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Posts posted by MontyB

  1. On the upside, the Watch What Happens Live was the BEST one ever. I even like Andy because he was in a good playful mood. Kandi and Phaedra both looked HOT... Kandi's hair and her cleavage was banging. I thought they were funny and they were perfect! I wasn't surprised that Phaedra got really sick during the reunion - I was thinking during Part 1 that she was breathing awfully heavy during some of it. Makes sense now!

    Loved those two! Love Phaedra's quip about Nene being in high school with her!

  2. I didnt think she liked that Phaedra came and took her thunder. She gave Kandi stank attitude last season as well. I dont think she likes having new people come onto "her" show, especially if they bring more to the table then she does and makes her come across obsolete and irrelevant. Im sure thats what she got from Phaedra. Notice how alot of the early buzz and talk this season was about Phaedra and her crazy antics. Nene kinda took a backseat until she started up fighting with Kim again. I feel she may have manufactured that to draw attention back onto her

    I think you're right. It's all about the attention.

  3. She backed it up alright. I loved it when she told Nene "google me". HA!

    Nene looked stupid when she kept saying she didn't know her and Pheadra brought up the fact that she called her years ago. It would have been better if Nene said she doesn't have a personal relationship with her instead of flat out lying.

    Yeah, I don't know what Nene problem is, but she's been extra bitchy. I'm gonna guess and say it has a lot to do with her husband problems. I still love her, but she needs to take a step back.

  4. I fuckin' LOVE Phaedra! She had me salivating like a fangurl watching the show. Homegirl provided pictures of her Equestrian days LOL! This is how a reunion should be and it's only part one.

    Love. Love. Love her. It can't be said enough. I loved her handling Nene and I loved her explanation of race..

    YES!!! Phaedra has moved to the top of my favorites list. I love the fact the she backs up what she says.

  5. What a finale!

    I can't believe Peter came to his wedding wasted. How trashy! I also can't believe Cynthia's mother and sister tried to sabotage the wedding by hiding the license! LOL - I felt so bad for them. Cynthia and Peter won't last long... no one seems happy!

    I know he ordered a drink, but I doubt he was wasted. As far as their marriage lasting long, who knows? You can't tell by what was seen on TV. I wish them nothing but happiness.

  6. http://www.collinwoo...ast/wandrey.htm

    I can't imagine anyone but Colleen as Barbara either. It seems Donna was there for about a year, then Barbara was gone until Colleen came in at the end of the decade. Donna also said that Barbara was a painter at this time - I guess that was forgotten later on? But Barbara did become a fashion designer.

    If you are interested, I posted a 1972 interview with Donna in the ATWT thread.

    Thanks for the link. I remember her now. I probably didn't pick up on her bad acting since I thought most of the actors on the show we're pretty bad, especially Grayson Hall. Anyway, I guess that's what make it special now.

  7. Speaking of ATWT, Donna Wandrey, the wooden but striking Roxanne Drew of Dark Shadows, auditioned to be Rachel on AW after Robin Strasser left, I believe the first time, not sure. They told her she was too nice. She went out shopping and when she checked her service, her agent told her ATWT wanted her to read for Barbara.

    I've seen every DS on it's SiFi run. I know the character of Roxanne Drew, I just can't picture her face at the moment.. I can't imagine anyone else but Coleen Zenk as Barbara.

  8. Wow! Cool thread. Just now seeing this. That list is quite interesting.

    Anyway, about Lois Smith. I'm glad she didn't do ATWT. Her character on Somerset is what got me really hooked on the "stories" Somerset used come on late in the afternoon here in NYC in the early 70's and Lois play Zoe and when I got home from school I would ask my sister is Zoe on. I was upset when turned into a killer. Lois Smith is one of the finest character actress around and I'm glad she endured all these years.

  9. WOW - tonight's episode of Atlanta did NOT disappoint.

    NeNe is my girl, but she was out of line and uncontrollable tonight. She crossed the line, and was 100% too stubborn to see it.

    I felt so bad for Cynthia - girl does NOT need to get married.

    I'm so tired of Kim - she needs to go, or get something fresh started.

    So good to see more Sheree tonight! Phaedra was really cool tonight too.

    Lawrence was hilarious tonight and on Watch What Happens - I wish him the best!


  10. Did anyone else watch, the watch after this with andy(whatever the name of the show is) with Nene and Iman? A caller called in to ask Nene if she ever considered going to anger management class. :lol: I think Nene needs to look into that ASAP. Kim might be a dumb blonde but she's not a hot head. I'm on no one's side because kim is stupid for thinking Nene is jealous of her and her no talent career/ and Nene has anger issues. Sweetie needs to stop taking kim's crap, but for all we know she is taking kim to the cleaners financially. Sheree was virtually a no show this season, what has happened to her??? Did I hear her correct her ex isn't paying child support and he makes millions??? Like Fakedra says she better get her money honey. :lol: No wonder Sheree is going broke, she has to pay for everything.

    I don't think Nene has anger management issues at all. Nene was being totally honest and Kim couldn't take it and she started with the language. Nene told the truth. Kim can't sing.

  11. Reportedly, Nene said she doesn't want to do another season of ATL. I know she wants to branch out but ATL is her bread and butter. It would be stupid of her to quit now in search of notoriety, especially with ATL receiving their best numbers to date.

    ETA: Nene calls Starr Jones a backstabber :lol:


    I wouldn't call her stupid for wanting to move on or do something different with her life, but I would hate for her to leave the series. She's my favorite Housewife of them all.

  12. :blink: Phaedra.

    WTF?! The baby shower is probably the funniest thing I've ever seen on any of these series.

    Loved the soundbites for this episode:

    Shereé: If I had plastic surgery every time I had marital problems, I'd look like Dwight. :lol::lol:

    Kim: Why are they waltzing?! She's having a boy!! Even if she's having a girl that [!@#$%^&*] doesn't make sense!

    NeNe under the influence of painkillers. :wacko:

    Don't like Cynthia. I prefer Lisa BUSINESSWOMAN! over her.

    Ha Ha

    What about Cynthia saying, "Phaedra looks like a black Tammy Faye Baker and Dwight looks like Willy Wonka" in those get ups they wore to the Steeplechase event.

  13. I agree, I do not understand why Lujack was created and never did I see the chemistry between VI/JE, at least it didnt make me forget the chemistry between GA/JE like it supposedly was intended to do. Beth and Lujack shouldve remained close friends like maybe Jesse/Jenny and instead of Alex having a son she couldve had a naive daughter (the Spauldings needed a young ingenue) and linked her up with Lujack who I do not think shouldve ever been a Spaulding.

    Hated the Gang crap, hated India and Phillip, hated the Music crap. I did like Phillip going dark, it made sense as he had lost Beth and he is a Spaulding LOL. just didnt like the reason why he went dark.

    FYI, the song Beth and Phillip danced to was "Truly" by Lional Ritchie ;)

    LOL, I loved Lujack. I thought he and JE had qreat chemistry.

  14. I saw every Another Life episode during it's original run. It ran here in NYC on WPIX channel 11, but then they took it off and I caught it on CBN, which was great because they repeated the days episode at 11 PM. I have old VCR tapes with episodes on them and I keep saying I'm going to go through them because that opening on YouTube is not original opening from when the series first started. It was much shorter and it didn't have the actors in it.

    One of my favorite characters was Becky Hewitt played by Sue Scanell. There was story line with her in the recording studio and I'll never forget that little ditty she sang, "met a girl with a smile" (I don't remember the rest).

  15. Can a hardcore EDGE fan explain to me what was THE motive and reasoning behind Molly Sherwood's killing of Eliot Dorn, stabbing of Cliff Nelson, faked attack by Kelly McGrath and poisoning of Nadine Scott?

    Molly did it all so Emily could have Draper. You see, April was supposed to visit Raven where Molly was going to poison her, but Nadine (Raven's mother) showed up and drank the poisoned tea instead and she crashed her car and died. Molly told Eliot that she saw Raven give Nadine the tea, but Eliot was onto Molly so she killed him . She also stabbed Cliff because he was starting to put two and two together. She faked the attack by Kelly to cast the blame on him.

    The Edge of Night used to come on here in NYC at 4pm and I remember it like yesterday when Molly confessed to Raven about all she did. It was on a Friday and I had to be back at my high school for something. I did not move from in front of that television until the closing credits at 4:28 pm.

    IMHO, no soap has come close to Edge as far as good mystery and the intertwining and segueing of stories.It just makes me so sad, the state of the soaps today. What happened to good storytelling? BTW Chris Goutman (EP of ATWT) played Sharkey who got Emily pregnant.

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