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Posts posted by MinervaFan

  1. Wow, I'm gone for a weekend, and all freakin' hell breaks loose! :D This is the sound of MinervaFan smiling loudly at all the wonderful spoilers. I got to see a snippet of Tracy this weekend. We were trapped at my MIL's yesterday with two (count'em TWO) flat tires, and she was watching her tape of GH. It was the scene where Luke and Tracy clink glasses and agree to work together against Scott Baldwin. Girlfriend looked beautiful, but it was so random and out of context that I didn't really get it. Still haven't gotten the downloads, yet. Life has been crazy--I now have NO supervisor, and no idea of what will be there on the other side when the dust settles.

    As for the spoilers, I wouldn't hold out for much of Tracy in the A plots, but I really think she and Luke will make the B plots sizzle. I want

    declarations of undying love, damn it. Our girl has waited long enough.

    Lainey, I thought I heard whooping and hollaring coming from the general Northeast direction. Now I know it was you!

  2. Hi, gang! Just me popping up to say I'm still alive. Weekend was very busy, and I'm back to work this morning. Took a nasty yesterday involving concrete, gravity, and a big ass pumpkin. You know, they say it's always more dangerous around the holidays.... I'm not damaged, just bumped up and aching.

    Not liking the rumors about

    Luke's health.

    Yeah, yeah, I know. It dangles the tantalizing spectre of more Tracy scenes in front of us, but you know it'll be all about the mob war with Sonny, and Lulu's trouble finding a date to the Spring Fling.

    Not that I'm cynical or anything....

  3. BTW--dinner's ready. Pasta marinara with vegetables with no cheese, baked ziti, fettucini alfredo, garlic bread and salad for all....come and get it while it is hot (and if you believe I cooked all that I have some ocean front property in arizona to sell you--LOL)

    Hooked, I wondered where that plate of pasta marinara came from! You are so thoughtful. :) And you remembered vegetarian, no cheese. You are just my BFF, grrrlfriend!

    Downloading Tracy clips....(wait for it)....NOW!

    ETA: Sniff. She looks so purty. And this material is SO bad. I must have ff'd through the part where she told him she loved him just the way he is... Did love Luke referring to Tracy as "my wife." It just tripped off the tongue so naturally. About &*(& time....

  4. Sorry I've been MIA lately. Just real busy with life right now, and not able to do a lot with GH. I haven't seen Monday or Tuesday's clips yet--would some kind person be willing to repost any links that might exist to those clips? (Muchos gracias!)

    Work is strange. The new supervisor (who traded teams with my old supervisor) just got promoted. So my old supervisor is covering our group while my new supervisor transitions into her new position. It's so stupid. We're six people without a supervisor, piggy-backed onto other teams and basically ignored like the red-headed stepchildren we are. Whatevah. At least my one-on-one next week is with my old supervisor, which makes me smile.

    So. Did anyone read the spoiler about Emily? I heard in one of the LJ groups that

    Emily will be killed, and that NL is leaving the show.

    This could mean good Alan/Tracy scenes. Or it could just be another false rumor.

  5. okay deb--true...they would never give tracy a storyline like that...but it was a nice thought eh?

    A storyline like that for Tracy would make the Baby Cletus smile. :) (I try not to use that other Baby--you know the one--because he's, you know, controversial.)

    Of course, Hooked, if you wanted to take it on as a fanfic, I would certainly line up to read it.

  6. From soapdish this morning...oh please let it be true

    General Hospital (CTV/ABC) — The Zaccharas

    Soap Opera Digest suggests this week that perhaps Tracey Quartermaine, who had Mob ties when she was on The City, is somehow linked to Zacchara, who debuts this week — and is as insane as James E. Reilly. If that’s possible.

    My comment: Hmmm...what if he somehow forced Tracy to marry him and she faked her death after Gino died? They never did ever say how she got out of the mob life....Didn't they say that Anthony thinks Lulu reminds him of his dead wife. That would be something huh???

    My comments on this--much as that would be a fun AU fanfic, it's not going to happen in this universe. One, they're not going to give TQ that good a story. (Now, I'm willing to bet they'd give Sam that storyline, but then we'd all have to engage in projectile vomiting.) Two, if your speculation were true, Tracy's mention of the name


    would not have been so casual. In fact, if your speculation were the case, Tracy would be in a tailspin, frantically trying to do damage control before anybody got hurt.

    No, if there is any connection between Tracy and


    , it wasn't close and it wasn't personal. She wasn't afraid enough for it to have been close and personal.

  7. Oh, if only my femslashy wishes would come true--

    Alan enters Tracy's body to talk to Monica. Alan kisses Monica in Tracy's body. Alan leaves Tracy's body, but Monica and Tracy continue kissing. Alan's like--hey, get your own wife, Tracy. Tracy tells him to bugger off and Tracy and Monica launch a wild lesbionic smutfest.

    :D Just kidding about the smutfest. And of course, this would never happen, though I'd pay big money to see it. Okay, medium money. Okay, I'd offer quite a bit in barter....

  8. Collette, I hope you don't mind--I borrowed your banner picture for my MILF post today in LJ (I needed a quick, good picture of Tracy.) I couldn't remember who I nabbed it from (I think I gave Remos the credit for it). I will go back and credit you.

    Still haven't seen yesterday's clips, but I'm looking forward to it. Sexy!LuNacy is a good thing...especially since my next prompt is "Fever." :D

  9. Okay, just watched the clips. Lainey, fear not--Chica has not been two-timing Luke.

    1. She spent the summer in Shadybrook. I doubt seriously she had any conjugal visits with her ex-masseuse.

    2. Alice very clearly indicated that Ramon was "back in town," indicating he'd been gone for a long while. She didn't ask for him, she asked for that other guy (who had been deported.) This was an ex-lover, probably a long time gone. She's only been with Luke for two years. It's very possible he'd been her last boy toy before she wound up in Vegas.

    3. Given the day she'd had, Tracy was clearly ready for any kindness/TLC she could get. Now, had that really been Ramon, would she have gone too far? Possibly? Probably not. But letting him kiss her and make her feel good, flirt with her? Yeah, I can see her doing that and not feeling guilty at all. Of course, expecting Hot Young Latin Ex-Lover and getting On The Lam with His Rutabaga Ex-Wife Husband would certainly surprise anyone....thus, her reaction to Luke at the end.

    4. Mama looked so damned hot.

    Oh, and I have recurring back problems. JE was not overacting at all.

  10. I must have clips, ya'll. I doubt seriously I can watch the show tonight, and I really want to see it. *Begging.* Have I fallen so far from grace? Pleasepleaseplease, somebody promise to post clips asap? *Big ol' puppy eyes.*

    I'll bet you a nickel that Luke is her masseuse.

  11. Okay, you got my attention.

    I may just ask Fey to tape GH today, just for the LuNacy scenes. Maybe.

    Having a crappy morning at work, so this just cheered me right up.

    To be honest,

    I'd rather see Tracy wearing Luke's purple shirt to bed than sleeping in the buff. It's just so sweet and romantic and awwwwwww..... Yeah, I'm a sucker for that kind of continuity, too.

  12. me spreading my tracy <3333333333333333333


    Oooooh! I have MAD love for your banner picture!

    Sorry I've been so far away, folks. My life is a million miles in another direction right now, and I'm just trying to keep things together. Not bad so much as frazzled and disconnected. And call me Hippy Spacy MoonFlower if you must, but with Mercury going into retrograde for the rest of the month (my chart is like, 2/3 Mercury-influenced), I'm not holding out any hope for it to get much better soon.

    FWIW, I haven't been writing any fanfic lately--or working on anything creative. DI is out of the country for a week, so I'm taking a break from her site before I start on the photos page (meep). Tracy hasn't been doing much of anything on the show, so my GH fixes have been few and far between. Basically, I'm watching Disney Channel and Dr. Who DVDs, and reading a lot of articles on theosophy. And working. And running errands. And being with my girlfriend.

    I miss you all, and miss being in Tracyland. I'll get back there, I know it. I just am not there right now. :(

  13. Oh, my gawd.

    I go away for a weekend, and Luke Spencer comes back into town.

    I'm dreading this week. If that nimrod has the nerve to blame Tracy for all of this, I will personally rip up my all my "I Love Luke Spencer" memoribilia.

    At least she'll be on screen.

    I'm having a rough day, folks. The supervisor we waited 8 weeks to return from sick leave just got reassigned, effective tomorrow morning. The supervisor who was covering her during those 8 weeks (oy) was also reassigned--as our new supervisor. It's like a morgue here at work. I'm trying to stay positive. Thank goodness we got this news first thing, on a Monday morning, when I'm on my period, and they didn't pick a stressful time or anything to tell us, and my coworker wasn't crying, and we weren't all upset about it..... :angry:

  14. EDIT: The

    Tracy is being killed off

    speculation at SD is making me sad. :(

    Bad speculation. Bad, bad, BAD speculation. * thumps speculation on nose with a rolled-up newspaper *

    So I'm assuming she wasn't on today?

    Next prompt is "Fever," ya'll. Any suggestions? I don't want to go with the obvious--sickness, or well...smut. I'm looking for inspiration. :D

  15. I can't stand this show as it is because it's like living in groundhog day with everyone repeating the same dialogue about the same topics day in and day out and at this point Tracy is no different and i am tired of it. I am losing interest in A BIG WAY.

    OMG, TL, you hit the nail exactly on the head! Remember when the triangle was Nik, Jax, and Courtney? This was when I first started watching. There was this scene where Nik and Courtney and Jax and Carly were all having dinner at the MetroCourt at the same time. I swear to you, I heard about forty different retellings of that scene by various people to various people before I was like, "Okay, already! It was a terrible, terrible social faux pas! It was so incredibly awkward. It was SIX WEEKS AGO. Move on, willya?"

    On the other hand, if I had to write five one-hour television scripts a week, I'd probably make generous use of the copy/paste feature on my word processor too.

    OTOH, if

    Skye is the one who brings Luke back

    , I will be yay-verily pissed.

  16. I am up super early today cause have to take everyone early to school. So hoping for Tracy Tuesday.

    TL/BSG--got an email from my brother who lives in Miami saying he got a $138 flight to NY from Nov 2-6th and he emailed my cousins and aunt and they told him i was going to be there part of that time. How funny is that? I haven't talked to him in a couple weeks. I am thinking, don't think you are staying at my aunt's apt cause I AM STAYING THERE!!! I think he has friends there anyway.

    Gotta run...catch you guys tonight hopefully!

    Have I mentioned recently how jealous I am of you? One of my coworkers told me this morning how her brother had just returned from NYC. All I could think of was, "Come on, what possible use does a hillbilly have for a trip to NYC?" (Apparently, the hot dog vendor from Brooklyn couldn't understand a word this country boy was saying. After three times asking for a bottle of water and being misunderstood, he finally said, "You know, that clear *(&$ they sell in bottles?" Yeah. Love Kentucky.)

    Okay, I am slowly but surely getting back into a Tracy state of things. Still don't care about the show itself, but my mind is getting more Tracy-esque. (She is now crowded in there with Sarah Jane Smith, Rose Tyler, and half a dozen Dana Ivey characters, but she's tough and pushy, so she needn't be afraid of a little competition.) Next prompt is Fever, and I'm puzzling through several possibilities. Luke is supposed to be back this week, isn't he? I'm so in the mood to write fanfic....

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