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Posts posted by DynamiteKiddo

  1. When Vicki imploded at the reunion, I was so happy she finally got everything that was coming to her and humiliated herself in the befittingly ugly way that IS Vicki.  But I am pretty heartbroken for Dorinda.  I'm one of the few that always saw her rage and cruelty and was shocked she got away with it unscathed . . . but there was always SO much to LOVE about her.  This is a sad, sad way for such a great 'wife to go out.  And she evidently sealed her fate at the reunion.  What a shame.  For Dorinda's sake, I hope there's more to the Tinsley story we're not privy to . . . because it makes zero sense that she lost her mind (job, and good name) over that silly socialite.  There has to be more to the story; I heard D, T, and Carole (and John, Scott, and Adam) had a terrible trip to Dubai . . . maybe it all started then???  Who knows, lol.

  2. OMFG the storage room/basement/whatever Vincent is holding Ciara in is clearly Hope/Rafe's house.  lolol.  I like the Vincent/Wendy twist, but it's frustrating that RC is finally spotlighting the necktie killer stuff . . . but . . . it's like it's almost being used to make Ben sympathetic rather than have Ciara (and everyone!) realize it's bat$h!t that he's just been forgiven.


    But I've just been loving the show for months now.  Sure I have gripes and there have been missed beats and opportunities, but the show has mostly been very enjoyable.  And usually the show goes through long periods where I find it nearly unwatchable.  However, even though they took a seriously wrong turn after their 2018 reunion, I was sad to see Wilson go . . . this isn't good for the show.  Will is one of the most important legacy characters, it was great having one of Justin & Adrienne's kids on, and they're SUCH an important couple.  Plus all their ties to almost everyone on the canvas in one way or another.  All their goodbye scenes were very touching, albeit brief.  I especially liked the Sonny/Victor scene--FS unsurprisingly played it not to my liking, but it was a lovely memorialization to Adrienne and Victor's relationship with her.  But all the other returns have been great and softens the blow of losing them and so many others.

  3. BH reunion is off to a good start!  I love Garcelle and Sutton!  And I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Dorit has more than won me over.


    Now... apart from that nonsense with Garcelle, Kyle is playing it safe and kinda left the others out to hang dry—it’s too little too late, but she understands they don’t have the audience behind them and while it’s too late to pivot, she’s just being noncommittal.  WEAK.  How the f did Teddi become so smug?!?  Ugh, her transformation from door mouse to obnoxiously overconfident hasn’t made her any more relevant or interesting.  Despite my never ending love for Billie Reed, I’m done with Lisa Rinna—she has completely sold her soul.  Erika really had me at a loss—she did most of the heavy lifting in her convoluted quest to nail Denise.  Is she worried about her diamond or something or does she think Denise actually tried to mastermind her “takedown”?!?


    But even though I’m firmly on Team Denise f*cking Richards and The Coven are awful (and tactless after last year’s LVP debacle), Denise is obviously a liar and completely untrustworthy.  The problem is what Rinna said—the coverup is (WAY!) worse than the crime and Denise is lucky she has the audience behind her because she’s not playing fair, either.  I get that she’s reacting to be very legitimately targeted (because of how misconstrued and blown out of proportion the kids thing got), but she IS lying a lot and taking legal action to (try) to take back control of the narrative.  Maybe The Coven are just pissed that she outmaneuvered them and beat them in the court of public approval (again after LVP lolol), but Denise IS basically doing all the things they’re accusing her of and clearly plans to accept zero accountability.  Sooo... lol.  Can’t wait for parts 2 and 3.  BH has had such bad seasons since 6 or so, but their reunions always deliver.

  4. I always thought “Clip!  Clip!...” was about something else, revealing Dorinda’s worse impulses.  I could be completely paranoid, but I worked at a bar for over 6 years and for a couple of those years, I had coat check shifts.  Dorinda HATED Sonja that year (because to pay her back for cutting her out of the Blue Stone Manor, S called D out for recreationally doing coke) and took every opportunity to mercilessly shame her.  At the Italian restaurant in Queens, Dorinda was being cruel about Sonja’s past as a hostess/coat check attendant and I think that iconic “Clip!...” tirade was about Sonja in coat check taking rich people’s (like her, Ralph, and Richard) stuff and clipping the claim ticket to it.  Dorinda was evidently still drunk from the night before and claims “Clip!...” just came to her randomly and meant stfu, but this has always been my theory.


    I’m conflicted about Slurrrinda.  She is a disgusting bully on one hand, but a lovely woman with SO much heart on the other.  She’s the real enigma wrapped in a riddle and cash on all the hw shows.  And even though it was a precursor for the horror to come, nothing was better than when they’d have to subtitle her when she’d throw her arms up.  “You better back that $h!t up because I said you said I said you did back it up!”  Or whatever it was!  Lolol!

  5. The couple times Lucas was a leading man opposite Sami (‘04/‘05 JER 2.0 and Hogan Sheffer), they shoehorned him into a really conventional hero... and that didn’t suit him.  Lucas wasn’t the problem, he is leading man material... but he’s not supposed to be steady like Rafe, but he doesn’t always need to be a loser just because he’s not an action hero.  “Days” has issues with this from Lucas to Jack to Philip, etc.


    I won’t accept anything other than Lumi as endgame.

  6. All 3 weddings have been lovely, if low-budget.  They hit so many wonderful notes.  But I was SO disappointed Belle, Brady, and Will weren’t at Eric’s wedding.  I was less bothered by everyone missing from Justin & Kayla’s wedding (which was a surprisingly great week) and they explained no one being at Eli & Lani’s.  Last week, the Jack/Steve and Hope/Kayla/Jenn scenes were quintessential “Days.”  It reminded me so much of the scenes before Jenn & Frankie’s 2006 wedding.


    Also bummed Nicole didn’t even have a phone chat with Chloe/Parker before the wedding (or since she’s been back from the dead).  Sami and Vivian have been a great shot in the arm.  Love seeing Lucas!!!  And Allie’s story is so working for me so far, too bad we don’t get Johnny for some nice Eric/Sami parallel.  It was lovely to see Ciara/Allie together after all this time.

  7. 21 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    Oh HELL YEAH, JKJ IS BACK!! Kate’s got two of her baby boys coming back.

    I am SO stoked for this.  I'm disappointed that they didn't use Austin Peck when he was back for Chabby in Paris.  I LOVE Kate's family (except for that "bond" they were trying to sell with KL's Rex last year ugh lol).

  8. Thanks for the casting info, Jason!


    But I have 2 big reservations... I really want her to be the same age as Theo, Ciara, and Joey, since we saw them all grow up together on the show.  So I'm praying she's not high school age.  Aaand I think they're missing out by not having her and Johnny on at the same time... it could mirror Eric/Sami (even though I know Ali's Sami was around for 4 years before Jensen Ackles' Eric) and give Chad something to do.

  9. 11 hours ago, JAS0N47 said:

    If I'm remembering correctly, I think you saw Peter Reckell drive into the parking lot during his return in 1990, or in the storyline it was when Bo was supposed to be in Australia before returning to Salem. 


    I think I remember seeing a portion of the parking lot outside the window during the brief time when they were doing some scenes in the hallway and made the hallway a "high school" hallway with a few lockers at some point in the last decade, so that would have been the window you saw in the high school locker scene.


    I forget if you saw the bars of the parking lot gate, but this could have been the street (where the photographer is standing) where John Black was run over and 'killed" by a car in 2007-ish.

    I bet that's where Brady went looking for cars with Chloe in 2001.


    I loved when they were using the studio for "sets" in 2015/16.

  10. Today's episode was really problematic.  First off, I never needed to see Maggie Horton attempt suicide.  And if you're going to do that, then GO THERE.  This episode didn't have any more energy than usual... there was good setup with all the scenes... it makes me think the low energy issue is production's, not writing's. But the writing wasn't where it needed to be for something like this... I kept thinking back to JJ's standalone episode, which was incredible, imo.  The scenes with Eric/Nicole and Brady/Sarah were very nice, but they could've waited... I needed a lot more from the Maggie stuff, and Rafe/Zoey/Orpheus/Marlena should've had a LOT more energy, too.


    Also, what a waste with Orpheus and his family... shockingly, they really worked for me and didn't need to be short-term.  Ending this before it began and the convoluted "twist" to kill all potential for them feels very Bob Guza's GH lol.  I guess Summer really didn't have anything to do with it... she was one of the worst characters I've ever endured on this show, but it is gnarly to think she was completely discarded after Josh Griffith only to return for a day to truly just die.  Kinda chilling.

  11. Eileen seemed like she hated the shooting schedule and was very dissatisfied with the pay.  And I remember she said she was pissed that one actress in particular was given (very) special treatment and that production scheduled around her "availability"... everyone thought she was talking about Ali Sweeney, but I thought she could be referring to Missy Reeves, who commutes from Nashville and was heavily featured during the height of Dannifer when Eileen was on.  It's a shame the working conditions keep her away...


    But I grew to really enjoy Stacy.  I wonder if she was written out because it felt like the right move for the story, or if because tptb ultimately thought the recast wasn't working?

  12. I think the Salem Strangler started with the radio show, but this is way before my time.


    One of the only good things I think Tom Langan (as head writer) did for Marlena was reviving the radio show, which tied into the original Hattie story.  I remember Nancy temporarily filled in for her and the ratings surged, lolol.  (This kind of stuff where Nancy was vying for everyone else's successes at the hospital was the only good use of the character, imo.)


    But the radio show revival was also sadly tied up with the insane Brady feud, Marlena using Roman, and being SO angry at John/Hope 24/7.  Langan wrote really hateful, destructive material for all the vets--it was crazy.

  13. The show has been doing something really interesting with the character depictions in the last 2 or so weeks.  And I want to say it's interesting but I cant figure out the motivation.  It's almost like Ron feels compelled or was forced to respond to the all whitewashing he was doing, particularly with Ben and Stefan.  But we've seen it with Gabi and Kristen, too.


    Like, there was a lot of genuine narrative tension between Kristen's past and psychotic tendencies vs. being "changed" and innately maternal.  It felt like they were truly letting the viewer decide for themselves what was up.  While in contrast, 2 months ago (even 1 month ago) they were beating us over the head with "Kristen is a good person now, feel sorry for her!!!!!"


    And the Ben/Jake necktie joke was definitely trolling... but it was equally a middle finger to the audience AND self-recognition of just how CRAZY this $h!t with Ben is.  And notice how Hope wasn't thrilled about the announcement... before she turned into PG, she would have misappropriated Salem PD funds to throw them a parade.  Something has changed.  But Ciara is still the worst EVER!!!


    But it's obviously Abby's story that is really highlighting that, at the very least, Ben, Gabi, and Stefan did horrifying, evil things to her... and RC might not be saying that they're horrifying, evil people, but he's acknowledging their past, while before he was moving mountains to ignore that $h!t and play the "great loves" of Cin and Stabi.  Of course, ABBY being the character they're using for this is a whole other, totally valid critique and maybe that's why RC is finally doing it... because he can suggest Abby (and Chad) are not the moral standard to set anyone against.  But whatever, I am really liking all this.  Just let the characters be; no need to make everyone a hero when they're clearly NOT (GH's Sonny/Carly/Jason is always the golden example here).

  14. The Rafe/Hope den is horrible!  I at least appreciate that the way it's dressed as "Hope's house" aesthetically matches seamlessly with her real set.  I was shocked she got an exterior... the "outdoor set" itself wasn't amazing or anything, but it was a LOT more than we've gotten like that in many, many years.  Plus, the way the camera followed them from the front door around the house to the garage was downright cinematic for "Days" lol.  I understand that they are limited with the sets, but what I don't understand is not using the WHOLE space they're showing us and switching it up with the camera angles/movement.  It takes more time and time is $$, but it's the cheapest way to add visual interest.

  15. That train station set was actually really good for modetn "Days"... which I think is like a combination of lots of sets (JJ's loft, Salem U/full HTS, etc.).  I thought the production values today were definitely as good, if not way better than anything we had while Tomlin was EP (when the show had that 2009 renaissance).  My only problem with today was Cin being shoehorned into such an important episode.  So far, they are doing a pretty complete one-year anniversary of the big Mother's Day disaster.  I do wish the direction would have been more interesting for today, esp. in the train station scenes.  And we need montages!  Lol

  16.  I just read on soaps.com that Stacy Haiduk is out as Kristen!  It was reported in SOD and Stacy posted a nice Instagram.


    I also read spoilers on soaps.com and Soap Hub that Kristen does get the baby back and Brady convinces her to flee because of stabbing Victor.  I don't know if this is the end of the road for her (for now), but I wouldn't be mad about it.  I know that might seem like a cop out abrupt cheat of an ending... but on the contrary, I think it could be chilling and, to sound cheesy, poetic.  Kristen has her baby, but in the least ideal way... and the real consequence from all this is that the. baby. is. just. gone.  Sarah, Brady, Eric, Nicole, and Maggie will have to deal with never seeing her again because of Victor and Xander's actions.

  17. Ya this Elyse situation is beyond bizarre.  I don't know if they were full-on testing her or knew she'd be a "friend" from the jump, but she is a dud who is not getting the memo lol.  However, the two times she's spoken up, she has spoken up--first calling wasted Sonja her ex's "accessory" and then calling out LuAnn/Dorinda out for the vodka.  She was annoying and judgey af, but she was right in the context of both scenes.  And they gave her a talking head, so she either keeps dropping bombs or she's just physically there so much they accepted they had to interview her?


    It's interesting that while Sonja and Dorinda don't seem to be crazy about her, they're super familiar with her and both have really opened up to her while drunk.  I have trouble seeing her keep up with Ramona's antics irl lol.


    I am still totally here for Leah.  They are showing her full life and it is messy... I'm getting all kinds of shady vibes from her, but I appreciate her "redemption" story and empathize that despite how far she's come, it's like everyone is expecting her life to become a trainwreck without a conductor again.  She feels old-school OC 'wife to me and I love it.  And she's hella funny.  I wish they'd show the other women this 360.


    Anyway, loving NY.  I LOVED seeing Jacques!!!  I was sad production gave him such a dopey edit and Ramona and Sonja had little reaction to initially seeing him... he was a big part of the show as far as boyfriends/husbands go on NY...


    Sonja and Dorinda are the ones to watch for me so far from a narrative standpoint.  But we know Tinsley of all people will probably get the bulk of focus during the latter half because of Scott/dipping out.

  18. I remember the direction for the ER scene being really good for "Days."


    We got Hope's house back then and I was shocked they gave Kayla a home set.  And after being sick to death of it during the Higley/Tomlin era, I was thrilled to see the pier!  LOL


    The crown jewel for that time was the John's father climax.  The scenes where Paul was tied up and that spectacular shootout would NEVER have played like that on one of their rinky dink pos sets.  Even just seeing the ceiling adds so much.  Too bad the writing was mostly horrible then, lol.

  19. 1 hour ago, victoria foxton said:



    The brief 50th/Josh Griffith/late 2015-mid 2016 era was SUCH a visual high for the show... I know many were critical of the dark lighting and using the studio as sets, but I thought it was great.  I think Corday put in his own $$ only very briefly lol.

  20. So, just talking about daytime soaps, when there were like 10ish on from the 80's-00's... to be compltely and plainly frank, I think they didn't do this because there were sooo many ways to step in $h!t here.  We've already talked about speech and some bad cultural stereotypes, then there's all the other thick $h!t in the air... there are a million ways to get this wrong.  The show doesn't have to be ABOUT the setting, but when the setting has SUCH rich cultural and historical identities (depending on your p.o.v.), it has to inform the content... if not, just don't bother to have such a setting.


    But a daytime soap set in the South writes itself--really great setting that lends itself perfectly to the classic soap motifs.


    In 2020, they should absolutely be doing this for nighttime or streaming... and really DO IT.  Art should have a very strong point of view and make an equally strong expression.  I'm not into those OWN soaps, but maybe I should check out QS if it's actually making use of its amazing setting.

  21. As a soap fan, the openings fascinate me.  But when it's not daytime, I have HIGH standards for opening title sequences and 99% of them are categorically bad or fall short of their concept.  This is your chance to really set the stage for your show and even say some stuff you may not even really be hitting on in the content.  Setting is obviously a great option for an opening, but themes, period, etc. are great.


    My fav. soap opening is OLTL's 1995-2004 "Tour of Llanview"... I love the music, the city shots, and the actors' shots were really easy to adjust.  Even though none of the exteriors necessarily correlated to locations on the show, it gave me a feel of Llanview and that this was where everything was happening--a midsize city with really diverse neighborhoods and alternating shots of lush palatial, compact urban, and desolate industrial.  I don't feel like this opening gets much love lol.  The opening after this was terrible, as were all the Frons openings that debuted in '04 to unify the lineup (and they were a nightmare to adjust with cast changes).


    And it's shocking because the show was such hot garbage, but I'd argue that "Passions," by far, had the best opening in design, quality, and execution (even though OLTL's was my personal fav.).  B&B's fashion show opening from a few years ago was a great concept, but it didn't quite reach its potential and it didn't adjust well to cast changes.  And a simple title card like Frank Valentini's first GH opening totally works, too.  It's probably best when you can't pull off something good (like Frank's successive train wreck GH openings OMFGH).

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