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Mr. Vixen

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Everything posted by Mr. Vixen

  1. Heaven's Meadow Season 1 - Episode Nine "Love is a Many Splendored Thing" This episode features: Catherine Hickland as Lindsay Rappaport Michael E. Knight as Tad Martin Angell Conwell as Jacqueline Sean Kanan as Brandon Mayweather with Kassie DePaiva as Blair Cramer and Robin Christopher as Skye Chandler _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Blair: Skye: (Blair is sitting in her hotel room, looking at potential properties for her club on the computer. She is startled by a knock on the door. She stands and walks towards the door. She opens it, and is visibly angered to see Skye Chandler standing in the hall. Skye has a smirk on her face. She begins speaking.) Skye: Well hello, sunshine! (Skye pushes past Blair and walks into the hotel room. She sets her purse on an end-table and then seats herself on the couch.) Blair: What the hell are you doing here, Skye? Skye: You know, everyone in this town seems to lack basic manners. The customary response would be "Hello, Skye! How are you today?" Blair: And that's exactly what I would say, if I was speaking to someone I was interested in seeing. Skye: Someone's in a bad mood. Blair: Your presence has a tendency to do that to people. Skye: Blair, bitter really isn't your color. It's aged you horribly. Blair: Just like being a bitch has aged you. (Skye fights the urge to punch her. She stands and moves closer to Blair, who is still standing in front of the open hotel room door. Skye brushes past Blair and closes the door. She turns around and begins speaking.) Skye: I didn't come here to fight with you, Blair. Blair: Then please, enlighten me, Skye. What did you come here for? Skye: To discuss business. I know you must be very disappointed that I got the property you were looking at. Blair: There are other properties. Skye: Of course there are. But this one is in such a great location. It can't be beat. Blair: We'll see about that. Skye: Actually, we won't. That's why I'm here. Blair: I don't understand. Skye: You see, I just accepted another job. I'm going to be an executive producer for the talk show WAVE. Blair: And what does that have to do with me? Skye: Well, working full time as an executive producer is certainly going to take up a lot of my time. I'm afraid it's going to prevent me from giving my full attention to the club. Blair: So...what? You want to sell me the property? Skye: Oh no, I'm still opening the club. Blair: Then...? Skye: I want you to run it for me. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Jacqueline: Brandon: (At Holy Springs Cafe, a cafe on the other side of Heaven's Meadow. Jacqueline is sitting at her table, sipping a glass of wine. Brandon enters and walks to her table, and has a seat.) Brandon: Hey baby. Jacqueline: Hi angel. How was your day? Brandon: Same as usual, I suppose. How about you? Jacqueline: Slow, really. Showed a couple of properties, but nothing too exciting. Brandon: What ever happened with that client you were talking about the other day? The one who didn't get the property she wanted? Jacqueline: Well, she was disappointed, of course. But she's not giving up. We're going to look at some more properties tomorrow, actually. Brandon: That's wonderful. Jacqueline: Now, let's get down to business. You said you had something important you needed to discuss with me, and I have a feeling it isn't about my clients. (Brandon chuckles.) Brandon: You know that I really care about you, right? (Jacqueline is internally nervous at the sound of this, and fears that he may be breaking up with her.) Jacqueline: And I care about you, too. Brandon: We've been dating for two months now, and I think it's time you met my family. (Jacqueline is relieved.) Jacqueline: I would love to. Brandon: As you know, my parents are deceased. But I would really like you to meet my sister. Jacqueline: I didn't know you had a sister. Brandon: Yes, her name is Brianna. We have a difficult relationship, but I love her very much. Jacqueline: Then I'd be honored to meet her. (Brandon's cell phone rings, and he looks at it.) Brandon: It's a text, from Angelica. Apparently there's been some sort of emergency at the office. I have to go. (He stands and kisses her on the cheek, before exiting. After he is gone, she retrieves her purse from the floor. She reaches inside and slips her gold wedding ring back on.) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tad: Lindsay: (Inside Lindsay's art studio. Lindsay and Tad have just entered, and Lindsay flips on the light switch.) Tad: Oh wow, it's beautiful. Lindsay: And as of yesterday, it's officially mine. Tad: It's in great condition, too. Lindsay: I have a cleaning crew coming in tomorrow, and I'm going to do some painting later this week. I just can't believe it's actually happening. Tad: Why's that? Lindsay: When I got out of prison, it all seemed too good to be true. I never expected that I would find a space like this. (Tad moves closer to Lindsay and kisses her cheek.) Tad: You deserve the best, Lindsay. And I know you'll be successful in whatever you do. (The two kiss.) Lindsay: Can I ask you something, Tad? Tad: Anything. Lindsay: Why haven't you told me about the woman? The one who broke your heart. (Tad looks surprised by the question.) Lindsay: I don't mean to pry. It's just that, other than the first day we met...You haven't mentioned her. And I've told you so much about my past. I just want to get to know you better, is all. Tad: I'm sorry, Lindsay. It was just...difficult for me, and I just didn't want to dredge the past into our relationship. Lindsay: And I don't want to pressure you, Tad. That's not what I'm trying to do. I just want you to know that you can trust me. Tad: I do trust you, Lindsay. (Tad pauses for a long moment, then begins speaking.) Tad: Her name is Dixie Cooney... (Tad continues speaking, but Lindsay doesn't hear him. She freezes at the name "Dixie Cooney". A name she recognizes. A woman she knows.) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks for tuning in! Don't forget to check back tomorrow for an ALL NEW episode of Heaven's Meadow!
  2. Thank you so much, Spencer! I really wanted that scene to have an impact and to further show how broken Hayley feels. I am glad you enjoyed the Kendall mentions!
  3. Heaven's Meadow Season 1 - Episode Eight "Communication is Key" *PLEASE NOTE: This is a shortened episode, in order to intrude upon less of everyone's holiday. Happy 4th, everybody!* This episode features: Susan Lucci as Erica Kane Jerry ver Dorn as Clint Buchanan with Kelly Ripa as Hayley Vaughan and Erika Slezak as Victoria Lord _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Viki: Clint: (Inside Clint and Viki's penthouse) Viki: You did what?! Clint: I gave Skye Chandler a job, as executive producer of WAVE. Viki: Clint why would you do that? You know that woman's past! She's nothing but trouble! Clint: Yes, but that doesn't have anything to do with her ability to do her job. Viki:Of course it does, Clint! That woman will stop at nothing to get what she wants. And if she accepted your offer, she wants something. I know how she operates, Clint. (Clint moves over towards Viki, and sits next to her on the couch.) Clint: I've done a lot of bad things in my past, too, Viki. And you gave me another chance. Skye deserves the same! Viki: No, she doesn't!Clint, it was different with you. You are the father of my children, I've known you for decades. But you don't have a history with Skye the way that I do! She is bad news, Clint. And I think you know that, deep down. Clint: I also know that she is the best business woman in this city. Viki: Do you have any idea how many savvy business women there are in this country? That would jump at the chance to work for a talk sow like WAVE? Why does it have to be Skye? Clint: Skye has an attachment to Wave. Hayley Vaughan is her sister. Combine her personal connection with her business skills, and she'll have WAVE back on top in no time. Viki: I doubt that in Skye's mind, her "sister" means any sort of "attachment", Clint. Unless Hayley has something Skye wants, Skye probably doesn't care about her at all. Clint: Trust me, Viki. I understand where you're coming from, but you have to trust me. Viki: It's not you I don't trust, Clint. It's her. She's more destructive and conniving than you could ever imagine. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hayley: Erica: (At the WAVE Studio, inside Hayley's dressing room. Hayley is laying on the couch. She has just awoken from her sleep, and cannot remember when she got to the studio. Her mind races, and her head pounds at the sound of repeated knocking on the door. She manages to mumble a "Hold On" as she forces herself to get up from the couch. She stumbles to the mirror on the opposite wall. She pushes her hair out of her face, and wipes the smudged makeup off of her face with a wash cloth. Realizing that she is still wearing yesterday's clothes, she pulls a silk robe over her fully clothed body and answers the door. Erica Kane marches in. ) Erica: Oh, Hayley I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get by to see you! I -- (She doesn't finish her sentence, as she has turned around to fully look at Hayley for the first time since entering the room. She immediately realizes something is wrong.) Erica:Hayley, darling...Is everything okay? Hayley Oh, yeah...No, I just didn't sleep well last night. Tossing and turning, you know. (Erica moves towards Hayley. She reaches out her hand and touches Hayley's face.) Erica: Hayley, honey...You've been crying. (Hayley brushes past Erica to the other side of the room, wiping her eyes with her hands.) Hayley: No, no. I was just...yawning. I just woke up from a nap. (Erica moves towards the vanity on the other side of the room. She motions for Hayley to sit in the chair in front of the vanity. Hayley sits down, as Erica begins putting makeup on her. As she puts the makeup on Hayley, she begins speaking.) Erica: I can only imagine how difficult Mateo's disappearance has been on you, dear. I understand how hard it is, just to get through the day. When Kendall died, I couldn't even get out of bed. I laid there all day, crying and wishing it was all a dream. And, for a very long time I thought that nothing would ever be okay again. (Erica pauses and kneels down to look at Hayley face to face.) Erica: But then I realized, that you can't live like that. Yes, it hurts. And you have every right to be upset. But you can't let it consume you, because in the end that will only hurt you more. (At this point, both women are crying. Erica reaches out and wipes the tears from Hayley's face. Hayley speaks through her sobs.) Hayley: I just don't know how to do this alone, Erica. (Erica reaches in and hugs her tightly.) Erica: You're not alone. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks for reading! Don't forget to tune in again tomorrow for an ALL NEW FULL LENGTH episode of Heaven's Meadow!
  4. Thank you both! Don't worry Bright Eyes, you'll get your wish. Sorry it took so long to answer. Like I said, I've been traveling!
  5. Hey guys! Please note, the name of this episode is "That's What Family's For". I just realized I forgot to make the change within the episode itself. I will edit it later. I am traveling now and only have access through my phone.
  6. Heaven's Meadow Season 1 - Episode 7 "That's What Family's For" This episode features: Susan Lucci as Erica Kane Ric Herbst as Lucas Erickson Jerry ver Dorn as Clint Buchanan with David Canary as Adam Chandler Kelly Ripa as Hayley Vaughan and Robin Christopher as Skye Chandler ____________________________________________________________________________________________ PINE VALLEY, PENNSYLVANIA: Adam: Hayley: (Inside the Chandler mansion. Adam is sitting in the living room, reading a book. He doesn't hear as Hayley stumbles through the front door. She is crying rather hysterically as makeup streaks down her face. She stumbles across the foyer and into the living room. Stunned, Adam looks up.) Adam: Hayley? Hayley, what are you doing here? I thought you were in New-- (He doesn't finish is sentence, as he notices his daughter is weeping. He stands and rushes towards her, embracing her in a hug. She collapses into his arms.) Adam: Hayley, what's wrong? What is it dear? (Hayley breaks free from his embrace and moves towards the couch. After she is seated, she opens her clutch and pulls out a tissue to dab her eyes.) Hayley: I just needed to see you, Daddy. I just needed to get away from it all, and I didn't know where else to go. Adam: You know you are always welcome here. This is your home. Now tell me, darling, what's wrong? Hayley: It's just, everything is falling apart. Every ounce of stability in my life is gone, and I don't know what to do. Adam: There's still been no word on Mateo, I'm assuming? (Hayley stands and moves to the other side of the room, picking up a picture of her and Mateo and holding it for a moment before speaking.) Hayley: No, Daddy. No matter what I do. No matter what the police do, no matter what you do. It's like he just vanished. (Adam moves towards his daughter. He stands behind her and places his hands on her shoulders.) Adam: We will find him eventually, Hayley. And he'll be home with you, where he belongs. (Hayley swivels around.) Hayley: But what if he doesn't want to come home, Daddy? Adam: Don't talk like that, Hayley. Hayley: For all we know, it's true Daddy! There is no evidence that Mateo was kidnapped. The police have said it all along. He may very well have left of his own accord Adam: Mateo would never leave you, Hayley. (Hayley begins crying once more. She pushes past her father and begins yelling.) Hayley: But what if he DID, Daddy? How am I supposed to get up every morning and smile in front of a camera when I know damn well the man I love more than anything may have walked out on me. And even if he didn't, what's the other possibility? That he's dead?! I just can't do it, Daddy. I can't! (Angered, she throws the picture of her and Mateo across the room. It hits the wall and shatters. Adam rushes to his daughter and embraces her once more. Hayley clutches to her father, sobbing, and begins speaking.) Hayley: I have failed everyone and everything that I love. Mateo is gone, and Wave is tanking. How is it supposed to make me feel that they had to bring in my ex-stepmother to save the show. MY SHOW! (Adam pulls away from Hayley, confused.) Adam: Who? Hayley: Erica, Daddy. And it's not that I'm not happy to see her. I am. But Wave has always been succesful because of me and now it crumbles right alongside of my personal life. And as much respect as I have for Erica, every time I look at her, I am reminded that once again, I wasn't enough. Adam: You are always enough, honey. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Ever. (Hayley wipes the tears from her eyes.) Hayley: Thank you, Daddy. I knew you could make me feel better. (The two hug, before Hayley pulls away.) Hayley: I just can't believe that the only positive thing to come from this move has been Skye, of all people. Adam: Skye? What's your sister got to do with this? Hayley: I ran into her the other day. Apparently she's living in Heaven's Meadow, too. I have to admit, I wasn't happy to see her at first, but she was very kind. She saw that I was in pain, and she actually tried to help. I know we don't have a great past, and I know she's conned a lot of people. So, I'm going into it slowly. But I think I may finally be forming a relationship with her. (Tears well up in Adam's eyes.) Adam: That's wonderful. Hayley: Well, I'd better get going. I had the helicopter fly me in, but I have to get back for a meeting. Thank you so much for your help, Daddy. Adam: Any time, Hayley. Any time at all. (The two hug, and say goodbye. Hayley begins to exit the room, but Adam begins speaking again. Hayley turns and looks at her father.) Adam: Hayley? Hayley: Yeah, Dad? Adam: Tell Skye I love her. (Hayley smiles at her father, before turning and exiting the mansion.) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ HEAVEN'S MEADOW, NEW HAMPSHIRE: Erica: Lucas: (At the WAVE studios.) Erica: I'm glad we were able to work something out, Lucas. I'm very excited to join the show. Lucas: And we're very excited to have you, Ms. Kane. Erica: Tell me, Lucas. Why me? Of all the women in the world, why Erica Kane? Lucas: Because you're the best. You're Erica Kane for God's sake. Erica: I've only been telling everyone that for 40 years, now. But why does "Erica Kane" mean anything to you? Lucas: How many talk shows can boast that one co-host used to be married to the other's father? (Erica points her finger at Lucas.) Erica: This show will not be trash television. I will not argue with Hayley for ratings, and I certainly will not embarrass Adam Chandler on national television. If that's what you're looking for, hire one of his other ex-wives. I hear Brooke English is looking for work. Lucas: Trust me, Erica That isn't we want. We just think that you and Hayley will have a wonderful dynamic, that no one else can create. Erica: I hope what you're saying is true, Mr. Erickson. Because at the first sign of anything inappropriate, I walk. Just like that. Contracts be damned. Like you said, I'm Erica Kane. And don't you forget it. (Erica exits the room.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Skye: Clint: (In Skye's hotel room.) Skye: I'm sorry, what did you say? Clint: I'm here to offer you a job, Skye. (Skye moves towards the other side of the room and has a seat on the couch. She points towards a chair directly across from her, and Clint sits down.) Skye: I don't need a job, Clint. I'm opening a club. Clint: And you can still do that, Skye. But I want you to come work for me. Skye: Doing what, exactly? Clint: I recently acquired the production company that produces the talk show "Wave". Skye: You want me to host Wave? You are aware that Hayley Vaughan is my sister, right? Clint: I know that, and I don't want you to host. I want you to produce it. Skye: And you are aware that I have no experience in that field, correct? Clint: You can learn. You are the best business woman in this town, Skye. Skye: Yes, but your new co-host is not my biggest fan. Clint: All the more incentive for you to join, Skye. You'll be her boss. (Skye ponders this for a moment, before Clint starts speaking again.) Clint: Not to mention, the current producer, Lucas Erickson, just rubs me the wrong way. That's why I want you to be Co-Executive producer. I can't get rid of him right away, he knows too much about how the show works. But you can keep an eye on him and prevent him from having too much power. (Skye freezes at the mention of Lucas' name, making the connection that Lucas Erickson is really Peter, whom she had run into the other day.) Skye: I'll do it. (Clint seems surprised, but smiles.) Clint: Wonderful. I'll call you soon so we can set up a meeting to sort everything out. (They stand, and Skye shows him to the door. She closes it behind him and leans against it. Her mind begins racing. No matter how much she wants to stay away from Peter, she knows that she has to take this job, to protect Hayley.) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks for tuning in! Don't forget to check back tomorrow For an ALL NEW episode of Heaven's Meadow!
  7. Bright Eyes, Erica and Skye have a very complicated past relationship, as I'm sure you know. It will be explained more in the coming weeks. Lorenzo is dead, and Lila Rae's location is addressed in tomorrow's episode. Spencer, LMAO thanks. Is it something Skye would typically say? Maybe not, but Skye is that one person who just isn't enamored with the "Erica Kane" brand and she was trying to make that very clear.
  8. I'd just like to apologize for the short length of this episode. I was very ill when I wrote it, and that's why it's a bit short. I'm sorry.
  9. Heaven's Meadow Season 1 - Episode Six "Keep Your Enemies Close" This episode features: Susan Lucci as Erica Kane Jerry ver Dorn as Clint Buchanan Angell Conwell as Jacqueline Kassie DePaiva as Blair Cramer and Robin Christopher as Skye Chandler ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Erica: Skye: (At the "Meadow Club" - in the hotel restaurant. Erica is sitting in a booth by the window. Skye walks through the restaurant, heading towards the elevator to her hotel room. However, before she makes it to the elevator, she spots Erica in her booth. With a smirk, she moves towards Erica's booth and begins speaking.) Skye: Well, well, well. If it isn't Erica Kane. (Erica glances up briefly from her menu. At first she doesn't realize who is standing in front of her. Once it sets in, she once again looks at Skye, visibly shocked.) Erica: Skye, what are you doing in New Hampshire? Surely you haven't latched onto yet another wealthy family, dear? Skye: Well, I could ask you the same question, but I'm sure your being here has something to do with a husband. After 40 something years, there couldn't be many men left in Pine Valley for you to marry. And after the way Jackson dumped you in front of the entire town...I'm not surprised you had to find new turf. Erica: Well, at least I didn't have to run off and have a baby with a mobster to achieve fulfillment in my life. Skye: At least I didn't spend over a decade pretending my child didn't exist, like some women I know. (Anger spreads across Erica's face. Visibly angered, she stands and moves closer to Skye.) Erica: You are just as trashy as ever, Skye. And I will have no part of it. I'm Erica Kane, not a real housewife. Skye: Twenty years later and you still refer to yourself in the third person. Bitch, no one cares about Erica Kane. Have a seat. Erica: That's laughable coming from a woman who can't secure a family let alone a career. Skye: Well, if you call caring solely about yourself and referring to yourself by your full name a career, then you are quite the career woman. Erica: You don't have to respect my career, Skye. But the producers of WAVE certainly did. Skye: What the hell does Hayley's talk show have to do with your "career"? Erica: I've been brought on board as a co-host. I guess that means you're the one without a career. Hmmm, I heard the McDonald's down the street is hiring. Play your cards right, and I might even write you a recommendation. A recommendation from a star like Erica Kane will go a long way, honey. (Erica begins to walk away, but Skye reaches out and grabs her wrist, swiveling her around.) Erica: Let go of me, you heathen! (Skye leans in close to Erica's face and begins speaking.) Skye: You leave Hayley alone, Erica. She is going through enough right now, and the last thing she needs is your brand of selfishness to make things more difficult. (Erica pulls out of Skye's grasp.) Erica: If anyone is going to make things more difficult for Hayley, it's you, Skye. Hayley actually likes me, but she's never thought much of you. There's no reason that will change now. Do us all a favor and crawl right back out of town. (Erica grabs her clutch off of the table and struts out of the restaurant. Skye walks towards the lobby and presses the button on the elevator. In her mind, she ponders what Erica said. Will her presence really have a negative impact on Hayley? She begins to recall her relationships with both women. By the time she makes it to her hotel room, she has resolved to continue making an effort with Hayley, and wonders why she was ever friends with Erica Kane.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Blair: Jacqueline: (Inside Jacqueline's office. She is sitting behind her desk when Blair Cramer enters.) Jacqueline: Do you have any idea how many times I've called you in the past few days? Blair: I'm sorry, I had to go back to Pennsylvania to tie some things up. What's up? Jacqueline: You didn't get the property, Blair. Blair: What? No! But we offered above asking price! Jacqueline: Yes, but Ms. Chandler offered more, and in a more timely manner. There was nothing I could do. Blair: What the hell am I supposed to do now? Jacqueline: You let me help find you another property, that's what. Blair: It's not even about the property Jacqueline. It's about that woman. Jacqueline: What the hell kind of hold does she have over you? It isn't a competition, Blair. Blair: Of course it is, Jacqueline! Now that she knows I'm going to open a club here, she's going to do everything in her power to one-up me. And Skye isn't the type to play fair. Jacqueline: Then it's time for you to play dirty. Blair: Skye is...sneaky, to say the least. I'm sure she already has a slew of resources here. I don't. (Jacqueline smiles) Jacqueline: I do. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Clint: (Skye is inside of her hotel room. There is a knock on the door. When she opens the door, Clint Buchanan is in the hallway.) Clint: Hello Skye. (Skye moves aside and lets Clint in the room.) Skye: Clint, if your here to lecture me about my conversation with Viki, I'm simply not in the mood. Clint: Viki is a grown woman. She is perfectly capable of handling herself. Your confrontation has nothing to do with this visit. Skye: Then what could you possibly want from me? Clint: I'm here to offer you a job. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for tuning in! Don't forget to check back tomorrow For an ALL NEW episode of Heaven's Meadow!
  10. Thanks Spencer! Yes, Skye realizes that Hayley is drinking! That will come into play soon. And thank you for the compliment on the title!
  11. Hey guys! Thanks so much for the feedback. I'm sorry it took so long to reply, I've been traveling all day and still am! I'm glad you are enjoying it so far. Bright Eyes, there will definitely be many different layers to the Hayley/Skye relationship. Again, thanks so much!
  12. Heaven's Meadow Season 1 - Episode Five "Are You There, Hayley? It's me, Skye" This episode features: Kelly Ripa as Hayley Vaughan Colleen Zenk as Anjelica King Catherine Hickland as Lindsay Rappaport with Robin Christopher as Skye Chandler Jerry ver Dorn as Clint Buchanan and Erika Slezak as Victoria Lord Buchanan _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hayley: Skye: (At The Meadow Club) Hayley: Oh, wow. Skye. Hello. Skye: Hello Hayley. I was hoping we'd be running into each other soon. (Skye sits down next to Hayley at the bar.) Hayley: I didn't know you were living in New Hampshire, now. Last I heard you were in New York. Skye: I left New York a few years back, but I haven't been in New Hampshire for long.I read a while back that your show was moving to the East Coast, but I just recently found out you were here in Heaven's Meadow. Hayley: Yeah, budget cuts are a bitch. What brought you here? Skye: A fresh start, I suppose. (Skye pauses for a long second, and the sisters sit in silence, pondering their lives. After a moment, Skye speaks.) Skye: It's sad, really. Hayley: What is? Skye: We're sisters, Hayley. And yet we hardly know one another. My relationship with Daddy has always been complicated, but I wish I hadn't allowed it to cloud my view of you. I wish I had tried harder to be your sister. Maybe we could both make that effort now. Hayley: I didn't know you considered yourself a Chandler anymore, Skye. Skye: I'll always be a Chandler, no matter what a DNA test says. And that makes us sisters. Hayley: You know, it breaks Daddy's heart. Skye: What does? Hayley: That you don't call, or visit him anymore. He loves you very much, Skye. (Skye is taken aback by Hayley's comment. She is silent for a moment. Tears fill her eyes as she privately reflects on her complicated relationship with Adam Chandler, the man she still considers her father.) Skye: Maybe I was wrong, to stay away. You know, I;ve always loved Daddy very much, but it wasn't easy for me. I know he loves me, I always knew that. But it was different for me. It was different for me, Hayley. You and Daddy, you have such a special relationship, and I'm jealous. I always have been. And when I found out that he wasn't my biological father, I told myself that that was why he treated me differently. I convinced myself that he loved me less because I wasn't his. (By this point, tears are streaming down Skye's face. Hayley ponders this for a moment, and truly feels a connection to her sister for the first time. She reaches out her hand and places it on top of Skye's.) Hayley: I'm sorry you've felt this way, Skye. And I'm sorry that I haven't been very nice to you over the years. But if it's not too late, I could really use a sister now. (Skye smiles and wipes the tears from her eyes.) Skye: I'd like that very much. (Skye stands from her seat and removes her purse from the bar-top. She begins to say goodbye, but pauses. She removes a piece of paper and pen from her purse and writes down her phone number. She hands the paper to Hayley.) Skye: Maybe we could do lunch or something later this week. Hayley: That would be great. (Skye turns to leave, but once more turns around to speak to Hayley.) Skye: I'm sorry that you've been having a hard time, Hayley. I recognize the look in your eyes. I've been in that place, many times. You call me if you need anything. (With a smile, Skye turns and exits the restaurant. Hayley instantly realizes that Skye recognized her lust for alcohol. She reflects silently on her history with Skye. She is genuinely happy that they may be on the brink of a good relationship , but for a brief moment she resents her sister for being stronger than she is. She collects her purse from the counter, and exits the restaurant, knowing she will stop for a drink on the way home.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lindsay: Anjelica: (At Patty's - A popular bar in Heaven's Meadow. Lindsay sits at a booth on the far side of the restaurant, sipping a drink and pondering her new life and budding relationship with Tad Martin. Anjelica King enters the bar and spots Lindsay. She walks towards Lindsay's booth and begins speaking.) Anjelica: Well I'll be damned. If it isn't Lindsay Rappaport. (Lindsay is shocked to see Anjelica.) Lindsay: Well I'm certainly surprised to see you here, Anjelica. I thought for sure you'd have disappeared to the other side of the continent by now. Anjelica: I did, briefly. But I realized that you can't run from your problems, or your reputation. Eventually it would catch up with me, so in the meantime I might as well be in the place that I love, the place where I grew up. Lindsay: I didn't know you were from New Hampshire. If I had known you were here, I might have reconsidered moving here. (Anjelica seems taken aback by Lindsay's comment.) Lindsay: I didn't mean it like that, Anjie. I'm just trying to make a new start for myself, and I don't want my past to prevent me from doing so. (Anjelica sits down at Lindsay's booth.) Anjelica: Well, I certainly understand that. It's the same reason that I returned here. (Lindsay chuckles.) Lindsay: I'd hardly call moving back to your hometown a fresh start, Anjie. Anjelica: It's different for me, Linds. I know the people here, and despite my past, they accept me. But, they aren't always as receptive to newcomers with...past indiscretions. Lindsay: You mean like someone fresh out of prison? Anjelica: Yes. Lindsay: Well, I'm not too concerned. If they accept you, they'll come to accept me, in time. After all, it wasn't all that long ago that we shared a cell. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Viki: Clint: (Inside Viki and Clint's penthouse.) Viki: Well, it's certainly a change. But it already feels like home. Clint: I'm home any time that I'm with you. (The two share a kiss, before having a seat on the couch.) Viki: So tell me, darling, how are your new business ventures going? Clint: Very well. I met Hayley Vaughan for the first time earlier. She's a lovely young woman. Erica Kane arrives tomorrow, as well. It will be a lot of work to get the show back on track, but I look forward to it. Viki: That's wonderful, Clint. Clint: Enough about me. How are things at The Banner? Viki: Terrific. Challenging.But terrific. It's a totally different arena, running a magazine. But I'm very much enjoying it. There's one thing that's been worrying me, though. Clint: What's that? Viki: One of my employees, Anjelica. I have this nagging suspicion that she's hiding something. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks for reading! Please comment! And remember to check back MONDAY, JULY 2nd for an ALL NEW episode of Heaven's Meadow!
  13. Thank you, Spencer! I really wanted the scene between Opal and Erica to be emotional, entertaining, and a proper sendoff. I hope I achieved that. I'm glad there is so much anticipation for the Skye/Hayley scenes. I hope you all will enjoy. Thank you for the compliment regarding Hayley falling off the wagon. I'm trying to really tell the story of her alcoholism, rather than it just be "Oh, Hayley's drinking again" if that makes sense. Again, thank you so much!
  14. Thanks you guys! Carl - Thanks so much for the compliment on the Opal/Erica scene. I'm not going to lie, I teared up a bit writing that one. Very emotional. I always loved that friendship. I am really looking forward to exploring the Hayley/Skye relationship as well. Bright Eyes - Peter is definitely a very naughty boy, ha! We're going to find out quite a bit about his past with Skye, and I think you'll be pleased!
  15. I KNEW you would appreciate that, Carl. Skye is one of those characters who, even though she's been away, seems to know what's gone on with the people she once lived near/interacted with. What I liked about writing that scene is that I wanted there to be some element of respect there. Yes, Skye is catty with Viki, but she isn't all out bitchy like she was with Blair. Viki kept it classy, and handled herself with dignity. And even though they both threw some barbs at each other, it's evident they don't all out hate each other, but rather are cautious and suspicious of one another.
  16. Heaven's Meadow Season 1 - Episode Four "Baby, You Don't Know a Thing About Me" This episode features: Susan Lucci as Erica Kane Rick Herbst as Lucas Erickson Jerry ver Dorn as Clint Buchanan with Jill Larson as Opal Cortlandt Kelly Ripa as Hayley Vaughan and Robin Christopher as Skye Chandler _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Skye: Lucas: (At Georgio's - A popular Italian Restaurant in Heaven's Meadow) Lucas: What are you doing here, Skye? Skye: I think the better question is, what are you doing outside of a jail cell, Peter? Lucas: I'm not Peter anymore, Skye. I am Lucas Erickson now. Skye: You can change your name as many times as you want, Peter. I know exactly who you are. Lucas: What do you want from me, Skye? Skye: I want nothing from you, and nothing to do with you. I wouldn't take water from you if I was on fire. You are scum. Lucas: That's ironic, coming from the woman who set fire to the home of an AIDs victim, while she was inside with her son. Skye: Don't you dare throw my past in my face, Peter. I have done some horrible things in my life, but none of them compare to what you did. (Sarcastically) Lucas: Oh yes, saintly Skye. She does evil things, but she dos them with love so it's all okay. Give it a rest, Skye. You are no saint. (A cunning smile spreads across Skye's face) Skye: Tell me, "Lucas". Did you ever come into that money you so desperately wanted? Or did those funds dry up during your time in the big house? Lucas: You know, what? I'm done here. Goodbye, Skye. Skye: This isn't over, Peter. I won't let you do here, what you did in Minnesota. Lucas: I'm not scared of you. Skye: You should be. (Skye walks away from the table and exits the restaurant.) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hayley: Clint: (At "The Meadow Club" - A high-scale hotel/club in Heaven's Meadow. Hayley sits at the bar trying desperately to fight the urge to take a drink. She stares at the bottles of booze on the shelf behind the bar, longing for a drink. Lost so deeply in her want for alcohol, she doesn't notice as Clint Buchanan taps on her shoulder.) Clint: Ms. Vaughan? (Startled, Hayley turns around) Hayley: Yes? How can I help you? Clint: My name is Clint Buchanan, I-- Hayley: If you're from the press, I'd be happy to set up and interview, but now just isn't a good time. (Clint chuckles and takes a seat next to Hayley) Clint: No, I'm not from the press. I'm the owner of a corporation called Buchanan Enterprises, and I've just purchased the production company that produces your show. Hayley: I wasn't aware that it was for sale. Clint: Well, it wasn't, per se. But everything's for sale, for the right price. Hayley: If you don't mind my asking, why would you want to buy a company most known for producing a syndicated talk show on it's last leg? Clint: Wave is hardly on it's last leg, in my opinion. Hayley: Well, then you must have heard that Erica Kane is coming aboard. Clint: Yes, I've heard. But that's not why I have hope for Wave. I'm sure that she'll be a wonderful addition to the show, but you are Wave, and I want you to know that I understand and respect that. Hayley: Well, I appreciate you saying that Mr. Buchanan. I look forward to working with you. Clint: You as well. Well, I'm sorry to bother you so late in the day. We'll discuss this more tomorrow. See you at work. (With a smile, Clint stands up and exits the restaurant. Hayley sighs. Despite his kind words, Hayley was not reassured. She still doubts herself and fears her life is crumbling around her. After a long moment, she orders a martini.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Erica: Opal: PINE VALLEY, PENNSYLVANIA: (At the airport.) Opal: I just can't believe you're leaving Pine Valley. Erica: Is it really that hard to believe? I always said I would some day. Opal: Yes, but honey you've been saying that for so long that we all kind of stopped listening. Erica: Well, when Erica Kane sets her mind to something, it happens. No matter if it takes 40 years. Opal: And I am happy for you, honey. We all are. But I'm gonna miss you. What will I do without you? Erica: And I'll miss you too, Opal. Of course I will. But it's your job to oversee Pine Valley, now. These people have never known a Pine Valley without Erica Kane! I certainly wouldn't want the town to become stale, and if anyone can keep something crazy, it's you. (Opal laughs.) Opal:Well fine! But do I have to refer to myself in the third person now? (They both laugh, privately reflecting on their many years of friendship.) Erica: Promise me that you'll look after Bianca, and my grandchildren? Opal: I would be honored. (Tears well in both women's eyes. They embrace for a long moment, before pulling away and wiping the tears from their eyes. The loudspeaker announces that Erica's plane is boarding. Erica walks towards the gate. She turns and waves good bye to her friend, before walking through the gate, tears in her eyes.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ HEAVEN'S MEADOW, NEW HAMPSHIRE: (At "The Meadow Club". Hayley still sits at the bar. She is now on her second drink. Part of her regrets the drinks, but an overwhelming part of her craves more. As she begins to get up, she turns and sees her sister Skye entering the restaurant. She quickly turns around and asks the bartender to take her glass away. She sits silently at the bar, hoping Skye won't see her. She's out of luck however, as Skye immediately spots her and walks towards her. With a smirk on her face, she begins speaking.) Skye: Well hey, sis. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you all for reading! Please Comment! Don't forget to check back tomorrow For an all new episode of HEAVEN'S MEADOW. And don't forget... Heaven is the New Hell!
  17. Thanks Spencer! I don't believe Angell and Sean ever interacted on Y&R, but I imagine them having firey chemistry!
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