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All My Shadows

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Blog Comments posted by All My Shadows

  1. Wow, so I'm definitely gonna start reading this again! I fell behind on a lot of blog reading over the last couple of months and only recently started to read again (mainly at DR), so I'm trying to figure out what I want to read each day. I have loyalties to you, Dusty, so you can count on me to "tune in" everyday!

    I'm gonna have to go back a couple of episodes to get myself in the know with the stories, but I'm liking what I'm seeing. You're doing Barbara more justice than the real show ever could. I'm hoping for a Luke and Noah break-up LOL. Gwen and Will are interesting again! And as always, nice to see my Stewart girls in action.

    Awesome job and I'm looking forward to more of it!

  2. Wow, that's really BIG stuff. The Carly/Jack story with Sage would have been so great! I could only imagine how amazing it would be if it played out on TV. Same thing with the Nancy stuff, the conclusion of the Emma/Lisa stuff (though, with Lisa, I doubt that would have been the real conclusion lol), and the Susan/Neil stuff.

    You SO should not have quit writing!

  3. You're lucky I'm off today! I actually got to read the episode before the weekend lol! I think the windows in my room just got a little steamy after the Roxie/Chris lovefest. My glasses are a little foggy too...

    LOL poor Luke playing Wii...and Henry...I feel so much for him.

    Can't wait until the next episode!

  4. As usual, GREAT episode! LOL at the little plugs in there. I think its hilarious that Ben was watching "The Stories" at night. Must be on a SONBC-SOAPnet type channel LOL!

    I'm gonna catch up on this week's episodes tomorrow morning. Was busy with MARDI GRAS all this weekend, so I didn't have too much time to devote to blog-reading.

  5. VERY good job! I imagined it as watching an actual episode and by the time I got to the end I was thinking "I can't wait to go to SON and post about how great ATWT was today!" But then I caught myself and remembered that I was reading a TWOO episode lol

    Congrats on the 200! May there be 200 more!

  6. IMO, it's a hit!

    Matt, you really did a good job with the February summary. It's like reading the SOD summaries at your soap history site, but with more depth to the explanations of the story. And wow, I didn't think you could do much with only three characters, but it's really working. For some reason, and don't ask why, it reminds me of the movie "Rebecca," with the young heroine falling in love with the experienced, older man. And Liz is totally a combination of Rebecca and Mrs. Danvers.

    Keep it up! Can't see what other stuff comes out of this.

  7. I love it. Absolutely love the idea!

    As a matter of fact, I used to do something similar to kill my own boredom, but I never saved any of it whenever I would do it. I just typed some stuff up, and whenever I got tired, I just deleted it and that was it.

    I'm definitely looking forward to checking on this. *gasp* I might even try my hand at it. I've always been waaaaaaaaaaaaaay much better at writing summaries/bibles as opposed to writing an actual episode of something.

    Good job so far, Louella!

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