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Posts posted by katie_9918

  1. I agree with some of this, but I am bewildered that Matt Smith coming second to David Tennant in fan polls means he's a failure with the public.

    Apparently he didn't watch The End of Time.

    Watching the End of Time right now and just remembering that I THOUGHT we were going to be okay, but had no idea the great ride we were in for with the Eleventh Doctor.

    I sighed nostalgically with the rewatch of Parting of The Ways.

    I want to go straight into The Eleventh Hour with The End Of Time.

    Hell, it's New Years. Why not?

  2. I think the episode didn't make much sense. Did you see Amy as the TARDIS showing him Amy as goodbye or as a hallucination that 11 was having of her?

    That's a good question. I'm thinking it's a little bit of both.

    I LOVED the whole thing from last season about how the Doctor kept coming back to Amy (holding onto her) because she was the first face his face saw (it certainly explained why the Tenth Doctor was so fixated on Rose that it literally handicapped his last two seasons) and then Moffat followed through on it with Karen Gillan's cameo. In a way, it did sort of synchronize perfectly with the Tenth Doctor choosing to visit Rose before she'd even met him right before his TARDIS-destroying regeneration and, again, explained exactly WHY Rose was so damned special when there were at least five or so Companions before Rose who did more for the Doctor than Rose ever did (not to mention my poor Martha, who was as selfless as Rose was completely selfish) and only got a hand-wavey "oh I visited them too, you just didn't see it" on the Sarah Jane Adventures.

    I think the Doctor wanted to see Amy one last time and the TARDIS knew it and granted him that one last wish because he deserved it.

  3. I missed the first twenty minutes, so I can't judge the episode as a whole until I watch it in its entirety. What I did see seemed like sort of a mess, like the way The End of Time was a complete clusterfvck of a mess.

    I did like that the Doctor spent what he thought were the last years of his last life holding the fort down in a small town on Trenzalore. Very in character for him.

    Got a laugh when I realized both Matt and Karen were wearing wigs in those last minutes.

    I really liked the regeneration. I watched it thinking that while Eleven has had his I AM BIGGER THAN EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE moments, this was so much more on the mark than Tennant's regeneration was. And I loved how he held it off long enough to say goodbye (as the Eleventh) to Clara and make a good point about regenerations being the way of things. And then he controlled himself enough to not almost take the TARDIS with him this time. Like, he gave himself the moment at the end and the goodbye, then got on with it.

    I've seen some fanboys/fangirls complaining about Smith just snapping into Capaldi and I just have to wonder if they were paying attention at all during the Love From Gallifrey battle or while Eleven was preparing Clara for the change. The snap made perfect sense to me given the circumstances. The Doctor had regenerated before he even went back into the TARDIS, but he wanted one last moment with Clara.

    I'll have better-informed opinions on the story and execution once I see the entire episode, but I spent a lot of time scratching my head wondering WTF story was Moffat trying to tell?

    And I love Steven Moffat as only a fangirl can.

  4. What they did Time Locked Gallifrey - it was confirmed to be Time Locked back during the Tenth Doctor's era. But at the time, he and the prior Doctors were all laboring under the impression that behind that Lock was only destruction. In both courses of events Gallifrey was Time Locked. The difference is the circumstances.

    What I took from that is that the circumstances in End of Time and in Day of the Doctor were two different meetings. It seems like in End of Time, the council convening was more of a legislative branch thing, while the people the Doctor were in contact with in Day of the Doctor were more of the military branch, because they were getting up-to-the-minute reports on the state of the Dalek attack on Gallifrey.

    One could assume that Tennant's Doctor then neutralized the more militant, insane group led by Rassilon (or whoever he actually was) in End of Time, if we can also assume that Day of the Doctor falls not too long before The End of Time. In a way, seeing his future version (therefore making the Eleventh Doctor a fixed point in time, from the Tenth's POV) may have contributed to the brief lapse into the maniacal "Time Lord Victorious" we saw in Waters of Mars.

    There's a lot of loose ends (not in a bad way) that can be played with. I choose to play with them in a way that gives us fans some hope that Gallifrey and the Time Lords have been redeemed from the turn they took in The End of Time, along with a bit of very slow, very careful backpedaling (in that not ALL the Time Lords were represented by Rassilon and his cronies in End of Time).

    Well, we do have a possible arc for season eight (and possibly beyond): The Twelfth Doctor's search for Gallifrey.

    I'm very happy for Tom Baker that he got a second chance to possibly? reprise his own Doctor. Everyone's got their own favorites, "their" Doctors (my first was McGann, and "my" Doctor is Matt Smith), but Baker was immensely popular and I'll bet there were a LOT of people who loved seeing him. I did see somewhere that he owned up to being involved and I'll admit to sitting up and crossing my fingers for Tom Baker when Clara mentioned the "old" curator who wanted a word with him, but it was still a huge surprise for me.

    I have seen elsewhere that a few Tennant fangirls have taken the conversation between the Eleventh Doctor and the Fourth Doctor (if he was the Fourth, or some future version who revisited the old face, or just a coincidence?? LOL) as hope that Tennant will come back one day. *headdesk*

  5. The fact that the Daleks always managed to turn back up always cheapened the fact that the Time Lords were somehow unable to. Never liked how they were portrayed in that awful End of Time, either. So I very much appreciated the hopeful situation of Gallifrey. Never quite sat right with me, what was chosen for them.

    I very much enjoyed The Day of the Doctor. There are always some minor quibbles, but I can't say enough how much I loved Billie Piper as "The Moment" in the guise of the Bad Wolf. It took me back to a time when I could not only stand the sight of her but thought she was great.

    I loved the glimpse of Capaldi's eyes and the last half-hour was a fanboy/fangirl's dream.

    "I don't want to go" finally done right. Bless you, Moffat, for giving Tennant another chance with that line.

  6. Rule 0: The Moff lies.

    Now I don't know whether to hope for Hurt-into-Eccleston or not, because of some of the remarks in the interview Carl was good enough to link to. The "check box" stuff seems to indicate that it would still drive him bloody batty if we didn't see Hurt-into-Eccleston.

    But The Moff is also too smart to give something like that away.

    Damn you, Moff! You magnificent bastard.

  7. I think Steven Moffat has finally broken the Internet. The response I've seen to The Night of the Doctor is OVERWHELMINGLY positive. I'm a big fan of the Moff, but he tends to be something of a base-breaker when it comes to fan response.

    Has McGann commented yet?

  8. He's a Doctor. But probably not the one you expected.

    Oh, my God!

    OH MY GOD!!


    I just watched The Movie last night!

    Wait, wasn't he interviewing a few months back complaining about not being invited for the anniversary festivities?

  9. When it comes to Doctor Who, I've only seen the modern series from series 3 to present day (except the Titanic movie, which wasn't available.) I only started watching the Doctor over the summer. I've never seen the Eccleston episodes, so I'm watching them as they are being reran on BBCAmerica weekday mornings at 8 am. I wonder if the anti-Eccleston comments come from how he was with the show for solely 13 episodes though that could just be Barrowman being Barrowman.

    Thanks for sharing that interview with the companions.

    It's my understanding that Tennant was a lot more open to Barrowman's BTS shenanigans and pranks than Eccleston was.

  10. Word. Tennant's was so maudlin and "look at me" with his "I DON'T WANT TO GO!" wailing. But Eccleston's had me crying buckets.

    "Except... it means I'm going to change. And I'm not going to see you again... Not like this."

    "Before I go, I just wanted to tell you you were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And you know what?... So was I." And that soundtrack...


    Like I said, I keep FORGETTING and it GETS me right in the gut every single time.

    Honestly, I think Tennant's regeneration was not only the Tenth Doctor, but it had the added dubiousness of being RTD and being David Tennant and by the time we got halfway through the emo git's victory lap, I was just screaming, "Bored now! Bring on the Moff and the Eleventh!"

    But as much as we were robbed only having Paul McGann on-screen for a mere two hours or so, we were also robbed only having Eccleston for a mere thirteen episodes.

    And am I the only who's dreading the Tenth Doctor's turn in The Doctors Revisited? I'm kind of Barrowman'd out as well. I love that Barrowman has so much fun with these things, obviously loves Doctor Who and Captain Jack and is grateful for every last bit of it, but I found some of his "insights" on the 9th Doctor Revisited to be really off-base, especially the continuing crapping-on of my poor heroic Mickey (he and Martha really have to be the MOST dumped-on of NuWho Companions). Then again, that's not really fair of me, I guess, because he's such a fanboy too.

  11. Man, I keep forgetting how moving and dignified Eccleston's regeneration into Tennant was. I always forget and it always gets to me.

    I'm hoping Smith's regeneration is more like Eccleston's rather than Tennant's. Though I wouldn't mind a very brief glimpse at the Ponds for "old times sake."

  12. Capaldi is a good actor and I liked him in Torchwood: Children of Earth, but I'm of the school that "it was time" for a woman or minority in the part.

    I understand that argument, but there's got to be more reasons than "it's time," in my opinion.

    Capaldi's a great choice.

  13. While that channel has a lot of content, I don't like how it is arranged. For example Guiding Light 1995 Playlist 3 has the some March 1995 clips, all of April's clips and the beginning of May's clips. Why wasn't a playlist created for each individual month? If you are looking for specific things it is really hard to find them. ETA: Granted there are a lot of channels that have this issue, and at times it keeps me from even attempting to watch classic clips as the part # whatever is arbitrary, there are no summaries or dates. Then again it may just me being extremely picky.

    That being said it was nice that they clipped the Scott Hoxby (Cutter on GL) ad, I saw that recently and recognized him.

    YT allows 200 videos (regardless of length) in each playlist. That's why some of the months overlap.

    I've seen that commercial too, instantly recognized Hoxby's voice.

    Mike posts summaries along with every individual clip he posts, not just episode summaries.

  14. There was a scene sometime in spring 1996 where Dinah was trying to keep something from Roger, and she didn't really want to have sex with him, which he seemed to know, but she went along anyway, to try to keep everything calm. I think she burned the mattress after they were done.

    I remember that. I'm not sure I'd classify it as harshly as rape, because we don't know that Roger wouldn't have put a stop to it if Dinah had had second thoughts (she really seduced him to keep him from finding out about... something).

    Obviously, Dinah didn't really want to, but she considered having sex with Roger as the lesser of two evils.

  15. I always just figured that Alan got Phillip a lot of intensive psychotherapy while he was away. Yes, it would have been nice to get some exposition about how he was so zen after killing Grady, but I'm just glad he didn't return as the Big Bad, or didn't stay that way for long.

    I did enjoy that scene with Phillip and Olivia being able to laugh (or at least chuckle ruefully) over her metaphorical dancing on his grave during the penultimate week.

  16. That would probably be Mart Hulswit or Don Stewart (Ed and Mike). I'm guessing Mart, although who knows.

    I know Ed spent a lot of time between 1977 and 1983 getting all sorts of crap thrown at him (and before that, if I recall my history correctly) and was usually pretty upset about all of it, but did he really spend a lot of time actually in tears?

  17. When Rachel Miner was auditioning for roles as a little girl, she would see Erin Torpey so many times that they became friends. Rachel auditioned for GL, as Michelle, at the same time as she heard that OLTL was aging Jessica. Her father worked for OLTL or ABC, so she couldn't audition, but she told Erin about it. Erin auditioned and was cast.

    Thank God. I've heard that the OL fans absolutely loved Erin Torpey as Jessica and Rachel Miner was the only Michelle Bauer I actually liked.

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