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Posts posted by ajsp35801

  1. You think that gang thing going to pop up again.

    Most definitely. Not sure who is after Cookie in that preview. It could be anyone. Could be those gang bangers out for revenge over the Titan shooting. Could be whoever it is that Cookie is testifying against. Could be some of Beretti's people. Could be anyone.

  2. I don't think any of it is a bit much, I do think all of it is improperly executed to the point of blandness. Where's the REAL crazy?

    This episode was a little flat to me. It wasn't bland but I didn't see much drama. It was more about character building. I guess...

  3. Lucious arch enemy knows about Cookie involvement. To Keep Cookie quite Lucious going to have to marry Cookie again.

    That gag order definitely not working now.

    I like the way you think.

    But I don't think Lucious marries Cookie to keep her quiet about the drug money. I think he marries her to keep her from testifying against him about his skeletons that they guy said he would dig up. Cookie would surely know all Lucius' dirt. We know he killed some drug dealers back in the day because Bunky told us. You know Cookie knows all this.

  4. vrd4qc.png

    Didnt take long either! Them boys better band together and not let this ho steal their empire

    They just upped the stakes for when Lucious decides he wants Cookie back. Kitty is going to play the woman scorned and get her a piece of the empire. Do your worst Kitty! Make him pay! I am here for it!

  5. My thoughts

    1. The show has finally shown us that Kitty and Lucious have something real. She isn't just arm candy or someone that he is with because of what she brings to the table. It's not just convenience. I loved the scene with Kitty and Lucious when he tells her he is dying and she shaves him with tears in her eyes. She doesn't weep and wail. She has strength! More strength than Lucious gives her credit for. That is going to come to bite him in the butt with her. I see her surprising him when she doesn't just slink away when he gets with Cookie cause that is going to happen. Segue...

    2. Cookie Lyons. She is still carrying this show IMO. The highlight for her her this week was her outsmarting everyone and going to see Titans mother. It takes a mother to understand that connection and see the benefits of paying her a visit. No one else in that room thought to do that. It works because all were men except Kitty and I assume she has no children. I really like how Cookie embraced Tianna. She seemed to genuinely like her. Another segue

    3. Tianna is not what I expected at all from when I first met her. I really like how the show presents a character and allows you to form opinions but have you change it as the character isfleshed out. Tianna is a VERY smart and ambitious girl. Most women would have acted a fool if they walked in on their man with another woman. She didn't. And when he thought she would have an attitude, she was about business. I respect her for not allowing Hakeem to ruin what she had worked hard for. I can't wait to see how she handles this. I doubt the fall out from that will be this easy.

    4. Andre and Lucious relationship was fleshed out more. Andre is ride or die and has been from the beginning. He worked hard for that company from childhood. He had promising talent as a child. I wonder what happened there. Is he hiding it? Does the medicine he takes stifle it?

    5. Lucious. Does everyone know that Cookie is his weakness? Everyone but her, that is? I am interested to see where this show goes with Beretti.

    There are alot of storylines going on the show. Am I the only one that thinks it's too much? Lucious is dealing with ALS, battling love interests, relationships with his sons, trying to elude being caught for murder, now he has a business rival, and just inserted himself into some gang warfare when he signed Titan. It's a bit much. Or is it just me?

  6. The ole bait and switch!

    I gave up the show after 3 eppies this season. I saw the b&s coming at the end of S1 but I still tried to hang in there. I came in this thread after reading VH's latest post in the Empire thread.

    I think I watched 4 epis before I gave it up. Hawley and Jeremy and Katrina Crane are not what I signed on for with this show.

  7. I think who's in charge changes depending on how Andre's bipolar disorder is manifesting. We've seen that he has issues taking his medication so I think that when it's well-managed they're equal partners. When he's off his meds Rhonda has to yank his...chain to keep him in line.

    I am convinced that Ronda and AnDre both have mental issues. She's a sex addict or something. I'd be surprised if this relationship is played as healthy in the end. I could be wrong though.

  8. I didn't used to think he was sexy either then I saw him on Broadway in "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." He's definitely got something. His interviews often work my nerves and my mother can't stand him (Don't ask. It's a Cleveland thing.) but I think he's riveting in this role. Plus he and Taraji just have flawless chemistry.

    They have great chemistry. Which is why I am going to need them to get together before his ALS sets in. lol

    I never comment on Howard's looks because he's the spitting image of my younger brother, so that's creepy. However, he just has IT! I love him as Lucious and super happy Snipes didn't get the job. Not that he might not have been good, but I like Howard's vibe!

    Thank God he doesn't look anything like my brother. I can be as lustful as I want! And I shall!

  9. I NEVER thought that Terrence Howard was sexy. But, I'll be damned if I don't want some of Lucious Lyons. But then I was always a sucker for a man in a damn suit!

    Definitely looking forward to Lucious straightening out the mess that is Hakeem. It's only right since he helped facilitate the problems between Cookie and the boy by keeping him from her.

  10. I wasn't even talking about the head of the table incident. Like when Anika did that cough. Cookie looks at Lucious, Lucious did something with his eyes. Like he gave her the ok to say something.

    i noticed that look. Couldn't put my finger on what it was. Awe...maybe.

  11. But Lucious also told Boo Boo Kitty to come sit down there with him. Sometimes I feel Lucious want to see if Cookie still got her hard side.

    I won't put it pass that Cookie had some lesbian time in jail.

    I don't think that Lucious was testing Cookie. Not even a little bit. He placed her at the head of his table because that's where he wants her to be and that's where he feels she belongs. It's her place. Don't let him fool you.

    And also think that Lucious enjoys the way that Cookie behaves while at the same time thinking that he shouldn't.

  12. Negative x2. You're the only one I've heard say this. And even if the whole wide world felt that way, at least they don't look the SAME AGE like Howard & Rowell do. wink.png

    Rowell doesn't look in her 40's anymore from the latest pics I have seen of her on twitter. I am sure that with good makeup she could though. TH does look 40s. JMO though. LOL

    Stop stealing my joy, please.

    thanks to that website, I learned what Anika's last name and position was. Had no clue before. I thought she was Lucifer's wife in hte first 2 episodes till I read on the forums that she was only the gf. If thats the case, why does she act like she run sh-t?

    thanks to that website, I learned what Anika's last name and position was. Had no clue before. I thought she was Lucifer's wife in hte first 2 episodes till I read on the forums that she was only the gf. If thats the case, why does she act like she run sh-t?

    Anika acts that way because she is a debutante and a doctor's daughter according to her words on Episode 3. *side eye*

  13. Whaaaaaa??? laugh.png Taraji is gorgeous but, in character, easily looks 40 plus, while Andre looks a mature 20-something, Let's not get crazy! Somebody like Diahann Carroll could be playing Howard's mother and would look appropriate.

    Negative. That's the first thing I noticed. Cookie doesn't look old enough to be his mother. It wasn't just me either. My sister, whom I got hooked on the show this week, also made the comment. He looks 30 and Taraji looks about 40. When did she have him? When she was 10?

    I'd take that. I love her too.

  14. Victoria Rowell is 15-20 years too young to play Howard's mother! They look more like siblings age wise or could easily play same-age lovers.

    So does Trai Byers and Taraji P Henson yet here we are...Lucious mother could have been a young mother. She could have had him at the age 14. LOL

  15. Honestly, I'm not even sure how old Jamal is. Has it been established? Can we say with certainly that he's a full grown man? Maybe that's the case.

    Regardless, that's exactly it. No one would easily choose a hard, difficult life, especially if they have grown up privileged.

    He is at least 5/6 years older than Hakeem if we go by that flash back of him being put in the garbage can. Maybe 23/24. Still very young but old enough to have a job at Empire if nothing else. If he doesn't want to cut a record, then he needs an office position. Earn his keep!

    But again. I don't care about that. I don't mind spoiled grown up kids with no ambition. Why work when you don't have too. If I could lay around the house and watch soaps all day, I would do that.

  16. I can still see Lucious looking out for Jamal too, without Jamal even knowing it.

    Jamal needs to get inside the company order to take over it. Maybe to sit at some of the board meeting. Or ask Anika cam he write some music for some of her artist.

    I just wrote this before I read your reply. I definitely think he will hire a bodyguard for him.

    It would be sweet justice if Victoria did land a role on Empire. I'm sure her ex-Y&R costars would gag.

    Seethe, bitches!

    Now you know Lee Daniels must know who Victoria Rowell is. He must be aware of her Queenacity (totes made that word up)!

    That thug, Vivica, could not do Cookie justice! Cookie is in the league of Alexis Carrington because Taraji has the chops to get her there. Vivica and her head rolling hoodrat ass could not do it. Taraji is damn near perfect casting. I can't imagine anyone playing this role but her!

    VR as Lucious mother? Huh?

    Care to explain the huh? LOL

  17. I like the way that TH is portraying Lucious's feelings for Jamal. I definitely think that Lucious has love and affection for Jamal. Granted it's mixed with some disapproval but it's definitely not hate. I am looking forward to see what happens between Lucious and Jamal, especially now that Jamal is going to try and make it on his own.

    I could see Jamal trying to avoid Lucious, for a while, (unless he wants to confront him about something) and if that happens, I think it will be interesting to watch. I think that if Jamal doesn't really want anything to do with Lucious, that is going to really bother Lucious. I could see him keeping tabs on Jamal, and still finding reasons to get in Jamal's face and try and talk with him.

    Jamal/Lucious is one of my favorite relationships dynamics on this show along with Cookie/Lucious.

    Lucious will be very hurt if Jamal cuts him off. I can hear the rant, "I have loved him and provided for him despite him sleeping with men. And this is how he treats me!". Oh, the outrage.

    I also think that Jamal will probably start living in an unsavory place. I don't doubt Lucious to hire a bodygaurd to follow and protect him. Or Cookie will. No way will they leave him to roam the streets alone.

  18. I'll admit, there have been a few scenes where Cookie reminded me of VR. The near fight with Kitty in the elevator where she adjusted her hat for example. I would love to see some soap stars pop up down the line. I think it could happen.

    I actually had a conversation with my friends where I said that there is only a handful of women that could have played the role of Cookie and not come off as a caricature or grating and delivered her lines naturally. Taraji, Vivica Fox, AND Victoria Rowell. That's it that I really think could do it.

    I'd love to see Victoria Rowell as Lucious' mother. I'd make her a pretentious bitch with a heart of gold. Andre would be her favorite.

  19. I can just see Carlivati's trifling mind furiously searching for a way to squeeze in an Empire reference even though it's on another network.

    I do wonder what it's like for the people who have been killing daytime soaps because of all the reasons we know so well (lack of diversity, shame about the genre, outdated ideas about human sexuality, etc...) to see an "out and proud" soap become a breakout success by embracing all those things.

    I know how I feel. VINDICATED! They should feel ashamed. But I doubt they do. They will say that the primetime audience is different than they daytime audience. There is some truth to that. But it isn't for that young demo that they want to capture so terribly.

    I see your point but I'm just stating in terrms of storyline and potential routes that would be an interesting one to explore. Lucius has been shown to be coldhearted and ruthless. I think it would be interesting and within character for him to find a way to split them up. Or hell Andre could do it.

    Andre probably could do it. He might seduce Michael himself. He's such as !@#$%^&*], I love him though.

  20. Chit, SWERVE. Your dislike of Jamal over the grounds that he is a freeloader is nonsensical considering Hakeem is the same and you don't have an issue with that at all apparently. And where is that trash can when you need one? Howard is fantastic, and you can feel for his point of view, but COME ON.

    It shocks me how easily that seems to escape people. It's THE WHOLE POINT. He's a filthy rich kid who will not easily abandon the luxuries. As of last week, he "sold his obedience." Now he realized what a mistake that was and is changing & trying something new. That's progress, maturity and a GREAT character arc. How anyone doesn't feel for that (and, notice, all this has nothing to do with his gayness) is beyond me.

    I wouldn't compare Jamal and Hakeem. For one, Hakeem is barely out of high school. I consider him a kid. Jamal is a fully grown man. There is a difference IMO.

    However, I don't care. I agree that Jamal should be torn and should struggle with the thought of struggling. It's not like he isn't old enough to know what it is like to live without money. No one wants to go back to that.

  21. The ending stuff was so unexpected and great. Lucious can stop with his "I want to protect you" bullsh!t. I don't doubt that he loves Jamal but this is, and always has been, about Lucious: How it reflects on him that he has a gay son, what it says about him, what could be said about him and his masculinity, etc. It's wonderful drama. Aaaaand, “I’m going after his empire… and I’m gonna take it.” YAS, honey! YAAAAAAS.

    I think that is about 85% of Lucious' problem with Jamal. It's about how it reflects on him to have a gay son. However, I do believe him when he says it's about how the world with treat Jamal too. He grew up on the streets with violence and drugs. Something that his kids no longer have to endure. He needs to make the transition in his head.

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