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Posts posted by MissLlanviewPA

  1. There's actually a clip from around that same time where Al and Max talk about Gabrielle and Luna and Max tells Al that while Luna was the "love of his life" that didn't mean he didn't love Gabrielle too. If you haven't seen it MissLlanviewPa, I have it and will try to get it uploaded on YouTube soon.

    I remember it well. It kind of seemed like a backhanded compliment to me at the time wink.pnglaugh.png . I prefer to think of Max saying it was Luna and not including Gabrielle because of her relationship with Bo at the time. Because really, BOTH of them could have been the loves of his life. And that's probably the best answer anyway tongue.png .

  2. Having her start off as trying to get revenge on Max due to him abandoning her was fine, but I would have probably gone on after their breakup (if you could really call it that) by having her slowly but surely try to make up for past misdeeds--while, of course, having her retain as much of her anti-heroine status as humanly possible. I certainly would have gone forward with a Max/Gabrielle affair during her relationship with Bo--there were signs that she felt neglected by him in favor of Nora, and it would have been interesting to see what might have happened with both Bo AND Gabrielle cheating on each other (and maybe have Roxy and Max continue to bond as friends and have her slowly realize how much Gabrielle means to him).

    And even though it would have been great to have seen them on the canvas longer, once I would have reunited them, I would have been fine with them getting married and leaving for North Carolina/Argentina to raise Frank and Leslie--visiting/communicating through Al as he goes through law school (which is what he intended to do at the time of his death).

    At the same time, I wouldn't have objected to a storyline where Carlo returns and she gives him hell for the years she lost in prison because of him--complete with a scene of Max whipping the tar out of him for threatening their son's life as a child/taking her away from Al when he was so young.

    I really do miss them sometimes, don't I? sad.png

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCpyPzTXtYo&feature=relmfu

    Here we hear that Gabrielle did in fact want to be a ballet dancer, but couldn't because of her "accident" (Fiona's ballet career ended after she injured her back). This makes both the ballet fantasy and the ballet moves she did in Heaven make much more sense. And it also seems that Max only met her Grandmother this one time (but he recognized her sewing box after Al's death--I guess Gabrielle either had it in Argentina or maybe he remembered it from when they were married, I don't know).

  4. I remember reading somewhere that KdLR (Antonio) was in love with Sherri Saum (Keri) almost as soon as she joined the show. Well, at the time she was still with Timothy Adams (Ron), so when he joined two years later? Talk about all KINDS of awkward.

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ex0oQ9r_hZ4&feature=player_embedded

    Richard Lugar was elected to the Senate from Indiana in 1976, nearly 12 years before I was born in the same state. Now, at 80 years old and as the longest serving Republican in the Senate, he may lose his primary to a Tea Partier on May 8th. I may be a Democrat, I may live in Maryland now and Mitt Romney may be all but the GOP nominee for president now, but my political-junkie heart is ready for this primary. I have no idea how it may turn out.

  6. Oh yeah, I have watched quite a few of the performances from Calgary. Debi Thomas felt pressure to be both a skater and a student--she was studying to become a doctor at Stanford (and she did become a doctor), and although she took time off to prepare for the Olympics that year, her parents really wanted her to focus on medical school, which may have affected her performance--but hey, she became a doctor! That's more important than losing a gold medal, right?

    And I LOVE Liz Manley's LP. She would have won if Katarina Witt wasn't leading in the compulsory figures. And Midori Ito's scores were insane for someone who skated right before the final group--but she deserved them, and no one had to be happier to see the compulsory figures eliminated from competition than her (as great a technical skater as she was, the compulsory figures absolutely killed her--it's amazing she won Worlds in 1989 while they were still a part of competition).

    That being said, I do have a fondness for Jill Trenary, who won Worlds in 1990 largely because she was leading in compulsory figures--even though Midori's LP was actually stronger than it was the year before, and she otherwise would have won (as Jill's OP didn't go so well). But something about Jill's program that year sticks with me--weird music and all (okay, the first song is pretty cool, and I like the Yanni song in the middle, it's just a bit of a weird music combo).

  7. Here's Nancy performing to B&TB at Skate America 92 and the 93 Nationals. Truthfully, none of her performances to this program were 100% clean (even though she won Nationals in 93, it was mainly due to her artistry and the fact that none of the other skaters that night had a clean performance--and she was leading after her OP).

  8. I can't say anything about the Canada stuff (although Elvis Stojko is an example of a more masculine male Canadian skater) , but I can post the 1993 LPs for Kerrigan, as she absolutely did crack under the pressure that year (being the heir apparent once Kristi turned professional). She won Nationals in a weak field (she fell herself a few times--I'll post that separately), but Worlds? Oh dear. Skating to the Beauty and the Beast theme, while beautiful, may not have been the best choice, as the music is pretty intense, and jumping to it must have only increased the pressure.


    Her performance a month later at Hershey Pro-Am, though? That's even more heartbreaking. Her Kiss & Cry is so sad sad.png .


    Speaking of Chris Bowman, here he is with Tonya Harding at Skate America 91 goofing around. The Bad Boy and Bad Girl of figure skating (back when those labels were a bit cuter to have). They actually had the same manager (Michael Rosenberg) at one point.


  9. Everything I've heard about her mother certainly explains part of the reason why she may have ended up the way she did (although I got the impression that she was quite close to her dad). She has a little boy now with her current husband, though, and I do hope she's happy (same with Nancy, especially given what happened with her father).

    Here's a GREAT performance from a Canadian favorite of mine, Josee Chouinard. Such a shame she didn't hold it together at Worlds sad.png .


    And her ill-fated performance a month later:


  10. I realize how controversial she was/is, but it's time to post these and admit that I love Tonya Harding's skating. Maybe it's because I never heard of her until after the scandal (I was almost five when it occurred), but based on the knowledge I have of figure skating (and I could have more, admittedly), she really was the greatest technical female skater the US will ever see (particularly given how the scoring system has changed), and is only second and/or tied to Midori Ito for the world's greatest technical female skater (and while Nancy Kerrigan was talented, and I certainly feel awful about what happened to her, Tonya's talent was somewhat greater IMO--technically if not artistically, although she improved by 1994). If it weren't for the scandal in 1994, she'd be in the Skating Hall of Fame with no questions asked (and part of me still wants to me to think she was telling the truth--I don't know, like I said, I didn't anything about it until years later). Her triple axel was and still is incredible. And no matter hoe strange some of her music choices were, I think they actually worked for her skating style.

    Now THAT is a skating UO.

    Here are her two greatest performances, both from 1991:



    And as for Midori Ito:

    It's interesting reading some of the comments about her, as they said she was very ahead of her time for female skaters.

    She absolutely was. The first woman on earth to perform a triple axel in competition (with Tonya second, of course); such big jumps for such a tiny girl. But she really felt the weight of Japan behind her by the 1992 Olympics, and that combined with the pressure to improve artistically (which she did, IMO) took some of the joy out of her skating, according to some.

    Here's her LP in Calgary:


    But THIS is my favorite of hers, the midsection in particular wub.png :


    I legit tear up at this, no lie.

    And yes, I love me some figure skating. I can't jump or spin, but I can skate around for hours on end without ever falling on my butt once, if I do say so myself wink.png .

  11. It's feels sort of weird to post this on Easter Sunday, but here it is: Max's "funeral", and Gabrielle railing at God right after:

    I find it kind of interesting that the Archdiocese of New York got so upset about this, given that she didn't literally damn God to hell in this clip. She doesn't even curse! I guess it is pretty well implied, though.

  12. For MissLlanviewPa- Like I said, I have his whole last month, but I thought I'd go ahead and put up his last day smile.png

    <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/h3hVFuNObv0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ZvBUo03EvqQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    EEEE! Thank you! smile.png

    I just watched Max & Gabrielle's final scene together--GOD, that kills me. It also kind of hurts to hear him say he'd go after Luna if she were still alive--even though Gabrielle was with Bo, I'm not convinced that Max wasn't in love with her. I think he was, but let her go for Bo.

    And hey, he moved back to Argentina once Gabrielle was gone. Coincidence? I don't think so!

    And I used to watch Max's wink at the camera over and over. sad.png

  13. There's more before and after this, but here it is. The death of Al Holden. I'm posting the scenes where he dies, Max's reaction and goodbye, and Gabrielle's reaction (still so gut wrenching all these years later). The quality isn't great, but it's good that there's at least some of Max & Gabby in the later years, even if it's the lowest point of their lives (I especially love the scenes with Max at Gabrielle's bedside). It's still so difficult to watch this stuff a little over eight years later. I'm more than willing to fanwank that Carlo Hesser sedated him, got a hold of his body, later took Gabrielle, and they eventually wound up with David Hayward. It's so much better that way.





    I also like the scenes before this where Gabrielle dreams of seeing Al while recovering from surgery. I'll post these here later.

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