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Posts posted by MissLlanviewPA

  1. Can't remember if this was posted already or not, but here it is:

    Tina daydreams of picking the perfect man--Max, Cord, or FauxBo (Patrick London)? Girlfriend certainly knew how to dream right!


    And then, on a more serious note, Tina's testimony during Maria's murder trial--where Max finds out that baby Al is his son with Gabrielle (I wish someone would post the first scenes of Max/Gabrielle as Al's parents):



  2. Whatever happened to the original Connor Walsh from ATWT??

    She's actually a yoga instructor now (She also goes by Allyson Rice now--she dropped the Taylor sometime ago). Here's her bio from her yoga website:


    I have to say--I'm a natural blonde and all, but she REALLY should have stuck with her dark hair color. She looked GORGEOUS on ATWT when it was dark.

    ETA: She also does handmade jewelry and has created a coloring book, and has websites for both. Good for her! smile.png

  3. Michael was on for most of 1989 and AE didnt leave the role as Tina till early 1990. She was involved in the baby switching story to some degree bc Ive seen teh clips of her confronting Gabrielle about it. I mean she must have had at least some interaction with Michael considering he was married to her best friend and she knew his baby wasnt really his, right?

    Thanks anyway, especially the breakdown on who the killer was. I guess I confused Julia there bc I know she killed someone around that time. That Roger scenario sounds so stupid...lol. Im assuming he eventually woke up and left town or is he off in a coma somewhere? LOL

    The murder occurred after AE left, though, during the period of time when Tina was gone and KW wasn't there yet. That's all I meant.

    Roger left town after Megan and Sarah died (in Sarah's case, the second and final time). The poor man lost all three of his daughters--he had another daughter, Anna, who died as a child.

  4. What was Dorian's motive for wanting Michael dead? I dont even recall her interactions with him. Why isnt Gabrielle listed there? Did Tina or Cord ever have anything to do with him? Who ended up killing him anyway? I think it was Julia?

    Just purely based on second-hand viewing and the anniversary book (and my own suspicions):

    1.Not sure about Dorian.

    2. I think Gabrielle was mourning Max too much to be in that orbit (and fighting off Fake Max when she thought he was Matt).

    3. Tina was still in San Diego--Karen Witter wasn't on board yet.

    4. I don't think Cord ever really interacted with Michael much--he was dating Gabrielle (so, that too for her).

    5. Roger Gordon killed him. He briefly got out of his coma, shot Michael in the hospital, then went straight back into his coma.

    Julia killed DuAnn Demerest a year later. I wonder if she ever got out. I remember reading that one of her last scenes was with Max. I would be very surprised if her daughter/his ex-wife didn't come up at all.

  5. I give Schnessel a lot of grief--because I think the show largely became overly camp when he was there (under Peggy O'Shea, who had a long history with the show, the work was much more sophisticated and managed to keep more classic Llanview). I always got the impression Schnessel (what a name) was more of a yes man to Rauch, but that's probably unfair, as there WAS some great character work under him.

    It would have been very interesting to see what would have happened to Gabrielle if Peggy O'Shea had continued on the show, as she created her character.

  6. Luna was raped? When did that happen?

    A few years before she was on the show. She had a New Age store in Memphis that was targeted by the KKK, and one of the Klansmen raped her (and then burned down her store). She admitted this to Marty after her rape when she went to the hospital for counseling.

    Shortly afterwards, she told Max.

    I do feel sorry for her, but some of it kind of seems out of nowhere to me (along with her first dead husband), knowing that Malone created her and loved her character so much. I don't know. Still touching scenes, but still a bit out of left field to me.

  7. I liked Max and Luna but she was nothing more than a space filler for Gabrielle. If Gabrielle were in town, there would be no contest. Oh and Gabrielle/Tina >>> Tina/Luna

    I sometimes get the feeling I'm being unfair to Max & Luna (and Luna in particular), but then when I want to watch YouTube clips of them, I'm like, "Do I HAVE to be fair about them?" laugh.png Oh well.

    I will say that the clips I've seen as them as friends are kind of sweet (and I don't blame her for crushing on Max hardcore--that man was in his prime in the early 90s, though he's stayed hot to this day). And I felt bad for Luna when she admitted her rape to Max.

    But the favorite color question to Max when they first met--and Max saying the same damn thing word for word--too contrived for me.

    It would have been interesting to see what AE's Tina and Luna would have been like together. And I remember seeing the first clips of KW's Tina and Gabrielle, where there was animosity between the two of them--Gabrielle was a part of her 3rd wedding party to Cord, so some of their friendship must have been resolved before it crashed again when she went to prison.

    How sad to think that they probably never spoke to each other again after that sad.png .

  8. From what I remember, the recaps are unbiased - it's hard to say what is accurate because most of us haven't seen the 60's or 70's material. The sections on characters generally tried to focus on as many past names as possible - there was more attention paid to popular characters of the past, but nothing which seemed like an agenda. All the Gary Warner books seemed very similar, right down to the personal anecdotes which always ended in "cute" quips and exclamation points (I guess you could say I had one life to live!), but they were very professionally done, very classy and informative.

    I tend to agree with this, he did a very good job with his books. Granted, I would argue he was a bit too pro-Max & Luna (calling her "the one" for Max in a way I don't think any other couples were praised--I admit that this probably unfairly biased me against them [and Luna alone] years before I started watching their stuff on YouTube--I need to work on that, lol), but I'm biased there to begin with laugh.png .

    And besides, at the end of the day, SOD and the SOD/SOW tribute named Max & Gabrielle as one of their top couples (where a select few were chosen for each) and NOT Max & Luna, so, at the end of the day, I'm happy with that smile.png .

    From an Episodes.



    I've never seen these before! How great smile.png .

    I suppose these are sometime in 1990, given how early she left the following year. She last aired in March 1991, right? I wish someone would put up the trial where she was sentenced to prison up on YouTube.

  9. One of my favorite couples on the show:

    That last part has been talked about a few times before--I will say this: I think Nora was WISHING there was an memory-altering syringe around when she walked in on THAT! laugh.png

  10. That's the impression I get, too--I haven't seen every single clip of her from the late 80s, but even just based on the coffee table book, it DOES seem like she was too much of a villainess by late 1990 (even if you argue that thinking she lost Max in that car crash had her turning against God, and getting him back only made her more protective to the point that her moral compass was all but gone) --and she was really an anti heroine at heart. The baby switch storyline, I think, showed the true essence of what her character was. I think some of it was still there during her second stint, too, but some would say she became too nice. So, I'm not sure.

    It does seem like some of her personality went to Blair, and one can even argue the more innocent side from the Argentina days went to Luna. Almost as if Max went after two women who had two sides of one particular woman--and if that one particular woman had shown up with both those women around (or at any other time), they would have been afterthoughts very quickly (which is essentially what happened when she returned in 2001--even when Max rejected her later for her part in Asa's scheme, I don't think he ever really stopped loving her up to when he left town for good--I think their friendship in 2003 says it all on his part).

  11. sad.pngsad.pngsad.pngsad.png

    I can't help but wonder what a Gabrielle/Max/Luna triangle would have been like--THAT would have been the REAL triangle, more than Luna/Max/Blair or Gabrielle/Max/Blair, and the fan wars might have even put the T&Bers vs. TnTers to shame.

    I always think if Max & Gabrielle had ever truly gotten back together, Gabrielle probably would have asked him how he felt about her now compared to Luna, and if he would have gone back to her if Luna hadn't been killed, Because you know she would be thinking about this, and it's a legitimate question, too.

    I do remember, back in 2002, when Roxy was trying to endear herself to Max, Max saying in a scene to Al that Luna was the true love of his life, but it didn't mean that he didn't love his mother--he did, but it was different.

    Um...Backhanded compliment, much?

    Who's to say they would have been together much longer if she hadn't been killed, anyway?

    I know Luna fans/Max & Luna fans might have found that insulting if Max ever verbalized that, but again, I think it's a legitimate question.

  12. I would have taken just one day, for Dorian and Herb to reunite.

    You could do a lot with Karen and Jenny. I always had so many bad fanfic ideas, as I'm sure many did...times like this I miss Gerald Anthony more than ever.

    See, this is why I always hesitate about writing Max/Gabrielle fanfic to make their ending better--I'm always afraid I'll do a disservice to the characters or think up something too inane for her and Al to be alive and it'll just be bad! (even though writing has always been a strong point for me). I don't want to feel like I'd be doing what Ron did to Gabrielle the other day, even though some of her behavior was DEFINITELY in character (I almost feel she shouldn't have come back...but then I remember how much I missed her and wanted to see her one more time. Plus, because of her return, I have a new banner! laugh.png )

    But I'm sure your fanfic for Karen and Jenny would be just fine smile.png.

  13. And help inflict Kelly on the audience...

    Not gonna lie, I've seen some of NF Joey/Kelly and I think they're kinda sweet together. ph34r.png Sorry, Carl! laugh.png Also, Gina Tognoni--once her eye makeup got less crazy and she was leaner-and with her bright, blonde hair only--I'm a blonde-haired blue-eyed gal myself (average weight--could be somewhat thinner, lol, but not what people would call fat, either), and I would SERIOUSLY love to look more like her. Her yellow and black era OLTL bumper--just gorgeous smile.png



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