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Posts posted by MinervaFan

  1. Argh. I was hoping for clips as SOMEBODY decided she "didn't feel like" watching GH on Soapnet last night (even though we've watched the last two days LIVE because it's finally getting good). That being admitted (I still haven't seen Tuesday's scenes), let me address the "more Spencer than Q" comment.

    1. Tracy is being very Q-like: she's taking care of herself first and foremost. Period. You can't get much more stereotypically Quartermaine than to ignore the suffering of others to have tunnel vision towards your own issues.

    2. Tracy has never, ever, EVER considered Emily a real Quartermaine. At best, she's that Little Orphan Girl Monica and Alan took in. On a good day, she might have had normal human remorse for a life being snuffed out. Luke in the hospital with his hearts in shreds is not a normal day.

    3. Emily is already dead. Luke is not. In Tracy's mind, it's a no-brainer. The family can deal with their grief. She needs to care for her husband. She'd expect no less of Monica (although I'm sure she'd give her a hard time) or Edward or anybody else. If the position were reverse, Tracy would pitch a fit about their lack of compassion, but then again, hypocrisy is also a very Quartermaine trait.

    Another thing I noticed watching the clips from Monday (oh, pay attention Ms Quartermaine and all you vid-makers out there) was the INTENSE contrast between how Tracy reacted to Luke's heart attack and how she reacted to Edward's all those years ago. Just interesting. Very interesting. Makes me even more sure, positive almost, that Tracy was either in shock or she was sure Edward was faking the heart attack (until he "died," when she snapped out of it). Just an observation. And did I miss it, or did no one notice her shirt opened completely a couple of times on Monday to reveal the white shell underneath? Completely inappropriate to notice something like that while Luke is dying, but hey, I am who I am.

  2. That's our Lainey--ever the optimist (ya young hippy, ya!)

    Oh, guess who spent Friday night at CareFirst and last night (early this morning) in the ER? Yup, Fey has serious shoulder pain (lotsa drugs, heating pad, ouchy pain)--so much so that she was willing to take a shot if necessary. (This is the diabetic girl who is so needle-phobic needs an anti-anxiety pill to get her quarterly blood work drawn.) She's still in pain, but the doctor thinks it's just going to take time to work out (and possibly physical therapy). Needless to say, she wants this taken care of before Disney in December, so she's being a very, very good girl and doing what the doctor said.

    Such a weekend we've had....

    ETA: Hugs MsQ's shweet, schmaltzy, lovely little vid close and holds on tight. :squee:

  3. Nex, you rule at life. :D Just floved those scenes, and the tone of Tracy's voice when she was catching Luke...oh, man. They play it cool all they want, but when the chips are down...man, oh man. We've been waiting for this payoff for over two years. They really love each other, ya'll... LeSigh.

  4. Dear gawd--I come back and there's 10 million pages of posts! :D Sorry I've been away so much--my work has gone all Big Brother concerning personal use of the Internet (up to and including monitoring software), so I can't check the thread nearly as often. I have watched the show *LIVE* two nights in a row. Even without LuNacy yesterday. Scary as all hell, isn't it?

    Loved the scenes from the other day--don't mind the "Mama Bear" thing because, well, it's one of my favorite pet names for Spankybuns. I really don't like how the top fits her--it's sexy on one level, but just looks messy on another. It emphasizes the fact that she doesn't have a lot upstairs, which is not something you should emphasize on a beautiful woman. But the color and fabric is lovely, so I can forgive.

    Can. Not. Believe. That no one, not even Lainey, mentioned the fact that Tracy said "PLEASE" to Scott Baldwin on Luke's behalf. Dudes, character-wise, that's cosmic. Nice little theme music, pretty appropriate, although not my favorite music they've ever played with LuNacy.

    Completely non-LuNacy related. Fey cracked me up about Emily--she's watching her last scenes with Elizabeth and saying, "Sure, they FINALLY turn her into a decent character, and they're gonna kill her in five minutes." All the while, I'm thinking, "Natalia, Natalia, you're a lovely girl. STOP SLOUCHING. Stand up straight, pull back your shoulders, hold your head up. You're actually two inches taller than you've got on your driver's license, if you'd just watch your posture." We are so damned mean, aren't we?

    And one more thing--which one's Nadine and which one's Layla and why the heck should I care? Oh, and much as I love Bruce Weitz, an old man in a tux playing finger puppets with himself is just not scary, even when he pulls a gun. Nope, just kinda sad, in a sorry sort of way.

    I've definitely got a bunny for the next 100 Situations fic, but it's probably going to have to wait. Like I said, life is kinda crazy round here. Oh, and for the lovely people worried sick about me after my little jaunt in the breakroom Saturday--here's good news. The St. John's Wort is working great. I'd venture to say just as good as the Prozac was working. Woot, right?

  5. Happy belated birthday, KNH, and happy birthday in advance, Regency (wherever you are). I actually watched the show live last night on Soapnet (okay, with extensive use of the Mute button). I thought the LuNacy scenes were sweet, although I was expecting such a "pot-kettle-black" moment when Tracy gave Luke hell about how he abuses his body (how much did you drink yesterday, Toots?) I agree with whomever mentioned the second attack--the defibrillator is there for a reason, and wow...much drama to be had, right? Anyhoo, just checking in--loved the LuNacy scenes, the rest of the show still bores me although--oh, thank GAWD Lucky finally knows the damned truth. It only took till the kid's 19th birthday, but he finally knows the damned truth.

  6. So, let me get this straight. Luke had been on every single day since the ball started (actually since before that), but the moment Tracy arrives, GH decides to have him offscreen for a episode?! We all know her airtime is dependent on his. There should have been a "no Luke day" BEFORE Tracy showed up. :angry: :angry: :angry:

    Oh, Stace. You know they're in that room, kicking back brandy and "keeping each other safe." Yeah, that's what's going on.... You can't show what they're up to on television, not even Daytime. ;)

  7. Nex, you are a hero! Thanks for the clips. I love Luke and Tracy. And Georgie looks so gorgeous! :)

    Oh, and Hooked--I got your package yesterday. Watched about an hour of The City before I fell asleep (at 6:30 pm--work has been kicking my you-know-what). Thank you so much, and I'll get back to you with detailed responses when I see more.

    ETA: Hey, Lainey--if you need a beta for your story, you can send it to me. :)

    BTW, have I mentioned I flove Luke and Tracy? His reaction to her was so great. I mean, like a husband who loves his wife or something.... Go figure.

    Fiyero, Meet Elphaba.

    Sorry Galinda. Hope you enjoy things in MunchkinLand....

  8. SQUEE!!!!!! Clips would be GREATLY appreciated. Ooooh, Tracy The Wet Look makes me go....ooooohhhhmmmmmm........

    First sight I ever got of Herself was after she faked her death, in robe, hair slicked back, no make-up, giving Skye hell.

    MinervaFan was on the floor only seconds after her jaw hit it......

  9. *waves at Keith* I'm in the same boat, bud. I haven't watched anything but downloaded Tracy clips in months. GH is just too fracking annoying, and I can't bring myself to watch OLTL, even though it's MUCH better than the others. Amazing how last year, we were all so afraid this was the end of LuNacy, that JE was out of there, that GF's return would signal the end of the romance between Luke and Tracy. How odd it is that, now, after all that, they're stronger than they ever were. Hopefully we can look for good things in the near future.

    I still love Tracy, and Jane Elliot still can knock me flat with a grin. But I'm so done with General Hospital, guys. Sorry.

  10. Oh, wow. BSG, TL, and Hooked--in one place at one time. I'm worried for The City.

    I have been surrounded by Corporate Stoopid, especially today. Need to go vote tonight to try to get the Morons in Frankfurt to scurry back to their dark, dank holes and let New and Improved Morons take over the ruination of the State Government.

    Still no Tracy, huh? Sigh.

    Thank gawd for Sarah Jane Adventures, or I'd be sputtering dead from Lack of Hawt 60 Year Old Brunettes.

  11. Hey, is her UberGrooviness supposed to be on today?

    ...and why is all my text coming out boldface on this board?

    I say, "Take back the Bold Face!" It's Guy Fawkes Day. We should stand strong against Unilateral Bold Face Oppression.

    (Okay, I'm just feeling goofy. I think it's Halloween Candy Overload.)

  12. LadyA, my condolences on your loss. I'll be thinking about you.

    Hey, gang. Long time, no see. Nothing going on here but a thang--hoping against hope that there will be some good Tracy stuff this week. I'm with everybody else--Luke better pour on da gush with his lady this week--she's got it a long time coming.

  13. Words cannot fully express my loathing of this board's new format. Really. I could force-feed myself a thesaurus and still not produce the words to express how much I hate this new format.

    OTOH, some kind person posted a link to a scene of Paul and Tracy naming the baby, which I watched this morning. She was so purty. I mean, every aspect of Tracy holds some allure, doesn't it, even the younger, harsher, more spoiled Tracy.

    Oh, and Hooked, your story rocked the freakin' Casbah! Seriously. I love your style.

  14. Lainey, from the thumb to pinky: thumb, index, middle, ring, pinky. I think the ring finger is also the third finger, but I'm not sure. I forgot to mention that in my email.

    Rest of World, Lainey wrote the bestest LuNacy angst in the history of all LuNacy angst, and I got a sneak preview this morning. It's so good, and I'm just....wibbly with the juicy goodness of it all! She needs to fix the finger thing in the first paragraph, and post it.

    Try as I might, I just can't imagine what TIIC have in store for LuNacy will be as good as the fanfic we're going to get (she says proudly of the Ficathon crew), although Jane and Tony will rock it fer sure.

    All that stuff is supposed to start today, right? Okay. Trying to figure out how I'm going to shove watching GH into my life for a couple of weeks.... (You guys do realize that this forum is pretty much all I have left of GH in my life? With the exception of the Tracy clips I get here, I barely watch the show at all anymore.)

  15. Teeny Tiny Entry for 100 Situations. Angst, with much spoilers. #58 Summer. Indian Summer = http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/95425.html

    ETA: Dudes, I totally forgot to tell you I saw Paul Hornsby half-naked Saturday night! *LOL* Actually, Fey and I were watching Creepshow 2, and Paul Satterfield played one of the bad guys. He spent most of his scenes in a tiny bathing suit trying not to get eaten by a malevolent oil slick. It was hilarious, really. My inner Tracy was like, "Oh, he was just boy meat. Not a real husband. LUKE!"

  16. Uberquick post before work--dudes, I watched live last night! LOL. Okay, with the Mute button off, and I kept falling asleep and I accidentally hit the channel button on the remote instead of the volume when Tracy finally showed up...

    But I did see the episode. Hate Jason's hair. Love Tracy's smile. Luke looks so hawt in that suit. Man, he's slipping...he usually doesn't get caught, does he? Did I mention Tracy looked yummy? Please don't tell me she's actually eating at Kelly's, though. Because I'll have to just...stop...for a moment.

    Don't have a clue what's going on. Don't much care. But Mama and Papa Bear looked purty and happy together, so I'm okay. I missed the very first few minutes--she only had the two scenes in Kelly's with Luke, right?

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