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Posts posted by MissLlanviewPA

  1. That third clip - I can't help it, I smile when I hear Gabrielle's Theme. It starts around 8:20.

    I LOVE her theme so much. Tina's theme, too, but Gabrielle's is just so innocent and beautiful. I love the piano in it.

    And Max & Gabrielle's theme, too. I think Gabrielle's theme would often transition with the piano into the sax from the couple's theme.

  2. I didn't realize Al was still on the show at this time. I thought Max had already dumped him off on Gabrielle.

    That "carnival" still cracks me up.

    Oh look, it's early Tea. Very early.

    Yay, seven days before my eighth birthday! smile.png

    Nope, Al was around until about September or October, when Gabrielle sent Max and Al a letter saying she had been released from prison (per the SOC recaps from that year).

    Yes, Tea debuted in January, I think.

  3. The scary years ....look who the EP and HW are.....lol

    I know some don't like it, but I actually think this might be my favorite ATWT theme. Maybe it's the closing more than the opening music, but there's just something so peaceful and beautiful about it, particularly the middle section.

    My grandmother watched this show to the end, and I remember once or twice her having it on when we visited her and my grandfather (out of state), and I'm pretty sure I saw the opening during this era, or at least the bumpers smile.png .

  4. It's always interesting to see the liberal media in action. I was reading The Fix, which is a Beltway/DC type blog on The Washington Post, and in only a few days they had articles on:

    - why does Oklahoma not like Obama

    I actually read that one. Granted, it didn't say much that I didn't already know, but having family from Arkansas (my dad's parents live in a town close to the OK border), it's always interesting to me to read about Southern politics and how things have changed electorally in different Southern states--and how long those changes have taken place in each of them.

  5. And you'll never guess who Viki names as the lead citizen of Llanview...

    I know now! (Granted, I sort of cheated, having seen it in the comments section before I heard Viki say her name) Gabrielle Holden. What a beautiful sound that has wub.png . If only it had lasted sad.png .

    Why do I get the feeling this was after she was embezzling money and cheated on Max with Tony to shut him up? laugh.png

    ETA: I actually kind of joke-guessed that it could be Gabrielle, given everything that happened with her that year (and that she's my favorite character, of course), but I was still happily surprised/amused to find that it was her! smile.png

  6. I sometimes forget that Sheila was introduced during the final year or so of the Rauch era. Were there any noticable differences in her character from that time to when Gottlieb and Malone arrived (not counting relationships, just the character herself)?

    The part about NW's Max & Sheila possibly being a couple is interesting. I wonder what she & JDP's Max would've been like together.

    Speaking of which: how late in 1991 did NW leave? Wasn't there a period of time between his departure and JDP coming back?

  7. One thing I've always liked about the final credits of SFT (and the final episode itself--that final scene is fantastic), is when they show Marcia McCabe holding a little sun in her hands (for Sunny, of course) with the word "GOODBYE" on it. So cute! I would TOTALLY use a screenshot of that as my avatar smile.png .

  8. I love these closing credits here. Great scenery, perhaps the longest version of the theme online (aside from that 3-4 minute long CD cut [i'm assuming--it's on the Television Tunes site, along with an 80s TV Themes site]), and I like how some of the background notes are emphasized in a way that I haven't really heard on some of the other versions.

    This really is one of my favorite soap themes of all time wub.png .

    Also, does anyone have any idea when these credits might have aired? Pam Long and Paul Rauch's names are in there, so it was somewhere near the end of the run.

  9. I just watched the three flood episodes of SFT. Such great stuff to watch. I didn't know who everyone was, of course, but the spirit of the town was amazing. The Weather Channel and CNN reporter was a nice touch, too!

    Jane Krakowski's voice sounds quite a bit different here. Even though she's younger, it sounds less...daffy here than it does on 30 Rock.

    Did John Loprieno's character die? It makes sense--he was on OLTL later that same year.

    David Forsythe wub.png .

    Mary Stuart spending an entire episode nearly underwater when she was afraid of it--amazing!

    Something about Suzi made me want to smack her upside the head. I know she was looking for her husband and it sounds heartless, but CAGNEYCAGNEYCAGNEY...ugh!

    Sunny Adamson is love. Just from these episodes alone, she seems like such a great character wub.png .

    And did Stu sleep through the whole flood or something? laugh.png

    I'd seen the first two on WoST years ago, although I don't think I ever saw all of the second one (oh, dial up--how I DON'T miss you)--how great to see all three episodes! smile.png

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXrkYzgf95s&feature=related

    Megan and Max share memories in the hospital as she's dying of Lupus. You can tell here how much Gabrielle's betrayal (cheating on him during their marriage) hurt him, and of course he's trying to deny that he loved her by saying he was "addicted to her."

    He really didn't mention her much when she was in prison, did he? The Max & Megan stuff, I'll admit, is pretty good, but not to take away from another intelligent blonde or anything wink.pngtongue.pnglaugh.png , but I just don't know if I can let myself enjoy their scenes more over Max/Gabby's TOO much!

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