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Posts posted by MissLlanviewPA

  1. They're definitely hot, but it IS kind of weird to think about those two together that way while she's thinking he's someone else (even if she, in some way, knew he was Max all along).

    Knowing that the plastic surgery part of the story was eventually retconned when JDP came back makes things easier to handle, I guess.

    It would've been GREAT, though, if after she came back in 2001, they had showed a flashback of their wedding, and the two of them could have commented on how different he looked back then laugh.png .

  2. The second one (from what I've seen of him) is alright, but of course I prefer JDP to the end (and will always be a bit bitter that NW got to act out their wedding laugh.png ).

    I mostly posted these just to add something new (well, old new) to the tribute smile.png .

  3. As much of a fan as I became of Max & Gabby after seeing the convent scenes, these scenes got me there as well. They were never happier as a couple (until they got married, of course!).

    From 5:54 to the end of the above clip...of all the scenes I've seen of Max & Gabby (and I admit that there are SO MANY I have yet to see--especially their 2001 stuff!), THIS one may be my favorite one of all. The thunderstorm, the shot away from the bed, the shot of them over the bed, Max putting her finger in his mouth...just so sensual and hot. wub.png Good lord they needed something like this to close them out. In my mind, there was a ONS in Argentina following Al's death. I guarantee there was.

  4. Cord, Tina and CJ: Awwww. wub.png

    Max, Gabrielle and Al: Someone tell me WHY these three will never be seen together, again? sad.png

    Also, a warning for you all: When Gabrielle is back, the hysterical crying scream you'll hear will be from me. Just a heads up. laugh.png

  5. Is it just me, or does Andrea Evans look more like a blonde than a redhead here? In some of the clips from 1989 her hair seems to have a much lighter, blonder look. It may just be the lighting, but if it was blonder by then, recasting her with Karen Witter definitely makes some more sense to me (KW's hair was blonde, of course, but seemed to have a bit of a red tinge to it). Fiona's hair occasionally looked blonde, too, as opposed to light brown.

    I'm SO hoping Tina will be back for some scenes with Gabrielle soon, even if we don't see Cord again (wasn't AE supposed to appear at least a few more times?). All of the stuff I've seen or heard of them together is either from the book, the old history pages site, or YouTube. Their friendship needs closure so bad! sad.png

  6. Al & Sarah wub.png . That would've been so cute to see. Max & Gabrielle's son and Cord & Tina's daughter getting married? Bring it on!

    Didn't recognize Nathan Fillion on those skates at all blink.png .

    The Susan Batten story is in the OLTL coffee table book. She's actually from the same county in North Carolina as Ava Gardner (Johnston County).

    And shut up, Kassie. Five pounds, schmive pounds. You're 50 now and I'm STILL jealous of your figure. You probably haven't been chubby since your early Guiding Light days laugh.png .

    And I LOVE the Tyler Noyes autograph story wub.png .

  7. The commercial must be on Youtube somewhere - a ton of commercials are put up.

    I'd never heard of that song. I guess she can be proud...

    RSW wasn't happy about how they had Bo react to Sarah's death so he may have just wanted them to move on.

    You've probably already seen this but back in April I posted another Fiona interview.


    Yep, I love that article! smile.png

    Misty herself actually mentioned that song in an interview a few years ago, when she was promoting her Misty's Magical Mountaintop show. She said her daughter contacted the band after she found it, and after she asked them why they wrote a song about her mom, they said that they missed her and wanted to know what had happened to her. Dreama told them that "she's been raising me!" smile.png (She's 19 now, though).

  8. Nora "killing" Sarah. My hate for this character begins

    LOL at Bo's sweater

    RH had a wife and kid back in 1993? I didnt realize that. Are they still together?

    Yeah, he and his wife Cari met sometime before he was on OLTL, and when he won his Emmy in 1994, he said to his son Julian, "Night night, Jules. I'll try to get Big Bird's autograph for you, and I love you." smile.png

    He also has a daughter now named Langston.

    I know some thought around 2008 that he and his ATWT costar Marie Wilson were together, but as far as I know, he and Cari are still married.

  9. I didnt realize James Depaiva was married to Crystal Hunt


    I remember reading once that a rock band called Young Heart Attack wrote a song called "Misty Rowe", because the bassist said she was the first woman he ever saw where he went, "Wow, she's not like my mom."

    It's a fun song, actually. Here's a clip of it:


    I've sometimes wondered how long it was after Kassie joined the show that she and James got together, as they divorced their spouses the year before they got married themselves. It's also interesting that in the Max & Luna article, JDP mentions going to Hawaii with Misty and Dreama, and Kassie joined the show shortly after Max & Luna's wedding. So he could have met her almost as soon as he got back. Kind of interesting.

    I've always liked them (JDP/KDP) as a couple, though, and their son JQ is a little cutie (he was actually born about a month after my brother!) smile.png

  10. I don't know. I think the story may have been postponed at some point - she came into the show with migraine headaches and then she was fine during the rape trial and early relationship with Bo, then they came back again.

    It says in the OLTL trivia book that it WAS Malone's intention to have Nora as Sarah's killer. Nora was having episodes of blindness at the time, and that was supposed to have resulted in her hitting Bo & Sarah's car. But RSW thought that would be too big an obstacle for Bo to get over, being with the woman who ended his wife's life (even if she didn't intend to). So Malone changed it to a drunk driver killing Sarah.

  11. Okay, this is totally weird, but in that Susan Haskell article where she mentions doing a commercial where she talks about smelly men: I know EXACTLY what she's talking about! It's an Arrid deodorant commercial from around 1992! She actually says in the commercial, "When a guy smells, it's such a turn-off!" I have this on an old tape with episodes of The Waltons (where this commercial aired during--it was when the show was on the Family Channel) and two episodes of I'll Fly Away, the great drama back then that Sam Waterston did. If I knew how to upload stuff like that on YouTube I'd probably do it! I LOVE that she mentioned it in an article once! laugh.png

    Interestingly, the same commercial block includes a NutriGrain bar commercial with a very young future final Kevin, Dan Gauthier smile.png .

  12. Chances are, if they had brought back Julia Medina, either they would have done absolutely nothing with her and then let her fade away, or they'd reveal her to be something really stupid, like Victor Lord's other secret mistress and Viki's biological mom.

    Oh God, it's so scary to think that Ron may have very well gone there ph34r.png .

    I wonder whatever happened to Gabrielle's sister, Debra? She wanted to be a famous ballerina, but from what I understand, she was NOWHERE NEAR as interesting as her older sister and her mother laugh.png .

  13. I know I posted it in the VideoBash board already, but it deserves to be here, too.

    I'll always be kind of sad (okay VERY sad) that there was never a Max/Gabby wedding with JDP, particularly when she came back in 2001. Even if she's coming back as a ghost now, they could have still done a Ryan/Vicky on AW style wedding in Heaven. I would've loved that.

    And THIS is why I call Max & Gabrielle the most underrated, ill-treated supercouple in OLTL history. I don't think it's just my bias; they were given a second chance from 2001-2003 to get things right and EVERYTHING went wrong for them. Cord & Tina FINALLY were given a happy ending, and Todd & Blair, for all the times I feel they've been crapped on, have STILL been treated better than Max & Gabby. Bo & Nora, Clint & Viki...ALL treated better. There were strong signs in 2003 that they might have an affair (I remember a spoiler back then about them sleeping together after Bo gave her a rain check one too many times) , but I remember reading Frons was against this (it wouldn't surprise me at all if Malone/Griffith were forced to scrap that for Al's death sad.png ) .

    Oh well, at least the two of them parted as friends when Max left Llanview.

  14. I. LOVE. THAT. ONE. wub.png Headlining the premiere issue of Episodes! Fiona Fest had this article up FOREVER, but it's an older site now and a lot of the links aren't working lately (could just be me using Google Chrome, though laugh.png ).

    I don't even know if they ever had anything like that in a magaizine before or since (especially a cover photo). I remember seeing that they were interviewed together in 1993 for either SOD or SOM, who asked the fans of each show which former onscreen couples (if I remember correctly) they wanted interviewed the most. It was at Soap Opera World, but now I can't even remember what month it was.

    Sigh. Still kinda sorta hoping for a super secret surprise appearance by Max (yes I'm hopeless laugh.png ). It won't be too long before Gabby's back home! smile.png

    You're the best, Carl! smile.png

    ETA: The child that JDP and Misty Rowe were expecting at the time wound up being miscarried; their daughter Dreama was born two years later.

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