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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. ^^

    Yes, there are still some moments when something worthwhile shines through. That is why I cannot let go completely. Those moments, however few and far apart, give me hope that things will improve somehow. A vain hope I know, but as they say, hope springs eternal    ;)

    But most of the time the show is just like you described, "heartless and hollow". I've said it before, and I'll keep saying it: this is a show that has lost its identity and become just another generic soap. I know that they did it for various reasons, including concern for the real life villagers which is admirable, but abandoning the real village where they used to shoot in favour of a newly constructed village set, really altered the feel of the show. I can see the necessity of it, but still lament the consequences..... The current village set feels as artificial as the plotlines.

  2. Damn it! Why is it that this show could be so good back then, and be so bad now......  I love the relationships between Annie and Sam, Annie and Dolly and of course Amos and Henry. Those two are like an old married couple.   :P

    And I love the glimpse of Miffield Hall as it looked back then. Now more commonly known of course as Home Farm. It looked slightly bigger in those days..... ^_^

    It's also interesting that already at this early stage in the marriage between Matt and Dolly the issue that eventually will drive them apart is apparent. Dolly wants them to have a place of their own, while Matt is happy and content to stay at Emmerdale.

  3. Too bad that Anisimova couldn't hold her game together. She practically handed Halep that match on a silver platter with her many mistakes. But whenever she did manage to keep it together you could see that she has the ability to blow someone like Halep off the court.

    On another note, is it only me who thinks that Anisimova is a spitting image of former Australian tennis player Alicia Molik?   🤔

  4. ^^

    If that was all it took then the whole village would be full of drugged up zombies considering all the tragedies that has happened there.

    The reason it feels so sudden is there has been no hint before that Leyla was doing any kind of drugs. If there has been then I have missed it. It was just like wham...bam....Leyla's a drug addict. And it must have gone on for some time. How else would she know where to get drugs? A tiny village in rural Yorkshire is not exactly a place where I would expect to find a whole lot of drugs and/or drug suppliers circulating to provide easy access for beginners.

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