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Posts posted by ajsp35801

  1. Another thing...and I watched the show for the 3rd time, I realized something. When Cookie told Jamal she was out on good behavior she had a certain look as if it wasn't true. And Luscious made a point of saying the judge told them it would be 30 years. So, my speculation is that she was let out early as part of a plea deal to go undercover to bring someone down. Who, is anyone's guess. That would explain her dealings with these agents.

    I say this because, if she as doing federal time, there is no parole and no early release, correct?

  2. He is either manic or bipolar, I suspect.

    I still can't believe they made that poor man play a dude named "Mookie" in 2011.

    I picked paranoid schizophrenia. He's saying things that just doesn't ring true based on what I see happening. His sense of reality seems very warped.

    Watching the long trailer, The way he was sitting beside JHud watching her sing at tge piano gave me serious pause. He looked like he was going to attack her or something. Kinda scary. Please just let him be enthralled with her singing and wishing he had het talent.

  3. The show is so far from homophobic is absolutely ridiculous! Some folks simply refuse to sit back and enjoy something. The show is homophobic, yet the gay creator is pretty much telling his life story thru the middle son? Over it!

    Cheap, I'm super happy you captured that last gif. That was THE moment that convinced me Cookie Lyon was EVERYTHING! Taraji nailed it. She convinced you this woman is fierce when it comes to Jamal. It was heartbreaking as well because that desperate kick showed her immense hurt over the incident. Just wonderful!

    Errol and Daytime, so great to read your posts. I love all the discussion about this terrific show but reading what 2 people who hardly discuss the Daytime soaps has to say is great!

    I agree that the show isn't homophobic. The writing isn't homophobic either. I think people are confusing homophobic writing with characters being homophobic. Not the same thing at all.

  4. As good as Terence Howard is he's not as committed to Lucious as Taraji is to Cookie and it shows.

    Howard's Lucious comes off like a stock character going through the motions whereas Taraji's Cookie is a highly flawed yet very realistic character one can't help but love.

    I think Cookie is a very high energy character whereas Lucious seems designed as more of a laid back smooth kind of guy. I saw flashes of great with Terrence as well. Either way, I think that this performances might improve. In the season preview, that scene with Lucious arguing with Jamal seems like it will be a doozy.

  5. Oh my! This is some tea! I didn't know that about Taraji using her accepting the role as leverage to get Terrence hired. They must be great friends and she enjoys working with. Wow. Way to flex that muscle.

    I can't picture Wesley in the role. Terrence brings some compassion to the role. I can't imagine Wesley doing that. I would have hated Lucious with a passion with him in the role and longed for his death. I care about him as played by Terrence.

  6. I doubt he's intending to be homophobic, but if the reaction here and elsewhere is accurate, it's happening anyway. And I'd rather wait and see than get ensnared in flame wars like what went on today.

    The show is not homophobic IMO. Quite the opposite. None of the gay characters are cliched caricatures or demonized! That would be homophobic writing. The central character, Jamal, is one of the most rootable characters I have seen in a while. He's fully fleshed out and he is human. It's impossible not to care about him. I think some who are homophbic that watched it will resent this. They are rooting for him and they don't like it. wink.png

    That war was about race. Not sexuality.

  7. I think this could end up being the case. I want to see how the storyline with him taking the pills plays out. Maybe he does have some type of mental disorder, and he's hiding it from family, especially Lucious, because he's afraid that Lucious will be ashamed of him and that this could cost him whatever chance he has of running the company. He knows that he's not Lucious's or Cookie's choice to run the company, and I could see that being one of the reasons why he's hiding his illness. He doesn't want to possibly diminish whatever chances he has of running the company.

    We haven't seen flashbacks of Andre as a child yet, maybe we will see some flashbacks of him as a kid, that will give us some more insight as to what is going on with him.

    Also, I was thinking along the lines of what DramatistDreamer had said about Cookie's reaction to Andre. I think that she did seem impressed, proud, but also maybe a bit embarrassed that her oldest son had done so well while she was away in prison. After he mentioned that he should have visited her, it seemed like she was implying that she didn't blame him for not visiting her, while he was trying to better himself. I thought that she seemed proud but also a bit embarrassed that she couldn't be there for her oldest son, while he was becoming successful.

    I think you are right. Andre sees how Lucious treats his talented gay son. Just imagine how he would treat his none musically inclined mentally ill son. Mental illness definitely has a level of shamed attached to it. And i do think that both Cookie and Lucious value musuc and talent above most things.

    I will have to see more of Andre and Cookie interacting before I make a good assessment of them. I just thought it strange that he started off the advice he gave her with, "do you really love me." It could just be the case of getting caught in the shuffle. Cookie gave special attention to Jamal cause he needed it and Hakeem was daddy's prince. That type of thing is usually a middle child ailment.

  8. Just got a chance to see Empire online during my lunchbreak and I think it's a pretty good time.smile.png Good for Lee Daniels' embrace of the soap opera format, in interviews he has admitted as much, which is refreshing that he didn't try to demur when asked like Shondra Rimes has. He knows that soaps often get the most loyal fans/viewers.

    I don't normally read reviews before a show debuts (okay, that's not entire true-- I TRY not to read them before a show's debut) and one review said that Lucious was missing that extra bit of psychological interest-- they mentioned the fact that Tony Soprano had to go to therapy and talked about Breaking Bad, etc.

    To me, though, the psychological interest is not so much with Lucious but with Cookie.

    Cookie is the one who makes things happen. That scene where she takes the broomhandle to her youngest son, Hakeem after he calls her a B*tch, to me she would match up with Tony Soprano in complexity more than Lucious. I wonder if that was how it was meant to be or is it something that organically developed? I think it may be intentional because wasn't Taraji cast first? I read somewhere that she actually was the one who requested Terrence Howard to play Lucious. I'm not 100% sure if that is true or rumor.

    But to me the relationship between Cookie and her sons is far more complex and less predictable than what Lucious has with the sons, which is pretty straight-forward (no pun intended). For instance, the relationship between Cookie and Andre is very interesting. With his Ivy League education, Cookie seems impressed, proud and a bit sheepish about what effects her jail time may have had on him and he is clearly using it for his personal gain. Knowing what we know about Cookie already, we have to believe that somewhere along the line, she'll be onto Andre and his wife's agenda, if she isn't already. Will she turn the tables on Andre and will it be in time?

    And of course, her unconditional love for her middle son Jamal, she seems to vacillate between Stage Mom and nurturing parent. Jamal's success seems to be critical to her but why? For Jamal? To prove something to Lucious? To prove that she can still make winners and stars?

    I just feel strongly that Cookie is where all that complexity and dynamism is seated.

    All I'm saying is Empire better never try to pull a Person of Interest stunt because if they ever lose Cookie/Taraji...

    With respect to Cookie and Jamal. I think it is as simple as he needs her more. This may not be a PC thing to say but mothers do not dish out love and attention equally. I know this because I lived it. My mother has 3 daughters (no sons). My middle sister and I are far more "accomplished" and succesful than the eldest. And I sometimes think my mother tries to make up for this by doing any and everything to show her that she is as proud of her as she is of us. And she makes no apologies to me and my sister about it. It's crazy! But I digress...I think that this is what is going on with Cookie. She wants to show the world, and Lucious, that just because Jamal is gay does not mean that he is not talented or capable of running Empire. I actually think that is most of her motivation. The other part is that she wants to beat Lucious. They have a weird thing going.

    So, no one took my bait about Andre? I think he suffers from some sort of mental illness and always has even as a child. Cookie was far too impressed with him graduating from college.

  9. One thing I am liking about the writing for the character of Lucious, is how in spite of all of his many flaws, his sons still love him and want his approval. None of his sons hate him. Not Andre, who I think he gets along well with, not the youngest Hakeem, who reminds him a lot of himself and who he had a bonding moment with last night in the club.

    Not even Jamal who he mistreats. Even Jamal loves him, calls him "Daddy", and wants to spend time with him. Many times on a family drama/soaps, there tends to be at least one kid (sometimes more) who dislikes their father/is plotting to take him down.But that's not going on here. I find that refreshing. All of the sons, even Andre the schemer, just want what he promised one of them they could have.

    I appreciate that the writers aren't doing a "Which one of us gets to take down Dad first" type of storyline with Lucious and the sons. At least they aren't doing it for now, lol.

    I think that is because despite it all and underneath it all, Lucious loves his sons. He invited Jamal over to talk to him about his "lifestyle". He has not written him off. He cares. I think part of why he does what he does to Jamal is because he is trying to force him to do what he wants, or be who he wants, by taking his attention away. It's really the only leverage that he has. And in his mind it is for Jamal's own good. Let's be honest, life is harder on people who are "different". That doesn't conform to societal norms. Lucious wants the best for his son. That's the root of it as far as I can see.

  10. Back to the damn show, people!

    I never stated nor even implied the BS you guys are talking about. Are you bored? How in the sam hell do I speak on who's more homophopic when I only know first hand what goes on in the black community?

    Let's get back on topic. Cookie Lyons could very well be the best character on TV right now. This character had the potential to be very bad or exceptional. She's EXCEPTIONAL. TP puts her heart and soul into this woman and CBS' loss is certainly Fox's gain. I don't need her in every scene because the show is just that good, but I want her in every scene. She is a true bad ass without being OTT. I have a feeling TP/Cookie is going to take us on the emotional roller coaster ride of our lives. My body is ready!

    I said from jump that Taraji would steal this show from Terrence and sure enough, she did!

  11. This was so good. How could any soap fan not love Cookie? What really surprised me is that I don't hate Lucious despite the fact that he treats his son terribly and murdered his best friend in cold blood. Lucious definitely still loves Cookie, imo. Even when she came in to blow up his meeting, you could see the admiration in his eyes.

    Very glad to see this show got some good ratings. I hope they stick. Fox shows are known for bleeding out, but I'm hopeful.

    Even when Cookie made her first appearance in his office, Lucious had the look of admiration. He introduced her at the party as Ms Cookie LYONS although they are divorced. He has called her a queen and the heart and soul of Empire. I thought he was very sincere. Yes, he still loves her. My one regret for this not bring on HBO is that the love scene won't be as hot and sweaty as it could be. Cause it's going to happen. Lol

  12. It was an excellent first episode but listening to the Russ Parr Morning Show this morning it's kinda sad how many people just want to hate on it because of Jamal and the fact that he's gay. While I've never been fascinated or wanted to cross dress it was pretty sad to see those scenes. I like all the sons for various reasons. Love the oldest though because he's on that Game of Thrones ish and is knows what he has to do to be on top.

    I don't think Jamal wanted to cross dress. He wore that because he thought it was funny and would make his father laugh. He was being silly. They reacted that way because they thought he was going to be gay. I suspect that if they didn't have those thoughts, they wouldn't have reacted that way.

  13. First and foremost, Taraji P Henson is a Queen. She slayed. There aren't many actresses capable of delivering, with seeming ease, the lines she was given without being grating or annoying. But she pulled it off. It felt natural and authentic. And Cookie Lyons is easily my favorite character on TV. And is far more relatable than Olivia Pope could ever dream of being.

    Also loving how they are handling Jamal's story. It's hard to watch. The directing was amazing during that trash can scene. They showed his mother proudly watching him present day singing a touching song interspersed with flashback to her being his hero and savior. It was heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time! I cried my eyes out. Even if you aren't gay, which I am not, you can relate to his search for a paren'ts love and acceptance. Most people have felt this way about a parent. I liked that the show focused on him first. I hope that each son is given moments like this to show the audience why they are the way they are or do what they do. Give me a reason to care about them all. I suspect the eldest son is a paranoid schizophrenic.

    When I heard "That Nookie Thang" being played, I hollered. You just don't hear Southern Soul on TV Shows. It's not main stream music. I am in love with this show!!!

    I could go on and on but I won't. Lol

  14. If Katrina doesn't fall in love with Death/Abraham and turn evil then this show is wasting my time.

    Who is this Hawley character and why is he even on the show? It's like the EP said, "we need someone the dudebros can relate to so we can bring in a different demographic". I am unimpressed!

    I am also upset that they have marginalized Captain Irving. Is he or is he not one of the leads on this show?

    I like the monster of the week. I just need it all to tie into a main over arching plot.

  15. I've only seen a bit of the latest eppy, and I kind of dig what I saw. I was beyond disappointed with S3 finale so I gave the show up, but I may have to dive back in and play catch up. I loved the movie Freaks! They even found their own Zippy the pin head?! Wow!

    While it might seem exploitative to some, this was very real OUAT, and it provides people with disabilities some additional income for being themselves. I choose to look at it this way.

    Oh, I know it was very real. I think it is a good thing that we all feel uncomfortable about it. It let's us know that ideas and perceptions about humanity can improve.

  16. Watching this season feels slightly wrong to me. I did watch the first episode and even liked it, but it feels exploitative or something. I guess I just have to remind myself that this isn't a real freak show and the people chose to be involved. I do feel bad for little people and such, that the public general still feels free to snap pictures without permission and make comments. Some guy had a piece on CNN recently showing a typical day of people doing that sort of thing to him in NYC of all places.

    Glad I am not alone in feeling uncomfortable at the exploitation. However, I try to tell myself these folks are actors and in the entertainment business.

    The episode was interesting and well written.

    Side Note: That clown was so scary. And i fear I will have nightmares about it.

  17. I loved last night's episode simply because it focused on Diggle and something other than Team Arrow drama. I can not stand Oliver Queen. Must he sleep with or have had a romantic past with every woman unrelated to him. Looks like has had a thing with Waller too. I just can't deal.

    I would watch the Suicide Squad any day over Team Arrow at this point. I hope a spin off is In the works so I can stop watching this show for my Diggle fix.

  18. So the witch hunter kills the black people and LaLaurie suddenly cares about the "darkies." Murphy has serious issues about race/ethnicity.

    His issue is that he sees race through the eyes of privilege. The fact that he played "Oh Freedom" to symbolize a white man breaking free from a situation (of his own making) by massacring innocent black people shows the parallels he is trying to draw between Hanks situation and slavery/oppression. In the eyes of privilege, this makes complete sense.

  19. Well, Abby is the co-lead for now. From the producers' and actress' (who played Katrina) comments, we are in store for more Katrina as Ichabod's soul mate/true love. We'll see how it plays out next season 2. With the show's popularity, I expect FOX to push the show in the direction that it wants.

    The sister is recurring so she will be on and off. I like her hitting on the captain though. She is clearly interested in him although he seems mostly irritated by her.

    Jennie Mills is a great character. She is clearly interested in the straight laced captain...could make for a great dynamic.

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