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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. 9 hours ago, soapfan770 said:


    A rather uncompromising photo of Deacon and Brooke is taken, and the photo goes viral on social media! This leaves an infuriated Ridge pondering his future with Brooke once more!

    judy gif.gif

    Is Brad Bell incapable of writing something else for Ridge and Brooke? Is there anyone who really wants to see this again?! Can he please, please, please give Brooke some self-esteem back and have her tell Ridge, the king of waffling (sorry Liam, you've been dethroned), to go f*ck himself and not bother to come crawling back again!  :jeal0002:

  2. 19 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    A horrible human being, proven yet again.

    As Parker Malloy mentioned on Twitter, this is not even her first time lashing out with anti-gay views when she  and her party are not given what they want. They aren't going to pass the bill, but they want to come up with a "reason," as they always do. And they know the media will go along. She can kiss my ass. No wonder Olympia Snowe can't stand her.

    Am I missing something?  :huh:

    The article states that she is supporting the same-sex marriage bill, and that she's been trying to gather support for it among other Republicans, but that she now feels that that work has gotten more difficult. I totally agree that opposing the bill simply because they were outsmarted on another issue is reprehensible, but how can Susan Collins be blamed for that if she is supporting the bill?

    I'm sure there's more to this story though, but as an outsider this sounds strange.


  3. This is so infuriating.

    Historic pride jersey sparks player boycott in Australia

    On Thursday, the Manly Warringah Sea Eagles will become the first team in the competition ever to don a kit which promotes LGBT inclusivity in the sport. But players weren't consulted and some object to the move on religious and cultural grounds.



    Poor little ones. Having to wear a jersey that promotes equality and tolerance. How rude of the team to expect them to support something like that!  





    12 hours ago, Soapsuds said:


    Surely this will inspire a new country hit in the spirit of Tammy Wynette?  



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