing stamping Trump's federal judges, and the SCOTUS is a heart attack or a stroke or away from being a conservative dominated court for a generation.

  8. The Republicans know they are untouchable to a point. They know they are going to get their wall, immigration reform, Trump will be reelected, etc. The only way I see a Democrat being President in my lifetime (I'm GenXer), is the country has to be in economic shambles, and the Republicans let a Democrat win. This is a conservative country that is controlled by Republican donors such as the Koch Brothers and their ilk. Maybe that the jaded, frustrated, worn down political soldier in me (figuratively speaking),  that is coming to terms being on the losing side of this war.

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