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Posts posted by MinervaFan

  1. Thanks Nex...I tried to upload for Ms. Q to savefile and it is not letting me do it. So annoying. She wants to watch them at 5pm and said that megaupload is not working ofr her. I am going to try sendspace... By the way...Staci said she will be on around 5pm in the breakroom if anyone is around.

    Found this spoiler on Wubs site...

    **Tracey and Scott discover something from the past that will change many lives! LOL..can you guess what it is?? Can you!? Begins with an "L"!

    Ok...so please don't tell me it is love???? That is just WRONG!!!!! No way would she fall for that. Maybe Logan is what they mean????

    Bite your tongue, wench.

    You know that the "L" stands for either Logan or Laura. Of course, if Tracy hits the skids and just gets drunk and/or desparate enough....no. No, no, no, no, no. Scacy is bad, evil, and wrong. No, no, no, no, no..... (Sorry, MagicHappens) but NO.

  2. My family is completely nuts. Seriously nuts. They're like, Quartermaine Lite, up to and including the substance abuse, the infidelities, the corporate scandals, the feuds, and the up and down financial situation. All the angst, half the money.

    So I know of what I speak when I say that Ned and Dillon are perfectly within their rights to be selfish--at some point in the game, when you're part of a sick family like the Qs, you have to decide whether or not you're going to live healthy and apart, or be part of the enduring sickness. There is very little chance of maintaining healthy boundaries when you're in the thick of it.

    Yes, Tracy has done some wonderful things, made sacrifices, loved her children ferociously. Yes, she is a mother who loves her children and wants the best way. That does not negate the fact that she is toxic, her father is toxic, her brother and sister-in-law are toxic, and pretty much all of the remaining Qs who hang around are toxic. They fight, they feud, they shift alliances.

    We love them as characters because they're interesting and charismatic and we can see their flaws and graces through the safety of distance. My family is brilliant--more artists and musicians and writers in one family than you would ever imagine. When we are together, the jokes flow like wine, and you laugh yourself silly. We are loving and charming and clever people. We're also toxic, and there is no safety of distance. My family is not fictional, and Dillon's family (within the context of the storyline) is not fictional to him.

    At some point in the game, all the charm and brilliance and cleverness does not replace the need for sanity and stability in a life. And Dillon and Ned are choosing sanity. If Tracy was in physical danger, they would be there. But she's not. She's engaged, yet again, in another round of warfare with Edward. This was going on long before Ned and Dillon were around, and will continue on until one or both of them are dead. This will not change. No matter how amazing, how beautiful, how charming and wonderful Tracy is, to be physically in her life means to be sucked into her drama, to be a character in her chaos. Nobody can forge a life of their own living in the shadow of a Tracy Quartermaine.

    I don't want to see Dillon the character go, because I love SC and I love the character. But if he were a real person, I'd be at the airport waving him off and wishing him good luck.

  3. My speculation on yesterday's show.

    First Ned. Ned, Ned, Ned.....you know I love me some Ned, but

    his callous attitude towards his mom is...well, considering their history together, understandable. We've seen it before, so it's not completely OOC for him to just blow this whole thing off to follow his own dreams. Besides, this is hardly the worst situation he ever left his mother in to fend for herself--she was far more desparate at the beginning of The City, when she was facing jail time, homelessness, and losing her son....and he wouldn't lift a finger to help her then. In Shadybrook, she's got three square meals, a bed, security and..well, much needed psychological help. As for ELQ, this is just another chapter in the never-ending drama that is ELQ, and Ned hardly is in a position to give much of a damn about it, as long as his dividend checks keep coming.


    it's not like Tracy doesn't deserve a bit of resentment from Ned. She's used him, neglected him, bullied him, treated his wives like dirt, helped to destroy every serious relationship he's ever had, fill in the blanks. Tracy is not an innocent victim of a callous son--she is reaping what she's sown with Ned. it's a harsh reality, but unless somebody is dead or dying, Ned and Tracy do not have what you would call a close, loving, mother-son relationship.

    And then there's Dillon...

    I've been saying that Dillon's a spoiled ungrateful brat for a while. But then I think about how sheltered he's been by Tracy, and I wonder if he ever really understands what she suffered to keep him at her side, what she risked and what she lost for him? I wonder if Dillon will ever have a true understanding of what Tracy is or what she's been through. How can you be grateful for something you don't truly comprehend? And Ned, in some backwards but ultimately generous way, is trying to spare his younger brother some of the pain he's been through. He's knows Tracy well enough to know that when the crisis is averted, 99% of her promises will vanish into thin air and it will be business as usual. I don't think Ned planned this to occur when Tracy was so desparate, and I think he was prepared to help Dillon fight Tracy for this opportunity. But just because Tracy is in a scrape, that doesn't mean he's going to let his brother throw away his dreams. Because the Q's will always be embroiled in drama, Ned knows, and if you wait for that drama to settle down, you'll be waiting forever and you'll never have a life of your own.

    So. Ned was a jerk, but it was completely understandable why he was a jerk. As someone who made the very difficult decision to physically remove myself from my family's drama 14 years ago, amidst much guilt and doubt, I can understand how sometimes you have to be what appears to be cruel in order to preserve your own sanity.

    But, more importantly, Tracy looked wonderful. :D Actually, she looked great, and her therapy scenes were hilarious. Jane and Stu were freaking great, and I was amazed at how the actress who plays Lainey managed to keep a straight face through it.

  4. Welcome, Collette! Glad to have you here. It's a great group of people on the LoveFest--you are encouraged to join in and have fun with us! I FLOVE your Tracy banner. She's nummy, isn't she?

    I'm assuming from the lack of squeeness, that Herself is not on today. That bites, but at least it's one less thing I have to FF through tonight. It feels like Friday, but it's only Tuesday--so we should have some Tracy this week, right?

    Work is crazy today--not posting much, but checking in when I can.

  5. Congratulations on your 600th post, Hooked! Your level of obsession is good and yeah, verily impressive.

    Today has been CRAZY--started out late, and never quite caught up. Hopefully the afternoon will go smoothly, and I'll have some Tracy to come home to before the holiday....

  6. WTMF!! Please let this new "format" for SON be a glitch in the site! This thing is set up like soapzone format or something and I don't like it!! Or maybe I'm dreaming? What? I've too many late nights in the breakroom and I'm seeing things? I hope so because I'm not liking this one bit.

    Try going up to the top right corner of the screen, clicking on the button that says "Options," and selecting "Standard" from the drop-down list. See if that helps any. Deb

  7. Anybody want to see my so-called "Oomphy" Hair? I posted pics to my LJ here: http://minerva-fan.livejournal.com/471509.html. Granted, 90 degree heat and massive humidity combined with no A/C in my car does not make for much Oomph, but it's still a general idea of what I look like, post-shearing.

    I STILL haven't seen Friday's episode. TL, thank you for posting the clips. I will just watch them now, I think. Avoid all that nasty fast-forwarding.

  8. I still haven't seen yesterday's episodes yet--slept a whole lot after work--it's been draining lately, for a lot of reasons. Taped it without the news interruptions off SoapNet last night, so I'll probably watch it this weekend.

    Hooked, I loved your fic--it's awesome. I'm really excited that there is so much fic being posted at the Ficathon. We've got a couple of new writers, and everyone is really adding to the mix.

    I have a story in my head, but for some reason, I can't get it out into words right now. I think it's just my brain in the summer--the heat is getting to me, and even when I have time on the computer to write, I just fritter it away on other things....

    But don't worry. I'll get back in the saddle. In the meantime--three days of Tracy this week? WooHoo!

  9. MagicHappens, thanks for the link. I'll try it when I get home, because the firewall at work is blocking it.

    As for Scott and Tracy, that ship sailed years ago, imho. They're too much alike, and not enough alike, to work. I'm sorry, but at the bottom of it all, I just don't think Scott likes Tracy all that much. He might lust after her, use her, have fun with her, toy with her--but he really doesn't like her...

    ETA: Wow, I just reread that last paragraph. I'm not trying to be mean--I like Scott, especially when they're not writing him as Jerk du Jour. But I never saw the chemistry between him and Tracy. Perhaps I just haven't seen enough of them together.... With Ashton and Luke, at least, there was always a strong sense of affection under the vitriol--like fighting was a form of foreplay, or at least, heavy petting. With Scott, even when they were making out, it felt aggressive, like one was always trying to roll the other one. I never got the feeling that either of them would have been friends with the other had circumstance not thrown them into bed together. Fey keeps telling me I have to see him with the love of his life (I can't remember the character's name, but I think they had a daughter together.) I really like Kin Shriner, and I like Scott Baldwin in theory. I just don't like the way he treats people--especially the women he sleeps with.

  10. Oh, lawd, I know I'm going to catch hell for this--but can anybody help me find a screen cap of Hunky!Jason from yesterday's episode? (In the tank top with the steam coming at him?) My coworker wants a .jpg of it to use on her cell phone, and I told her I'd find one. Of course, I have no idea where to look for images of beefy straight men barely dressed.....

  11. LadyAshton, I finally got time to watch that clip of JE on SoapTalk you posted. Can I say NUMMY? She is so frackin' adorable that I don't even know what to say! Real, and cute, and funny, and adorable. And, yeah, whoever said it in the Break Room, the little barrette was teh cuteness.....

    Watched the Tracy scenes yesterday--amazed at how beautiful she is, even in Shadybrook. She's just radiant--must be the effect of a full bank-account from actually getting to go in to work and earn a paycheck, as opposed to being on contract but getting no scenes for months......

    In regards to Alan and how mean he is, I think I need to step up and defend the dead!doc. Yeah, what he's saying to Tracy is horrible, but not one iota more horrible than the things he said to her when he was alive. Watch the clips--he was downright vicious when describing her lovers, and never held back for fear of hurting her. Why should death change that? Two, his entire point as a ghost seems to be to get Tracy to confess. When she confesses, he says, all this will be resolved (HA, lying dead!jerk!). So in that capacity, he's going to exploit every situation he can in order to achieve his goal. He's going to play on her insecurities, torment her, all sorts of evil, wonderful things--in order to get her to confess. That's why he's here.

    Of course, if the spoilers are true,

    Tracy confesses to Ned next week.

    If that's the case, then what's the REAL reason for Alan to be haunting Tracy? Hmmmmmmmm....do you think even ghost!Alan knows?

    Oh, and on a completely unrelated note--there is new fic at the Ficathon from Ideal_Rain and Inyron. Go, read, comment freely and with much abandon! All is goodness and light.

  12. Wow. I can't believe I haven't posted even once today. Tracy looked so beautiful and sad yesterday. I loved that line about "one glimpse of paradise." That is SO a story title if ever I heard one.... I love the LuLu-Tracy bonding, but WTH is Dillon? I'm serious--he needs to be there. And Ned. What is wrong with these men? She may be nuts, but she's their mother and she needs them. It's not like she hasn't jumped through hoops of fire on their behalf in the past....only, they don't see it that way, do they?


    Did you guys read that Natalia Livingston is no longer with GH? Not that I'm a big Em fan, but...well...there goes another Q...

  13. way late on this response, but I had to say it--knh, the teacher who gave you that review sounds like a pompous jerk who can't stand the fact that he's teaching writing while more talented people are actually doing it. I've dealt with people like him before. Jacka##.

  14. Edit Can I edit this post a few more times today ya think??? But I forgot earlier...I think it was Deb who told me they drink tea a lot (green, white and red) and that you and fey have tea...we went to dinner with my parents friends who the man is the plastic surgeon...and he said to take the green tea bags after you drink them and let them cool off and rub them on your face and it is good for your skin!! The wife said he facial person noticed a difference in her skin within 4 weeks...who knows if that is true or not, but guess it couldn't hurt to try it. I did it today...my kids were like WTF are you doing mommy???

    I'm so just laughing at this image, Hooked. Did you know you can tint your hair brown with regular Lipton tea bags? You have to let it steep forever, then use it as a brown rinse. I don't think I'm going to be using tea bags on my face any time soon, since I only drink bagged tea at work--the stuff at the tea room is loose. I'm pretty sure my coworkers, who are already iffy in their opinions about my sanity (note the TQ reference when I mentioned "SANITY"), would be a little unnerved by that...

    I think I have a LuNacy bunny, which will coincide with my 51st prompt. (I'm been dreading it--I like the milestone so much...not ready to start anew.)

    Tracy tomorrow, right?

  15. OMG, Hooked. Your story was incredible. You have really made a break-through in your writing--there is just so much depth and feeling to your stories. I'm very impressed, and very grateful you wrote this (because now I don't have to--and it was on my to-do list). You are just totally blossoming as a writer, and I'm so glad we get to watch it happen. Thanks for this story. Yum.

  16. Edit again...just found out Ritz Camera Stores will do that..convert VHS to DVDs...yeah!

    They may give you trouble because if the stuff you want converted is copyrighted. I have this VHS of Heartbreak House from the 80s that I would LOVE to convert to DVD, but because it's a professional tape, nobody will touch it. I know a few people who have private machines that can do the conversion, but I spent $40 on this tape and have never seen it since, so I'm not exactly willing to part with my tape without some guarantees......

    I loved Regency's fic. Wasn't that a hoot? I'm not sure why she's not writing Tracy anymore--she seems to have moved on to Alexis/Craig, Spinelli/Georgie, and Laura/Stefan. Makes me all weepy and sad. Really. I want more Regency!fic! I've been spoiled.

    Speaking of which, what is this malarkey of no Tracy for days at a time? Don't they know the woman has a following? What is wrong with them?

    *sigh* I guess I'll just watch my little X-Files DVDs until Tracy gives me a reason to watch my GH tape again.....

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