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Posts posted by ChitHappens

  1. 2 hours ago, Cat said:

    Unlike Ingo, GH is way more invested in keeping Steve Burton. And Burton knows it. The radio silence makes me wonder if they are trying to reach a compromise, like 'Go on and get the J&J, Steve, and we can forget this ever happened.' The problem will be if SB is so wedded to Tucker Carlson's brand of anti-vax ideology that he falls on his sword. And I'm not sure SB is actually an ideologue to that extent? But I've been wrong before. There have been people in RL I thought were just trolling, but no, it turned out they really were all-in with that mess.

    Frank never wanted Burton and couldn't get rid of him fast enough when he took over.  It was Benard who got that ball rolling.  He wanted Burton and not Miller as his #1.  Burton's reduced airtime is very telling - decrease airtime so viewers can get used to not seeing him.  Not sure who, BTS, are working OT to keep Burton because it sure as hell aint Frank Valentini!  

  2. On 11/9/2021 at 6:35 AM, Cat said:

    Word. I'm not even a fan of Mia, but the constant trashing of her as a stripper was low and reflected so badly on them. These women think they're better than her? At least she worked her way out of that life. She didn't have the advantages of some of the others (private school and prestigious universities, for example). Also Candiace should apologize to Mia about screaming "HOE WHERE'S YOUR PIMP" at the salad-toss.

    Which really perplexes me from a group of women hooping and hollering in excitement because a heavily injected rapist loving rapper makes a guest appearance.  What has she done to earn their respect?  

    Wendy has how many degrees, something she tossed up repeatedly only to have her education downgraded due to a new ass and tits.  Remember the days long ago when an education trumped just about all else 🙄

  3. 42 minutes ago, Liberty City said:

    I am not sold on the law clerk and stenographer, especially since she's only an actor pretending to type. Overall, the new graphics, intro and overall appeal is nice for a change. It's got the same kind of vibe as Judge Judy, but also feels a bit different. Liking it.

    I think Judge Judy viewed this more as a business transaction, and not a personal one, but Byrd thought of it as the latter.

    Of course, but after 25 years together?  I love JJ but that was foul.  

  4. 44 minutes ago, Errol said:


    I personally find it easier to "like" a post when wanted to keep track of it than to use the flag feature and it's clear I'm not the only one. Just pointing out that before people assume a "like" automatically equals agreement, know that isn't the case for everyone.

    Yes!  I "like" some tweets because I may not be able to give it attention until a later time.  


  5. 40 minutes ago, John said:

    @Vee I wouldnt be shocked if Jason leaves Town  & IF Steve eventually gets the vaccine,  GH lets him come back

    TV LINE has picked up the Story


    Jason Morgan, the robot, has expired.  I can easily see Benard getting him back on the show like he did last time but, atm, he is not needed.  I'm so over the character!  

  6. 20 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    Did you know the law clerk is her grand daughter? Cool

    The show isn't bad, I wish they'd have asked Bailiff Byrd to return :(

    He was a bit hurt that she didn't ask him or didn't even tell him herself.  After 25 years together, you would think some respect was owed here. 

    I love Judge Judy and hope I can see it.  

  7. @Daytime I don't really focus too much on Juan but I had to agree with him.  He was an absentee dad but most ballers are.  What was Robyn's point?  Many are really good dads but the family is usually not on the road with them.  And that was 13 years ago.  He seems to be present now so why is Robyn even having this conversation and why on camera when she knows how Juan is?  It may be best if she just goes back to talking about her period 🙄

  8. RHOP:

    Wendy and that dress trying to get out of the car and then consistently making sure her tits don't get lose.  She is doing way too much and becoming really annoying.  

    Chris Bassett and Robyn should date.  Both are completely pathetic and have gotten really comfortable looking stupid on tv.  

    I like Michael and Juan's friendship.  

    Nice vow renewal.  


    Until next season :) 

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