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Posts posted by MinervaFan

  1. Hey, gang. Sorry I've been sorta missing lately. RL is just a little, well, there, if you know what I mean. I haven't seen a single episode of GH in about two weeks now--just the downloads of what little Tracy there has been. Fey and I saw Peter Pan at the Derby Dinner Theater in Indiana last night--I always cry in the last scene, no matter what version I see. It was a pretty good play, although the actress singing Peter was swallowed up by the orchestrations. (Nobody else was, for some reason--just her.)

    I am working on absolutely nothing at the moment, although I did revamp the review page on my Dana Ivey site this weekend. I think the 97 degree temperatures combined with humidity and NO AIR CONDITIONING in my car is just killing my spirit.

    All the banners and stuff are wonderful, btw. I hope I will get back into the creative place soon, because I'm just feeling out of sorts and yucky with nothing to work on and no interest in starting anything..... You know, some good Tracy episodes would really help, wouldn't they?

  2. It. Is. Freaking. HOT! Can it be fall yet? That way, Luke will be back on the show soon, and I won't melt everytime I get into my car....

    I love all the new banners and TL's wallpaper! Suh-weetness. MsQ, I reread the chapters of Oh, Baby, and enjoyed them muchly (even if they weren't new to me). Can't wait to see where you go from here.

  3. What is up today? I spent the entire morning in panic mode because I thought I'd lost our rent payment for this month (I didn't, thank god). NOW, my necklace with all my rings on it is CAUGHT in my work badge and I can't get it out.

    I just want to take a nap now. Oi.

    Is Tracy supposed to be on this week at all? MsQ, weren't we supposed to get some Oh, Baby when you got back? *taps impatiently*

    Please, somebody, fix today, okay?

  4. Happy birthday, Carrie! Hope you have a great day, jet-lag notwithstanding. And happy belated birthday, PinkPopsicle!

    Keith, that comment about seeing Jane and Leann do something together just came out all wrong, didn't it? :D I'd love to see them acting together, too..... B) B)

    When the heck is Tracy going to be back on this show? I haven't watched it for two weeks....

    LMFAO: Smirks has created a Simpsons version of the GH cast. Luke and Tracy crack me up. I want an icon.


  5. Thank you for all the kind words. Fey is doing okay, although she has yet to hear word one from her mother. Seriously, it's been four days, and her mother has called twice--to talk to me about work! Not once, after the initial news came out, did she ask how Fey was doing, or ask to talk to her. Can you freaking imagine? *rolls eyes*

    Anyway, I have a short little fic set right after Tuesday's episode (with Nikolas). It's short, but hopefully powerful. Can't do much more right now, but I'm keeping my mind on track. EDIT: Might help if I included the URL, huh? http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/90318.html

    And yeah, BSG, JE did add an exclamation point to the headline! :D

  6. MsQ, I just finished watching your vid. Suh-WEET. Remember when we could count the LuNacy kisses on one hand? :D I love this muchly.

    Sorry about the real-life OT, but I needed to share this with you guys. I don't know how many of you read my LiveJournal account, but we found out Friday morning that Fey's father had passed away the night before of lung cancer. He had been fighting it for many years, and we were told not to worry when he went into the hospital, that they were sure he would be out in a few days. We were unable to travel to Missouri for the funeral on Monday, so we're trying to deal with it here. One amazing, astounding bright light in all this--I have a wonderful boss and teammates, and I work for a wonderful company. I found out about Fey's dad on my lunch break Friday, and basically told my supervisor I was leaving for the rest of the day. She didn't bat an eye, told me to hit the road, she'd make it happen with my personal time. My team, which is woefully understaffed, rallied around me, even though my leaving would put them THREE PEOPLE understaffed. They insisted I didn't worry, don't think about them, just go take care of Fey. (Ya'll, I'm tearing up here.) And then last night, I found out that my supervisor called Fey's mom (we don't have an answering machine) to tell me she'd arranged bereavement leave for me--gave me Friday afternoon off, and I can take Monday and Tuesday off if I need it, and it won't go against my personal time or stats.

    Ya'll, I live in the heart of the Bible belt. The first week I got here, the big news story was of a gay man who had been murdered (for supposedly "coming on" to a guy), stuffed in a suitcase, and tossed into Rough River. I have lost jobs when my coworkers realized I was gay. I have been told, to my face, that God hates me and I will go to Hell for being (and I quote) a "fat, lazy dyke." I have been threatened and mocked.

    And yesterday, my coworkers validated my relationship in a way I can never truly explain to someone who hasn't been there. Yesterday and Friday, they said in no uncertain terms, "you are married." They said that Fey was my wife as much in their minds and hearts as if we had been a straight couple, as if some judge had signed a piece of paper.

    I live in Bush country, ya'll. I live in a place where you see "W" stickers proudly displayed and you get stared at funny if you suggest that the current administration is doing something wrong. Two of my teammates are Born-Again Christians who don't believe in evolution. And still, my teammates rallied round me.

    It's a good day in Hicksville, ya'll. Now, if only we can get Tracy to come back on the show.

  7. Welcome back, MsQ!!!!!!!

    I was so thinking of you, just this very morning. When you're done with your B!tch video, I thought you might be the perfect person to tackle Barbra Streisand's "Everybody Says Don't." It's from The Broadway Album, and it could be Tracy's life story. The song goes by very fast, and requires more skill (and clips) than I have. If you or Nex or any of the other vid makers want to take a stab at it, I'd love to see the results.

    Everybody Says Don't

    Barbra Streisand - The Broadway Album

    Everybody says don't

    Everybody says don't

    Everybody says don't it isn't right

    Don't it isn't nice

    Everybody says don't

    Everybody says don't

    Everybody says don't walk on the grass

    Don't disturb the peace

    Don't skate on the ice

    Well I say do, I say,

    Walk on the grass it was meant to feel

    I say sail - tilt at the windmill

    And if you fail you fail!

    Everybody says don't

    Everybody says don't

    Everybody says don't get out of line

    When they say that then lady that's a sign

    Nine times out of ten

    Lady, you are doing just fine.

    Make just a ripple come on be brave

    This time a ripple next time a wave

    Sometimes you have to start small,

    Climbing the tiniest wall

    Maybe you're going to fall

    But it is better than not starting at all.

    Everybody says no, stop,

    Mustn't rock the boat mustn't touch a thing

    Everybody says don't

    Everybody says wait

    Everybody says can't fight City Hall

    Can't upset the cart

    Can't laugh at the king!

    Well I say try,

    I say,

    Laugh at the king or he'll make you cry

    Lose your poise

    Fall if you have to but lady make a noise...


    Everybody says don't

    Everybody says can't

    Everybody says wait around for miracles

    That's the way the world is made

    I insist on miracles if you do them,

    Miracles might come true,

    Then I say don't...

    Don't be afraid!

  8. Re: Yesterday's episode. The last scene with Tracy (before Nik walked in) just broke my heart. Dayum, every time I think I'm ready to give up on this show, JE reels me back in with a performance like that.

    As for the haircut--I used to have a friend, Sherry, who was a guard at a state prison in Texas (men's). Yeah, I have an eclectic circle of friends... Anyway, every time I saw her, she was sporting a new, wild hairdo. She guarded the "gay" section of the prison, and one of the occupational therapies they offered was to teach the guys to do hair. Maybe that's what happened to Tracy--maybe some of the less loopy patients are learning hairstyling as occupational therapy, and Tracy was just bored/desperate/crazy enough to let them experiment on her. Judging by the results, I have this wild image of Tracy, after she's sprung, setting up a standing appointment with Patient #B14L-7 for a trim and color.

    And speaking of wacky, after weeks of personal creative/productive drought, fic-speaking, I proudly present Prompt #52: Matango: Attack of the Mushroom People. URL: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/89896.html It's part of the Long Hot Summer Smutathon and yet ANOTHER LuNacy First Time Fics. (I swore I was going to stop writing those, didn't I?)

  9. Stupid cable messed up my copy of today's episode. I'll have to get it off SN tonight. Thanks TL for the recaps...I got wibbly just reading it.

    Break room? I've got like, ten minutes....

    Sorry, guys--the Break Room, like LiveJournal, is being wonky for me tonight. Maybe some other time?

  10. If I were an Iraq vet, I'd be insulted at how GH is portraying them--amoral criminals who are out to get whatever they can, regardless of who they hurt.

    Of course, I'm a woman, and I'm insulted at how GH portrays women. I'm gay, and I'm really insulted about how GH portrays gay people (like, we show up long enough to get the $h|t kicked out of us, then disappear without another mention). And I'm a pagan, who doesn't exist in the soap world except on the sucky NBC soaps, and then only as comic relief (because people's religions are SO darn funny when they aren't Christian!)

    Why do I watch this show again?

    Oh, yeah. Tracy. Tracy Tracy Tracy. That's what keeps me coming back.

    Man, Jane Elliot needs to get her own show--something prime time--so I can stop watching GH altogether....

    ETA: I was bored, so I made a poll over on Jane-Elliot.com. Come choose your favorite Tracy. Now, I've got four minutes to read Harry Potter before my lunch break is over.

  11. Fic update: I'm averaging about 3 paragraphs a day. At this rate, it'll take me just as long to get Luke and Tracy laid as it took TIIC. Oy.

    Have fun in Hawaii, Hooked. I'm not much of a tropics person, but I'd take anywhere over here at the moment. My coworker has strep throat. Guess who gets to cover her problem-child hospital for the rest of the week!??! Yay.

    Tracy is supposed to be on this week, isn't she? Say she's supposed to be on this week.....

  12. Not only do I not think she's going to be on today (judging from the SZ Live Post), but I believe watching today's episode might actually cause my skull to explode.

    Oh, and someone on SZ called my girl a witch. As a pagan, I don't use that word as a derogatory term, but this person did--insulting both my favorite character AND my faith simultaneously. Nice Job, Beautona!

  13. Hey, guys. It was a crazy weekend, and I didn't get any more work done on the story. (It's almost done--I just need to finish it.) Never did get to the theater to see Order of the Phoenix, but I did have the pleasure of spending the afternoon with a house full of Rednecks on Sunday. Yee-haw.

    Tracy should be on this week--she was in the GH Scoops email I got this morning. Of course, she'll be propping Lulu and Logan, so don't expect Shakespeare. But at least she's supposed to be on.

  14. Hooked, I thought the movie was just okay. You have to understand that I have watched the B'way musical show 4 times a week for the past 4 years, so I couldn't help but compare them. I thought that the girl who played Tracy Turnblad was VERY good and was the kid who played Link. I thought the guy who played Corny Collins was fabulous!! Michelle Pfeiffer, John Travolta, Latifa, and Amanda Bines (?), were just okay. Jerry Stiller and Christopher Walken were good too.

    The extra added surprise where the guest appearances in the audience of the Corny Collins Show during the Miss Hairspray contest at the end - Ricki Lake, Scott Whittman and Marc Shaiman (musical composers)!

    Fey and I saw this yesterday. I agree with you on Tracy and Link and Corny. Having never seen the play, I had nothing to compare it to but the original movie with Ricki and Divine. FWIW, I thought the movie was extremely entertaining, and if you could excise John Travolta from the film with an Exacto knife, would be one of the best movie musicals in a long time. The score was terrific, the dances were great, and I left the theater feeling better than when I came in. I can't help compare JT to Divine, and JT just came up terrible IMHO. He was always a man in a dress (AND A FAT SUIT...GRRR), whereas Divine *was* Edna Turnblad. Any good scenes he had in the movie were with Tracy, and only because the actress who played Tracy was so fabulous--so earnest and talented that she brought out the humanity in JT's Edna. But even he couldn't ruin the movie for me--I thought it was incredible, and a fairly good homage to the original movie (which is all I've seen). Oh, and TL, you missed a very, very important cameo--John Waters (who wrote and directed the original non-musical version) appeared in the opening "Good Morning, Baltimore" sequence. I recognized him immediately and knew everything would be okay.

    As for Tracy, I am happy to say that she is about to have some fun with Luke in my story--of course, I have to go to the grocery store this morning, so it may be tomorrow before I get to write on it. I scrapped what I had, because I was (as I once mentioned to Hooked) enslaved to the Great Plot God, and the result was stilted and dull. I flipped it upside down, and now I think it's much better. Of course, the question now is, when the heck am I going to find time to finish it???

    Will vote for TQ at HellaGood probably tomorrow. I won't abandon our girl, but weekends are tricky. Best to you all--we may go see Harry Potter today. We were supposed to do a double-feature yesterday, but just didn't go to the second movie. Oh, and I'm on Chapter Six of Deathly Hallows. I went ahead and skimmed through, because I was going to be damned if Chapter Three was all we got of Petunia Dursley. Liked what I saw at the end and already have a fanfic idea. (Petunia is right after Minerva McGonagall as my favorite Harry Potter character. I'm such a rebel.)

  15. Guess who didn't go to the Harry Potter launch party last night after talking about NOTHING ELSE all day long yesterday at work and annoying the #($ out of my coworkers? I got home, and apathy kicked in, and I'm like, dudes, I will so get the book tomorrow when there are no crowds. So I still don't have the book. But I got lots of good sleep last night. Didn't even bother to eat supper--just went to sleep. (It was a rough day at work.)

    Alas, no Tracy again yesterday, huh? *rolls eyes* I'm going to get a little more written on my LuNacy story before I start working on my Dana Ivey screen caps. My new goal is - "get something done." Think I can manage?

    Hey, MsQ, what's the countdown for coming home? 5 days? Woo-hoo! Staci is leaving behind la cucaracha and returning to home-grown bugs! Can't wait for youto get back.

    EDIT: Fic update. I killed the 188 words I had written on the LuNacy fic and started from scratch. Now I'm at 1805 words, and I'm liking it much better. I'm hoping to finish it this weekend and post it either Sunday or Monday. Woo-hoo!

  16. Robin Christopher is on record as saying that Skye and Luke could get back together in the future--something to the effect of "he's the only one who really gets her" or whatever.

    Uh, nope. No way, nuh-uh, nein, neVUH.

    No offense to the Skye fans here, but if Skuke is reunited over LuNacy, I'm done with this show.

  17. Well, I suppose it's the little things that count, right? Like the fact that I got my screen caps from A Lesson Before Dying done this morning. And the fact that I started a new LuNacy fic. Okay, I didn't get the caps converted or uploaded or posted to the Dana Ivey site, but I got them on the computer. And I didn't get more than 188 words written on the LuNacy story, but I started, which is better than I was doing before.

    I'm going to the Harry Potter launch party tonight and will probably be reading all weekend. But I will do my best to scratch out some writing time and work on that LuNacy story. I'm slowly clawing my way out of this pit of blah...we will have fanfic, soon, I hope....

  18. Sending you good vibes for your grandfather, Collette. I hope he's doing better soon.

    Nex, thanks for the clips. Downloaded them this morning, but haven't had time to watch.

    Whoever asked about Sister Mary Hotpants and Doctor John, yeah, I've been feeling guilty about them, too. I will eventually finish that story, but it'll take some time. Thanks for your patience.

    Is Tracy supposed to be on today?

    Oh, and what is it, 7 days till the triumphant return of our International JetSet Girl, MsQuartermaine?

  19. I am officially more medicated. The nurse-practitioner just upped my dosage today, so hopefully I will begin to see an improvement. He also told me that my bloodwork is "near perfect," especially for someone my size. I guess giving up meat 8 years ago had some benefit, right?

    I definitely have a LuNacy plot bunny--I am at the point where I actually *want* to write again, but just can't find the time. Oy.

    I'm not sure what to expect with the Tracy scenes today. I'm hoping they're good, and more than just a moment, but I'm not going to worry too much about it. We've got fanfic, we've got the LoveFest, and we're going to have Tracy at some point in the game. Life is pretty cool, and so is my nifty Dyke Purse ™.

  20. Doing my part to keep us at the top of the Love/Hate Queue.

    Got a sneak peak of Lainey's new story--yum-oh.

    Still working out the plot bunny in my head, but life is conspiring to keep me from writing. I have a 2nd attempt at a doctor's appointment at lunch, and we're having our first dinner guest (Fey's mom) to the apartment tonight. So no writing for me. Here's a hint, it's LuNacy, and it's (hopefully) light-hearted.

    Don't know if I'll have much time to post today--I usually can only go online these days on breaks at work, and if I have another day like yesterday--not going to have much break time. Wish me luck.

    Oh, and hooked? Thank you for the wonderful list. I appreciate that.

  21. Well, that's one less thing I have to do tonight. Personally, if she keeps not being on, I'll just forget to watch the stupid thing altogether.

    It's been a crapfest of a day, and it isn't even close to done. Do me a favor, ya'll, and remind me why it's a great great great humdillyishously great world to live in?

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